Arrondissement de Châteauroux

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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Arrondissement de Châteauroux
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    • Jour 2

      5 days Tanzania private big five safari

      2 janvier 2023, France ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      For a perfect adventure to highly recommended parks of Serengeti, Lake Manyara, Tarangire and Ngorongoro, get a chance to explore the pristine wild plains and track all the animals residing in these popular Tanzania safari destinations. Book this 5 days Tanzania private big five fly in safari | BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO L.T.D with the best Tanzania Tarangire, Manyara, Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater big 5 safari tour Company that’s BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO LTD who also arrange Safaris (including 5 days safari Serengeti Ngorongoro lake Manyara Tarangire Tanzania private big 5 safari fly in drive out) and tours direct to Burigi (Burigi Tours) and Safaris to Burigi Chato national Park (Burigi Safaris) and to all parks in Tanzania. we are located Arusha, Moshi, Zanzibar, Burigi and Chato Tanzania.
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    • Jour 2


      2 janvier 2023, France ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      For incredible adventure to all the famous parks; get a chance to explore Tanzania safari Vacations and Destination. Book this5 DAYS TANZANIA SAFARI FLY IN PACKAGE (by BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO L.T.D with the best Tanzania Tarangire, Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater big 5 safari tour operator that’s BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO LTD who also plans Safaris (including 5 days tanzania private big-5 safari fly in drive out Tanzania Safari) and tours basing Burigi (Burigi Tours) and Safaris to burigi chato national Park (Burigi Safaris) and to all parks in Tanzania. we are located Arusha, Moshi, Zanzibar, Burigi and chato Tanzania
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    • Jour 4

      Green Season package Tanzania Safaris

      4 janvier 2023, France ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Escape the long hours journey in and out of the parks by opting for the flights option, use your time exploring the lively plains and feast your eyes on the animals found in the park. Book this Green season fly in– fly out Tanzania safari tour (by BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO L.T.D ) with the best Tanzania great Serengeti wildebeest migration eastern Serengeti safari tour operator that’s BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO L.T.D who also organizes safaris (including 4 days green season fly in fly out Serengeti safari tour) and tours arround Burigi (Burigi Tours) and Safaris to burigi chato national Park (Burigi Safaris) and to all parks in Tanzania. we are located Moshi, Burigi, Chato, Mwanza and Zanzibar Tanzania
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    • Jour 2


      1 avril 2023, France ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Samedi, 1er avril 2023
      Eric va chercher du pain et de superbons croissants pour le déjeuner. Nous avons prévu une étape assez grande pour aujourd‘hui et ne tardons donc pas de partir. La pause “dîner“ a lieu au sud de Nevers, au bord du Canal latéral à la Loire. Nous traversons Bourges et arrivons en milieu d‘après-midi à Vatan. Une belle aire pour cc se trouve au bord d‘un petit plan d‘eau. La visite du bourg est vite fait. Il y a, comme dans dans beaucoup de petites villes françaises, un nombre impressionnant de magasins fermés. Il ne restent que boulangerie, bar et tabac. Une magnifique église St-Laurian trône au milieu du bourg, mais impossible d‘y entrer et encore moins de trouver un renseignement sur l‘horaire des messes. Nous profitons des qq éclaircies entre les averses fréquentes pour admirer la belle vue depuis notre emplacement.En savoir plus

    • Jour 45

      Solignac to Vatan

      20 novembre 2022, France ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      We had a great nights sleep at our park up in Solignac. It was freezing cold this morning at just 3°c out and 6°c inside when we we up at 6am and we weren’t in any rush so I got up and put the gas fire on and went back to bed until 7:30am.
      When I eventually got out of bed at 7:30am I realised the first gas bottle had run out so I had to go outside and switch them over in the cold anyway.
      At 10am, after breakfast, we filled up with fresh water and dumped the grey and then headed into the main city of Limoges.
      It was only a 10 mile journey but for early on a Sunday morning when everything is closed it was a nightmare journey and the traffic was the worst we had seen on this entire trip. We were heading into the city for LPG and once we found the 24 hour automated garage it was a quick and easy fill, once we had worked out which adapter to use. For the first time ever we used the dish adapter and it was the simplest to use out of all of them.
      Once we had gas we could go again. We had 2 completely full LPG tanks and 90 miles left to travel and 88 of those miles were on the A20 motorway. It wasn’t scenic but it was easy and quick with no hold ups and at 12:30pm we arrived at the airè du camping carpark in the town of Vatan.
      The site is called Camping de Mon Village Vatan and it has 48 pitches all enclosed by hedges and trees, a football pitch/ basketball court with a running or cycling track around it. Electric at every pitch and water although it’s currently switched off because it is getting cold and at the entrance there are 8 QR codes leading to different hikes and bike rides. It is a beautiful site and it must be booming in the summer. We paid €11:50 all in. But we’ve since worked out that our last airè du camping car park didn’t charge us and the money went onto our account so we feel like we got our money back on that crappy airè we stayed at in Saint-Lary-Soulan that had no water or electric.
      The village itself doesn’t offer much to do but there was a museum of the circus which looked interesting so at 2:30pm once the rain had abated we went for a walk into town and found the museum which fortunately for us was open.
      It cost us €5 each to get in and Ellie wasn’t particularly bothered about going in because we knew it would all be in french but it was something to do rather than just sit in Wanda and it was actually quite fascinating.
      It started off with the really early circus stuff from the 1920’s and 30’s, they had clothing from famous French circus people, photographs and even original posters on the wall. Then it went up through the years and it was obvious that by the 1960’s upto the 80’s animals were the big draw. One posted bragged that they had 150 animals including Baboon’s, 20 lions, tigers, hippos, elephants and even polar bears. There was even rare video footage playing of the circuses with the animals. In France animals were being used right up until the year 2000.
      In the late 80’s the new draw became the daredevils. People that used crossbows, knife throwing and swords aswell as tightrope walkers and other high wire acts and of course the illusionists.
      It was a fascinating private collection and we were really impressed with how it was done and were glad we went. It broke the day up and we learnt lots.
      We got back to Wanda at 4:30pm and just before the rain started again. We put the TV on and continued with our breaking bad marathon and as we had electric we heated some water and run the electric heater.
      Once the water was hot I had a shower and it was great to have a hot shower in a hot room and then come back into the main living area that was toasty aswell. It didn’t take long for the bathroom to dry out today.
      For dinner we had what looked like a pizza folded in half and sealed at the edges topped off with cheese. It was a heavy going food that we had seen in several supermarkets and it actually looked better than it tasted. Then it was back to chilling out for the rest of the evening.
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    • Jour 7

