Paris 04 Ancien - Quartier Louvre

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    • Day 13

      Another day in Paris

      September 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      We had a beautiful day in Paris. Fall is approaching here, the leaves are changing and the temps are falling slightly. Very nice.

      We started our day at The Louvre - the largest museum in the world. Its an amazing place - at times I am more in awe of the beauty in the actual building, than the actual art. Crazy ornate.

      Then we headed over to Saint Chapelle and La Concierge - a church, and an old prison. (Famous in that Marie Antoinette was held there during the revolution). Both are beautiful structures and the stained glass is like nothing I’ve seen anywhere in the world!!

      Lastly, we heading up to Basilica Sacre Coeur and Montmarte village. Again a beautiful church high on a hill overlooking Paris. We can’t seem to get away from the stairs - everywhere we went today, there were stairs everywhere!! My calves are yelling at me. We also took a little “train ride” around the village which wasn’t a train at all - more of a tram, but relaxing and enjoyable none the less.

      9.03 miles
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    • Day 5

      Waltz outside the Louvre

      May 31 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      On our way to Versailles this afternoon, but took a detour to walk through the Louvre Gardens on the way to our train station to see the "second most extravagant building in France". So many little details all over the building it's impossible to look away!Read more

    • Day 1


      April 27, 2023 in France

      Mit einem kurzen Stopp im Hotelzimmer sind wir Richtung Seine gelaufen. Das Hotel ist echt zentral, auch wenn in Paris vieles auseinander liegt konnten wir schon viel zu Fuß erreichen. Knapp 40 min später sind wir an der Seine und am Louvre angekommen.
      Auf dem Weg dorthin sind wir immer an schönen Gebäuden stehen geblieben aber wussten nicht ganz was es war 😂 #kulturbanausen
      Es fing leicht zu regnen an, aber immer noch ok draußen ohne Schirm zu laufen. Wir sind zur Louvre Pyramide gelaufen und haben uns dort hingesetzt und einfach Leute beobachten. Wir sind knapp 14km gelaufen unsere Beine und Füße waren total schwer 😅 als der Regen stärker wurde sind wir mit der Metro Richtung Hotel zurück gefahren.
      Mit einer kleinen Pause sind wir dann zum Abendessen gegangen, ein kleines französisches Restaurant um die Ecke von uns, wir hatten nicht allzu viel Hunger und haben uns eine gemischte Vorspeisenplatte geteilt.
      Um 21.30 Uhr sind wir tot müde ins Bett gefallen.
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    • Day 276

      The Louvre (by Lewis)

      May 20, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      While in Paris we went to the Louvre with Emma and Yanai. The Mona Lisa is kept there. We saw the Mona Lisa. It was very cool. It could take you 200 days to see every one of the 35,000 pieces on display if you took 30 seconds at each piece. The Louvre owns about 550,000 pieces of art, counting the ones not on display. The rooms on display at the museum look a lot like Grama Bevy’s apartment because Grama Bevy had a lot of antiques because she was a collector and antiques dealer. The Louvre was a very interesting and exciting museum.Read more

    • Day 5

      The Louvre

      May 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Wowza! The Louvre would take days to go through if you wanted to see all of the exhibits. We were able to see Venus de Milo, works from Leonardo da Vinci (including the Mona Lisa!), And some beautiful pieces that I couldn't help but associate with my Nana. I took lots more pictures but wanted to keep it short and sweet to some of the most important ones we saw. Lucie and I started off strong but we were barely able to walk at the end and were getting overheated. Thank God I had my portable and electric fan!Read more

    • Day 3

      Tag 3 - Musée du Louvre

      January 4 in France ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Wie der Titel schon vermuten lässt, ging es heute in das weltberühmte Museum “Louvre”. Ein Museum, das ungelogen wirklich sehr, sehr groß ist. So groß, dass wir trotz mehreren Stunden und wieder mal 20.000 Schritten, nicht einmal ansatzweise ein Viertel besichtigen konnten.
      Aber zuvor besuchten wir die Pariser Shoa Gedenkstätte. Ein relativ großes Gebäude mit vielen tiefen Eindrücken, wie französische Juden den Holocaust erleben mussten. Es ist wirklich sehr beeindruckend und bewegend, von all diesen vielen Schicksalen zu erfahren.
      Nach einer kurzen Pause ging es dann aber in das bereits angekündigte, riesige Louvre.
      Es ist an einem Tag echt nur zu schaffen, wenn man durch alle Gänge durch joggen würde. Wir haben uns also fokussieren müssen. Wir besuchten kurz katholische und italienische Kunst des 16. Jahrhundert, machten einen kleinen Abstecher bei der Mona Lisa und gingen dann einmal quer, ohne zu lange zu verweilen, durch die erste von 3 Ebenen des griechischen und ägyptischen Altertums. Es ist doch sehr beeindruckend, was vor über 5.000 Jahren schon alles angefertigt werden konnte, wie etwa die goldene Schlange in Bild 6. Dazu noch einmal in die Abteilung für die Geschichte des Louvres und dann waren wir auch schon durch (zumindest körperlich)
      Wir entschlossen uns gegen halb 5 das Museum zu verlassen, wir waren einfach zu erschöpft und nicht mehr aufnahmefähig. Dennoch war es sehr schön. Am Abend gingen wir noch einmal über die Champs-Élysée, aßen einen Burger bei Five Guys (sehr empfehlenswert wenn man nicht gerade eine Erdnussallergie hat), und fuhren zurück zur Unterkunft.
      Es war ein sehr anstrengender, aber auch eindrucksvoller und schöner Tag.
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    • Day 3

