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    • Day 2

      Der Weg ist das Ziel... 🙈

      March 19, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      ... auch wenn der Weg manchmal sehr bescheiden ist. Seid ihr schon einmal von Nancy zum Lac du Der und dann Richtung Westen gefahren? Grobe Richtung Troyes-Auxerre-Vierzon... und dann in südliche Richtung? Falls nicht, spart euch diese schei* Strecke. Noch nie mussten wir so holprige Departement- und nervige Nationalstraßen fahren. Für sage und schreibe knappe 400km haben wir über sechs Stunden gebraucht und unser Nervenkostüm hat arg gelitten.

      Auch die Aussicht über das Land hat sich nicht wirklich gelohnt. Fast jedes Dorf und Gehöft wirkte so, als hätte sich hier seit dem letzten Weltkrieg nicht viel getan. Lost Places en Masse... Letztendlich war es aber gar nicht die verschwendete Zeit, sondern die Strapazen, die unser 'Dicker' auf sich nehmen musste, die richtig schlimm waren. Eigentlich wollten wir ihm SOLCHE Straßen nicht antun.

      Zum Glück war es igendwann überstanden, und wir stehen jetzt auf einem Parkplatz in Argenton-sur-Creuse. Sogar das Volltanken an einer Intermarche-Tanke haben wir noch hinbekommen. Morgen wollen wir bis nach Capbreton weiterfahren und können endlich Atlantikluft schnuppern.

      Wir sind so ausgepowert, dass wir uns nicht die Mühe machen, uns das Städtchen näher anzuschauen. Jetzt nur noch etwas essen und ein Glas Wein auf den zum Glück überstandenen Tag trinken, bevor wir hoffentlich ruhig schlafen können.

      Morgen heißt es dann: Aufrichten, Krönchen geraderücken und weiterfahren! 🤪👑
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    • Day 6


      September 6, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Das Schlüsselbund ist wieder da!
      Gott sei Dank! War hinter die Werkzeugkiste gerutscht. Ach, was bin ich froh!

      Gestern war ein anstrengender Tag; schlechte Straßen, Gewitter und Regen nach der Ankunft, Restaurant und Supermarkt geschlossen. Also gab es aus dem Bestand Rührei mit Speck!Read more

    • Day 44

      A delightful day - Argenton-sur-Creuse

      September 11, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Last night we had our Vietnamese dinner, lovely light meal, and lovely flavours that we haven’t had since before the lockdown in Sydney! Had breakfast in our cute little hotel - Hotel Élysée - which is on a corner by a roundabout. We of course had the window wide open, and there was quite a lot of noise going on when we went to bed - Friday night in the city, and people hooning round the roundabout…we are fairly used to noise and went to sleep, but in the early hours both woke to a lot of racket and closed the window - it was by then cool and airy - and there was absolute silence.! It was uncanny, realised there was double glazing on inspection, but it kept out every sound….Pity we didn’t realise it earlier, I would have overcome my need for fresh air!

      So this morning after breakfast at 9 sharp a taxi arrived to collect us and our bags. We were getting a 20 km lift to a tiny town so that we only had 15 kms to walk here - to Argenton-sur-Creuse….and the bags were carried on to the hotel! What a perfect system. And the walk today was also perfect…good signage, very pretty countryside through forests and rolling hills, and comfortable walking weather. We have finally, for the moment anyway, left the open expanses of grain fields, and walked through wooded paths, little country roads, past many castles and, being Saturday, we again even saw signs of a wedding at one of the castle entrances with flowers and names! Only 15 kms seemed a breeze after yesterday’s long effort, so we were very relaxed - had picnic lunch after about 10 kms, stopped for coffee/chocolate and wandered in at about 2.30. Hotel expected us, bags in room (excellent as upstairs, no ascenseur)!

      After the usual showering/washing and a bit of downtime we ventured out to see the town - it has been called the “Venice of Berry” so we were expecting something good. Well it didn’t disappoint - this is such a beautiful place. Venice made us think of canals, but there are none - just the Creuse river snaking through the town, and picturesque houses built on the banks, old bridges, just a lovely feel. And plenty of life, people out and about, enjoying a lovely Saturday. There is a high side of the town - a bit like Buda and Pest, and we climbed up to the high side where there is a chapel looking over the town. Then had a drink in the square and now back and relaxing before dinner, which is in the hotel tonight.

      Tomorrow should not be arduous either - 14 kms to Gargilesse, where we stay 2 nights. It is a small place, been named one of the “plus beaux villages de France “ so should be a pleasant sojourn.

      I will add photos here of the walk, and then make a separate entry for the Argenton photos, too many for one entry (you can only have 6) and they are so beautiful.
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    • Day 44

      Argenton-sur-Creuse photos

      September 11, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      An extra instalment to show the beauty of this town, and to mention dinner - again! Just back from dining at this little 2 star hotel - le Cheval Noir - and of course it was perfect. We always have Paul approved glasses these days (except at the Vietnamese!) and the presentation and taste is amazing. Amr started with a lentil salad and foie gras, and I had a scallop and prawn dish, and he had a pork and veg (with mash to rival Paul’s) and I had fish…all perfect.

      The photos of the town are rather good as the light was so good, sun shining behind clouds..such a lovely place.
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