France: Beaune in Burgundy

It was time to do something we hadn't done to date on the trip and go to an area famous for its wine-tasting. The town of Beaune is centrally located in the Burgundy region of France and is one of theRead more
It was time to do something we hadn't done to date on the trip and go to an area famous for its wine-tasting. The town of Beaune is centrally located in the Burgundy region of France and is one of theRead more
Um 9.00 Uhr gehts los auf die nächste Etappe. Das Frühstück mit der Familie war ganz lecker, die Leute sehr sehr freundlich. Im Ort werfe ich noch zwei Postkarten ein.
Da ich erst um 18.00 Uhr amRead more
Endlich wieder in Frankreich😊 Haben uns gleich mit allerlei Leckereien eingedeckt.
Wir lassen den letzten Tag in Meursault gemütlich auf der Terrasse unseres Zimmers ausklingen.
Ça fait très longtemps que notre beau voyage est terminé mais j’en garde plein de souvenirs.
Tous ensemble,JULIANN, maman,papa et moi,même si nous étions quatre, maintenant nous sommes cinq carRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Meursault, FRMEU
So awesome x. Caryll [Caryll]
Aren't the roofs of the buildings in Beaune and neighbouring villages stunning?
Glad you enjoyed Burgundy. We did a great barge trip there years ago.
Traveler Sounds like the perfect day x