Hamel Au Prêtre

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    • Päivä 17

      Omaha Beach

      31. elokuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Nach dem aufregenden und wunderschönen Tag in Étretat haben wir es etwas ruhiger angehen lassen. Wir sind gemütlich aufgestanden, haben gegessen, ein wenig Zeit vor dem Laptop verbracht und sind dann zu unserem nächsten Ziel, dem Omaha-Beach, aufgebrochen. ☺️

      Wir haben uns dort einen Stellplatz neben der Straße direkt am Strand ausgesucht. Dieser Platz war relativ ruhig und man hatte direkten Blick aufs Meer und hörte dieses auch. Der einzige Hacken an dem Platz war, dass der Wind extrem stark wehte und der Bus diesem direkt ausgesetzt war. Bei stärkeren Böen 💨 schaukelt unser Rüdiger gerne mal, was beim Schlafen unangenehm sein kann, also haben wir auf beiden Seiten je ein Holz unter den Bus gekeilt und das Schaukeln hat sich erledigt gehabt. 👍🏼

      Am Abend gab es dann noch französischen Ziegenkäse in der Pfanne rausgebraten, so haben wir Ziegenkäse noch nie gegessen. Hat megalecker geschmeckt. 😋
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    • Päivä 6

      Omaha Beach

      14. heinäkuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Heute treffen wir wieder auf einen sehr historischen Abschnitt unser Reise. Die Landungsstrände der Alliierten vom 6. Juni 1944.
      Damit sind die Strände Utha, Omaha, Gold, Juno und Sword gemeint.
      Aus der Schule und den Geschichtsbüchern kannte man nur die Zahlen, vielleicht noch ein paar alte Fotos oder die Hollywood Verfilmungen - wie z. B. Der Soldat James Ryan.
      Allein am Omaha Beach starben 2000 US Amerikaner bei der Ankunft.
      Wir sind überwältigt von der Größe der Strände (Omaha 8km lang, der komplette Abschnitt beträgt 80km) und auch den vielen Kreuzen, allein auf dem Amerikanischen Friedhof.
      Wir besuchen auch noch ein Museum, welches die schrecklichen Stunden damals noch einmal beschreibt, anhand von Fotos und Berichten von Überlebenden.

      Die schweren geschichtlichen Ereignisse verdrängen fast die Schönheit der Strände.

      Am ersten Abend haben wir zum Ausgleich noch den Nationalfeiertag Frankreichs mit einem spektakulären Feuerwerk gefeiert.
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    • Päivä 39

      Omaha Beach

      19. kesäkuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Zrugg in Frankriich hemer doch namal en Tag am Meer welä verbringe und sind zu dem Landigsstrand womer nanig gseh hend - und es isch en wunderschöne Strand gsi zum sich vom Meer verabschide mitme tolle Sunneuntergang.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 8

      I luoghi dello sbarco in Normandia

      18. elokuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Iniziamo dalle spiagge dello sbarco delle truppe americane, Utha beach e Omaha beach, dove visitiamo il piccolo Museo del memoriale. Ci sono tantissimi musei, memoriali e reperti storici anche lungo la strada che collega i diversi luoghi d'interesse. Ero già stata qui nel 2003 e trovo che adesso sia tutto troppo "turistico". Il giro in auto sulla jeep militare, i ristoranti con i carrarmati...🤐
      Personalmente non la trovo una bella cosa...ma è solo la mia opinione.
      Proseguiamo verso Saint Mére Eglise, un piccolo borgo in cui, nella notte tra il 5 e il 6 giugno 1944, si lanciarono diverse dozzine di paracadutisti americani. Il soldato John Steel rimase appeso per due ore sul campanile della chiesa, prima di essere fatto prigioniero dai tedeschi. Tuttavia, riuscì a fuggire per tornare in Inghilterra.
      Proseguiamo verso Point du Hoc, diventato famoso nella storia del Novecento per la battaglia svoltasi all'alba del 6 giugno 1944, tra le truppe scelte dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti e le forze tedesche.
      Nel 2003 i segni dei bombardamenti erano molto più evidenti ed era possibile camminare liberamente tra i crateri. Oggi, per preservare l'ambiente e rallentare il deterioramento del tempo sui resti della battaglia, è stato creato un percorso obbligato. È ancora possibile visitare i bunkers tedeschi.
      Da Point du Hoc ci rechiamo al cimitero americano, un luogo suggestivo dove si realizza la drammaticità degli eventi del 1944. Una distesa infinita di croci bianche ci ricorda in quanti persero la vita combattendo per la libertà.
      Concludiamo il nostro tour con la spiaggia di Arromanches, luogo di sbarco degli inglesi, in cui sono ancora visibili i pontili del porto artificiale creato dalle truppe alleate, conosciuto anche come Port Mulberry.
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    • Päivä 4

      Omaha Beach

      3. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Omaha was the tougher landing due to the bombardment missing the area by a 1/2 mile (weather). The high and heavy reinforced German positions made it near impossible. Troops kept coming in, 20 minute wave after wave. They needed a route off the beach to bring in tanks, equipment, and supplies. The navy realized the troops were getting slaughtered and drove two gunner ships to ground to allow for more accuracy to take out enemy positions. Mulberry A was built at this location to bring in more troops and equipment. This was knocked out by a storm 10 days later ( leaving only Mulberry B). Houses were destroyed by the Germans (all but 1 for the officers) near the beach, later rebuilt. You can see the size of Point du Hoc from this position and Utah in the distance. EVER FORWARD.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 38–41

      Day 35 and 36

      25. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Day 35 - we did a walking tour of Rouen where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in 1431. We visited the Joan of Arc church. At La Couronne restaurant, the oldest restaurant in France they serve "pressed duck" where they squeeze the duck blood and make it into a sauce. Yuk. This restaurant has a Michelin star rating.

