Département de la Vienne

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    • Giorno 15

      Day 14 Chinon

      6 giugno, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Today we chose to stay local.
      The sun shone, hats and sunscreen were needed.
      We drive to Chinon, the closest town to Ligré where we are staying. It was market day so we parked up the hill behind the fortress. Easy walk down to the town or there is a free elevator! Many cafes and restaurants as well as post office, banks etc. La Vienne flows past and was lovely to walk along. The markets were fun but similar to home.
      Lunch in the main square then a leisurely meander past some beautiful flowers back up to the car.
      Restful afternoon before we walked about 30mins to an outdoor 'pop up' summer drinks and food. Lots of tables and chairs under the trees. Dinner was pocket bread with fillings or charcuterie board. Lots of fun and not on the tourist trail.
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    • Giorno 5


      28 agosto 2023, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Yay! We arrived in Chinon for a late lunch and I enjoyed a local rosé with quiche. Chinon is charming --- buildings dating from the 15th century and cobbled streets. It is also historically significant. It is the home of the Plantegent line of kings who also ruled over England. Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine lived here. Richard the Lionhearted was born here. Joan of Arc met King Charles VII in March, 1429.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 3

      Immer noch in Frankreich

      25 febbraio 2020, Francia ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      525km Mautfrei. Anstrengender als Autobahn, aber auch wesentlich interessanter. Man kommt aufgrund der Kreisverkehre und Dorfdurchfahrten nicht richtig schnell voran und die Kiste säuft wie ein Loch, da viele bergige Strecken und häufiges Bremsen und Beschleunigen, so wie zurückschalten Berg


      Öffentlicher Wohnmobilstellplatz.
      Kostenlos. Kleiner Supermarkt um die Ecke. Tolle Gegend, um den Hund laufen zu lassen.

      Ein Platz für Mobile mit automatischen Hubstützen oder Menschen, die Lust haben, die Auffahrkeile zu benutzen. Habe ich aber weder noch.
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    • Giorno 117

      11.01 Day 117 . . . Lunch At Voyageurs

      11 gennaio 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      A slow, slow morning getting ourselves up and ready - primarily Did’s obviously. Its weird - when people are here Tre and I wanna get up and get going with them, when actually they just want to chill. When there is no-one here Tre and I struggle to get up.
      Anyhow we had a lunch booked at Hôtel Des Voyageurs in Chef Boutonne for 1230pm - so there was no rush.
      We arrived in Chef at midday and had a quick spin round the shops before heading for lunch. Tre very obviously kicked me out of the only shop in Chef B that sells birthday cards . . . I wonder why?
      In Voyageurs we were greeted by the ever pleasant staff and seated in the rear restaurant, which was already busy with other general visitors, workmen in overalls and office staff, obviously from nearby.
      We opted for the plat du jour - the formula three course - all three of us light of any breakfast.
      First course was the cold meats, cheeses and salad bar, as much as you wanted. For main course Did’s and I had pork steaks in mustard with chips and salad, while Tre had a homemade minced meat burger . . . not exactly what she was expecting and I think she would have opted for the pork if she had known. I did offer a swap but she turned me down. Tre and Did’s then had creme caramel for pudding whist I had ‘the island that floats’ a very light meringue that sits in a bowl of cold creme anglaise. The meringue melts in your mouth almost immediately.
      Tre had offered up to drive, so I encouraged Did’s up for the strong Leffe Blonde at 6 point something percent . . . I was slightly amused when he said he wanted a second. That said he did drink it - although confessed he did then feel quite pickled.
      After coffee and chocolates we paid and left - completely full.
      As Tre was driving she got to decide where we were going and then sprung upon me the idea of going to look at cars at a nearby garage. So off we set. Literally 50 yrds around the corner we came across a broken down car in the middle of the road - and by that I mean it’s wheel although still attached, was hanging off at a 45 degree angle. Tre kicked Did’s and I out of Rox to go help push the car off the road. The owners transpired to be English as well and to the best of my attempts I could not shift the wheel into any form of position that we could push the car. By now half the street seemed to have appeared and were all helping, one French guy took over the owners phone to speak to his Insurance company on his behalf. After about 20 mins it was obvious nothing was going to happen until a tow truck appeared - which was now on route, so we left them in the same state pretty much that we had found them. They were grateful for our efforts.
      We then drove to Bouin to look at some cars - but there was nothing too exciting and so we didn’t stay long.
      We then took the back roads via a few villages towards home, passing through to Montjean where we stopped to buy Did’s a Pine cake. Much to his relief the patisserie had none in stock. We did get into conversation with an old guy who lived in Montjean. He was admiring a new statue that had been placed in the centre of the village. Apparently an elderly gentleman had recently lost his wife and commissioned a statue of her to be placed in the centre of the village. To be fair if the statue was anything like her at the time of her death - she had aged particularly well . . . which was why the old guy was admiring the statue so keenly.
      We then drove home via Sauze Vassais and through Melleran.
      We skipped dinner for the evening as we were all so stuffed from lunch at Voyageurs, simply chilling and chatting. We weren’t too late going to bed as Did’s is off home in the morning and we have a very early start.
      So not looking forward to that alarm !!
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    • Giorno 3


