Basilique Sainte-Clotilde

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  • Day 22


    May 10, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    We left the hotel in Bordeaux around 7:45, walked to the station, went through the barrier where tickets were scanned, found our seats on the upper deck of the Ouigo train, and waited, with three heavily-armed policemen outside our carriage window. The train left exactly on time and arrived in Paris 2hts 27mins later. It was a long walk to the Metro, but the Metro train came quickly, and we were at the hotel (Villa Pantheon) by 12. Within a few minutes they had a room ready, so we unpacked and then set off to nowhere in particular, but via Notre Dame, which is a 20 min walk away.

    Notre Dame is still closed for restoration, but there were crowds around it anyway. The displays down one side showed some of the salvage and restoration work, with pictures of the delicate stonework and intricate wooden trusses (some the size of houses) that will be hidden for centuries once the restoration is complete.

    Paris was very crowded, very dry and almost hot - 29deg. It was not ideal, but it had a buzz. We walked to the Place des Voges, which I loved when I saw it in 1975, then to the Louvre and its 500m long queue for tickets (no thanks), the gardens , the Seine again (they will swim in that? really??) and back up Rue St Germaine and on to the Rue des Ecoles, in the Quartier Latin, and our hotel. It is near the Sorbonne, so lots of young people (I think Anne wonders whether she is back at work), but it is also near the trail of Agnes Goodsir, my great-great-aunt. More tomorrow, but we almost went past her house on the way to the hotel in the morning: she lived at 18 Rue de l'Odeon.

    Paris may be a lovely city, but right now beset by hordes of tourists (like us...). Most of all there seem to be lots of Americans, including one kneeling to propose in the Tuileries Garden, and his new fiancee.

    We set out around 7:30 for dinner, as the air was cooler but the light still beautiful. The hotel is close to the Sorbonne, and there were young people everywhere, although the were certain cafes they flocked to, and others (touristy looking) that they avoided. Buildings along the streets often had signs saying they were the School of something-or-other, and the ground floor windows often looked in on rows of seats. We found a brasserie on the other side of the Pantheon...nice atmosphere, and pretty, quiet street.

    22,193 steps, 17.6km, 4 flights
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  • Day 3

    Subaru Camper

    September 30, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Wer sich nun fragt, ob der Subaru nicht zu klein oder unbequem ist.. Klares nein.
    Ich habe eine Allergie gegen fahrende Häuser, die weder gut zum wohnen, noch zum fahren sind.

    Für den Forester haben wir inzwischen 2 Ausbau Varianten.
    Erstere ist zwar aufwändiger - aber wenn wir länger unterwegs sind, dann kommt die Rückbank raus - dafür ein Lattenrost rein. Darauf eine ordentliche Matratze & aufs Dach ein Roofrack mit unserem Gepäck. @skandinavien, @monaco.
    Für kurze Ausflüge reicht auch eine dünne Matratze, die einfach auf die umgeklappte Rückbank gelegt wird.
    Wenn alles gut geht, dann mache ich dazu auch noch irgendwann ein Video zum Umbau auf YouTube - Link im Profil 🤓

    Der Subaru ist auf jeden Fall großartig - tolles Fahrwerk, Allrad & mit 230 PS stets ausreichend motorisiert! 😇

    Oh - vor der Rückfahrt waren wir noch im botanischen Garten, der sehr beeindruckend war 🤩

    #subarucamper #paris #tandem
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  • Day 1


    February 22, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    The Gang: Syed from Chennai, Dayana from Costa Rica and I.
    We landed late evening and guess what? We only had 14 hours in Paris and our hotel was so far away from the city in the middle of nowhere. And the cherry on top of this sour cake was, unbeknownst to us, the metro in one of the central stations that we are supposed to take for the Eiffel was under renovation. Basically the result was we ended up roaming about in circles in a foreign land surrounded by hand holding Parisians speaking in...well, French!
    But as they say, all in good time. We started at 1800 hours and ended up staring at the tower right at midnight. Just in time for the shining and shimmering light show.
    The good thing about the whole story is that we happen to get lost in one of the most gorgeous cities on this planet. Can we even complaint?
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  • Day 1

    Paris 2

    August 4, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Über Tours ging es zurück in die Lieblingsstadt. Sichtlich müde gespielt, aber dennoch mit Bock im Gepäck sollte wieder nach dem Motto gehandelt werden 'lass mal das machen, was wir lange nicht gemacht haben oder nicht kennen'. Wetter war eh semi, also Museumzeit und Ruhe suchen. Ohne die Rue Daguerre und das Paris-Dorfidyll fahr ich nicht heim ;-)Read more

  • Day 12


    September 28, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    KATRINA - In Paris!
    KATRINA - We are a bit overwhelmed because everyone is so french lol!!! We only got here to our hotel at 6.45 pm. We went for a quick walk then had dinner and a couple of wines in the hotel bar. They have the rugby on the big screen and it's pretty cool. A big day of exploring tomorrow!
    KATRINA - I can't believe it! We came to the famous bookshop in Paris called Shakespeare and Co.
    And Abbey bumped into her best friend!
    I am so mind blown!
    It's true. We knew she was in Paris, but in the same shop on the same day at the same time, and they only let a certain number of people in at once. I can't believe it
    Also we had crossiants this morning 🤤🤤
    DAVID - FYI - I've had at least 1 crossiant every morning we've been away.
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  • Auf leisen Sohlen in die Stadt der Liebe

