Arrondissement de Beauvais

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Os 10 melhores destinos Arrondissement de Beauvais
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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 13

      Was bedeutet diese Leuchte hier?

      14 de setembro de 2022, França ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Wir müssen den Passat nicht nur andauernd tanken sondern auch alle 200km Kühlwasser nachfüllen, nen halben Liter Öl rein kippen und neuerdings auch noch Bremsflüssigkeit… Komm schon Junge, du hast es fast geschafft!Leia mais

    • Dia 8


      29 de abril de 2023, França ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Zo, ik ben gestopt in Sainte-Geneviève omdat ik geen 2e nachtavontuur wilde. Ik moest nog 28 km maar ik kon niet goed overzien of ik dat bij daglicht zou halen gezien het landschap en de klasse 1 mogelijkheden dus eigenlijk een voorzichtige keuze.. vandaag zaterdag en het leek erop alsof alle Fransen vandaag hun gras ging maaien, ik zeg bewust geen gazon want die naam verdient het niet, meer knolleveld zeg maar. Lekker achter de grasmaaier, blik op oneindig.. en het viel op dorpje in dorpje uit. Het landschap met zijn soms venijnige hellingkjes, nou hellingkjes.. het weer was aan de koude kant, eigenlijk soms een jas nodig maar dan werd het weer zweten en dat was ook niet handig, kil dagje dus met zo nu en dan een aanwijzing van de sint Jacobusroute, op de goede weg dus.
      En dan die gele velden nog, zo mooi dus een foto dan maar. In Sainte-Geneviève het eerste bord richting Paris gezien.. daar gaan we dus lekker om heen. Ik verblijf nu in een hotelletje, zo ... ik weet het niet, ik ben zo ik zie de enige gast die lijkt te overnachten en eten. Het menu uitkiezen was al een hand en voeten project, ben benieuwd of het gewerkt heeft.. inmiddels meer gasten ingecheckt in het hotel en gasten die komen eten.
      Ik ben nog iets moois vergeten...... iedere dag 'moet' ik 2 stempels scoren op mijn credential. Kwam vandag in een dorpje Catenoy en zag het bordje Maire, daar zit de burgemeester dus. Ik zag een fiets staan dus afgestapt en rond gekeken en ja hoor, iemand aangesproken voor een stempel van St Jacq. Er werd een sleutel gehaald en het gemeentehuis werd geopend en de stempel werd gezet. Wat mooi hè dat dit dan weer gewoon kan. Ik heb ook e indruk dat de sociale cohesie, wat zeg ik nou, groot is, wellicht moet men ook om te overleven in het buitengebied waar veel huizen te koop worden aangeboden. Het buitengebied loopt leeg met alle gevolgen van dien. Ben benieuwd wat de toekomst gaat brengen.
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    • Dia 20–21

      Adeus 2023, brindemos a 2024!

      1 de janeiro, França ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      O último dia do ano foi em cheio, vimos e fizemos imensas coisas e ainda deu tempo para chegar a Songeons, a pequena vila que escolhemos para o nosso réveillon - queríamos estar sozinhos os dois, num sítio calminho e sem multidões… e ficar logo muito próximos do local que queríamos visitar no primeiro dia do ano, Gerberoy, a vila das rosas e “un des plus beaux villages de France”.

      O resto do nosso dia foi em viagem, rumo a sul, sem grandes paragens, além do Castelo de Lude.
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    • Dia 3

      Songeons... our first French aire

      27 de abril, França ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      We arrived at our chosen aire at about 4am. So elated to have got there alive and in one piece. We sat up celebrating with wine and snacks for an hour giggling and chatting like excited school kids until the last few days caught up with us and we fell into bed exhausted. 😴
      We woke by 9am and were greeted by a babbling stream right next to our van and birdsong , what more could you ask for on your first morning in France 🇫🇷 I spent most of the day just feeling so tired and hungover that I didn’t even leave the van until teatime. Went back to bed in the afternoon to catch up on some sleep 😴 before getting up and going for a wander into the small village for some supplies. Lovely peaceful place to stay to recover from the last few days so we’ve decided to stay here until Monday before we move on. Best thing is it’s free!! Only have to pay 2 euros for water and EHU if you need it.
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    • Dia 4

      A magical walk to Gerbaroy Village

      28 de abril, França ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      Our first day of proper adventures. We got up and walked into the village of Songeon to get a baguette and some cheese and meat for our breakfast and lunch. The bread is delicious and the smelly cheese was nice too. We then went for a walk to the next village which is an amazing place like nothing we’ve ever seen before. 17th century buildings all kept so well preserved and like stepping back in time. Bliss was such a good girl even though she got seen off by two little terrorist terriers. We wandered around the picturesque village for the afternoon taking in the historic sights, wisteria was growing profusely along many of the ancient buildings and walls, the scent it emitted was fragrant in the air. We decided to take the long way back through the woods, Darren saw a small fox but I sadly missed it. By the time we got back to the van we both had sore feet and tired legs as we’d managed to clock up over 17,000 steps. Not used to walking that far anymore. We polished off the rest of the baguette, cheese and cold meat before Darren washed up and we all retired for the night tired & happy somewhere over the rainbow.Leia mais