      10 settembre 2022, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Overnight in hilltop town of Bellac. Mum and dad in an old hotel on the main square owned by a couple from Hereford. Dad almost killed when the wardrobe attacked him.

      Drinks down by the river followed by dinner in the Cheval Blanc restaurant in the middle of the town, where we were definitely the main entertainment for the locals!

      Introduced mum to Cafe Gourmand - three puddings!

      Still no onion soup for dad...
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    • Giorno 209

      13.04 Day 209 . . . Mixed Weather

      13 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      And so another day begins . . . Not too much planned today as the weather looked a bit mixed.
      We weren’t up overly early and after breakfast pottered about with some chores and a couple of admin things.
      We then attempted to transfer some money which turned into a drama - when the bank is trying to protect you from fraud but ultimately stops you getting access to your money when you need it . . . Like today!
      Anyhow - it was resolved after some very lengthy phone calls, Tre staying decidedly more calm than me!!
      That all sorted finally we decided we needed to go to Sauze to get a couple of bits - so we hopped into Rox and set off, remembering we really did now need fuel.
      When we set off the sun was glorious and we stopped to take a couple of photos as we drove the back roads. 20 minutes later as we arrived at SuperU, with my intention of fuelling up immediately before the the weather changed, it changed and started to pour down.
      At exactly the same point I got a call from a local bee keeper who I had made contact with, just asking what I was looking to do and giving me some advice on bits and pieces. He was really helpful and I’m sure I will be speaking with him again . . . When I have some bee’s.
      By the end of the call the rain had eased and we did our shop. Once back out we fuelled up before the rain started again.
      We decided to take a drive past the Chenay house - can’t keep away now as the days are ticking towards our possible ownership.
      Not much had changed and no-one seemed to be about.
      As we drove home I took a couple more photos of the rapeseed and turbines - they look brilliant out here, but the photos never do them justice.
      Once home Teresa set about making a new chorizo salad we’d seen - the only downside was I had to hunt through my spices box to find the fennel seeds that I’d safely packed away.
      The salad took no time and was bloody lovely.
      The rest of the evening drifted away, the light outside now keeping the evenings alive a little longer - spring has defo sprung and summer is on its way.
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    • Giorno 141

      04.02 Day 141 . . . The Lemon Tree

      4 febbraio 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Having dragged ourselves out of bed and got ready, we sorted our ourselves ready for a trip to SuperU to get supplies for Lauren and Pete’s visit as of Sunday.
      We took the back roads to Sauze and found no sight of the Chasse - first time ever on this road on a Saturday.
      As we entered into Sauze, Tre mentioned that a cafe we had never been to was open. Not sure why we had never been in before, maybe as it always seemed to be shut. The thought of an English bacon sandwich overtook us and I quickly turned Rox around to go and park up. Bacon is something you can’t find out here easily.
      The Lemon Tree - Salon De Thé is on one of the main roads running through Sauze and is run by an English couple who have been running it for 18yrs. Having served us up fantastic bacon in baguette each, mine with an egg as well . . . We got into conversation with them about life in general in and around Sauze. We spent over an hour in the cafe eating, drinking and chatting . . . and meeting Lucky the black resident cat. Tre also bought a jar of honey sold in the cafe made by a local guy. Weirdly Tre and I had only been talking about my bee keeping ambitions on the drive over.
      We said our goodbyes and drove to SuperU having a catch up call with my mum on route. Mum and Dad are due out here beginning of March - so things still need sorting for them.
      We drifted around SuperU taking in anything we hadn’t seen previously, we had a list but we never seem to use it I til we’ve done a complete circuit of the shop. We grabbed all the bits we needed for Loz and Pete’s arrival and were only interrupted once, when we bumped into the owners of the Lemon Tree, who had closed up sometime after we had left and were now shopping themselves. . . we have new buddies in Sauze!! I don’t think they could believe we were still in there having left them when we did. We did also pick up another four bottles of the ‘Les Ormes De Cambras - Cabernet Sauvignon Pays D’Oc 2021’ we had a few nights ago, still at just over a euro as on offer 🤭
      We drove back through the back lanes and there they were - the chasse were on a normal chasse road, all up high in the viewing stations 😂
      We took some new roads towards home and then decided to check out a route to Gournay we have never taken. I don’t know how, but Tre noticed some deer in a field that the chasse would have been proud of - so tucked down in the green of the farmers field, that only their heads and ears were visible. We found Gournay and then checked out a house we very nearly bought. Apparently it is now bought, but it still looked decidedly empty and unloved.
      Homeward bound, checking out the deer who were still in residence in the farmers field. We unpacked Rox, I did a bit of Penguins update waiting on the Rugby to start, while Tre did the rubbish and bottle recycling run.
      The Rugby was very entertaining but not the result England wanted.
      Tre had made a fab lardon, onion and chilli omelette for dinner, with a little salad. We found a salad dressing the other day which I love - so had lashings of that all over.
      We sat and watched some rubbish TV and a couple of episodes of the The Killing Series 3 on iPlayer before calling it a night.
      Loz and Pete arrive tomorrow 😎
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    • Giorno 134

