Paris 07 Ancien - Quartier Marché-Saint-Jean

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    • Day 4

      Maraise: Picasso M. & Centre Pompidou

      June 27 in France ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We spent an inspiring day at the Picasso Museum, where my favorite piece was the Portrait of Marie-Thérèse Walter. At the Centre Pompidou, I admired Frida Kahlo’s self-portrait, along with works by Matisse and van Dongen. Wandering through the Marais, my favorite neighborhood, I was thrilled to discover an authentic Banksy piece. Later, we indulged in an all-you-can-eat Flammkuchen feast at Flam’s. To cap off the evening, we explored Montmartre by night, soaking in the charming atmosphere and breathtaking views of Paris illuminated against the night sky.Read more

    • Day 25

      Chantilly in Chantilly

      October 7, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Today we planned to take a day trip suggested in the book “An Hour From Paris”, by Annabel Simms, a Brit who lived in Paris for a time and spent her weekends riding the Metro to the end of the line and exploring whatever was there.

      The trip we planned today, to the medieval town of Senlis, actually involved taking the Metro to Gare du Nord then catching a local train to the town of Chantilly and from there a bus to Senlis.

      Getting to Chantilly was a bit trickier than the guidebook implied and involved using a very weird, very old ticket vending contraption with a finicky joystick type mechanism.

      There were rows of shiny modern touchscreen kiosks vending tickets to the shiny modern trains but because we needed to take the milk train I was stuck with the WWII era relic. You might expect there would be a ticket booth with a helpful human being at such a major transportation hub and there was. One. Huuuuuge line. I left Ellen standing in the line while I tried my hand at the vending machine.

      It was a bit like trying to use one of those arcade crane games to “pick up” the tiny picture of a tiny ticket and maneuver it into my tiny basket without dropping it. An older gentleman at the machine next to mine kept swearing and finally gave up. I persisted and did a happy dance when the machine spat out an actual tiny ticket.

      By that time, our train was due to depart at any moment so I ran to grab Ellen out of the unmoving billetterie line and we raced off to the appropriate platform. The ticket validation machine would not accept our tiny ticket so we dashed toward a group of official looking people in railroad attire and one of them graciously initialed our ticket and gestured for us to board the train. We found two open seats and plopped ourselves down.

      We only needed to ride two stops down the line, about 25 minutes. The uniformed group we had met on the platform turned out to be fare inspectors and when they entered our car I proudly produced my tiny ticket. The inspector (not the nice one we had just spoken to) looked at my ticket, looked at me, and asked my why I was using a half fare youth ticket for which I clearly was not eligible. I gave her my best Gallic shrug and she sighed. She saw that my ticket was for two people so I pointed at Ellen and muttered, « ma sœur ». She sighed again before moving on to the young man sitting across from me. He had a story about having forgotten to buy a ticket. The fare inspector issued him a hefty fine on the spot. I felt a twinge of guilt over pretending to be a teenager but I got over it.

      We had planned to spend an hour or two exploring Chantilly before catching the bus to Senlis as recommended in our guidebook, so we headed off on a quiet path through a lovely wooded park, past the hippodrome (sadly, no hippos today), toward the château on the other side of town. When we got near the château we noticed there was some sort of event happening on the grounds. The event turned out to be opening day of a weekend garden show. There were dozens of tents and vendors selling all types of plants and garden art, spread out beneath large trees on the lawn beside a moat with white swans. We bought tickets (from a human) thinking we’d wander for an hour or so, maybe have lunch, then continue our trip to Senlis.

      A couple hours in, we agreed that Senlis could wait for another time. We were enjoying wandering the grounds, taking photos of all the beautiful displays, people watching, and shopping.

      Favorite anecdote: I was passing a booth selling colorful little rubber galoshes that slip over your shoes when the proprietor began his sales pitch. I replied that « je ne parle pas français » and he quickly switched to English, saying « we can’t all be perfect ». Then he asked if I’d like to try on one of his overshoes. He slipped one on my foot ( a vaguely Cinderella moment) and noted that they can be worn on either foot. He pointed to his own which were two different colors and said I was welcome to mix and match. To which I wittily replied, « Or I could just buy one and hop everywhere. » He laughed and told me the French word for hopscotch (« marelle ») while he demonstrated. We hopped for a bit, then he took my picture and asked for his boot back.

      We ate ice cream cones topped with chantilly (aka whipped cream), then crossed the bridge over the moat to visit the château.

      Château de Chantilly was originally a fortress built in the 11th century but was dismantled, rebuilt, and renovated many times. The last occupants had no heirs and set up a trust to turn the chateau into a public museum. The best part is that there are no guided tours; you can wander through on your own. Very gaudy decor featuring a huge collection of oil paintings, some really awful. The Louvre has spoiled me. It was fun to poke around.

      At the end of our château infused afternoon we hoofed it back to the train station to return to the city. (Had a laughable situation with the public toilet, but I’ll spare you.)

      I was pretty psyched to have another crack at the arcade/vending machine train ticket roulette game but alas there was a human being this time. She sold us two tickets (full adult fare) just as our train pulled into the station. We hurried aboard and rode the 25 minutes back to Gare du Nord, navigated the underground maze to our Metro train, and emerged as if by magic exactly where we should. Another successful outing.

      Today’s photos are pretty self explanatory.
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    • Day 5

      Besonderes Eis

      August 22, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Unbestritten ist „Une glace à Paris“ etwas Besonderes und gehört zu den besten Eisläden von Paris.

