La Croix-Valmer

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    • Day 9


      September 6, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We maid it! We took the long way around, but we are here. We are staying at an air bnb 30 minutes from the European Mountain Summit finish line. We will see you there at 20 for the award ceremony and the beach party (wearing all white😳)Read more

    • Day 34

      Day 34 - Sunglasses Don’t Float

      July 4 in France ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      When we got up we surveyed the damage to our belongings after the pig fiasco earlier that morning. Our pots and pans were skew-whiff and our plastic bottle of baby oil was on the floor with a big crack in it.

      We had made a resolution to ensure we ate more and drank a lot more water. We started the morning by boiling some eggs. I then went to the camp shop and bought a baguette (when in Rome!) for a breakfast of bacon rolls. We were feeling better already.

      We caught up on the inevitable, but still depressing news that Labour are expected to win the General Election with a landslide victory, meaning Starmer will be kicking Rishi’s Ridiculous Rwanda flights plan into touch hence ensuring that I won’t be going back to a new job any time soon if at all. Annoyingly we didn’t even get a chance to vote before heading off on this trip.

      Soon after we were heading back to the beach. We stopped at our shop and bought 2 large bottles of water to keep us hydrated. We stopped in our usual place directly in front of Brian and Jena’s gate to their villa. We are not subtle.

      Around lunchtime, our American cousins arrived on the beach with their 3 children and the nanny. They plonked their shoes and hats down beside us. Jena informed us that they were going wine tasting that afternoon. With that they disappeared into the sea with their 2 paddle boards. We were cursing our luck, because there would be no chance of getting an opportunity to have a go on their boards.

      An hour later they departed the beach leaving Brian to collect up all their discarded belongings. His last thing to pick up was their 2nd paddle board. As he struggled past us, I said “Goodbye, enjoy your wine tasting”. This was a stroke of genius, because it gave him the opportunity to lighten his load which he accepted by asking me if I still wanted to have a go on the board. Of course, I accepted and we agreed that I would take it up to the beach house when we were done.

      We waited until they were well out of sight, then Jackie and I took to the water imagining that we would soon be standing up on it almost immediately and paddling along the coast. The reality was very different!!

      Jackie had fallen off in less than 15 seconds, before I had even got on it, and lost her sunglasses off the top of her head. I was slightly irritated because I had told her not to take them into the sea. We eventually managed to both get on the board and tentatively I paddled along sat on the back with Jackie in front. After 30 minutes or so of cruising, or more accurately of wobbling, I got off to allow Jackie the opportunity to stand up on it. Well, she managed to just about stand up for a split second (caught on camera) before crashing into the sea with an almighty splash. Her bikini was everywhere other than where it should be (also caught on camera but too explicit for this blog).

      I then proceeded to show her how it was done. I elegantly got to a kneeling position then put one foot flat on the board and inelegantly toppled over into the water. We pushed the board towards shore, where I accidentally tripped up, knocking Jackie over in the process. We floundered in the shallows like a couple of beached whales, whilst I still had the board tethered to my ankle.

      Luckily for us there were only dozens of sunbathers watching us with a grandstand view of our calamitous performance. Too embarrassed to continue, we hauled the board back to our spot on the beach, where I discovered that I had also lost my sunglasses!!

      I walked up and down the beach numerous times during the afternoon and managed to find Jackie’s sunglasses, someone had kindly rescued, but mine were lost forever.

      I intended to have another go on the paddle board later on. It didn’t happen, because Jackie used it as a sun bed for the afternoon, then Jena unexpectedly showed up about 5pm and ‘helpfully’ insisted on taking the board up back up to the beach house.

      We stayed on the beach until gone 6pm, then returned to camp, whereupon Jackie cut my hair, then made a delicious Caesar Salad with roast chicken. After watching the embarrassing tribute to Andy Murray after he lost the doubles in the 1st round with his brother, we retired to bed.

      Song of the Day - Election Day by Arcadia.
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    • Day 32

      Day 32 - Greedy Pigs

      July 2 in France ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      At 2.20am, Jackie woke me to say she could hear snuffling outside. There was also a bit of crashing and banging, so it didn’t take a skilled detective to work out what was happening. The wild pigs were attacking our rubbish bag that was hanging off the floor.

      I bravely tried to shoo them away from the safety of our tent, but they blatantly ignored me. I zipped open our front door, stuck my head out and again shooed them with the same result. There was nothing for it but to don my pants and crocs and run at them. Luckily this possibly hideous sight did the trick and they scarpered through the hedge into the next pitch.

