Arrondissement d’Auxerre

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Arrondissement d’Auxerre
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    • Day 1

      Und do Simer😍🇫🇷

      February 1, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Noch 591 KM und 4h bini ahcho in Paris Gare de Lyon
      De Bahnhof isch echt gross und ungwohnt🙈 noch dem i zersch mol de usgang gsuecht han bini mol was go esse im Bistro de la Gare.
      Echt e herzigs Restaurant.
      Nocher chani den richtig Hotel und de Koffer abgeh und den fangts den ah mitem Touri-lebe😍
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    • Day 2

      Mittendrin in Frankreich

      February 25, 2023 in France


      Mautfrei unterwegs, spart Geld und Kilometer, kostet aber Zeit. Das Thermometer will pardu nicht in den zweistelligen Bereich, mal Sonne, mal Wolken, bisher kein Regen. Entspanntes fahren, nur 20 Kreisel bisher. 😂 Schöne Landschaften, kleine Orte, manchmal 30er Zonen. Na und? Wir nehmen uns die Zeit. 🤗Read more

    • Day 73

      67. Etappe: Tschüss Auxerre

      September 13, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Ganz gemütlich gehts heute los, denn auch die Etappe ist entspannt: 20 km, 10 Grad weniger als gestern, bewölkt und immer eben am Wasser entlang.
      Ein paar Impressionen meines abendlichen Stadtrundgangs durch die Altstadt von Auxerre möchte ich euch aber nicht vorenthalten, denn diese ist wirklich sehenswert!Read more

    • Day 40

      The Last Leg

      June 12, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Our final day on The Tub was the easiest and not just because we know what we're doing. We only had one lock to get through on the Canal du Nivernais before turning onto an 'embranchment' canal towards Vermenton. This last canal was quiet and peaceful, back to the sounds of lapping water and birds which we'd been missing on the busier Nivernais canal and River Yonne.

      We tied up at Accolay and gathered all remaining food supplies from the cupboards to cobble together a lunch of sorts. It was hardly a gastronomic delight but it was very colourful and almost all food groups were represented.

      It was then only a short pootle to the port at Vermenton in the afternoon where we demonstrated our excellent Tub driving skills and nailed a perfect parallel park in an almost-not-quite-big-enough space on our first attempt. Pity there wasn't anyone there to act as an independent witness ... you'll just have to trust our account of the event.

      We've loved every aspect of our Tub experience. Sure, we may have preferred to not have had the occasional rain storm or the rather chilly weather but the rain only dampened the deck, not our enjoyment of the adventure. Bonus, we earned an honourary scout badge (self-awarded) for rope tying 😀😀

      After packing up and leaving The Tub in a very clean state, with a few new rub marks and gashes on the bumpers, we dragged our bags around the corner to the train station.

      Next stop: Paris
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    • Day 38


      June 10, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We had the luck of the locks with us today and we blasted through 9 locks in record time. Almost all of them were in our favour when we got to them so we could chug straight in without waiting for locks to empty or for other boats to come through. We have refined our wall leaping and rope tying but that doesn't mean we didn't make hilarious mistakes ... like lasso-ing a family member instead of the bollard ... and then the same family member lasso-ing herself !!!! 😂😂😂😂

      The best part about the favourable lock conditions was it meant less time outside the cabin of the The Tub in the unfavourable weather conditions. It was very cold and very wet for most of the morning. Ms OfficeBody has been wearing sandals whenever possible in the last two weeks to give Grumpy Toe a long rest but with the cold weather she has been forced to endure the horror of wearing socks with her sandals !!! Luckily there are only 3 people in this country who witnessed this footwear atrocity and they are sworn to delete all photos.

      We pootled into Auxerre in the rain and were thankful that we'd explored the town last week when we returned the hire car. The port was 4 and 5 boats deep in some parts, all moored side by side and tied to each other. We are now quite good at controlling The Tub but parallel parking is a big ask. We kept pootling and just enjoyed the views through the drizzling rain.

