Paris 09 Ancien - Quartier Arsenal

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    • Day 3

      Travel Day 3: Walking in Paris

      May 16, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

      According to my phone (I didn’t use the Garmin all day, which was a mistake), I walked 13.8 miles today! Some of my routes were from Google, while others I made up in the moment, and I saw incredible things all day long.
      1. There is a mind-boggling amount of statuary in this city. Here’s JC in the Jardin des Tuileries.
      2. These irises were enormous! I’ve never seen anything like them.
      3. Again from the Jardin des Tuileries. I’m assuming that trumpeters who play on horseback have fewer teeth.
      4. Obligatory, non? I didn’t go in, but I was happy to see it in person.
      5. I stumbled on this by accident! It’s the Tour Saint-Jacques, a historic landmark along the chemins de Compostelle, as the Camino is known here.
      6. So many cafes, brasseries, patisseries, bars, crêperies, etc.! I didn’t eat here but appreciated the flair with which it is decorated.
      7. Lovely fruit. I didn’t see as many of these as I have noticed in NYC, though.
      8. I wonder how long the paving stones on which I walked have been there?
      9. Église Saint-Étienne-du-Mont. 15th century. Amazing.
      10. That’s Notre Dame with the cranes. Beautiful end to the day!
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    • Day 1–2

      Anreise nach Paris

      November 28, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      So, meine Lieben,
      erster Post 😌 aus dem schönen Paris. Die Anreise war wie in üblicher Viola Manier wieder ein wenig holprig. Zunächst ließ mich die KVB im Stich im Herzen Kölns, dem Neumarkt 😄, von wo ich dann einen Sprint zum HBF Köln einlegen musste.
      Mit großem Backpack auf dem Rücken, Rucksack vor der Nase und einer Bauchtasche ein wenig anstrengender als geplant, wenn man gute 1,5 km hinter sich bringen muss. Zum Glück war ich vorher fleißig im Lauftraining gewesen.
      In Aachen als Zwischenstopp angekommen, wurde ich vom Schnee überrascht, der die Strecke bis Brüssel bedeckte. Wir konnten aber zum Glück weiterfahren. Endlich in Paris eingetroffen, begab ich mich vollgepackt zur Metro. Die Linie 5 war da aber ein wenig frickelig zu finden. Die Franzosen habe mich aber direkt tatkräftig unterstützt. Eine Französin hat mich dann sogar bis zum Gleis begleitet. Da sag mal jemand, dass die Pariser*innen nicht nett sind. Zugegebenermaßen lag es daran, dass nur auf Französisch kommuniziert wurde. Glücklicherweise hat mein Gehirn aber direkt geswitched und ich habe mich soweit gut durchgeschlagen.
      Im Hostel The People im Herzen Paris habe ich ein sehr schönes Mehrbettzimmer ergattert. Anschließend bin ich dann noch durch die blaue Stunde Paris gelaufen. Insbesondere die sich im Bau befindliche Notre Dame hat es mir angetan.
      Morgen geht’s dann ab zum Flughafen Orly, von wo aus mein Flieger auf die Guadeloupe geht. 🛫🏖️
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    • Day 4

      Paris - ein Abend in Marais

      July 30, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nachdem wir entschieden haben, nicht in die Hauptstadt mit dem Womo zu fahren um dort zu nächtigen, stehen wir nun auf dem Stellplatz am Disneyland ca. 1 Zugstunde außerhalb von Paris. Für einen kurzen Abstecher mussten wir aber trotzdem schon mal Parisluft schnuppern und so fuhren wir ins Stadtteil Marais. Unterwegs trafen wir noch ein paar Altenburger: Meli und Leni … zurück am Stellplatz: 0:50 Uhr 🥱 Guts NächtleRead more

    • Day 2

      Travel Day 2: Le Jet Lag

      May 15, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      I made it to Paris! The flight was LONG but calm and on time. Drizzly today, so the souvenir shops are doing a brisk business in umbrellas, but I am ever aware of my pack weight on the trail ahead and didn’t shop at all. More sight-seeing tomorrow before I head south.
      1. My hotel is adorable. The view from my window seems very Parisian to these American eyes.
      2. Notre Dame is a veritable hive of reconstructive activity, swathed in scaffolding and cranes. Fortunately the gargoyles continue their work on this corner.
      3. Charlemagne et sus Leudes, next to Notre Dame. I’m thrilled to be walking on his path in a few days! Brass playing friends, note the olifant on Roland’s belt.
      4. I fear the photo doesn’t do it justice, but this is at Square René Viviani. I’m glad to be here for spring lushness.
      5. I had my vegetarian dinner here. I wish my veg friends had been with me! The chocolate mousse for dessert didn’t photograph well but reader, I moaned. It was delicious.
      6. So many bridges!
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    • Day 27

      Day 2 in the City of... Sidewalks

      July 20, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Well, the heat wave finally broke, which helps with the sleeping, but Wednesday was supposed to be a day of rain. And it started off a bit rainy so we decided to go visit Montmarte and the Sacre Coeur Basilica. It was by far our longest subway ride but we are getting pretty good at it. Haven't left anyone on the subway in day.....

      Montmartre is a beautiful artists haven. Canvasses line the streets, portraits and landscapes are being painted with loving care and sometimes a bit of whimsy. The cobblestones of the streets take you back to a simpler time when the journey was the adventure, not the destination. And the scent of fresh pastries fill the air with a magical sense of hopefulness and the possible.

      And... there are tonnes of people which make you constantly worried someone is going to pick your pocket and walk away with your favorite Kenny G CD (and YES... I take it everywhere!!)