      28.01 Day 134 . . . Oh Deer, Oh Deer!

      28 gennaio 2023, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      So for another day we both woke quite late and after a period of discussing the improving weather and life in general, we finally dragged ourselves out of bed to get showered and dressed.
      After a late breakfast of porridge, I watched some very very old TV whilst Tre finished getting ready. The Big Match Revisited and World of Sport brought back some fond memories of growing up in Crawley, especially football pitches resembling a ploughed field rather than a lush green turf covered masterpiece.
      About 2pm we hopped into Roxvanne, the injection warning light still popping up immediately on ignition. We took the back roads over to Sauze to go food shopping.
      On route we saw the Chasse were out in force, passing one field that had a hi-viz wearing huntsman in each viewing stand - all looking into the adjacent wooded area. We always take note of which way they are facing due to reading articles about deaths caused by the chasse - to drivers passing by in vehicles. Stray bullets from high powered rifles don’t differentiate between humans and wild boar or deer.
      We passed safely by and drove possibly another minute before in an adjacent field we saw five or six deer walking calmly across a ploughed field. If only the chasse had known 😂
      Into Sauze and subsequently SuperU we stocked up on pellets for the burner in the Gite, together with food for the week. No unknown foods for us to investigate this week so we opted for new cheese - Tomme de Normandie.
      On driving home using the road to nowhere rather than the back lanes, we saw even more deer, these standing right next to the main road - they obviously had heard the chasse were elsewhere.
      At home the dreaded I loading of the pellets took place. I will be so pleased when we can get the pellets in the van anywhere near the front door of home - rather than a little stroll with them.
      At home we had some of the cheese - which was lovely. If you asked Tre she would say it was a little fruity . . . She told me about five or six times 😂
      Next up I decided to attempt to sharpen some of the knives we have in the kitchen. Last week in the UK I had acquired Teresa’s Dad’s very old bench stone - a double sided block with two grades of coarseness.
      Now I’m not saying it was an outstanding success, but the knives I tried were definitely sharper than when I began. Every days a school day so next time it will be better.
      During the afternoon we made a batter for some new recipe Yorkshire Puddings we had found - and put it in the fridge for an hour as instructed.
      About 6.30 we set the Yorkshires off and running and subsequently had them with some chorizo sausages and salad . . . with a new untried salad dressing . . . all good!!
      In between some FA Cup football, we watched Michael McIntyre, Ant & Dec and then Lethal Weapon 2 on the TV for the evening. We are so living the high life - exciting to the extreme. All joking apart it is lovely spending time with Tre in the evenings, despite it being winter like here, just chilling and chatting, with no work the next day to be worrying about.
      If the house comes off, we will be heading into the summer and a whole new life will be opening up for us.
      Can’t wait 😎
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    • Giorno 198

