
Entdecke Destinationen von Reisenden, die auf FindPenguins ein Reisetagebuch schreiben.
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    • Tag 1

      South Reims

      8. Mai in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      When I left home at 09.15 this morning the temperature was 9c. The journey to the euro tunnel train was as expected. Busy and the roads are typical of England these days with plenty of pot holes even on motorways.
      In contrast the beautiful almost empty roads of France are a delight to ride down.
      I'm just south of Reims in a Campanile hotel.
      While waiting for the train in England I met two bikers who had ridden from North Wales. Amazing coincidence, first they stopped at the same service station on the motorway and I never saw them on the road and now they have just parked the bikes next to mine at the hotel.
      Tomorrow is a long ride to lake Constance in Germany near the Swiss border.

    • Tag 26


      26. Juni 2020 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      heute bin ich in Reims angekommen. ich bin dem Gewitter des Wochenendes quasi per Zug entflohen. Angenehmere Temperaturen und eine beeindruckende Kathedrale haben hier auf mich gewartet. Leider musste ich aus dem Inneren wieder heraus denn eine Französin war der Meinung das mein Schal nicht als Maske ausreicht. (das erste Mal übrigens denn in jedem öffentlichen Gebäude hat es bisher gereicht) Vllt lag es auch daran das sie Masken verkaufen wollte und einen Souvenirstand in der Kathedrale hatte oder sie hatte typisch deutsche Vorfahren---- man weiß es nicht. Jedenfalls habe ich danach Franz getroffen. Franz ist quasi ein Hiker der seine Route durch Frankreich läuft und darüber für Globetrotter ein Buch schreibt. Franz kommt aus Bayern und aus einem kurzen Geplänkel wurde ein sehr inspirierendes Gespräch darüber warum wir das machen was wir machen. Es war definitiv das Highlight des Tages und ich werde mit Sicherheit noch viel über das gesprochene Sinnieren.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3


      28. Oktober 2019 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Besuch einer der bekanntesten Champagnerkellereien. Ich weiß jetzt, dass Champagner zweimal gähren muss den Rest habe nicht verstanden.
      Henri, der junge Mann, der uns durch die Keller geführt hat, hat mir dann noch ein besonderes Schöppchen eingeschenkt. Das war wirklich ein Genuss.

    • Tag 27

      Day 24 - Hermonville to Reims

      14. Mai 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The overcast day started with forest walking - fabulous. I shared the path with joggers, their dogs, cyclists, dirt bikes, quad bikes and one hiker (pilgrim status: unlikely - we had no common language and he had what appeared to be a day pack, with poles). The going was slow, with all the lefting and righting to find the best path through the puddles. The day ended with a lovely canal walk (Canal de l'Aisne a la Marne) into Reims. My accommodation crisis was solved by the tourist office (luckily, they were open on a Sunday), who managed to get me accommodation for tomorrow night. I had been unable to obtain accommodation for the next two nights and this way, I walk a little longer tomorrow and divert from the path for the following day - but it gets me where I need to be in two days time. I got a pilgrim stamp at the Cathedral in Reims and met an Australian pilgrim there; Sue, from Queensland. I did have a brut champagne last night at the Pizza place (I felt too daggy to try the French restaurant), and the hotel I'm in now has a vending machine where I have a choice of two champagnes (€40 or €50) however, I had my beer at the Earnest Hemingway Cafe and that will do me. Oh, and I broke Find Penguins tonight by trying to upload 11 photos. The only way I could get the app to work was to buy a premium membership - beware. P.S. those spots in that pond are frogs, it was magic to hear the croaking.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3

      Reims Stadtführung

      28. Oktober 2019 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Wir hatten Glück mit der Stadtführerin: Sie war charmant, gut strukturiert, eloquent und hatte viel Wissen. Fast zwei Stunden lang brachte sie uns Geschichte und Kunst der Kathedrale von Reims näher. Dann fütterte sie uns noch mit Happen zur Stadtgeschichte an.

      Nach Linsen mit Würstchen: die Ausstellung zum eigentlichen Waffenstillstand am Ende des zweiten Weltkrieg, der in Reims stattfand, im Nebengebäude einer Schule, wo sich auch das Hauptquartier der Alliierten befand. Hier wieder ein Kontrast : ein banaler Ort, ein weltbewegendes Ereignis. In Karlshorst wurde das Ganze angeblich nur der Russen zuliebe nachgestellt.

    • Tag 30


      7. Mai 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Dreich day here - the rain caught up with me- although the worst of it was before and after. 70k of cycling feels ( and should be) a rest day, so time to have a brief "degustation " of the fizzy stuff on the way through Epernay. Washing it down with the French equivalent of a sausage roll arguably was a bit insulting. Either way, after a glass of fizz everything went a bit pear shaped: my cycle computer stopped route finding for me, the rain started and then I had a hill! Haven't seen one of those since the Pyrenees!! Unfortunately it spat me out on to a busy A road in foggy wet conditions: not nice cycling. Was that my "champagne moment"? A laborious detour allowed me to experience the industrial estates on the outskirts of Rheims.😞 I'd started to question my decision to take this more urban route, but after a visit to the amazing Pommery champagne cellars- and the even more amazing -and huge- Rheims cathedral, it all seemed to make sense. First puncture today - notice the hissing at the doorstep of the hotel. Quick bit of glass removal and tubeless shoogling seems to have it fixed🤞Weiterlesen

    • Tag 23

      Reims, France - Day trip!

