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    • Day 8

      Refuge Orisson

      August 26, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Krótki, ale bardzo intensywny odcinek. Przez to, że pamięć w miarę świeża wiedzieliśmy, że jest ciężko, troszkę liczyliśmy, że zapamiętaliśmy źle, ale okazało się, że pamięć mamy dobrą. Zaraz za bramami miasta zaczęła się ściana i pojawiły się pierwsze krople. Natychmiast zaczęła się rozmowa z góra, która milczała, tylko zmieniała nachylenie na bardziej strome. Milczenie nie było gniewne, ale zachęcające do rozmowy tylko niestety był to monolog. Dopiero jak doszliśmy góra pokazała swoje piękno też milcząco. Do dialogu próbowały włączyć się niektóre mięśnie i stawy, najpierw prosząc o zmianę planów potem grożąc, że coś tam zrobią, ale na szczęście całe towarzystwo się w końcu wyciszyło.
      Pogoda wymarzoną do marszu, pochmurno i bez deszczu z lekką mgła. Resztę dnia będziemy się relaksować i podziwiać widoki dopóki nie zacznie lać, i poznawać ciekawych ludzi z różnych zakątków świata...
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    • Day 1-St Jean Pied de Port to Orisson 8k

      August 30, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      I am in Orisson now and what a day it was! It was tough!

      We had to leave our albergue by 8am. It was raining last night and a little this morning. The forecast was for rain, but I decided to not put on my raincoat as it was warm enough and better to get a little wet then sweat inside the rain jacket. After taking pictures at the starting bridge, I was off.

      The scenery did not disappoint. It was absolutely breathtaking even though it was cloudy and misty sometimes. It just made everything all the more green. I took over 125 pictures and videos, and it will be really hard to narrow them down to a 2 minute video and 20 photos but I will try.

      It was a really tough climb. It was 8 km and a 700m increase in elevation. It was quite steep. I kept saying over and over to myself, how did I do 25km in one day last time. I am barely going to make the 8km. This is how: 1) I was 14 years younger, 2) I weighed 20 pounds less and was much more regularly active and 3) I was trying to impress this amazing man with me which I was in love with!

      Tomorrow’s climb is another 700m rise but that is over 12km so not as steep. But, it has the added challenge of going down for 5km before I get to my bed.

      I was taking the walk very slow today. I started to have thoughts about Jörg at times. Some were wonderful memories but at the same time I had the one thought that plagues my mind consistently and that is that he should be here. But today the thoughts went further. I thought, “He could be here DAMN IT.”

      This may be hard to hear for some about the details of Jörg’s cancer diagnosis so skip this paragraph if you don’t want to read it. Jörg and I never talked about his cancer diagnosis very often (his choice) but we both understood that he left it too long to get tested. He told me a couple times to make sure I get myself checked regularly for breast cancer with a specific sadness in his tone. As you know, Jörg was a very fit athletic man whose resting heart rate was in the 40s. He started to have problems urinating but kept buying over the counter herbal stuff to help. It would help for a bit but then stop working. I finally convinced him to go to the doctor but he was only going as he had a mole he wanted removed and would tell the doctor this problem as well. He hadn’t been to the doctor in at least 6 years before that. Joerg’s PSA was over 100 when he was tested and was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer, already spread to his bones all over his body. Prostate cancer is one of these cancers that usually men can live with if caught early, in fact, many are cured. Jörg’s father and grandfather both had it and lived to 80. To test for it is a simple PSA blood test. The reason I am telling these details is so that if you are a man, or if there is a man in your life you love with all your heart, please please please make sure he gets tested regularly! We may never know if Jörg could have lived to 80 like he hoped as his cancer was a very aggressive form, but I believe getting tested earlier would have given us a fighting chance. I must clarify something very important though, I in no way blame Jörg for this outcome. He sincerely believed that he didn’t need to worry about his prostate until later and did not have any concerns. No one is to blame.

      Once I checked in, I showered and had lunch. I then read my guide about today and tomorrow’s walk.

      We had a community dinner again where we had to stand up and introduce ourselves and this time I kept it brief said I was doing the Camino in the memory of my husband. A lot more strangers in the room so didn’t want to share. I feel like I can’t tell a different reason as I would be lying but I also don’t want to draw attention to myself for this reason.

      Well, off to bed early again. 8:30pm and in bed.