      After Auxerre we left the River Yonne and entered the Canal du Nivernais ... then we dropped back into the Yonne ... and then back into the Nivernais again ... and back 'n' forth for the rest of the day. The rain stopped, the sky cleared a little, the socks came off and we enjoyed lovely scenery as we made our way to Champs-sur-Yonne for our overnight mooring.
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    • Day 8

      And I almost drove pass...

      July 9, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I am using a cycling app to plan my trip, so it some times takes me places where motorcycles should not go...

      I don't about the goat head... must be a French thing! 🤪 My French family will explain.

      Use this link to look at the sphere photo version! Very cool!
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    • Day 34

      Road Trip ... The Last Leg

      June 6, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      With barely a glance at the half timbered houses in our rear vision mirror we set off for a very picturesque journey to our next destination and a new adventure. Purposely avoiding toll roads and motorways we zigged and zagged through the countryside for a couple of hundred kilometres to Auxerre. Rolling green hills, lots of vineyards and, bonus, villages with houses made of stone 😀

      We got into Auxerre with plenty of time to wander around the old town and riverside. At this time of year the sun doesn't set until after 9.30pm, it's lovely to roam the streets when there are less people out 'n' about.
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    • Day 10

      Day 10: Ervy-le-Chatel - Chablis

      August 22, 2016 in France ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Distance: 35.4KM (231.7/1768.3) I found a shortcut, which saves me 2k though...
      Weather: 27C, mostly sunny
      Mood: Relaxed and a little tipsy...
      Blisters: 3 (!)

      Apologies for not publishing this yesterday I'm case anyone worried about me. I arrived in Chablis around 5.30, caught a lift to town with the local policeman (no, he didn't think I was a criminal, I just asked 🙂) and then... Well, I basically tried to make friends with next doors dog (not the one the pic) and ended up staying for dinner and a lot of rose. Of course they were English (Yorkshire) and I didn't get to bed till 22.30, which is very late for pilgrim-me. So, another good day and night, making the big miles and new friends and most importantly... the feet really seem to be getting better!Read more

    • Day 37


      June 9, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      In an unbiased self-assessment of our Tub steering and navigation skills we rated ourselves as 'competent' and ready for today's new experiences. Full of breakfast and bravado, we headed towards our first 'up' lock. So far all locks have been 'down' locks i.e. the lock is full of water when we enter and The Tub is gently lowered down to the next level as the water is drained from the lock. All we had to do was keep The Tub steady with a guiding rope at the front and back.

      For the rest of our journey all locks will be the opposite ... we pootle into the empty lock and The Tub will be raised up to the next level as the lock fills. We'd been warned about what to expect in the 'up' locks, especially the movement of the boat as the water surges in to fill the lock. Our Franglish instructions stressed the requirement to secure The Tub in the lock to avoid being whoosed backwards with the surge and then forwards as the water hits the rear lock gate. We were a little nervy as we approached the lock but forgot about the pending surges as we encountered an undisclosed challenge ... how do we secure the ropes to the bollards when they're 8 feet above our heads ?????

      We added 'leaping from the roof of The Tub onto the top of a lock wall' to our rapidly expanding list of skills.

      Once through the lock we turned left, leaving the Canal de Bourgogne and joining the River Yonne where our newly acquired steering competency came to the fore ... there were other boats, currents and bridges across the river with big yellow diamonds indicating which arch we needed to pass under. Pleased to report there were no collisions or close calls.

      After a stint on the river, we bounced back into a deviation canal where Mr FitBody took one of the bikes off The Tub. He scooted along the tow path while the remaining Lemmonds manned (and wo-manned) The Tub. He met us at the next locks so we weren't one deck-hand down for roof-leaping and rope-tying duties.

