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      23. März 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Ganz im Osten des Landes erwarten mich die französischen Alpen, allerdings sind sie zum Großteil von Wolken verhangen.
      Dafür bietet mir Annecy eine sehr sehenswerte Altstadt mit zahlreichen kleinen Brücken über den Thiou. Entlang seiner Ufer reihen sich farbenfrohe Häuser aus dem Mittelalter und beim Blick über das türkise Wasser des gleichnamigen Sees kann ich doch noch einige hohe Gipfel entdecken.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 81


      11. Oktober 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Our trip out of Switzerland was very smooth. We left pretty late so we could fit in a small sightseeing trip to a waterfall. We got on a couple of fancy Swiss trains and a bus. We caught our bus at 5:00 out of Geneva to Annecy

      Our next day was very chill. Dad and I went for a swim in the lake and wandered through the old town and looked in shops.

      The next day we basically did the same thing but this time we found a shopping centre and had a look around and got an ice cream. Even though our stay in Annecy was short, I loved having this time to relax in another French old town

    • Tag 2

      Lac d'Annecy

      31. Juli 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Heute früh habe ich mir ein ehrgeiziges Ziel gesetzt, ich wollte die Col des Sauts Runde machen. Aber als ich den Wanderweg gesehen habe, musste ich einen Rückzieher machen. Ein steiler Schotterweg ist nix für einen Tollpatsch mit Gehbehinderung, der allein unterwegs ist. Safety first. Also ging es weiter am See entlang bis Veyrier du Lac. Der Weg war das Ziel, die Stadt eher langweilig. Auf dem Rückweg habe ich ein Picknick am See gemacht, das war toll. Auf dem Hin- und Rückweg bin ich über die Pont des Amours gelaufen, dort am Kanal ist es wirklich schön. Zurück in der Stadt gab es wieder ein Eis in der Maison de Perrière. So gutes Eis habe ich seit meinem Urlaub in Siena in 2005 nicht mehr gegessen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 4


      4. September 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Nous voilà descendu des Alpes après une belle journée.
      Pause pour la nuit sur un parking au pied de la basilic sur les hauteurs de la ville d'Annecy
      Parking très prisé qui donne un petit air de camping 😅
      Un petit repas et gros dodo avant la journée demain.
      Visite de la ville et promenade au bord du lac d'Annecy

    • Tag 17

      Annecy, France Day 17

      11. Mai 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Spent the morning exchanging the car. I am a much happier camper now - a Toyota Yaris with about 2500 miles on it. I even got my GPS to work in English already!

      Decided to spend the afternoon in the countryside. Have been in a city for 2.5 weeks and ready for some green. And the French countryside in this area did not disappoint. Headed for a gorge that I read about, only 6-7 miles from Annecy. A walk thru a very deep,gorge where the Fier river necks down through a very deep gorge. The video below shows the height that the river has reached in this gorge in various years. Interesting. As I neared the gorge driving in, I saw this huge, what I thought was a castle. I did not think much more about until I saw the signs for Chateau des Chemin.

      When I finished with the gorge and a Coke at the cafe, I started searching for the Chateau. Nearby I saw a sign for a trail to the Chateau which I took. Lots of uphill but finally got to the top and saw the Chateau. Walked all around but did not go in. Instead rood a path through the meadow with the cows - a wonderful walking path (cover pic) that are so easy to find all over Europe. Did some walking - so good to be out of the cities and in the beautiful outdoors again. Back to Annecy for a ‘feet up” couple hours and then out for a walk to the Lake before finding a great cafe, very. Near to my apartment, had a wonderful dinner - salmon tartar with fruit! Different combination- the presentation was terrific. Along with a glass of Viognier, my favorite French white wine, a great day. Back to Switzerland tomorrow.

    • Tag 38

      Annecy, France

      1. Mai 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Today’s destination is Annecy, a town I have been really looking forward to visiting. Annecy was a settlement from Roman times and this alpine town is about 35km from the border with Switzerland. Looking up to the nearby mountains we can still see they are capped with snow. It’s known for its Vieille Ville (old town), with cobbled streets, winding canals and pastel-colored houses, and is sometimes called Venice of the Alps due to the canals and a river that runs through old town. It appears on so many lists as one of the prettiest towns in France - AND IT IS! Even though we arrived late in the afternoon and the clouds were grey, it still made us stop and go “Wow”.

      We did our usual thing - dropped our bags off and headed straight back out to get our bearings and some dinner.

      This town lives up to its hype, with its many flowerbeds and flowerpots filled with colourful blooms, it is so beautiful and picturesque. These adorn the railings on the numerous bridges that cross the canal running through town. The water is crystal clear like we have never seen before. Set amongst the lovely pastel coloured buildings this is a town we can’t wait to see in the sunshine, so we can take even more photos than we have this evening.