    • Dia 4

      Auf nach Frankreich

      22 de agosto de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Um 9:20Uhr kommen die Zwillis mit dem Zug in Geilenkirchen an. E-Roller eingepackt und schon starten wir Richtung Frankreich. Ab durch die Niederlande, Belgien und schon sind wir in Frankreich. Wir machen einen Zwischenstopp in Conty, denn bis nach Etretat haben wir keine Lust mehr.
      Wir stellen fest, daß es im Womo sehr unangenehm riecht. Die Toilettencassete schließt nicht mehr, der obere Deckel ist weg. 😱 Der Deckel ist abgebrochen und liegt mitten in der .......🤭 Was nun?
      Jetzt ist guter Rat teuer. Erste Idee 💡, Sekundenkleber muss her. Ab in den nächsten Supermarkt und Daumen drücken. Es hat funktioniert. Es hält noch. Morgen suchen wir einen Caravanhändler auf und hoffen auf ein Ersatzteil.
      Trotz alle dem einen netten Abend verbracht und auf unsere zwei neuen Sportphysios ordentlich angestoßen.
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    • Dia 5

      Start zu neuen Abenteuern, Etretat

      23 de agosto de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Wir starten in den fünften Tag unserer Tour mit lecker Frühstück. Es war eine Fahrt die sich zog. Wir haben uns entschlossen Etretat wieder zu verlassen. Kein Parkplatz, nur Touris. Gas geben und Honfleur anfahren. Um Le Havre gefahren und über zwei Brücken gefahren die man gesehen haben mußt. Übernachten in Honfleur. Eine super Stadt die man gesehen haben mußt. Abend ausklingen mlt dem Knobelspiel Schocken.Leia mais

    • Dia 2


      1 de dezembro de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Einen wunderbaren und stillen Schlafplatz gefunden inmitten der Natur bei einem Bauernhof mit Lamas & Alpakas 🥰
      Ich freue mich schon so auf morgen... Die Aussicht, den Sonnenaufgang🌅 & die Tiere zu begrüßen 😊
      Gute Nacht aus der Normandie✨
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    • Dia 2

      Angekommen in Frankreich

      1 de dezembro de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Nachdem er ( sie 🚌💚🤭) nun endlich da ist & die Warterei ein Ende hat.... ging s dann auch direkt los gestern von Oldenburg aus über die Niederlande ( ich liebe es dort zu fahren) durch Belgien (aufpassen - damit du das Land nicht verpasst 😂) und dann rein nach Frankreich🇫🇷! Unsere zweite Nacht - angekommen in der Normandie😍 ( immer noch kalt) stehen wir in der Natur bei Lamas & Alpakas 🙏Leia mais

    • Dia 47

      Chartres to Formerie

      22 de novembro de 2022, França ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      We were both awake at 7am today. I didn’t sleep great for some reason. I had the gas fire on right up until bedtime and I think in the early hours of the morning I got too hot and started having nightmares. Then I woke up again at 6am, put the gas fire back on so when we got up at 7am it was toasty warm.
      We were ready to leave at 8am but we sat around for an extra hour and waited until after 9am to try and miss rush hour traffic.
      I’m not sure when rush hour is over here. Obviously there is the school traffic in every town and city, but most shops and businesses don’t start trading until 10am so even when we’re on the road after 9am it still seems very busy.
      We had 123 miles to cover today and I wasn’t looking forward to it. High winds had been forecast and even though we didn’t get them overnight like we were supposed to by the time we got to the motorways they had definitely arrived. I spent the first fifty miles of our journey fighting the steering wheel as the wind was giving some really heafty gusts from the left and we dropped down to 50mph for a good deal of the motorway. Once we got to Rouen however we changed direction and the wind was behind us and we started to fly but then the rain came and it absolutely threw it down. The rain doesn’t seem to leave the french roads as fast as englands and water collects on the whole surface and the spray was unbelievable. Even some of the french drivers had there fog lights on.
      At 12:30om we arrived at our airè du camping carpark in Formerie and just before we got here I asked Ellie if we had been here because it sounded familiar. She said no but as soon as we arrived in town we recognised it straight away.
      We had stayed here last year in exactly the same weather conditions and used it for the same reason. A bolt hole and half way stop to our next destination of Arras. The only difference was last time we stayed here on a Sunday and everything was closed. Today is a Tuesday and everything was open.
      We pulled into the airè, I plugged us in to the electrical supply and then we closed ourselves in away from the rain and driving winds and both had teas and coffees and then at 1:15pm the rain stopped and we decided to go into the town to look around and get some fresh bread for lunch.
      Unfortunately when we got to the town square we realised the whole town is closed from 12pm until 2pm except for the little shop we brought soup from last year.
      We just can’t get used to things closing for long periods in Europe. Spain has siesta time between 1 and 5pm so everything closes for a good 4 hours of the day. In France everyone has a 2 hour lunch break and they close all day on a Sunday. Family time over here is greatly appreciated.
      The rest of the day back at Wanda dragged a little. We both watched our phones, I put the hot water on and we both had early showers, then it was dinner time and finally it got dark, we put our pyjamas on and we put the tv on. Once the TV goes on we know it’s settling in time and we can really relax. Outside the weather is still trying to rain and it’s pretty quiet until a huge gust of wind blows over and really rocks Wanda. We’ll have to wait and see if it calms down before we can move tomorrow.
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