      Video 1 - view from boat on the river Seine
      Photo 1 - commemorative plaque where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake
      Photo 2 - stained glass in Joan of Arc church
      Photo 3 - La Couronne restaurant
      Photos 4 and 5 - Rouen

      Day 36 - we started by visiting the Tapestry in Bayeux. The tapestry is an embroidered cloth nearly 70 metres long and 50 cm tall that depicts the events leading up to the Norman Conquest of England led by William the Conquerer challenging Harold II, King of England.

      Photo 6 - Bayeux Museum
      Photo 7 - the Tapestry (no photos allowed inside)
      Photo 8 - Viking boat replica

      From there we went to Juno Beach where the Canadian contingent of the D Day landing came ashore on 6 June, 1944.

      Photo 9 - German gun bunker that were placed every 500 metres along the Normandy Beach
      Photo 10 - concrete obstacles made by the Germans and placed in the water to prevent the landing boats coming ashore
      Video 2 - Juno Beach, Normandy

      Next stop was the Pegasus Bridge Museum. The original bridge was removed and put in the museum grounds and a replica bridge was constructed in the original location. The taking of this bridge is still regarded as one of most daring and successful aviation missions of World War 2. The gliders carrying 25 soldiers each were used at night so that they could land undectected as the bridge needed to be taken in tact.

      Photo 11 - original Pegasus Bridge
      Photo 12 - replica glider

      Our final stop was at the Ranville War Cemetery where John and I placed a wreath provided by Viking Cruises at the foot of the only two Australian airmen buried there. The Australian National Anthem was then played and a minute's silence observed.

      Photo 13 - wreath laid in Ranville War Cemetery
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    • Päivä 10

      Omaha Beach & Normandy American Cemetery

      22. lokakuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      This morning, we set off to visit the Normandy Beaches, the site of the allied forces' amphibious landing that began the liberation of Europe from Nazi Germany and led to the end of WWII.

      Our first stop was Omaha Beach, which, along with Utah Beach, was assigned to the American forces.

      We also toured the Normandy American Cemetery, the final resting place of so many young men who gave their lives to ensure our freedom.
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    • Päivä 7

      Normandy France

      17. kesäkuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Saturday, June 17th. We drove to Etretat. We didn't know where to park as we had never been there before. We finally just watched everyone else and parked. The parking machines were not working to take credit cards. We started on the wrong path by the golf course. We cut behind some houses and ended up having a spectacular view of the beach. The town looked so cute! We want to go back sometime and explore it. As we were walking back to the car, Anya found a piece of pottery in the mud. It was a rainy day. We put it in the bungalow fountain when we returned home.

      Étretat is best known for its chalk cliffs, including three natural arches and a pointed formation called L'Aiguille or the Needle, which rises 230 ft above the sea. These cliffs and the associated resort beach attracted artists including Eugène Boudin, Charles Daubigny, Gustave Courbet, and Claude Monet. Claude Monet did several paintings in the area, particularly of the natural cliff arches and stacks.

      We drove through Honfleur, and they were having a huge market day in town. Drove by Sword Beach and went to the American Cemetery. Of course, it was so moving. We stopped at a grocery to get flowers so we could lay them on graves while we were there. We also picked some flowers to place on graves. It was beautiful and haunting to visit. We took photos of Omaha Beach and we were all moved by the visit especially when they were playing Taps as we were leaving.

      We also went to the Pegasus Bridge and Museum today and enjoyed all the exhibits and the bridge behind the museum.

      Mikel and I took turns driving and we went back to Le Havre. It was storming and we went to one cafe and had to move to a better one. It was a nice dinner while it rained. The fire alarm was going off at the hotel as we went to dinner. We walked along the beachfront on the way home.
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    • Päivä 6

      Omaha Beach

      31. toukokuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Ein sonniger Tag am Omaha Beach in der Normandie, Frankreich, beginnt mit dem sanften Rauschen der Wellen und dem warmen Sonnenlicht, das den goldenen Sand beleuchtet.
      Die frische Meeresbrise trägt den Duft von Salz und Seetang.
      Menschen genießen das klare Wasser, während Kinder fröhlich Sandburgen bauen und im seichten Wasser planschen.
      Entlang der Küste erstrecken sich historische Überreste und Denkmäler, die an die tragischen Ereignisse des D-Day erinnern, während Touristen die Geschichte erkunden und gleichzeitig die Schönheit des Strandes genießen.
      Es ist ein Tag voller Gelassenheit und Erinnerungen, an dem sich die Schrecken der Vergangenheit mit der Ruhe und Schönheit der Gegenwart vermischen.
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    Hamel Au Prêtre, Hamel Au Pretre


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