      We covered a reasonable distance today and got through 7 locks but it was slow-going when we had to wait for locks to operate for the oncoming traffic before it was our turn ... especially the larger locks on the River Yonne. At one lock we had enough waiting time to set up a banquet of snacks and have drinks on the upper deck ... we were happy to wait.
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    • Day 1

      ...ça use les souliers

      July 21, 2021 in France ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Ganze tausend Kilometer dauert, fragt man google maps, die Reise von Lyss auf die Insel Noirmoutier. Das ist nicht Ohne, zumal dies eine Nettofahrzeit von ca. 10 Stunden entspricht. Wie sich das anfühlte und wie es sich im Land der bald möglichen Impfplicht für alle sonst noch anfühlt, dies versucht dieser Blog aufzuzeigen.
      Die Reise startet im frühen Morgengrauen, wo meine Kamera noch alle nötige Belichtungskraft fast selbst erzeugen muss, die nötig ist, um den Chief Chauffeur für die Reise zu fotografieren. Eins vorneweg: Autofahren wird wohl nie so mein Ding werden, ich bevorzuge eigentlich andere Reisearten. Dennoch geht es mit einem nur halb beladenen Auto via des Jura-Highways Richtigung Französisch Grenze - gespannt darauf, wie wichtig nun dem Zöllner unser Covid Zertifikat ist. Die Frage hat sich geklärt, als der Mann seelenruhig in seinem Büro gesessen ist, als wir am obersten Jurazipfel die Grenze passieren.
      Nach den Schweizer Tunnels ist nun die Französische Autobahn Trumpf - erstmal gebührenfrei, das ändert sich jedoch um Montbéilard, der ersten grösseren Ortschaft / Stadt nach der Grenze auf der Südroute Richtung Westen. Und schnell fällt einem wieder ein, wo die Eigenheiten der Franzosen liegen: Schnelles, aggressives Autofahren, nie blinken, einige waghalsige und auch verbotene Manöver wie z.B rechts überholen waren auf den 1000 km im Preis inbegriffen.
      Ich bin froh, wenn wir ankommen, das betone ich auf der Reise auch lautstark, während Sonja grosse Teile der Autofahrt eher zur Entspannung zu nutzen scheint. Aber es ist wie es ist - mille kilomètres kann man nicht einfach schnell mal schneller machen - auf eine frühere Ankunft kann man aufgrund der ausgeklügelten, sich immer wieder dynamisch anpassbaren Richtzeit von Google auch nicht mehr erhoffen. Die Reise durch "die Midlands" von Frankreich sind nicht unschön (es gibt viele schöne Wälder, Wiesen die man passiert), aber es fühlt sich trotz allem etwas an, als würde man an den Rand der Welt fahren (zum Rand der Welt in einem späteren Post).
      Wir haben uns gut auf die Reise vorbereitet, jedoch haben wir vergessen unsere Playlist reichlich aufzufüllen mit Autoliedern (oder sonst solchen, die wir mögen) und das ist bei ca. 12 Stunden Fahrzeit irgendwann etwas monoton :-)
      Wir erreichen jedoch zur geplanten Zeit die Île de Noirmoutier an der Atlantikküste Frankreichs, ca. 1 Autostunde von Nantes entfernt. Dort solls Pinienwälder, Salz und viele andere Erträge aus dem Meer geben. Wir machen uns enthusiastisch - wie das immer so bei Ferienbeginn ist - auf die Erkundung der näheren Umgebung (mehr dazu ein anderes Mal), fallen jedoch nach dem späten Abendessen (ja Frankreich ist erst so ab 19:30 richtig dafür warmgelaufen) müde in Bett und glauben, dass Jack wohl noch der fitteste ist, obwohl auch er im Kofferraum des Panzers gefühlt eine Höchstleistung vollbracht hat.

      mille kilomètres en route, ça use..... aber: "Reisen ist das Einzige, was man kauft, das einen reicher macht." - Unkbekannt
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arrondissement d’Auxerre, Arrondissement d'Auxerre

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