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    • Dag 28

      Hôtel des Invalides

      10. oktober 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      I spontanious decided to visit the Hôtel des Invalides.
      The complex houses a militairy museum with a huge collection of the French militairy history, starting in medieval times, going of course through the Napoleonic era and ending in the guerres mondiales.
      Since I haven't been in a cathedral for days and already paid the entrance fee, I visited the grave of Napoleon.
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    • Dag 1

      Invalidenturm u Napoléon unter Kuppel

      30. november 2019, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Eigentlich noch ganz interessant.
      Hier wurde für die vom Krieg verletzten ein Plätzchen geschaffen.
      Voll rollstuhlgängig, auf der hinteren Seite kann man rein gucken, hat heute noch Kriegsverletzte welche hier hausen. Kleines Spital ist hier auch untergebracht.

      Ja und der Napoléon wurde irgendwo gefunden, weiss nicht mehr wo, da seine anderen Familienmitglieder auch hier begraben wurden, wurde er dann hier her verfrachtet.
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    • Dag 4

      Musee de L'Armee, Les Invalides Musee

      6. april 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      This morning we slept in to a leisurely 7:45 am and then grabbed the buffet breakfast before heading to the metro station to travel to the Army museum or Les Invalides Musee. We met our cruise director, Martin,first and got him to show us how to navigate the metro. We bought 10 metro tickets and headed on line M13 to the Invalides station.
      When we left the metro station, we weren't sure which way to go, so we walked towards the bridge where we could see the statue. We still couldn't see the golden dome so I talked to a gendarme for directions and then laughed as our destination was right behind us!
      Les Invalides Musee houses all kinds of canons and presentations on the different wars and the French Resistance. As well, the French brought Napoleon Bonaparte's body back from exile and his tomb now rests under the golden dome of Les Invalides. Napoleon's body is encased within 5 different caskets, one within the other and it rests within a circle of women statues that watch over him.
      When we had talked to Martin about visiting the museum, he cautioned us that public demonstrations were scheduled to start at 2 pm and the area around Les Invalides would be impacted.
      We left the museum before 2pm, but already the large square to the north of Les Invalides was teaming with people and police as the protest was gathering. We were told that the metro line we arrived on was now closed because of the protest, so we had to walk to a different station and take a circuitous route to approach our next landmark. For both Doug and I, it was a relief to leave this brewing trouble, but both our friends were very curious about the "party" atmosphere and would have stayed to watch if given the choice. We didn't extend that choice as we also know how fast peaceful demonstrations can turn otherwise.
      Vivre Les demonstrations!
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    • Dag 1