      Hier findet man Eissorten, die es nicht an jeder Ecke gibt, zum Beispiel Tomate-Basilikum, Weinbergpfirsich oder Mirabelle.Read more

    • Day 3

      Day 3: The Big Walk

      January 27, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Time to spread our wings a bit and see some more of Paris. We took the Metro to a district called Le Marais, a neighborhood known for chic shops and restaurants. We started with a walk around the impressive Hotel de Ville, and then explored the quaint streets of Le Marais. After a great Thai lunch at Cafe Tamarind, we worked our way through Ile Saint Louis, and then past the Cathedral at Notre Dame, which was closed for a multi-year reconstruction after the horrible fire of 2019. Back on the Left Bank, we explored the Latin Quarter and then district of Saint Germain. These were a real highlight of Paris for us with their pedestrian-friendly streets and quaint shops. We finished by walking back to the Right Bank for a look at the Louvre and a Metro ride back to our hotel. We logged 12 miles on foot today!Read more

    • Day 7

      Marais Paris Day 6

      May 3, 2015 in France ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Another amazing day walking all over Paris. Paul is very good with directions and Metro etc. We loved the Rodin gallery...very cool to see the Kiss and the Thinker up close. Visited the Gallerie Lafayette amazing... St Chapelle, Notre Dame, and the Eiffel Tower. We had supper at the neighbourhood authentic French cuisine Le Bistrot Gourmand du Haut Marais on rue Charles Francois Dupuis. Food was so good...lovely wine...memorable after a wonderful day.Read more

    • Day 2

      S: Paris 3.0 (2)

      March 15, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Once we finally had the energy to get up and go, the only thing we planned on for our first evening was to walk towards food😅 (pics to follow). It poured along our walk towards the 3rd district. It was nice that it rained cause it was familiar (and thank goodness we found an umbrella) and people around were unphased - still looking that Parisian fabulousness! Here's just a few shots along the way...Read more

    • Day 13

      Eiffel Tower

      November 14, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      When we first left Disney and arrived at our rented apartment, we couldn't log into our Eiffel Tower tickets for some reason. No brother was staying at our house and had access to our computer, so I just had him forward them to me. I made sure we received them, but didn't look any further into it. That was 5 days ago. Our tickets are for today!! YAY!! Eiffel Tower, here we come!!.....or not. Yikes!! How did this happen? Our tickets were for last Friday??? We missed our reservation!! UGH!! We were so sure they were booked for Tuesday...well...that's $100 wasted!

      We decided to get up early and try to beat the line ups....since the online reservations were now completely sold out! Ready to wait in line for hours, we headed out! Our little people were just as excited about the trains as they were about the Eiffel Tower! Two trains, a 15 minute walk, and some chocolate waffles later, we were finally within sight of the famous, majestic, Eiffel Tower!! And there was next to no line!

      What an amazing structure. A giant elevator goes from the ground level, up to the second floor, where your toddler then has a 25 minute tantrum in the middle of the floor, kicking and screaming, meeting many other tourists (most trying to help) while legs and arms are flailing, tears are rolling, screams are piercing, all literally in the middle of the walkway. Oh...that's just us??!! haha....the second floor is actually where most people then transfer to a normal glass elevator that goes straight up the middle to the top! It was awesome! Both Morgan and Aston had a spot right up at the window and neither one of them had any fear....I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not...haha.
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    • Day 12

      Walking Streets Paris

      November 13, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Our hotel is right along the river and right in amongst the tourist walking streets. This is great for us...easy to make it back for diaper changes, quick to find something to eat, and so many areas to explore!

      Just downstairs from our hotel is an amazing gelato cafe! You choose a size, then can choose as many flavours as you want....and can even top it off with macaroons! When they scoop the ice cream, they scoop it into the shape of a flower!! It's amazing, gorgeous, and fantastically delicious!! I didn't realize how it worked until we ordered, so I didn't choose very colourful time I'll choose by colours instead of flavours! haha.

      After exploring more streets and bakeries, we decided to eat at a "kid-friendly" burger place, Frog Burger. They were very accomodating to the kids and they even had a high wasn't quite high enough (not very useful)....but one of the only places with a high I'll give them points for trying! haha. A few issues with our burger was raw....we were missing some fries....Morgan spilled her drink ALL was pretty much chaos....but the food was delicious and the server was fantastic! They gave Morgan a new drink for free, gave us free fries, and I'm sure were very happy when we left...haha!
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    • Day 6


      June 6, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Der letzte Tag des Austausches - herzliche Verabschiedungen und auf nach Paris. Die Tagesbilanz: Fast alle touristischen Sehenswürdigkeiten wurden abgearbeitet -17,5 km abgelaufen. So fühlten sich auch meine Füße. Und dennoch - auch mit vielen Menschen und viel Verkehr - ist es eine schöne Stadt. Die Aussicht von den Galerie Lafayette und die Glaskuppel ist schon fast eine Reise wert.Read more

    • Day 3

      Wow what a view

      August 22, 2017 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      At the top of the Champs Elysess is the Arc de Triomphe – built from 1808 to 1836 it was built at the orders of Emperor napoleon to commemorate the victory of his troops in Austerlitz in 1805. Our visit was a “last minute impulse” type of thing and I am so glad that we went with it. The Arc de Triomphe sits in the middle of a massive 12 pointed roundabout and is accessed by a tunnel (so that visitors can avoid dicing with death in the Parisian traffic). We duly made our way underground and having purchased a ticked and passed bag inspection and the metal detectors, climbed the tight spiral stairs the 50m to the attic level (I wish I’d actually counted the steps… it was a LONG way up) and then another set up to the platform roof where we enjoyed the most amazing view including back down the Champs Elysess to the Lourve, the Port de la Denence, Sacre Coeur and of course the Eiffel Tower.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Paris 07 Ancien - Quartier Marché-Saint-Jean, Paris 07 Ancien - Quartier Marche-Saint-Jean, Section des Droits-de-l'Homme

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