      Lumières à Paris

      March 23 in France ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Wie fast in jeder großen Stadt hat man auch in Paris nachts einen ganz besonderen Blick auf die Stadt. Denn alles leuchtet... Naja, fast alles. Die pyramiden am Louvre blieben leider dunkel. Danach ging es zum und auf den Arc de Triomphe. Man muß schon gut Treppen steigen können um die Aussicht von ganz oben zu genießen. Mit dem perfekten Blick auf den Eiffelturm hat sich aber jede Stufe gelohnt.

      Ein schöner Tag geht, mit einem Testspiel Sieg gegen Frankreich 🇫🇷 mit 2:0, zu Ende.

      Bonne nuit
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    • Day 1


      October 13, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Pünktlich kamen wir mit der deutschen Bahn (!!) in Paris an, sodass wir sogar noch ein paar Stunden Zeit hatten die Stadt zu erkunden, bevor es dann Richtung NY ging um von dort nach Ecuador zu fliegen.Read more

    • Day 14

      Day 13 Paris

      September 12, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      The weather forecast was incredibly accurate for today. We got up late after our late night and after watching a crane hoist lift things to the top floor of a neighbouring apartment, we didn’t get out the door until 10am. Then we set off to catch our Toot tour bus from the stop at the Louvre, unfortunately there was a film being made in the area so we couldn’t walk through it at all and the bus couldn’t get in either. So we had to walk a bit further and a bus never came, so walked further and finally got one. We rode up top for a while but then on cue at 11.30 the rain started and it was pretty heavy. So downstairs we went and it seemed to be a good idea to stay on the bus for a while which we did until we got to the Notre Dame stop.

      We were both feeling pretty hungry by then. We had started our day with a banana and pain au chocolat quite some time before. I was also feeling pretty cold as I had crocs on with no socks and only a t shirt. We found a lovely little restaurant with a 3 course meal for 14 euros. The French Onion soup was amazing with a slightly unusual chicken with chips and then chocolate mousse to finish, yummy!

      Notre Dame is not open after the fire but they are working hard for that to happen for 2024. We were not far from our hotel so went back there for me to find some warmer clothes. The reason I have been wearing the crocs is due to blisters I got with the heat. They have gone down a bit and with the cooler weather it was lovely to wear long pants, merino sox and my normal shoes.

      Tomorrow we are doing a bike tour to Versailles, so today worked out the train route we needed to take and had a practice run. After that we visited the Petite Palace which is a free museum which had some interesting things to see. And then off to the Eiffel Tower. I have never been up there before because getting tickets seemed too tricky. But Trish was keen so we went for a look and just walked straight in and bought tickets. We bought them right to the top, but I didn’t realise that meant only 50m lower than the very top. It was very high! When we first got out of the lift we couldn’t see a thing because of the cloud cover, but then it started to lift. It was a great experience and we could see all the places that we have been. We stopped at the 2nd floor on the way down as well. I’m very pleased Trish was keen to do that as it was awesome.

      By this stage we were hungry again as it was about 7pm, so stopped for a quick bite to eat before heading to the Arc de Triomphe. It was much later than we expected, and after climbing the 50 million steps, it was dark when we got to the top. But we had incredible views of the Eiffel Tower being lit up as well as many other things. And of course there was car watching to be done. Just fascinating watching them navigate the lanes of traffic from the 12 roads that enter the roundabout. We could have stayed there for longer but were conscious of our early rising for tomorrow. So then back on the train and straight through to our station at Chatalet.

      We really do have an awesome location here, very close to train station and other things.

      20,262 steps with lots of stairs. High was 20 degrees which was just lovely.
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    • "Zweifle nicht am Blau...

      September 13, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      ...des Himmels, wenn über deinem Dach dunkle Wolken stehen." Weisheit aus Indien

      Ruhetag in Louhans auf der Cafeteria-Terrasse, Regen, Regen, Regen. Zeit für Hausaufgaben und Einträge bei Findpenguins :-)Read more

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    Paris 04 Ancien - Quartier Louvre

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