      I took a quick photo of the carnage and crept back to bed. It was a fitful night from there on in, imagining the worst, that they had eaten through everything and anything that we had left out, including our electric toothbrush and toothpaste.

      At 7.30am, we got up and inspected the mess. The rubbish bag had been shredded and its contents littered on the floor. It could have been a lot worse, apart from having a rummage through the washing up bowl of crockery, they seemed to have ignored everything else. Maybe my heroic actions had saved the day!

      Jackie made me scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast, whilst she made herself an omelette, which most people will know is a totally different egg dish. After making sure that we had absolutely everything we needed for the beach, we headed out for the day.

      It was an extremely hot day with barely a wispy cloud to be seen to provide some respite from the sun. Jackie complained that it was too hot, but we were not budging because we only had a further 3 days to top up the tan.

      It was much busier on the beach today for some inexplicable reason. We didn’t leave the beach until gone 6pm feeling absolutely drained, which we put down to too much sun and a lack of food, just a couple of slices of melon and 1.5 litres of wine for lunch.

      We had a quick shower and went straight back down to the beach to a little restaurant which had good reviews and we liked the look of called Les 3 Galets. In the beach car park we found an equestrian van with a horse poking his head out a window. Nearby I spotted one of those pesky wild pigs. I took photos of both - the pig being another master class in wildlife photography.

      In the restaurant, Jackie ordered Moules à la crème with frittes and I had the indulgent Linguine with truffle cream and burrata. At first mine didn’t look like there was much, but it turned out to be a never ending bucket of loveliness mopped up with 3 bread rolls. It was all washed down with a bottle of white and a litre of sparkling water.

      We waddled back to camp and fell into bed straightaway around 10pm. We didn’t even have the energy for a nightcap. Before we got off to sleep, the pigs arrived. We heard them snuffling and squealing as people shooed them away.

      Song of the Day - Piggy by Nine Inch Nails
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    • Day 30

      Day 30 - A Couple of Winos At The Beach

      June 30 in France ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      At some ungodly hour, we were awoken by pigs snuffling behind our tent. Luckily we didn’t leave them anything that encouraged them to invade our home.

      It was 8am, when we finally got up in our serene / calm campsite. We love our campsite. The pine trees above provide shade, but not too much to block out the sunlight. Our pitch is spacious and the very best thing is that there are no kids, let alone unruly ones. Apparently the French children break up for the summer holidays next week.

      As our official hunter / gatherer, I went out for breakfast supplies. Our camp shop was closed, but 300 metres down the road I encountered the Intermarche Express, the most beautiful convenience store I have ever had the pleasure to spend my hard earned cash in.

      I bought 3 croissants and a drinking yoghurt that I thought was milk. Our breakfast consisted of black coffee and plain croissants. We walked to the beach, less than half a mile away, and found a spot of sand for our gear. It was very busy and after walking up the beach we realised we needed to move. We packed up.

      We found what we considered to be a suitable spacious spot and laid out our gear again. The beach is a long stretch of perfectly manicured sand. The sea was quite rough from the stiff breeze, which made perfect conditions for the numerous kite surfers.

      After a short while, I decided to take a walk along the beach. I walked and walked until I was virtually at the next town along, Cavalaire-sur-Mer. I turned around and walked all the way back. Now parched from my exertions. I asked Jackie to pass me the water from the bags she had packed & you’ve guessed it, we didn’t have any.

      I, yes me, then walked back to the lovely Intermarche Express for a large bottle of water. I also bought a selection of 4 cans of what I thought were (I didn’t have my glasses with me) local beers. I returned to the beach where I soon discovered (once I’d put my readers on) that I had bought some exceptionally strong Dutch beer. I had bought 2 cans of Atlas beer at 7.2% vol and 2 cans of 8.6 Original Intense Blond Beer at 8.6% vol. An hour later with the empty cans scattered around us, we looked like a couple of winos on a park bench with our Special Brew. At the same time we were being sand blasted by the strengthening wind. We had sand in every nook, cranny and crevice. The beach started to empty, hopefully because of the strengthening wind and not because of the two winos!

      After another walk along the beach, where we found our spot for the coming week, followed by a flask of wine, we packed up early to watch the football. Jackie then made the extraordinary announcement that she felt ‘squiffy’, which is something that she very very rarely admits to!