      Bourges Day 6 in Châteauroux

      20 avril, France ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      The visit to this town was last minute, and until the evening before, completely unknown and unresearched by us. We had contemplated visiting Orleans, but we'd been there before, then Nevers, but it didn't have as much to see as we might have liked. Chateauroux was a pleasantly surprising little city. Right outside the train station is a museum dedicated to the former US military base there f om 1951 - 1967. We had no idea. The museum is just one room, and it was closed when we got there. However, there were people there who were accepting some exhibit material from a man who had been the assistant commissary manager. Obviously they let us in, very happy to have some Americans visiting. They had some nice exhibits and interesting information.
      From there, we traveled into town a couple blocks and had lunch at an Italian restaurant. We discovered it's a local chain, as we had eaten at the one in Bourges when we arrived. It's a great atmosphere with really good food. After lunch, we walked to the closed chateau the town is named for. The prefecture owns the building and keep it closed to the public. A bit of a bust, but we were able to walk through town and stroll in a really beautiful public park system along the river. A visit of the large church, not a cathedral, though cathedral sized, and a coffee finished our visit. We decided to try the bus system to get back. It worked pretty well and was comfortable enough. It got us back to Bourges in about the same amount of time as the train would have.
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    • Jour 4

      Chateauroux 2

      7 janvier, France ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      In der Nacht hatte Liliane kalt bei ca. 17°C. Um 8 Uhr verliess ich mit Sierra das Womo. Noch in der Dämmerung. Wir spazierten um den kleinen See. Gemütliches gemeindsames Frühstücken. Es ist unangenehm kühl draussen, im Womo aber gerade recht. Wir planen die morgige Etappe. Auch möchte ich doch noch eine französische Gas Flasche besorgen. Am Nachmittag gehen wir nochmals um den See. Es ist wirklich schön hier, mit Sonne wäre es noch schöner. Ich suche alternative Möglichkeiten für Spanien, in dieser Zeit schaut Liliane fern. Wie gestern, ein kurzer Spaziergang um den Camping und Bezahlen für die kommende Nacht. Noch ein Scrabble und schon bruzzelt der Znacht in der Pfanne.En savoir plus

    • Jour 4

      Auf nach Leguevin

      14 mars 2023, France

      Der Stellplatz vor dem Zeltplatz ist umsonst, das Benutzen der Sanitäreinrichtungen kostet 3,50€ pro Person. Also eine schöne heiße Dusche und mit warmen Wasser das angesammelte Geschirr abwaschen. Dann starten wir durch Richtung Toulouse.

      Das Wetter ist mal wieder sehr durchwachsen. Daher schauen wir uns auch nicht viel an. Als wir beim Felsenschloss Chateau de Reignac ankommen, das wir besichtigen wollen, regnet es trotz 15 Minuten warten auf dem Parkplatz so stark, dass wir auf einen Besuch verzichten, weil wir auf dem Weg zum Eingang völlig durchnässt würden.

      Im nächsten Tal scheint die Sonne und wir würden gern eine Grotte besuchen. Die Tickets hätte man aber schon im vorigen Dorf kaufen müssen. Dafür ist es aber schon zu spät.

      Dafür stelle ich fest, dass wir nicht allzu weit von Rocamadour entfernt sind. Dort war ich zuletzt, als ich vor rund 40 Jahren in Toulouse studiert habe. Das ist einen kleinen Umweg wert. Und dann weiter durchgefahren bis direkt nach Leguevin, wo wir um 20h bei meiner Schwester ankommen.
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    • Jour 77


      1 avril 2023, France ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      Der Campingplatz bei der Düne von Pilar ist vor 2 Jahren bei den großen Waldbränden vernichtet worden. Wir trafen einen Mann der dort gearbeitet hat.
      1978 war Friedrich mit der brasilianischen Mannschaft bei der Segelflugweltmeisterschaft.
      Erster Besuch seither.
      Steak vom Limousine Rind .
      Kostenloser Stellplatz beim Camping und Restaurant im Park am See.
      Tanzgruppe trainiert Reihentanz von 7-9 pm Uhr.
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    • Jour 30

      Das Tal der Schlösser

      28 avril, France ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Wir haben einen großen Sprung gemacht und befinden uns jetzt an der Loire - im Tal der Schlösser. Am Zeltplatz werden wir diesmal von einem Eichhörnchen begrüßt.

      Heute verspricht uns der Wetterbericht einen regenfreien Tag. Den nutzen wir für eine ca. 40 km lange Fahrradtour - mit den typischen Leihrädern war das eine Herausforderung für sich. Belohnt wurden wir mit toller Landschaft, schönen Dörfern und dem Château Montpoupon.En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Arrondissement de Châteauroux, Arrondissement de Chateauroux


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