      But the Basilica is cool, the views of the city are great, and the singers on the sidewalk that get the crowd to join in just makes you smile. We don't tip those guys though. Heck, we are doing half the work. 😉

      Then Jen says, let's go see.... something.... I don't remember. We look at the maps and it's like a 30 minute subway ride. But we don't want to keep whizzing by the city underground. So we decide to take a bus... but there are "disagreements" about which bus to take and where the stop is. So "someone" suggests.... LET'S WALK IT!!

      And that is where our day turns. The idea is great. We knew the general direction... south and to the east... (I guess I could have just said South East but I get paid by the word). So I tell Jenny, put your phone away dear.... I got this.

      So we started walking... and we walked and walked and walked. We saw amazing streets and cool buildings and some arches I never heard of. And Jenny gets a bit... uh... "twitchy" when she doesn't quite know where she is... so that was a bit entertaining too. In the end, I got us to the neighborhood she wanted and it only took us like 2 hours... of straight walking.

      In the end, we got to Place Des Vosges. It is a famous Palace sort of thing that many rich people like Victor Hugo lived at with a courtyard for doing duels.... that kind of thing. We just finally laid on the grass for awhile soaking up the ambiance.

      As you lay down in a historical place, many thoughts come unbidden into your mind. What is the legacy I will leave? Is there anything I am doing that will leave such permanency?...

      Then it started to thundershower so I thought, how do get home without dying....

      And so that pretty much ended the day. We had plans to go out but the constant threat of thundershowers kept us in. So it was a long day but in the end, we truely did find more enjoyment in the journey than in the destination.... SEE WHAT I DID THERE?? THAT IS STORY TELLING!!!

      And now we are prepping for a big day tomorrow at Versailles. Should be a good one. Thanks for sharing this journey with us.
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    • Day 36

      Coulée verte René-Dumont

      March 7 in France ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Ich fühle mich fast wie eine echte Pariserin, als ich mir mein Frühstück in der Boulangerie gegenüber hole, um es auf den Coulée Verte zu futtern. Eigentlich sollte es ja ein Croissant werden - ob die Pariser tatsächlich so gut sind, wie die von 'Good child' zu Hause? Aber das Baguette Pistazie-weiße Schokolade konnte ich mir nicht entgehen lassen - zu Recht 😋.
      Die bepflanzte ehemalige Bahntrasse war ein toller Tipp! Sie möchte ich gerne noch mal sehen, wenn die Bäume Blätter haben. Das muss ein schön geschützter Raum sein! Meine Zeit bis zur Abfahrt reichte genau, um die ganze Strecke zu erkunden.
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    • Day 22

      Back in Paree

      October 4, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Travel day today. Flew Transavia Air from Porto to Paris, Orly. Flight was delayed an hour due to fog, then after we boarded we were stuck on the tarmac for another hour before we finally got airborne. And that is how a two hour flight becomes an all day affair.

      Grabbed a taxi to our hotel, the Caron de Beaumarchais in the marais district. It’s a lovely olde worlde hotel with chunky wood beams and plenty of USB ports for charging your renaissance gadgets. The French are very forward thinking.

      Now we are doing laundry just around the corner as I’m paranoid I may have picked up bedbugs somewhere. I have 3 little bites on my stomach I cannot explain and with how many places we’ve slept in the past few weeks one must assume the worst. I may have to buy an entire new wardrobe in Paris. Tant pis!

      I know you’re wondering so I’ll kill the suspense. Caron de Beaumarchais wrote the opera, « The Marriage of Figaro » in 1774. Of course he probably called, it Le Marriage de Figaro. Please excuse my rough translation.

      The laundromat we’re using is very cool. You can pay and control the machines with your phone, or by tapping your credit card. Or you can empty your pockets of all those heavy euro coins you’ve been hauling around which is what we did. Quelles sauvages.
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    • Day 27

      Rusty things and shiny buttons

      October 9, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      Had a most excellent time shopping today at Les Puces de Vanves flea market. We managed to get up and out early and had the Metro nearly all to ourselves. Within a few minutes after we arrived at the market I had struck my first bargain using the old frown-and-walk-away method. The seller relented and called me back to the table. I now own a rusty tool designed for an unknown purpose. It works flawlessly, I’m sure. More importantly, the ice had been broken.

      The next vendor succumbed to the bundling technique. Two for 10€, you say? How about 15€ for all four? Done. With an Eiffel Tower keychain thrown in for free.

      Up and down the street we went; our shopping bags began to bulge. Finally the time came to leave and as we retraced our path we caught a glimpse of something shiny. Like magpies, we hopped over to inspect. They were buttons, mother of pearl mostly, many missing their shanks and in unusual shapes suggesting they were perhaps factory seconds? In any case they were beautiful, each one unique. We sifted through the large tray full, sharing our favorites and assuming they were too expensive, probably 1€ apiece. Then the man said he would sell us the whole tray (actually a large film can) for 30€. Out came our wallets. No haggling except to ask for the film can, too. We now own a couple hundred (more) buttons. When we got back to the hotel we opened the tin and resumed sifting and sorting our horde like kids with their Halloween candy. Very soothing, the smooth buttons clicking through your fingers.
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    • Day 3

      Travel Day 3: Faces of Paris

      May 16, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      I loved how there are faces lurking everywhere in Paris - on buildings, bridges, etc. I especially appreciate the moustaches. Here are a few, plus a sculpture with a very expressive face at the Musee d’Orsay. I think she’s about to finally make that important decision.Read more

    • Day 3

      Im hotel

      September 23, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Hab leider vergessen vom essen ein foto zumachen war jetzt aber auch nich so die bombe aber ja man kann ned alles haben danach sind wir durch paris gestapft und haben zu Fuß 15 km hinter uns gelassen ein paar eindrücke davonRead more

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    Paris 09 Ancien - Quartier Arsenal

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