      We stopped at the still lovely Intermarche Express and bought our breakfast for the morning, sliced bread, butter, coffee and milk, as well as a box of white wine. The plan was to watch the football in the campsite bar / restaurant and have one of their delicious looking pizzas. To our dismay, the bar / restaurant was closed.

      Luckily, or maybe not so, I was able to get the ITV coverage of the football on my iPad. It was yet another shambolic performance. The highlight was Lee Dixon’s scathing criticism of Southgate. The performance drove me to drink!

      We had toast and jam for our tea with beer and wine. Jackie went to bed after the England game whilst I stayed up to watch the Spanish match. A couple of fellow campers stopped to express their view that England were lucky. I couldn’t have agreed more. One sympathetic Dutchman said that Holland were also ‘Shit’.

      Apparently I fell asleep in my chair and Jackie woke me up and took me to bed sometime around midnight.

      Song of the Day - Special Brew by Bad Manners.

      2nd Song of the Day - Sometime Around Midnight by The Airborne Toxic Event (My Favourite Song of All Time).
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    • Day 35

      Day 35 - A Hole In Our Bladder

      July 5 in France ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We woke up to the inevitable gloomy news that Kier Starmer was going to be the next Prime Minister. On a positive note, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Liz Truss and George Galloway amongst others lost their seats. I love to see these self promoting politicians falling from grace. It was as anticipated a massive win for Labour and an embarrassment for the Tory Party and the SNPs. Even still, we were amazed to learn that we in Mid-Sussex now had a Liberal Democrats MP.

      It was an unexpectedly cloudy day, when we walked down to the beach for the final time after a breakfast of a baguette and a croissant. The weather was telling us it was time to go home. We set up our gear on the blustery beach and persevered with our final opportunity to top up the tan.

      The unobstructed sun between the clouds was roasting to the point where we were relieved when a cloud passed overhead. Unfortunately there was quite a crosswind that was blowing sand all over us and into every exposed crevice.

      Our American friends descended on the beach around lunchtime. They kindly offered us the opportunity to take their paddle boards out again, but we declined due to the crosswinds.

      The crosswinds didn’t let up and everything we had was covered in sand. At 4.45 pm, unheard of for me, we left the beach for the final time.

      As planned, we went to the campsite restaurant that evening for a pizza to share, but Jackie ordered a prawn curry. I ordered a pizza, but could only eat half of it. The bladder of our 5 litre box of wine had a hole in it. We decanted some into our flasks and tried to drink the remainder. I fell asleep watching the football.

      Song of the Day - Mr Politician by Angelic Upstarts.
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    • Day 33

      Day 33 - Luxury Almost Within Our Grasp

      July 3 in France ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Despite a visit from the pigs during the evening we awoke to discover that our camp was unscathed. It was back to a breakfast of toast and jam. We then walked to the Intermarche Express, where Jackie stopped to buy our dinner for that evening. I continued to our spot on the beach and set out our stuff. Jackie joined me about an hour later having taken her shopping back to camp before joining me.

      The only thing to report was an American woman with her young family said “Bonjour” to us as she had also done the previous day. I informed her that we were actually English to which she then enthusiastically introduced us to her three children and her husband, Brian. Her name was Jena and she had a physiotherapy business in Chattanooga. Tennessee. They were very impressed when we told them we had been there. The oldest daughter kept saying “I’ve never met anyone else who has been to Chattanooga”.

      Jena went on to tell us that her husband was half French and they were coming to the end of a 7 week holiday in France and looking at the possibility of moving to France for a couple of years in the near future. For their last week they were having a splurge in a 7 bedroom villa with swimming pool and a huge garden with a beach house at the end that was bigger than our house in Cuckfield. Apparently a rich friend who had paid half was supposed to be joining them, but had then cancelled. We told her we were in a tent up the road!

      She tried to sound excited by the prospect of camping, so I kindly offered her the opportunity to swap. She laughed off the suggestion, then promptly told us that we could use their toilet and outside shower in the beach house and help ourselves to ice. Sadly we had already finished our drinks and she didn’t get the hint when we subtly mentioned it.

      They had two paddle boards & Jackie asked if I could have a go. They agreed, but I declined on the basis that the sea was too rough for my first attempt. A short while later after asking when we were going home, they vacated the beach to meet the French nanny who was on her way by train from Paris. We had been hoping to get an invite up to the luxury villa but it didn’t materialise!!

      Jackie overheated again during the afternoon and left the beach just before 6pm. I stayed on a further 40 minutes before heading back to camp.

