Arrondissement d’Agen

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    • Day 3

      Day 03 - Tales From The Riverbank

      April 17, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Well, we all almost over-slept but dragged ourselves out in the nick of time to make our way to market, taking the D137 through Francescas and then west bound on the D112 & D149 passing through Lasserre, before finally arriving at Mézin.
      The market was probably not as large as we were expecting, but the bonus was that it being directly next to the church, meant volunteers were handing out Easter Eggs as it was Easter Sunday. When timed correctly it was possible to walk the square of the market and get access to 4 egg baskets each lap.
      Filled with chocolate eggs, croissants and coffee we left the market having now decided to drive to Nérac.
      Taking the D696 north east we arrived in Nérac some 20 minutes later.
      The fortified medieval and renaissance town of Nérac, the capital of the Albret region, nestles on the banks of the Baïse with picturesque properties along the banks. In glorious sunshine we explored the narrow backstreets and main square, before stopping for drinks on the riverside. After some more following our nose through the historic backstreets we returned to the car and headed back home.
      The afternoon was spent sitting in the sunshine, chatting and chilling before we decided to walk down and around the lake, which is nestled just down from the gite.
      Back at the gite, we fed and watered before calling it a day. Tomorrow there is no rush to wake up 😉
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    • Day 7

      Day 07 - Relax, Dont Do It

      April 21, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Lazy days and Sundays! Well this morning was a lazy day despite it being a Thursday. Late getting up and time spent chatting over breakfast and numerous cups of tea and coffee passed a couple of hours.
      Teresa and the Hollywoods decided they fancied a walk, they plumped for a waddle to Laplume which is the nearest village to Roque. Having a rough idea how far it was I was ok with the walk there, but didn’t fancy the walk back afterwards. So I kindly offered to pass on the walk and take the car to Laplume in order to drive them home.
      Plan hatched and agreed the foot soldiers departed just after lunch. I followed about twenty minutes later, with some chores to do at the supermarché and the bank and a planned wait at the cafe.
      I passed the trio on the main road to Laplume, they having made more ground than I had thought they would. I gave them a friendly yell from the window as I passed and continued to Laplume. As I rounded the bend I saw and remembered the road ahead which stretch in a straight line as far as you could see. After giggling to myself I had a little sing to myself of a certain Talking Heads track . . . We’re on the road to nowhere, come on inside . . .
      After a whizz around the supermarché, and unsuccessful stop at the bank ATM I went to secure a seat at a cafe.
      Laplume is not the most busiest of towns on a good day, but early afternoon on a Thursday is particularly bad. Not a thing was open.
      I re-sited to the supermarché car park and sat waiting for the trio who to be fair were quickly trotting through the car park towards me.
      My three flagging passengers were pleased to see me and be driven to Lamontjoie, the next village south from Laplume.
      We quickly found a cafe which to Mr Hollywood’s amusement, had a name and beer brand that were able to play Double Entendre . . . ‘Coq Hardi’ and ‘La Table De La Bastide’.
      The cafe was not at all as we had expected, being very smart and upmarket - almost a fine dining experience with classical piano music. The food looked particularly good and would be well worth another visit on another day.
      On returning to Roque, the sun had made an appearance and so we fired up the BBQ again and spent the afternoon eating and drinking in the warmth of the day.
      We were visited briefly by Monique and Michel together with their grand-daughter, on their arrival home from a few days away.
      The evening continued very much the same before we retired, slightly sad that tomorrow was our last full day.
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    • Day 5

      Day 05 Long And Winding Road

      April 19, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Well today was always going to be a long day. We had set up some house viewings for the Hollywoods and also sneaked in a return to our favourite property.
      So up at 6am and out the door at 7am much to the dis-pleasure of Munch . . . Off we went.
      Heading initially north east on the N62 to Agen and then north on the N1021. We then travelled north west on the N21 through to Bergerac. Stopping briefly at a hypermarché to grab a croissant and a coffee we then continued north once more on the N21 through to the lovely Périgueux with it stunning cathedral perched on the raised skyline. Straight through Périgueux we continued north - to and through Thiviers still on the N21 until reaching Chalus, we now being in the Haute Vienne region. We met Willem our estate agent outside the post office at just gone 11am as agreed and then followed him to the 1st property for Mr & Mrs H. The first property was a maybe a little on the small side, typical French hamlet build.
      After about 45 minutes we said our good byes to Willem and continued north west on the D901 to and through Étagnac onto the D948 still heading north west. Travelling through Confolens and finally onto Pressac via the D148. We then branched onto the D741 through to Saint-Martin-l’Ars and then west on the D28 to and through Joussé. We then pulled in to visit our favourite property - our second visit now, to see if we still felt the same as we did on our first. Arriving we met Paul (Jasper Carrot) at 2pm - who had kindly already opened up everything for us and left us to explore once again. We showed Munch and the Hollywoods everything the property had to offer, and the numerous bits that needed fixing.
      It was soon time to move on and so said our goodbyes to Jasper before heading off.
      We drove south west to Savigné on the D36 to meet with Kate at 3.30pm who was to show us the next two properties for Mr & Mrs H.
      The first was again in a quiet hamlet, this one with a stunning garden and pool. The inside of the property needed work in some areas, but nothing that was non achievable. Definitely one for further consideration.
      We departed after a good wander around and headed to the final property of the day. This had been suggested to us by Kate last minute and so was a blind viewing.
      On arrival the property immediately showed it size and options, with a new extension/conversion aspect on the end. Within everything that had been renovated had been done to a high standard, but had at some point just had the works stop . . . and so lots still to do. A very clean, spacious and new build blank canvas.
      We said our goodbyes to Kate and started the long haul home.
      We hit the D1 and D8 respectively south west to Condac and then out the other side to pick up the N10 south. We continued south through Tourriers and then south east all the way down to the outskirts of Bordeaux. Then heading south east we drove the A62 through to Damazan stopping once to grab a bowl of pasta and a drink in some services.
      At Damazan we hopped onto the D108 and subsequently the D119 through to Bruch. Continuing south east on the D287 and finally the D15 we finally arrived back at Roqué at 10.30pm.
      Over a very quick beer we figured we had achieved a rough 500km journey for the day before falling into our beds.
      Oh and it rained on the way home - a lot !!
      A lot to think about tonight with the properties still on our minds.
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    • Day 43

      Nebliger Start

      September 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Das ganze startet neblig, doch ganz cool finde ich…
      Dann gleich noch an einem tollen Tisch vorbei gekommen. Kuchen zum Mitnehmen für 1€ -> na logo!

      Und auch noch eine tolle Schnecke gekreuzt.

    • Day 163

      Sur un parking Lidl

      November 1, 2016 in France ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Pour notre première nuit c'est pas top, mais nous n'avons pas trouvé de lieu sympa pour stationner, quand nous avons vu LIDL et que nous devons faire les courses demain, alors inutile d'aller plus loin pour le moment nous passerons la nuit ici...Read more

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    Arrondissement d’Agen, Arrondissement d'Agen

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