      02.04 Day 198 . . . Happy Burvday Loz

      2 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      There was a promise of lots of tools being sold at one of the local charity places this morning - ‘Hope’ At Sauze Vaussais.
      Having rested quite well yesterday 😂 we were up relatively early and out the door ready for our jaunt out.
      We got to Hope at about 9.30am and then saw the sign about being open at 10am. So we decided to check out another road to the Chenay house - thinking about lorry access. The road didn’t end up where we expected it to and so we made a small deviation to drive past the house anyway. On route we saw a number of Buzzards in the ploughed fields and then a very small bird which appeared to have a mask around its eyes. A black line that made it look like a bank robber. No idea what it was, so some research needed later. Nothing had changed at the house - no sign of a mass clear out at this point.
      We returned to Hope and went to explore. There were next to no tools, just the normal charity shop bits and pieces - plates, cups, glasses and jigsaws. Hope also has a little shop that sells English food stuffs - we’d never visited before so took a look. As luck would have it we’d just run out of English tea bags and the shop had a large bag. I decided we needed some . . . 10 bloody euros for a bag of tea bags!! Won’t be doing that again!!
      Before we left we grabbed a bacon roll each from a stall outside - bacon is still something we miss here, only when we smell it 🥓🥓
      From Hope we drove to the small spar in Sauze to grab some bits for dinner and then back to the Chenay house so I could check the route we actually would have to use, to see if it was suitable for a lorry . . . All seems ok!
      From the house we drove to Caunay where we knew there was a vide grenier
      happening. It appears this weekend is the start of all the local village vide grenier and brocantes starting.
      We parked at Caunay and had a walk around the stalls, lots of bits that would be handy when we have the house, but not at the moment as we don’t want anything else to store or move.
      From Caunay we decided to visit Lezay and their vide grenier also on this morning. As we left we commented on how nice Caunay was, we’d not visited before. One particular garden caught our eye as we drove past its boundary wall covered in Grape Hyacinth and Succulents.
      By the time we got to Lezay the weather had turned and was overcast and rain loomed. There wasn’t really very much at the vide and so we didn’t stay long.
      Back in Rox we took yet another untried route back to home, using back roads now full of fields of rapeseed. It’s grown quite substantially in the week we have been away.
      The afternoon drifted away, more penguins to catch up on and dinner cooked. A ‘Happy Birthday’ phone call to Lauren, who was out enjoying herself and then a quick call to my mum.
      Social media provided me with a little envy in regards to a little red tractor we could have bought if we had been in our house, but some thankful news that Graham Potter had been sacked - at last. The small bird we had seen earlier, our bank robber, was in-fact a Wheatear. First time ever seeing one of these and not a name I’d heard of before.
      Fab cauliflower cheese and steaks were on the menu for dinner, some evening TV and another day was done.
      Now we are actually in April - the house seems less of a dream and possibly more reality.
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    • Giorno 219

      23.04 Day 219 . . . Big Pot Hunting

      23 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      After waking at 3am with a thumping headache . . . as a result of too much Leffe Blonde last night, I fell back to sleep and we both woke at about 8.30am and were treated to the sounds of the Cuckoo and the Hoopoe from over in the woods.
      We had decided to go to Civray during the morning to visit the market - which today was a brocante, not a locals one - more professional sellers antique fair.
      We arrived at Civray just before 11am and found a parking space over the river from the market square I. A fairly large car park.
      We started our walk around the market, taking in the weird and wonderful treasures to be found. We saw a fairly large metal pot which Tre suggested might make a good fire pit for the garden and so we asked a price. Far too expensive for what it was. We were now on Big Pot Hunt. We found another couple as we walked, both were neither quite big enough or the right price.
      It was then that we saw it, a bloody big and heavy iron pot with handles. After a short discussion with the seller and a 10€ price reduction we bought it. Only then did I worry about how we would get it into an already full Roxvanné. Add to that Tre and I had to carry it back through the market, across the river and to the car park. Anyhow after two stops on route we arrived at Rox and sorted the back contents enough that we could put the pot in . . . Bloody hell it’s heavy!!
      Back to the market we walked again before grabbing hot drinks in the small bar/cafe right next to the church.
      Although it had been sunshine when we left home it was overcast in Civray and getting windy.
      So after drinks we headed for Rox and drove home. On our arrival the weather was sunny and warm again.
      We decided to sit outside but after 10 minutes it had clouded over and started to rain a little. Within half an hour it was lashing it down. This rain came and went all afternoon.
      We decided to eat early and had the lamb and mint sausages from Sauze market.
      Due to the weather we sat to watch some TV and waited for Brighton v Manchester United FA Cup Semi Final to start.
      As we are an hour ahead, by the time the game had finished with a penalty shoot out it was well gone 8pm if not nearer 9pm.
      A bit more TV and some social messages to some friends finished the day and we toddled off to bed.
      Something else bought for the Chenay House - 3 more sleeps!
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