      Jackie made me quiche Lorraine, chips, coleslaw and salad, whilst she had chicken, 3 chips, coleslaw and salad. It wasn’t our best meal, in fact Jackie hardly ate a thing. My quiche needed cooking and the coleslaw was disgusting.

      We went to bed exhausted just after 9pm. I think we were both suffering a bit with dehydration hence the lack of appetite and lethargy.

      At 3.45am, we were rudely awoken by crash, bang, wallops, snorts and squeals. The sound is definitely amplified in a tent. The pigs were rampaging through camp again. It sounded like they were running amok in the rubbish bin shed. I was feeling slightly guilty because I hadn’t locked the shed door earlier that evening when I dropped off our rubbish before going to bed.

      After some shouting and clapping, the pigs came down the stairs into our camp. After a quick clatter, they departed before I could get out of bed. They then caused absolute chaos in the pitch below where they crashed and banged until the German ladies and several other campers came out to scare them away.

      The chaos had lasted over 30 minutes and Jackie and I were now wide awake. We sat up and researched accommodation for Saturday night on I still couldn’t get back to sleep and started fantasying about luxury villas and no pigs. It prompted me to google Jena and Brian, hence the attached screenshots of them.

      Song of the Day - Luxury by The Rolling Stones.
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    • Day 31

      Day 31 - If There Is A Heaven

      July 1 in France ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We have possibly found it. We love the beach, the campsite, the corner shop and the general neighbourhood, unlike the pretentiousness of Saint Tropez. Prices are slightly higher here than most other holiday destinations, but it is definitely worth it.

      In fact we love everything…….Well, apart from too many flies and too many French people. Quick observation - French drivers are extremely courteous, but French pedestrians are just rude and bloody minded. They don’t like to move, even if they are 4 abreast, to allow you to pass and they don’t like to queue. Several times someone has literally run in front of me to get served first.

      After breakfast, more toast and jam, I did all the washing up and then the recycling. Jackie had one job to do - pack the beach bags. We stopped at the shop for water, which took about 20 minutes as Jackie identified which ingredients she needed for dinner.

      We then walked to our new beach spot (the dropped pin near the end of the beach) and set everything down. It was only then that I discovered that Jackie had not packed any swimming shorts for me. It was either sit and swim in my pants or go all the way back to camp. For the benefit of everyone, I chose the latter.

      Eventually I returned to the beach and we had a lovely day in the sun and sea. At 5.30pm, we packed up, stopped at my favourite shop, then returned to camp. I watched the 2nd half of the French game whilst Jackie made another lovely dinner - sausages, mash, peas and carrots.

      Later that evening and after dark, whilst watching the Portugal match, the wild pigs made an another fleeting appearance on the level below us. Again I demonstrated my prowess at wildlife photography. It was about 11.30pm when I finally went to bed after the penalty shootout.

      Song of the Day - Show Me Heaven by Maria McKee.
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    • Day 29

      Day 29 - Cruising The Côte d’Azur

      June 29 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      After a wonderful night’s sleep, we showered and headed to our free breakfast. Despite having had a superb 3 course meal the night before, I planned to make the most of the breakfast offerings.

      I had scrambled eggs on toast, sausages, 2 croissants, 3 thick slices of bread with chocolate spread and honey, 2 yoghurts, coffee, orange juice and 2 oranges to take away. Jackie did nearly as well.

      We set the SatNav initially for Monaco and I made the radical decision to leave Jackie in charge of photography for the day. We headed for the Grand Prix race track and followed a tight coastal road that took us the short distance to Monaco. Monaco seemed to be nothing more than a concrete tower jungle that had no attractive features. It seemed that there was no reason to live there other than the disgustingly rich having the benefits of paying no tax. We drove around the harbour roads, several times accidentally, which we believe was part of the Grand Prix circuit.

      Totally underwhelmed by Monaco, we headed along the coast to Nice. It was a much more interesting drive which ultimately took us down to Nice seafront and alongside its famous Promenade des Anglais.

      ‘Promenade des Anglais in Nice is the most important attraction in the city. It stretches for seven kilometers and provides an uninterrupted view of the azure sea and palm trees.
      Its name comes from the English aristocrats who came to Nice in the 18th century to enjoy the health benefits of the local climate. At that time, the shoreline was not so regular, and because the lords and their wives wanted to walk comfortably, a seaside promenade was built (with the hands and finances of the English people)’.