      10. juli 2021, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Am Samstag Nachmittag erreichten wir nach unserem ersten Reisetag Paris.
      Bereits nach einer Zugfahrt können wir die Belastung durch das Rucksack schleppen nur betonen, was uns aber keinesfalls von dem weiteren Plan unserer Reise abbringt. Nachdem wir vom Bahnhof aus zunächst zu unserem Hostel fuhren um einzuchecken, erkundigten wir bereits an unserem ersten Abend weite Teile von Paris. Zum Beispiel das Louvre vom außen und den Notre Dame, wie auch andere Teile der Pariser Innenstadt haben wir größtenteils zu Fuß erkundet. Dementsprechend früh endete unser erster Abend, vollkommen übermüdet von der langen Zugfahrt und unserer Tour in unserem Hostel. Überraschenderweise hatten wir dort das 6-Betten-Zimmer für uns alleine. Einziger störender Faktor für einen erholsamen Schlaf war leider ein kleines Festival direkt vor unserem Fenster, welches französichen Möchtegern Rappern aber auch vielen anderen Musikrichtungen die Chance gab sich voll auszutoben - und das durch extrem laute Boxen.
      Müde und trotzdem fasziniert von der Stadt beschlossen wir schon am Samstag Abend, noch eine weitere Nacht in Paris zu buchen.
      Am nächsten Tag besuchten wir das Louvre. Zunächst stürmten wir zur Mona Lisa, schauten uns danach aber auch weitere Ausstellungen in dem beeindruckenden Gebäude an. Um alles anzusehen, hätten wir vermutlich 5 Tage gebraucht.
      Nachdem wir uns im Stadtpark erholt und unseren 1€-Taboule-Salat genossen hatten (Geld sparen ist alles), wollten wir im Hauptbahnhof unseren Zug nach Bourdeaux buchen. Erschreckend mussten wir nach gefühlten 2h Wartezeit im Reisezentrum feststellen, das alle Züge für Montag schon ausgebucht waren und wir mal wieder nicht den Zug buchen konnten, den wir nehmen wollten. Machste wohl nichts, außer einen Zug am Montag Nachmittag in der Ersten Klasse zu buchen. Damit hatten wir dann am Sonntag schon stolz unser Budget für Montag gesprengt.
      Nach dem Schreck fuhren wir erstmal ganz schnell in unser Hostel, um alle Zugfahrten und Hostels bis Barcelona zu buchen. Auch das war nicht ganz einfach, aber wir werden besser…
      Den Nachmittag verbrachten wir am Wasserkanal direkt neben unserem Hostel mit. musikalischer Unterstützung des Festivals. Später am Abend fieberten wir vor unserem völlig überfüllten hostel bei dem Em Finale mit, wobei alle Menschen um uns herum komischer Weise vollkommen unparteiisch bei jedem Tor in Jubel ausbrachen. Völlig entsetzt mussten wir also support für die englische Nationalelf aus nächster Nähe erleben. Nach dem Sieg für Italien feiertern trotzdem alle Franzosen (also auch die, die vorher für England mitfieberten) in der Hostelbar, auf, neben und teilweise auch unter den Tischen, wenn woanders kein Platz war (Corona-Regeln sind in Frankreich generell eher weniger verbreitet).
      Heute hatten wir also noch Zeit um das einzig wahre Wahrzeichen von Paris zu besichtigen und ein obligatorisches Touribild vor dem Eiffelturm in Regen zu machen.
      Mit unseren Rucksäcken im Gepäck stiefelten wir also heute den ganzen Tag durch Paris bis zum Bahnhof. Schon auf unserem ersten Weg zum Eiffelturm wünschten wir uns, anstatt 5 Tshirts und 3 Hosen nur eines von beiden eingepackt zu haben. Wenn wir wieder kommen wird man uns vor lauter Muskelmasse wohl kaum noch erkennen.
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    • Dag 25

      Our neighbours turn on another surprise

      17. september 2017, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      The weather when we'd arrived in Paris the previous afternoon had been less than brilliant. It was overcast, and when we went out for dinner, we were quite cold. We expected this, our first full day, to be much the same, in which case we were all set to undertake indoor activities such as visiting museums. However when we set off for breakfast we could see that it was partly cloudy and really quite pleasant - a perfect day for walking.

      Where to start? The hotel is a bare 100 metres from Les Invalides, so that seemed like a fairly logical place. Off we set, and it was great. At that time it was too early for the tourist hordes, though that soon changed as the day progressed. Being a Sunday, traffic at that time was really light too. The previous day's rain had cleaned the air, and the morning light made it great for photos. Brian took many in and around Les Invalides.

      In September 2014, when we'd stayed previously at Hôtel de la Tour Maubourg, we'd been woken up on the Sunday morning by a lot of commotion. It had turned out that they were celebrating the centenary of a major event in French history, the First Battle of Marne. On that occasion the French government had commandeered all of the Paris taxis, somewhere between 250 and 500 of them, to transport the French troops to the front, from where the invading German army was forced to retreat. We were witness to the commemoration and partial re-enactment of that event.

