Arrondissement de Vitry-le-François

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Arrondissement de Vitry-le-François
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    • Day 32

      Day 29 - Chalons en Champagne to La Chau

      May 19, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      A nice variety in the walk today. Some riverside walking, along La Marne, cultivated fields and some canal walking (back on the Canal Lateral a la Marne). The hotel I'm staying at tonight is right on Le Fion River, I can see it from my window. I went on a Vivid style of river cruise last night in Chalons called Barque Métamorph’eau’ses it was really lovely. Classic ending though; rather than return to where we started; it finished in a park with no lighting at 11 pm at night! Thankfully, I had undertaken the audio guide tour of the city and knew exactly where I was. Note the lone rubbish bin in the middle of nowhere. P.S. I met, together, a Spanish man, walking the Saint-Jacques Compostelle, and a French man walking the VF - the two paths coincide for quite a bit.Read more

    • Day 1

      Lac du Der

      March 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Unser erster Übernachtungsplatz nach 555km Fahrstrecke liegt am Lac du Der, dem größten Stausee Frankreichs. Rund um den riesengroßen See gibt es fünf Womo-Stellplätze, wir haben den gewählt, der nahe unserer Route liegt. Der ruhige Stellplatz mitten in der Natur hat keine Parzellierung, sodass wir ohne Probleme angehängt parken können.

      Wir spazieren zum Yachthafen, in dem zur Zeit nur wenige Boote liegen, aber die überall laufenden Hochdruckreiniger kündigen die nahende Saison an.

      Es sind bei angenehmen 21 Grad viele Spaziergänger am Seeufer unterwegs... sicherlich wird es in der Saison megavoll hier.

      Morgen fahren wir weiter Richtung Bordeaux, mal schauen, wie weit wir kommen.
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    • Day 34

      Day 31 - Vitry Le François to Drosnay

      May 21, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      The first half of the walk today was up and down rolling hills in cultivated fields on well maintained weatherproof (read: rocks) agricultural roads. Which can be a little hard on the feet and sometimes treacherous when coming down. I finished the official route at Saint Remy en Bouzemont (France has a lot of little places with very big names) and then had to walk another 8 km, off the path, to get to my accommodation in Drosnay. I saw a lot of beautiful flowers today. The Spanish man who is walking the Saint-Jacques Compostelle is also staying here and was at the same accommodation as myself last night. Trouble is he speaks Spanish, obviously, and French - I speak neither!Read more

    • Day 40

      Lac du Der

      April 24, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Nach einem zugegeben sehr langen Fahrtag sind wir am Lac du Der gelandet. Der Stausee ist in etwa mit dem Brombachsee im Altmühltal zu vergleichen. Ein See der auf Tourismus ausgelegt ist und sicher als Trinkwasserspeicher und zur Stromerzeugung genutzt wird.

      Frankreich bietet vielseitige Landschaften, Schlösser, vieles anderes und freundliche Menschen.

      Wir haben auf unserer bisherigen Reise nicht einmal an der Oberfläche gekratzt.
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    • Day 35

      Day 32 - Drosnay to Villeret

      May 22, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      The forecast for today was fog, and it remained hazy and overcast all day - though surprisingly warm. I rejoined the Path at Outlines, which meant I missed a stage of the VF, but I'll have to live with that - no accommodation means I can't do the walking. Not far from Outlines, I got off track reasonably badly. I was encouraged in my error by way markers that indicated I was on the right path! I didn't twig when the way markers told me to go left when I'd expected a right hand turn (I've been wrong on that score before) but I did twig when I saw, in the distance, the Spanish man doing the Saint-Jacques Compostelle, whose end point today was completely different from mine! I back tracked, closely following the VF app, and was not surprised that I'd missed the turn. The 'track' was just an impression of one filled with waist high grass! I heard rustling as I made my way down it, but you don't feel the same trepidation as you do in the long grass in Australia; anything that bites you here isn't likely to kill you. At the bottom, the grass now at chest height, I had a frog pond on my left, a creek straight ahead, and my VF app telling me to take an invisible path to the right! I forged on and came across a beaten down track, obviously made by other pilgrims in the same boat. Eventually, the grass now at head height, I found an 'official' VF way marker with the path much clearer ahead. It just shows you how important local land owner support for the VF can be as I came across another section of the path, later on, which had been nicely mown. Anyway, I made it to Villeret safe and sound, and to my delight, I am sleeping in a teenie, tiny house tonight - my very first. My hosts will be delivering my evening meal and breakfast for tomorrow shortly: heaven! As you can see, I visited a lot of what they call 1/2 timbered churches today - all historical monuments.Read more

