A trip to a pretty little garden

We are docked in Vernon 10 minutes from Giverny, where Claude Monet lived. Monet's father wanted him to pursue a business career, but his mother was a singer who supported Claude's in his chosenRead more
We are docked in Vernon 10 minutes from Giverny, where Claude Monet lived. Monet's father wanted him to pursue a business career, but his mother was a singer who supported Claude's in his chosenRead more
Einen ganz großen Wunsch habe ich mir heute erfüllt und endlich Monets Garten in Giverny besichtigt. Obwohl schon einiger Andrang war, war die Stimmung herrlich und man konnte sich den Maler gut beiRead more
This morning we visited the village of Giverny and the gardens designed and built by artist Claude Monet. He lived there from 1873 until his death in 1926 and was where he painted many of his mostRead more
Ein Zitat von Monet lautet: „Mein Garten ist mein schönstes Meisterwerk.“
Und als wir an einem Dienstagvormittag durch den Eingang des berühmten Garten traten und uns in einem Meer aus BlumenRead more
Fast einhundert Jahre nach seinem Tod zieht es jährlich rund 500.000 Menschen in das ehemalige Anwesen des Künstlers Claude Monet. Heute gehören wir dazu.
Am späten Vormittag erreichen wir denRead more
The house is located in Giverny and was rented by Claude Monet in May 1883. In November 1890 he was able to buy the house and the land. He lived and painted there for 43 years and was inspired by hisRead more
Dinner was a delight on so many levels. We both went for the Normandy Beef, with blanched spring onion, crispy potatoes in an exquisite jus, pudding was for me a honey mouse with biscuit, plus honeyRead more
We left Arras to start our two day drive to our final destination Marseilles. Currently overnighting at Beaune but en route we stopped at Giverny to visit the famous gardens and Japanese ponds createdRead more
Toured Monet's home and gardens in Giverny, where he lived since 1883, approximately 1:20 from Paris. Monet was influenced by Japanese art and especially water-lilly ponds, which he created next toRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Giverny, ژیورنی, ジヴェルニー, Живерни, Живерні
Traveler What an experience. I’ve always wanted to see this! Looks so beautiful, very lucky xx
Traveler Definitely didn't disappoint
Traveler You can see where his inspiration came from…..beautiful.
Traveler This is incredibly beautiful, you were right Kate, I love it! Forget the castle in Scotland, I want to live here🌼