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    • Day 5


      September 9, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Orisson is the first stop after St Jean. We left at 7 am and hiked 8km and 800 mètres of elevation through the Pyrenees. It’s getting hot but the breeze is nice as we get higher. We have met up with some of our Camino family here. Nice to see them again
      16k to go before we stop for the night.
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    • Day 11

      St Jean Pied de Paul to Roncesvalles

      September 14, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      So today was our first day actually walking the Camino.
      26 km with a climb of 1400 meters. It was tough hot and amazing! Easy to say that when we now have had a couple of hours to rest in our quaint hotel with a rose and beer under our belts! We were up at 6am and breakfast at 630 consisting of a baguette jam and a coffee. Hard case proprietor who thought we all crazy and wished us luck as he crossed himself!
      It was dark and cool when we we set off and was a steady and steep climb. But in the words of our Jack you just have to walk at your own medium pace! You just climb into the mist with the noise of cow bells and sheep bells and the odd horse! It reminded me of the land around Wanaka where they filmed Lord of the Rings. The border between France and Spain that we walked through is signified by a cattlestop and an overflowing rubbish bin!
      Onward we slogged meeting all sorts of interesting walkers, a whole contingent of Irish from Galway, a lovely Sth Korean man who wanted a photo of Brian and self! An American couple who now live in Equador in a fishing village and a hard case Welshman who was worried he wouldn't get a beer at the monastery he was staying in! Lots of baby boomers walking and although we got in at 3 pm some were still walking in at 6pm! Beautiful day here and off soon for a pilgrim dinner. So so pleased we have the first day under our belt and in the words of Ed we knocked the bastard off! Buen Camino
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    • Day 2

      Here we go!

      September 27, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

      This trip is monumental for many reasons. It caps off thirty years of work, quota and month end stress.
      So grateful to have Masino by my side, as she has been for 20 years, through the ups and downs of this crazy career we chose. We were fortunate enough to have been able to execute our severance before we left for the trail. (I signed mine at the airport.) So excited for this journey and what is in store for us next.

      Also - I’ve out drank Masino every night!
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    • Day 8


      May 2 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Camino de Santiago:
      Day 1 Orisson Spain
      Distance from SJPdP
      to Orisson 8.4kms

      The day had finally arrived and we stepped onto the “way” with an urgency to begin and much excitement.
      The distance was only 8.4km but from the first step it was a steep climb to 800m climbing up and over the Pyrenees. Sheep grazed with bells around their necks donkeys ignored us and onwards and upwards we walked. The sun was shining upon us it was a magnificent day and we soaked up the views the beautiful landscape the pilgrims that we passed or passed us and were thankful to arrive early afternoon at our albergue for the night. A fabulous start it couldn’t have been better and we toasted our arrival with a basque cider.
      I think we will sleep well tonight.
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    • Day 1–2

      Day 1 to Espinal

      May 6 in France ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      30km over the Pyrenees... 1400m altitude.

      A hell of a lot of uphill. Stopped at Orrison for coffee. We had a decent amount of rain & it was cold & muddy

      Feet survived day 1
      Suspect tonight will be a good sleepRead more

    • Day 3

      Day 2: Up the Pyrenees Mountains

      May 8 in France ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      Headed out of St Jean Pied Du Port, and up the Pyranees Mtns to the town of Orisson and on to Borda when I'm spending the night in a sheep farm turned albergue. On the steep climb, there were cows with huge cowbells, sheep on the road, and beautiful panoramic views that I cannot begin to capture. Tomorrow is a steep, steep climb!Read more

    • Day 2

      St Jean Pied de Port to Orisson

      May 23 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Well I’m definitely not as fit as I was last year! This was very hard - felt almost vertical at times. My legs were fine but felt like I was about to expire at moments.
      Had a reasonable night at Auberge Bidean - quite a lot of coughing noises but still slept enough. Didn’t need an early start as Orisson is only about three hours away - although we did it faster than that despite feeling knackered for most of it. Had a wander round the beautiful St Jean. Lit a candle in the church and had a delicious breakfast of fab coffee and the best pain au raisin ever.
      Set off about 9.45 in perfect (for hard walking) weather. Cool and quite cloudy but dry.
      I am a bit worried as I did find this stage really hard but am hoping I will get fitter quite quickly.
      Arrived at Orisson and found our beds in a ten person dorm then went for a drink and I had a bowl of soup as was feeling very cold having got sweaty on the climb. Unfortunately that didn’t really help and I just got colder and colder. Eventually my fingers - all ten - went white and stopped working so I had to use my precious shower token in an attempt to warm up.
      It has worked thank goodness and have done my bit of washing and now have eaten some of my day old sandwiches with crisps. Aiming to have a short sleep this afternoon as I am still feeling tired. Will check back in later!
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    • Day 3–4

      Refuge Orrison

      May 23 in France ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      So today was HARD. It was only 8km (5miles) but it was straight up a mountain. It was physically and mentally challenging. But we made it and had a most enjoyable day with other Peregrinos. We enjoyed communal meal with wine and got to share with each other our purpose for this pilgrimage as everyone has their own reason for walking the Camino de SantiagoRead more

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