    • Day 59–60

      Pogny, Marne

      May 31 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We had another walk around the marina after breakfast .
      Our stopover today is in Pogny in the Marne department. We have a beautiful spot to park right adjacent to the canal. There's not alot in the village but plenty of walking opportunities which we took full advantage of. After a rainy start to the day we had lovely sunshine all afternoon and evening.Read more

    • Day 33

      Day 30 - La Chaussee sur Marne to Vitry

      May 20, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      A lot of farmland walking today was interspersed with sections of very welcome and lovely, tree covered paths and dirt roads. I saw squirrels this morning - they moved so fast, and I was lucky enough to get a shot. I met up with two Australians doing the VF; Sue, I met at the Cathedral in Reims, and Lyn. When I got to Vitry Le François I visited the Cathedral, and this time, I gatecrashed a wedding! P.S. one of the pictures is my attempt to capture another river crossing - La Saulx - at right angles, under the Canal Lateral a la Marne.Read more

    • Day 2

      Lac du Der..., der was?

      November 18, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Ganz gemütlich ging es in südwestlicher Richtung durch Frankreich. So bald wir über die Grenze sind, änderte sich das Aussehen der Häuser, Ortschaften und Straße. Der leichte Shabby-Schick, die verwitterten Holzläden vor den Fenstern und die engen Gassen, gefallen uns immer wieder gut...nicht so aufgeräumt und auf Kniff 😊

      Es ging schön über Land und wer uns kennt, weiß, dass wir Autobahnen meiden und stattdessen lieber kleine Straßen und Sträßchen fahren. Wir sehen so viel mehr von der Landschaft und den Dörfern. Und das manchmal auch zwangsläufig, da viele Strecken über 3,5 t gesperrt sind. Vorbei an viel, viel Land, über lauschige Kanäle, hatten wir den Etang du Der anvisiert ,um dort auf einer Landzunge zu übernachten.... Du Der, was denn DER ? DES WENIGEN Wassers! Auch in France hat Dürre geherrscht , der See ist fast leer und verlandet, was aber eine Unzahl an Vögeln nicht hindert, hier zu rasten. Der Ausblick und das Abendrot waren trotzdem sehr schön . Später kam noch unser lieber Freund Kurt dazu, der ab jetzt mit uns weiterreisen wird.
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    • Day 23

      Saint-Remy-en-Bouzemont 13 miles

      August 4, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Leisurely breakfast as I only had 13 miles to do and the next place didn’t want folk until after 4pm. Left at 10am as there didn’t seem much point in hanging about. Weather nice enough to merit the sun tan lotion application. Came upon a bench in the shade where I chilled out for an hour over a long phone call. Also came to an open boulangerie at lunchtime. Just about a first so had to nip in for a quiche and strawberry tart. Rude not to. Threatened more rain in the afternoon but didn’t really come to much.

      Arrived at this pilgrim’s refuge just after 4pm as requested. Phoned the key holder who let me in. Possibly used to be part of the girl’s school. Bunk beds but I seem to be the only occupant. I think it is a Covid hangover but they only give an incredibly flimsy paper sheet and pillowcase. Absolutely single use only. Not as uncomfortable as you would think. Note in the property to say that the local community have provided this pilgrim accommodation and a donation would be welcome.

      Unusually there was a local grocer but basic supplies only. Hence tea of Knor packet soup and a kebab roll. Pretty grim but at least the chocolate after was fine. Another note says they would like me out by 9am so I had better make it an early night.
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    • Day 36

      Stage 28: Saint-Remy-en-Bouzemont to Cha

      May 16, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌬 59 °F

      Stage 28: Saint-Remy-en-Bouzemont to Chavanges

      Danielle and I awoke very groggy after a sleepless night. No heat, no bedding, no hot water…… the cold, even fully dressed, made it very hard to sleep.

      But it didn’t matter because soon we were on our way! As usual, we walked along many fields. At one point the path petered out and we had to bushwack our way through thigh-high grass. We saw lots of the special architecture which features wood beams and stucco exteriors. We stopped into a lovely wooden church in Outines, and walked through forests where we saw wild boors and heard distant cannons scaring birds away from recently planted fields.

      A very nice day!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arrondissement de Vitry-le-François, Arrondissement de Vitry-le-Francois

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