      Nice looked like a nice city to properly visit, but we had other places to pass through. Our next stop was Cannes, famous for its Film Festival. We headed to the too busy harbour, with its generic street market, and continued along the Boulevard Du Midi Louise Moreau. Initially it felt disappointing, but the sun came out and we continued to the western end and the more attractive end of Cannes, where we headed north,

      Our journey then took us along the coast via Fréjus towards Saint Tropez. As we approached, the heavy traffic started to slow to almost walking pace. We drove around the one way roads of Saint Tropez town centre, then headed back out as quickly as we could.

      We then looked to assess the so called famous 5km Pampelonne beach just to the south on Saint Tropez. As we drove towards it, every driveway was gated. We drove to the beach and discovered that you it was necessary to park in a paying car park. We didn’t see how much, so I parked up near Club 55. I fell out with the chauffeur drivers who were dropping their pathetically posh clients off at the club.

      We headed to our planned campsite, Selection Camping, where we confirmed they had an available tent pitch for 7 days. Apparently we could only stay for a maximum of 7 days, which suited us. A little Frenchman drove us around the site to find a suitable pitch.

      We erected our tent on pitch 19, had a beer, a shower and went for dinner in the camp restaurant. We both ordered steak and chips and a half carafe of wine. It was nice but not sensational. We will be ordering pizza next time.

      We returned to our camp and I tried to listen to the Germany football match on the radio. I don’t think I’m sexist, but squawky Vicky on the BBC drove me up the wall. She gave a hysterical weather explanation when the Germany match was delayed due to lightning and hail. I couldn’t bear to listen to it, particularly when ‘thick as mince’ Dion Dublin joined the discussion.

      Not too long later, I was just finishing up my wine, when I thought I had drunk too much. I thought I saw pigs (albeit not flying). A family of six wild boar passed behind our tent and went up the steps to the shower block. They returned about 5 minutes later and trotted off down the path. With that it was time for bed.

      Song of the Day - Passing Through by New Model Army.
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    • Day 4

      An die Cote d'Azur auf 2800 m

      September 10, 2019 in France ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Der frühe Vogel (also Margit mit Sicherheit nicht🤣) fängt den ersten Sonnenstrahl...auf dem Weg zu Europas höchster asphaltierter Durchgangsstrasse - Cime de la Bonette - auf über 2800 m.

      Faszinierend, wie uns die tapfere Chica Kurve um Kurve immer weiter ins Hochgebirge bringt. Und gleich faszinierend auch die Mond-Landschaft.

      Wir sind früh los bei leichtem Regen und das war auch gut so...denn oben ist es s..kalt und die Teams nach uns werden berichten, dass sie mit Schnee kämpfen und zum Teil steckenbleiben.

      Also nochmal Glück gehabt 😀

      Ein Glück auch, daas selbst im Hochgebirge eine unmissverständliche Beschilderung vorhanden ist...yeah.....auf 2800 m Höhe nehmen wir die Abzweigung nach Nizza.

      Wir lassen Monaco aus, denn wir sind auf dem Weg zur Strandparty in St Tropez und freuen uns riesig auf Sonne und Feiern.

      Der Wettergott allerdings sieht das etwas anders...von der Partylocation (im Freien) erreicht uns ein Video...Sturm, heftige Regenfälle, Parkplatz und Rallyeeinfahrt unter Wasser.
      Was uns wohl erwartet?
      Begleitet von dunklen Wolken und fortwährenden Regenschauern gehts entlang der Cote Azur...Nizza... Cannes...und schliesslich unser Ziel für heute: Saint Tropez!

      Der Weg zu unserer Villa (wo wir letztlich in einer umgebauten Garage übernachten) fordert unsere ganzen fahrerischen Rallyequalitäten....

      Durch dschungelartiges Dickicht auf unbefestigtem Weg, überschwemmt und mit Schlaglöchern übersät bangen wir interimsweise um den Untergang von La Chica nebst Insassen.

      Auf der All white und Lederhosen-Party am Beach stürzen sich dann alle wie wild auf das "typical French Buffet" (Pizza!!!) und geniessen dazu Bier und Cocktails zu 'typical Saint Tropez Prices'' (10 €!).

      Manche sollen die Party mit einem Bad im ca. 25 Grad warmen Meer beendet haben...
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    La Croix-Valmer, La Crotz Valmer, Croix-Valmer, Ла-Круа-Вальме, Кроа Валмер, لا کروئی-والمیر, 拉克鲁瓦瓦尔默

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