      12. Mai in Frankreich ⋅ 🌩️ 63 °F

      Wonderful Mother’s Day. Bought a frog memorabilia at a Rummage sale outside our hotel in Montmartre and day trip to, Reims, the champagne capital of the world. Ending with another wonderful flambéed dinner before the 45 minute train back to Paris.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 38

      Everyone needs their G.H.Mumm

      26. September in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Our visit to the G.H. Mumm Champagne House in Reims was a delightful journey through both history and taste.

      Founded in 1827, it’s a prestigious house that been synonymous with excellence, crafting champagne that has accompanied grand celebrations across the world for nearly two centuries.

      Located in the heart of Reims and with 24kms of tunnels and cellars between 7 and 14 metres in depth was an amazing placing to walk through and the history of champagne production and the region was eye opening.

      The highlight, of course, was tasting of the Reserve Blance de Blance 2015 and the Reserve Rosé Foujita. Aleks in definitely in her element 🥂🥂

    • Tag 1

      Jakobsweg Aachen Reims Vezelay

      18. Februar in Frankreich ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Bereit oder nicht, TrailSoulKev ist wieder unterwegs, und dieses Mal hat er Großes vor. Mit dem Staub der Straßen seiner Geburtsstadt Aachen unter seinen Cowboystiefeln, begibt er sich erneut auf eine Reise der Selbstfindung und spirituellen Erleuchtung - diesmal auf dem legendären Jakobsweg.

      Seine Bucket List ist keine gewöhnliche Liste von Sehenswürdigkeiten oder Erlebnissen, sondern eine Sammlung von tiefen persönlichen Zielen und Wanderungen, die seine Seele berühren. Der Jakobsweg, bekannt für seine spirituelle Tiefe und transformative Kraft, ist der perfekte Ort, um seine Reise fortzusetzen.

      Von Aachen aus wird er die Viae Mosana, Monastica und Campaniensis entlangpilgern, und dabei Station in Liège, Namur, Dinant, Givet, Rocroi, Reims und Troyes machen, bevor er schließlich Vezelay erreicht. Diese Route verspricht nicht nur körperliche Herausforderungen, sondern auch eine Reise der Reflexion und des inneren Wachstums.

      Für TrailSoulKev ist der Jakobsweg nicht nur eine Wanderung, sondern eine spirituelle Pilgerfahrt, eine Reise zu sich selbst und zu einer tieferen Verbindung mit der Natur und dem Universum. Mit jedem Schritt wird er dem Kern seiner Existenz näher kommen und sich auf eine unvergessliche Reise begeben, die ihn für immer prägen wird.

    • Tag 9

      Reims doesn’t fail to impress

      12. September 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      What a gorgeous city, slow paced and beautiful. Loulou and Beth up early and off for a reconnaisance walk to suss the area out. They found the cathedral and how close we are to everything, and came back to tell us all about it. After a quick bite we were off, searching for coffee and looking at clothes shop, and yes we have helped the economy very slightly (baggage weight issues). Beautiful buildings everywhere, people are friendly, pleasantish temperature.
      So today was Louise’s day-she wanted to do the champagne places - so she was tour director for the day 🤪.
      Couldn’t believe it when we saw a place called Eden Park so of course the two rugby nuts needed a pic.
      We had a superb lunch at a wee place in town -the biggest Cos Salad you have seen in your life for most of the party, I had this gorgeous ham salad on like a pastry bun, delicious. A lovely bottle of Rose went down nicely, then the rain came…. and I mean it poured for about 20 mins…. cooled the temp down rather well too.
      Conductor Kiely had us catching a bus and off we went to Veuve Cliquot… no tour times available but it was a great photo opportunity.
      A walk up a hill 😵‍💫 and along the way, we came across the most marvellous Vranken Pommery Champagne House. Wow what a place, what a story about an amazing woman Jeanne-Alexandrine Pommery who after becoming a widow at an early age, took the world by storm introducing their champagnes. She is know as a true trailblazer, the basis for luxury product promotion: the style, the brand, the communication and public relations. She invented the image of the Pommery Brand.
      The vineyards are built on top of Chalk quarries/Pits and it took more than 10 years to build the exterior buildings, plant 25 hectares of vineyards and dig the 18km of interconnected galleries that link the 69 chalk pits to one another.
      We went down the 116 steps to the cellar, and OMG there in front of us were all of these artworks displayed. Breathtakingly spectacular, utilising the chalk pits to highlight the art. I was gobsmacked. The temperature was amazing 30 metres underground, perfect temperature for the champagne to mature within the bottles. We all absolutely loved the experience and were so please Loulou had insisted we do it. We got a complementary glass of champagne at the end and it is quite delicious.
      The walk back up the 116 steps after our goat climbing a couple of days (well for Beth and I) was challenging on the knees and back and we are paying for it.
      Anyhoo we hopped back on a bus and off we went….allllll over the city… end of the work day dropping off all of the locals at their neighbourhoods and after about 30 mins we alighted and made our way home. Time for a rest then off out for a bite to eat.
      Have to say so far we haven’t really had the best experience with service or food but hoping to improve.
      Look up the Pommery Champagne - its bloody interesting.

      Lots of photos today cos its all just so amazing…from just walking around, the pictures of nuns are from the bathroom where we had lunch - to the champagne houses… and that Art! wow…Pommery collection I will add to another post cos they won’t fit

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Reims, رانس, Горад Рэймс, Реймс, Remeš, Ρενς, رنس, ריימס, ランス, რეიმსი, 랭스, Durocortorum, Reimsas, Reimsa, Ремс, रेंस, Rems, رائیم, แร็งส์, 兰斯

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