Arrondissement de L'Haÿ-les-Roses

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    • Day 65

      Paris Day 2

      August 22, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      I was supposed to go to the Musée d’Orsay with Natascha this morning but she slept through her alarms LOL but it was alright! I headed out around 10 to go see the Eiffel Tower again, and embarked on a long and leisurely stroll along the Seine to meet Keerthana!! Who’s a friend from high school, and we were originally supposed to go to Europe together with our school in 2020. So, I walked for about an hour and a half, through the Jardin du Tuileries as well, and made it to the Spanish Quarter area which is near the Notre Dame. On the way, I also walked by the Petit and Grade Palais as well! When I arrived, I got to see her mom as well who was one of my teachers in high school from grade 10-12! After, I got a huge ham and cheese crêpe and we sort of just wandered around Paris, got some ice cream, caught up and chatted lots! She’ll be moving to the south of France for the next few months for an exchange semester for school which is super cool! Stopped by the Louvre again, and you could see some of the inside from the big window which was nice for me since I won’t get to see it :( after that, we headed over to the Arc De Triomphe where we got tickets to see the view from the top. After 200 something steps, we made our way to the top. The view went crazy! You could see the Eiffel Tower from here. We took some pictures from the bottom, and then headed out. We went to get some bubble tea to quench our thirst but it wasn’t very yummy. We just sat in the garden and relaxed for pretty much the rest of our time together. After, we went to the supermarket to get another sandwich for dinner, and I picked up some wine. I headed back to my hostel, where I watched the sunset go down for the very last time on this journey. Yes i did cry. But no time to be sad, it’s time to celebrate. I washed myself up and headed back out to the city to meet Irène and Catherine, who were two girls that I met in Milan- my first solo destination! We shared wine and snacks in the Champ de Mars in front of the Eiffel Tower. We watched it light up and sparkled at the top of every hour. It really felt like a full circle moment, getting to see them first at the beginning of this journey, and now in my final moments. It was really nice to see them again, but as always, sad to say goodbye. It feels like I didn’t have enough time in Paris. I will be back!!Read more

    • Day 6–9


      April 19 in France ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Primer día:

      El bus desde Londres no cruzó por el túnel como la vez anterior, en lugar de eso tomó un ferri para cruzar el canal de la mancha. La sola navegación tardaba una hora y en el Eurotúnel tardaba la mitad, unos 30 minutos. Pero quizás a la línea de buses le sale más barato, o bien ganan comisión de todo lo que se venda en el barco: máquinas tragamonedas, bar, restaurante, zona vip, etc

      Durante el viaje nos solicitaron bajar del bus varias veces para revisar nuestros pasaportes. Esto ya se hacía antes del Brexit de todas formas.

      El terminal Bercy, en Paris, da bastante que desear en el apartado de limpieza, pero está dentro de un parque con varios jardines. Y al parecer no es muy sabido que el parque tiene su propio baño, y a decir verdad, bastante más limpio que el del terminal de buses.

      La familia de Jesús y Juliana llegó al rato desde Valladolid, luego de conversar para ponernos al día, caminamos hasta el departamento que habían arrendado hasta el fin de semana. Al cabo de varias detenciones en distintas plazas, llegamos.

      Mas tarde salimos al supermercado y Amabile hizo la cena. Decidieron ir a la torre Eiffel, pero en este caso decidí quedarme a dormir un rato.

      Volvieron a eso de las 1:30am.

      Segundo día:

      Al día siguiente la familia de Jesús y Juliana salieron antes, nosotros pasamos a las catacumbas pero estaba todo reservado hasta el día martes. Así que fuimos a la torre Eiffel, nos hicimos amigos de un pato de la laguna bajo la torre.

      El pato sabía kung fu y no dudó en aplicarlo contra palomas que intentaron acercarse a su comida. Picotazos a cada una, mientras comía del suelo antes que otra paloma osara acercarse.

      Caminamos hasta el edificio donde está la tumba de Napoleón, luego pasamos al museo Petit Palais, cruzamos por el obelisco, el jardín de los Touleries hasta llegar al museo de Louvre, donde finalmente se puso el sol.

      Caminamos hacia el metro, tuvimos dos encuentros con Ratatouille y volvimos al departamento a cenar y descansar.
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    • Day 15

      Über Bordeaux nach Paris

      August 6, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Wir schwimmen eine Runde im kalten Meer während die anderen Touristen in Jeans und Jacke unterwegs sind. Wir trinken einen Kaffee mit Blick aufs Meer. Man kann Fruit de mer zu stolzen Preisen essen.
      Nach einer Stunde erreichen wir Bordeaux. Wir parken im Außenbereich und fahren mit der Straßenbahn ins Zentrum. Die Stadt ist voller Menschen. In der längsten Einkaufsstraße Europas haben heute, am Sonntag, viele Geschäfte offen. Bordeaux hat eine große intakte Altstadt.
      Vor der Börse befindet eine große Fläche mit einem dünnen Wasserfilm, in der sich vieles spiegelt.
      Heute am 1. Sonntag im Monat läutet auch die große Glocke in einem Stadttor.
      Knapp 7 Stunden bis Paris, vorbei an Limoges und Orleans.
      Gegen 20:45 erreichen wir Villejuf einen Vorort im Süden von Paris.
      Die Parkplatzsuche gestaltet sich wieder schwierig. Von Villejuf braucht man ca. eine halbe Stunde in die Innenstadt von Paris. Da es schon di spät ist beschließen wir bei einem Inder etwas zu essen. Lamm in Spinatsoße und sehr leckeres Naan mit Käse gefüllt.
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    • Day 10

      Week #1

      August 5, 2016 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      First week (and two home exchanges) of our roadtrip is already behind us! 4 more weeks (and 5 more home exchanges) to go! Wow, so many things and places already behind us. And much more to come! We're so excited every time we see a new place and meet new people. So far, France didn't dissapoint us (and it's even more beautiful as in the pictures). We love the monuments, city vibes and historical buildings, but most of all, we love exploring the nature through the back roads. We're so glad we had a chance to take this trip. Experiences are priceless for sure!Read more

    • Day 4


      July 31, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      I'm FINALLY at Breanna's house in Paris France!!! 😃

    • Day 10

      Last day of Paris

      August 5, 2016 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We took it extra slow today. We didn't want to rush anything so we went on a good relaxing walk in the park with Thor, then we went to the city centre on a french dinner in a cosy little restaurant. We had onion soup for starters, followed by three cheese fondue, fois gras, french baquettes and ofcourse some wine rouge. And for dessert two flavours sorbet.🍧🍷👌 We had creme brulee earlier in the afternoon while stopping for a coffee, tho. And, we bought some macaroons to go 😊☕🍮 After that we went on a short walk by the river (it was really sunny!) and now our thoughts are already in Normandy 😆Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arrondissement de L'Haÿ-les-Roses, Arrondissement de L'Hay-les-Roses

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