    May 25, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Mit Bisou im Gepäck erkunden wir diese wunderschöne, magische Stadt. Leise Sohlen sind hier nicht mehr nötig. Die Traurigkeit der letzten Wochen, die Anstrengungen, Sorgen und Tränen lasse ich zu Hause, und genieße mit Uli diese schöne Stadt. Er gibt sich große Mühe, Vertrauen braucht Zeit
    Als Reiseführer vertraue ich ihm aber blind. Und sogar mein kleines Hundemädchen gewinnt ein kleines Stück in Ulis Herzen, dem Mann, der Hunde und Katzen hasst;-) Sie hat es geschafft, nach 10 Monaten🙈 Gute Dinge brauchen eben Zeit😘 Kleine Cafés und müde Füße laden zur Pause ein. Uli hat mir einen Roller für unsere nächste Stadt versprochen;-), mit Hundekorb 😘
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  • Day 2

    Schlendern durchs 7. Arrondissement

    October 3, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Auf dem Weg zum einzigen großen Ziel vorm
    Eiffelturm sind wir durch das 7. Arrondissement geschlendert und haben neben der wunderschönen Basilika Ste-Clotilde noch einige Punkte bestaunt. Als Arrondissement der französischen Hauptstadt Paris werden 20 Stadtbezirke bezeichnet, in welche die Stadt seit 1860 untergliedert ist. Unser Hotel befindet sich im 1. Arrondissement.Read more

  • Day 3

    Day 2 Paris part 1

    October 29, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Started the day with a stop around the corner from our hotel where we had some of the best croissant ever. Walked by another cheese shop, from which I wanted to buy many things. Began our wander by city hall - a gorgeous building - where there are countless prints of David Turney hung on a rod iron fence surrounding the building. Walked by an art institute that is celebrating 50 years of operation. Apparently the building is always decorated in some way but now with a lobster, a bottle of champagne and a cow. Next on to the opera house, followed by the Galleries Lafayette and a trip to the observation deck and an almost 360 view of the city.Read more

  • Day 9

    Paris - Sunday

    November 10, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    I had heard that Montmartre is over-rated and I came to the same conclusion as much as I tried to keep an open mind. Sacre-Coeur was magnificent however. I took the metro to Abesses and funicular up to the cathedral early before the tour groups arrived. This is a great time of year for avoiding crowds but not a good time for getting blue sky views of Paris. I sat in the warmth and comfort of the church for quite a long time before 11am Mass. Good idea because it was packed as the time approached. The solemn liturgy was wonderful with all the bells and smells. It was a surprisingly joyous atmosphere when I emerged on the terrace to find quite large crowds (kept outside during the service I think) and a busker singing Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah.
    From there it was downhill literally and figuratively. The travel gurus advise to avoid the tourist trap atmosphere by finding quiet side streets but all the quiet side streets were full of tourists anyway. The square where the artists paint portraits was a chaos of tour groups photographing each other and going into restaurants that advertise onion soup and snails. Across the road from the grocery shop made famous by the movie 'Amelie' I finally found an empty soup cafe that did an excellent African soup. I did the obligatory look at the Moulin Rouge, again almost a waste of time, but I did enjoy seeing the cafe from 'Amelie'. The rest of Montmartre I found a little grungy. Okay but I like the main part of the city better so I got the metro into the Luxembourg Gardens - beautiful. I enjoyed wandering the exclusive shops of St Germain de Pres much more. I enjoyed an organ recital at St Sulpice, browsing a bande-dessinee (comic book) shop and walking through the Tuileries Gardens again.
    I eventually made it back to Opera where I stopped at a sidewalk cafe for a spritz. A great way to spend my last night in Paris!

    Today's chuch-spotting:
    Sacre-Coeur, Montmartre - a beautiful experience attending the Solemn Liturgy
    Saint-Pierre de Montmartre - a nice little gothic breather from the crowds in Place de Tertre
    Saint Sulpice - a giant of a place made famous by Da Vinci code movie. It has one of the most significant organs in the world and I was treated to an organ performance while I was there.
    Saint-Germaine-des-Prés - a much more elegant church. There is an abundance of colour on the ceilings and pillars.
    Saint- Roch - baroque church.
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  • Day 1


    June 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Med en 12 timers mellomlanding i Paris, benyttet jeg sjansen til å ta toget inn til sentrum for litt sightseeing. Dette var min første gang i Paris, og bestemte jeg meg for oppsøke så mange klisjeer som mulig i løpet av de timene jeg hadde. Etter å ha startet dagen med en croissant og en kaffe på en fortauskafé, tok jeg turen til Sacré-Cœur som ligger på en høyde med god utsikt over byen. Derfra gikk turen videre til Triumfbuen, og deretter til Eiffeltårnet. Ettersom det var en mandag utenom ferie, var det lite kø for å komme opp til toppen av Eiffeltårnet, og jeg benyttet derfor muligheten. Uten alt for høye forventniner, ble det positiv overaskelse over hvor luftig og mektig det var å stå i toppen av Eiffeltårent med panoramautsikt over byen. Jeg avsluttet min korte Paris-visitt med en "confit de canard" og et glass fransk rødvin før jeg tok toget tilbake til flyplassen.Read more

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Basilique Sainte-Clotilde

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