      It is a public holiday here for Labour Day so we had an early dinner to avoid the expected dinner rush. Brad enjoyed his salmon pasta dish while I ordered a Savoyard chicken fillet and local cheeses, which didn’t come out as I was expecting. It was still a tasty, if somewhat cheesy meal.

      Part of the a French tradition on Labour Day is to give your loved one a bunch of flowers, as it is known as Lily of the Valley Day, and these pretty little bunches are sold everywhere. Lucky me, Brad even purchased a little bouquet of flowers for me.

      It has been a while since we have had a gelato so to finish our day we tried one of the highly recommended gelateria on the way back to our apartment. So many new flavours to try but we both stuck with our favourite of black cherry which was delicious. A very yummy way to end our day. Can’t wait for tomorrow.

    • Tag 39

      Lac d'Annecy, Annecy

      2. Mai 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      We were up bright and early this morning, eager to see the town in the morning light before all the day trippers arrived. And we were greeted with beautiful blue skies. Annecy is beautiful any time of day but in the morning light it is spectacular. We loved wandering down the laneways and alleys, heading towards the lake, and of course Annecy’s most photographed location, Les Palais de I’Ile. We can totally understand why this is “THE” spot as it is so picturesque and I took way too many photos too as it was different every time we walked past it with the way the light hit it.

      After a few hundred more photos we made our way to Lake Annecy, for a stroll along the promenade. The water is so clear and the colour is a beautiful turquoise blue, it looks so inviting. The gardens are home to numerous art works and pretty flowerbeds filled with colour. It is such a lovely way to start the day - a refreshing walk along the lake followed by a fabulous French breakfast next to Annecy’s icon. It is going to be a wonderful day.

    • Tag 39

      Old Town Market in Annecy, France

      2. Mai 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday the streets of Old Town Annecy are filled with market stalls and we had a great time checking out all the colourful, interesting and tasty produce with lots of trying of samples. Of course this resulted in a bit of shopping too and we purchased Ingredients to make our dinner back at our apartment. We also purchased some delicious French nougat (so creamy), some lovely fresh oranges, meat skewers and vegetables mix. Brad even managed to find the cake he fell in love with in Dijon - it wasn’t as good but still delicious. It was a lot of fun.

      We explored some of the back laneways, found a cute courtyard featuring some street art and an artist whose work I admired, so I just had to purchase a piece of her work to take home. Overall it was a very successful shopping morning.

    • Tag 40

      Churches, Churches, Churches - Annecy

      3. Mai 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Next up we did a “Church Crawl” instead of a pub crawl. Trying to be a bit cultured.

      First up was the former chapel of a Dominican convent, L’eglise Saint-Maurice. Construction began in 1422 and the church was consecrated in 1445, even though it wasn’t fully completed. One thing we have noticed in France is that the churches are a lot less adorned to those we have visited in other countries and there is something in the simplicity that makes the stained glass windows, alters and artwork really shine. There is peace in the sparseness.

      The next church we visited was Eglise Notre-Dame de Liesse. Founded in the 14th century, the church was rebuilt and reoriented in the 19th century so it is one of the “newer” churches we have visited. This church is grander than the first one we visited, with its strong stone columns with fancy architraves, friezes and cornices, decorated dome, and impressive alter pieces. The stained glass windows are definitely a lot more modern and provide an interesting contrast between the old and the new.

      The third and final church for the day was the Cathedrale Saint-Pierre d’Annecy. Building commenced in 1526 and was consecrated in 1539. Like many churches it’s worship uses changed under different “ownership” and under the French Revolution this church was transformed into a temple of the Goddess Reason. The history of all the churches we have visited is so varied and interesting. This church is different again, with a highly decorated main alter and impressive organ.

      We have enjoyed our Church Crawl. We enjoy seeing the architecture, the workmanship, the art and learning about their history. And cheaper than a museum or art gallery.

    • Tag 40

      Around Town - Annecy

      3. Mai 2023 in Frankreich

      All “cultured up” we were happy to continue strolling through the beautiful streets of Annecy in search for some lunch. The pastel coloured building are so pretty here and every corner we turn there are more I want to capture. I don’t want to forget how pretty this lovely French town is.

      We decided on Restaurant L’Alpin for lunch and were very happy with our decision. I enjoyed an extremely delicious mushroom risotto while Brad had a melt in your mouth burger. They really do burgers well here. They feel so light and tasty.

      We then hit up Le Palais sea Glaces, winner of numerous awards over the past seven years, for our last Annecy gelato. Delicious and a perfect way to end our day. We have a very early start tomorrow so had an early night in.

      After hearing the streets filled with fun lovers until the early morning hours, it was surprising to see it so empty and clean when we left the next morning.

      Annecy has been amazing and one of the highlights for our trip.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Annecy, آنسي, Горад Ансі, Анси, انسی, Èneci, NCY, アヌシー, 안시, Annecium, Ansi, Ansī, انوسی, Anecí, 74000, Аннесі, 阿讷西

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