      This time round, we wandered in to the precinct, taking in the wonderful views and impressive buildings. Outside the beautiful chapel at Les Invalides, which contains Napoleon's tomb, a crowd of very formally dressed people was gathering. Those greeting the guests at the entrance were in spectacularly fancy dress uniforms in various designs, with so much by way of medals, gold braid and giant epaulettes that we almost had to put our sunglasses on. They looked like characters from a historical drama. Clearly, they were getting ready for some sort of commemorative church service, and any casually dressed visiting Australians with cameras around their necks weren't going to be encouraged. Most of the guests were dressed very formally, and many of them looked like long-retired military officers. A large number were in wheelchairs and could well have been WWII veterans. We weren't able to find out the reason for the commemoration, but clearly it was a pretty big event, even if it wasn't quite on the scale of the 2014 Marne celebration.

      From there we decided to head in the direction of the Eiffel Tower, about a 20 minute walk. As we'd expected it was pretty crowded there, in the Jardins de Mars, but we still enjoyed wandering round and taking in the sunshine and scenery. Having already been there, done that and got the T-shirt, we had no wish to climb the tower. It was just as well because the crowds were huge. As we'd observed previously, there are large numbers of street vendors all round the precinct, all trying to sell replicas of the Eiffel Tower and other tacky souvenirs. No matter how hard one tries, they're hard to ignore. We then wandered across to Place du Trocadéro which is just across the river. Again, Brian took many photos. From there it was a nostalgic walk up to the Arc de Triomphe and down the famous Champs Élysées.

      All the way down there, we could hear really loud doof-doof music but couldn't tell initially where it was coming from. As we got closer to the Place de la Républic we could see that a large area had been closed off to traffic and that there was some sort of free concert going on. It at least provided us with the opportunity to get photos, particularly of the adjacent Grand and Petit palaces, without any traffic to block the views. One thing we did notice was the massive police presence and the large number of barricades which had been set up. Sadly, France is having to take its security very seriously.

      We then decided to utilise our Paris transport passes and go by Metro to the Left Bank area. Easier said than done. We got to La Motte-Picquet easily enough but then, when we wanted to change to a different line for the rest of the trip, we were told that the short section of the line that we had wanted to travel on was closed for the weekend to allow maintenance work. Special buses would be covering that section, but when we got to street level we saw some really black thunder clouds hovering overhead and decided to head back to base instead. Even that became complicated when another section of line was closed due to a suspicious parcel having been seen. These minor setbacks are part and parcel of travelling, so don't bother us too much. It was still a most enjoyable day and a good opportunity to get back into the atmosphere of Paris, Mary's favourite city.

      After the less than inspiring dinner of the previous night, we decided to go a bit more upmarket. Brian had seen reports on line which gave a restaurant which was a 15-minute walk from us very high ratings. That was a good enough reason for us to give Cafe Constant a try. We got there around 8.45pm only to find a long queue out to the street of people waiting to get a table. This must be good so, despite Mary's misgivings, Brian decided we'd join the queue. We had to wait a good half-hour for a table, but it was worth it. The food was very good though nowhere near the standard we'd been enjoying over the previous week. Brian was pretty happy, though. He had a delicious duck and potato pie, and given that he'd pigged out on a raspberry tartlet, made with fresh berries, for his afternoon tea, he'd once again partaken of his two favourite foods. The restaurant didn't feel too touristy even though we heard every language other than French being spoken by the patrons.
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    • Dag 41

      Hotel of Invalids

      3. juni, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      So much construction you can't see anything. because of Olympics. Army Museum, Parade ground for military academy, Napoleam memorial blocked by fences and bleechers.

    • Dag 1


      12. juni 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      taking myself to the city of romance because nobody else will ❤️

    • Dag 3

      Musée de l’Armée und Invalidendom I

      13. februar 2010, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ -2 °C

      Wir sind dann erst ins Kriegsmuseum, meine ich jedenfalls. Ich habe leider auch hier wieder keine Fotos innen gemacht, warum auch immer. Wir hatten gerade den ersten Weltkrieg geschafft, da wurden wir quasi rausgeschmissen mit dem Hinweis, dass in 10 Minuten geschlossen wird. Den für Schatz interessanteren zweiten Weltkrieg haben wir somit nicht mehr geschafft! Blöd! Da waren wir etwas enttäuscht!

      Das Musée de l’Armée (deutsch Armeemuseum) ist das zentrale Museum für Militärgeschichte in Frankreich und eines der bedeutendsten weltweit. Es wurde 1905 im Gebäudekomplex Hôtel des Invalides im 7. Pariser Arrondissement gegründet, indem es das damalige Artilleriemuseum mit dem Historischen Armeemuseum vereinigte.

      Der militärhistorische Bestand umfasst über 500.000 Objekte vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne, u.a. Fotos, Gemälde, Orden, Rüstungen, Skulpturen, Uniformen, Waffen. Das Museum bietet eine Ausstellungsfläche von ca. 8000 m². Als Dauerausstellung fungiert eine „historische Sammlung“, die auch die Zeit des Zweiten Weltkrieges mit einschließt. In den Wechselausstellungen werden verschiedene „thematische Sammlungen“ gezeigt. Zum Armeemuseum gehören folgende Ausstellungsgebäude und Räumlichkeiten:

      -Der Invalidendom mit Grabmal Kaiser Napoleons I. und der Soldatenkirche,
      -die klassischen französischen Kanonen im Ehrenhof,
      -die alten Ausrüstungen und Waffen (vom 13. bis 17. Jahrhundert),
      -der Ausstellungsbereich Ludwig XIV. bis Napoleon III. (von 1643 bis 1870),
      -der Ausstellungsbereich der beiden Weltkriege (von 1871 bis 1990)
      -und des Historial Charles de Gaulle.

      Daraufhin sind wir in den Invalidendom und haben uns das Grab von Napoleon I. angeschaut. Das war wirklich sehr beeindruckend. So ein großer Sarg für so einen kleinen Mann!
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    • Dag 29

      Never a dull moment

      21. september 2017, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We caught up with our good friends Ian and Eileen for a farewell breakfast at the lovely cafe across the road from the hotel. Later, we chatted with them for a few minutes before they went off to do their packing and we set off with a fairly flexible plan to get to know this wonderful city even better. One thing that's certain is that if one is on holiday in Paris, every day is a good day. Some days may be better than others, but all of them are fantastic.

      Actually, we were very well organised for the first part of this, our last full day, in Paris. We'd decided that we wanted to use the Metro the next day to get ourselves plus luggage from La Tour Maubourg to Gare Montparnasse, from where our train would be leaving for Carcassonne via Toulouse. At least half the Metro stations are quite challenging for this sort of activity, with lots of up and down stairways, some quite long and steep, and mazes of long underground walkways. Most of these stations are yet to be equipped with lifts or escalators. Brian had mapped out two possible routes for getting to Gare Montparnasse, and armed with our tourist transport passes we decided that we'd try each of them out and decide which would be the easier one with our luggage.

      It started out well with us catching the Metro to Concorde station, where we'd change to Line 12 to reach our destination. However, two stops short of Gare Montparnasse, at Rennes, our train stopped, the lights dimmed and an announcement came over the loudspeaker. Evidently somewhere nearby there had been a suicide and our train wasn't going any further. Everyone was to leave the train. After some thought we decided the best bet would be to go to the opposite platform and catch a train back to base and at least try the other route. We soon learned that that wasn't possible either as trains had been stopped in both directions. Some of our fellow passengers were most put out, but at least for us it wasn't too big an inconvenience.

      We then headed up to street level and found that we weren't all that far from the Montparnasse area where we'd stayed on our first visit and which we knew to be attractive. However our dramas weren't totally over. As we emerged we saw several TV cameras set up near the entrance, with outside broadcast vans, and large numbers of police and other characters milling round. Evidently, a huge day of union protests at Emmanuel Macron's labour reforms was about to start, and this area seemed to be a focal point. We decided to move right along, and knowing that the beautiful Jardin du Luxembourg was only a short distance away, we headed there, picking up some fruit (including a punnet of Brian's obligatory raspberries and Mary's obligatory grapes) for our lunch. It had been a long time since we'd eaten so healthily so, as well as being very tasty, the fresh fruit helped us ease our consciences.

      We'd spent half a day on our previous trip enjoying the gardens and were happy to return there on this warm sunny day. It was great, and looking extra good as the autumn colours were starting to appear. Both of us even managed a short nap in the sun. From there we took a wander up to the Pantheon, which we hadn't seen before, but decided just to admire it from the outside rather than pay the entry fee. We did however visit the nearby church of Sainte Genèvieve. It was certainly well worth it. From there, we wandered through the Latin Quarter and down to the Jardin des Plantes, where we managed to get ourselves thoroughly disorientated and lost. We weren't so homesick that we needed a fix, but in our travels we wandered past a section of the Menagerie where a couple of dozen wallabies were happily grazing on lush green grass, a diet probably more flavoursome than they would have enjoyed back home.

      It was late afternoon by then, and we were becoming footsore and weary, so we decided to find a Metro station and head back to base. In a final burst of energy, Brian then decided that we would explore the other route for getting ourselves to Gare Montparnasse. This would require us to change trains at La Motte-Picquet station, but when we saw just how many flights of steep stairs that was going to entail, we soon decided that the Concorde option would be the better one. One can but hope that there won't be any other such disruptions to our best-laid plans when we're carrying our luggage.

      We'd certainly earnt ourselves a relaxing drink by that time, so decided to head across the road from the hotel to the cafe where we'd been enjoying our breakfasts. It turned out that they run a happy hour (well, five hours, actually) from 5pm each night, so we enjoyed a half-litre of good beer and a glass of genuine champagne together with a bowl of nibbles for the grand total of ten euros - very cheap by Parisian standards. We sat in the sun at a small table on the footpath watching the world go by and thinking about the great unplanned day we'd just had.
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    • Dag 28

      Another glorious day in Par(ad)is(e)

      20. september 2017, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      The weather when we woke up was beautiful, so what's not to like about that? Going to our busy little cafe for breakfast, the proprietor seemed a little slow to take our order. Following the bad dinner experience of the previous night - though at a different restaurant - we were getting a little concerned when he suddenly appeared with Mary's cappuccino and Brian's double espresso, followed immediately afterwards by the rest of the Frencj breakfast. Clearly, he'd remembered us from our previous visits and didn't need to ask us what we wanted, and clearly too, we're established here. We could happily stay on in Paris.

      After the four of us hade breakfasted we decided that this would be a day for strolling round Paris and revisiting all the tourist spots. The 15-minute walk to the Eiffel Tower was a good start, and we spent quite a bit of time taking photos and generally soaking up the atmosphere on this beautiful autumn morning. From there, we wandered up towards the Champs Élysées, looking in shop windows at all the grossly overpriced name-brand goods. Even the coffees we bought were double the going rate anywhere else. Still, we were on holiday, so these things shouldn't matter.

      We then headed for the Tuileries Garden, where the crowds were much less, and on to the Île de la Cité and the Nôtre Dame. We had contemplated visiting the nearby Sainte-Chapelle with its fantastic stained glass windows, but the queue was quite long and we didn't feel like waiting. We really weren't confident that Eileen's walking stick would work for us a second time. Anyway,people were starting to flag by then, so we headed back to our hotel, diverting en route to the newly-discovered Karamel Cafe for decadent cakes and coffee.

      Ian and Eileen had very generously wanted to shout us the previous night as our Golden Wedding anniversary dinner, but that of course had turned out to be a total disaster, fortunately at no cost to ourselves. We decided to have another try, but this time to go more upmarket. We'd been recommended a restaurant with the unlikely name of Fitzgerald which was only 100m or so from the hotel, so we decided to give it a try. It turned out to be quite classy and very very enjoyable, and we were grateful to our good friends Ian and Eileen for their generosity. Another fantastic Parisian day.
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