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      4. Juni 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      I appear to have run into a character limit in the middle of the night post last night. That limit may now be gone.

      It’s our first morning in France, with a very traditional French breakfast.

      Good morning to all and thank you for following us. I had been attempting to follow-up on each and every follow and message—but that has quickly become too much! So many kind followers and so many wonderful comments and likes! Thank you all and forgive me if I don’t respond to everything.

      Had some Internet issues yesterday but those should be resolved now. (Had my VPN set to prefer Seattle, WA which was conflicting with local connections! Doh on me!)

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      4. Juli 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      In my last post I said that Sean officially had his worst meal of the Camino. Boy did I misunderstand!

      He enjoyed last night’s dinner very much—a soup-like mix of green beans and Gorgonzola beans (correction: garbanzo!) with bread for sopping it up.

      His worst meal was technically before our Camino even started, back on Orthez, France where he ordered a hamburger and got some sort of Frankenstein’s monster burger on a bun that didn’t deserve to be called a bun!

      He has especially enjoyed the soups with bread for sopping up—much like his Grandpa C. would have. (We haven’t seen “tugboat stew” on any of the menus, or maybe we have and just didn’t translate it properly!)

      Happy 4th of July everyone!

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      Trier 🚗 Paris

      17. Mai in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Gegen 15 Uhr machten wir uns auf, aus dem Trierer Dauerregen gen Paris. Auf dem Weg dorthin Regen, Stau, Regen, Stau, Umleitungen durch irgendwelche 30er-Zonen dank Google Maps und so waren wir echt froh, als wir dann gegen 20:30 unser Hotel am Flughafen Charles de Gaulle erreichten. Nur noch schnell unser Auto parken… so zumindest der Plan. Leider war es dann so, dass dank fehlender Adresse und nicht erreichbarer Hotline des Parkplatzes das Abstellen leider nicht klappte. Morgen nun also der nächste Versuch, beim Terminal 2 werden wir den Silberpfeil dann für die nächsten zwei Wochen in die Hände eines Mitarbeiters des ominösen Langzeitparkplatzes Blue Valet übergeben (so der Plan 🙃).Weiterlesen

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      18. Mai in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nach einem Telefonat mit der Hotline schafften wir es doch relativ zügig, am Terminal unseren Golf an Mitarbeiter der Parkplatzfirma zu übergeben, die uns diesen dann am Ende nach der Landung auch wieder direkt am Terminal übergeben werden. Im Prinzip eine toller Service, so denn alles klappt. Naja, nun ging’s mit dem Regionalzug RER nach Paris rein, erster Stopp Notre Dame. Bei super Wetter fuhren wir anschließend an den Eiffelturm, hier wurden schon zahlreiche Tribünen für Olympia errichtet, wie an vielen weiteren Stellen in der Innenstadt. Nach kleiner aber feiner aber teurer Stärkung an einem Crêpe- und Paninistand an der Seine begaben wir uns in die Einlassschlange des Louvre, die in der bekannten Glaspyramide endete. Im riesigen Museum steuerten wir natürlich zielsicher die Mona Lisa an. Diese konnten wir dann entspannt und in Ruhe aus nächster Nähe betrachten. Nein, natürlich nicht, der Ansturm und das Gedränge waren so abartig, dass es eigentlich kein Wunder ist, dass sich die Dame ein leichtes Lächeln nicht verkneifen kann. Nach unserem Louvrebesuch ging es mit Zug, Bus und am Ende noch einem kurzen Uber zurück ins Hotel. Flüge sind eingecheckt, Flughafenshuttle geordert- kann losgehen 😀🇨🇦.Weiterlesen

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      Lasting Impressions

      5. November 2018 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We are on our way home...first leg to Paris is completed and tomorrow we fly back to Canada. I have been thinking about what the lasting impressions will be from this trip. What sights, sounds, tastes will be reminders of France and Greece?
      The Dordogne area of France will always be about Medieval castles on rock outcroppings, surrounded by the houses and shops of a Medieval village. Secondary roads so narrow that sometimes the buildings almost touched the road. Prehistoric drawings in caves. The Malbec wine of the Cahors region. Duck confit and Foie gras and the wonderful pork terrine on a baguette. Kind people who struggled with English because our French was so bad.
      Paros will remain in our memories for its sparkling white buildings and narrow alleys covered in paving stones, with bright pink bougainvillea bushes. The barren landscape seems less so when you remember the olive groves and fruit trees. Ancient history is everywhere in the castle ruins, the ports, and the archeological digs. Moussaka, Greek salad with a slab of feta on top, black olives, cheap wine, baclava, are the tastes and smells that will stay. The gorgeous turquoise blue of the water against the volcanic rock or the golden beach is a picture in our minds.
      Athens, a city of rich history, from the time of the Greek gods, provides photo opportunities at every turn. The city is dominated by the Acropolis, viewed as you come around corners, all over the old city. The immense size of the buildings built so long ago, has to be seen to realize what an achievement each one was for that ancient civilization. The graffiti of today also leaves a lasting impression.
      These are some of the snapshots preserved by our brains as well as our cameras as we head home.

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      Still in Paris lockdown

      23. Mai 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ 🌧 63 °F

      Got a call this morning saying they will be here tomorrow morning between 8:00am and 9:00am to do a throat swab. Supposedly within an hour or so we should have the verdict. Dum de de dum…Our immediate future hangs on the tip of a Q-tip. I am still battling my sinus infection but pressure and pain has lessened but still going through a box of tissues and taking some interesting cough syrup they bought for me. We should have been visiting Versailles today. Boo hoo. But as it turns out being sick has changed my perspective on my trip. Except for 2007 when I had a collapsed vertebra, I have always been very healthy during all my travels. So I shan’t weep and realize how blessed I’ve been and continue to be and look forward to going home and getting well.
      I decided to explore my view and discovered a nice little shrub rose bush outside my window. I’ve been watching the BBC’s coverage of the Chelsea Flower Show so even though this little bush wouldn’t make it into that august event, it is appreciated by me. So until tomorrow, prisoner 174 (room number) signing off.

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      Boring room

      22. Mai 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      So here we are in our second day of isolation in the most boring room in Paris. There is literally a village of modern hotels built near the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. Two things make it bearable, the BBC which is the only English language game in town and the fact that I’m so miserable with this sinus infection that rest is all I want to do. I spoke with a Viking representative this afternoon and to boil down all that she said is that we are in the Bastille until they say otherwise. So we wait until Tuesday to be tested again to learn our fate. Joseph is hanging in there reading mostly and trying not to say that his wife is an idiot for getting Covid. If he tests negative on Tuesday and I don’t he will head home. I truly hope he doesn’t get this worthless omicron. I received many concerning messages and thank you all. Please keep us in your prayers and I’ll keep you posted.Weiterlesen

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      The hard luck little town of Viviers

      21. Mai 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      The little ancient town of Viviers is known in France as the town most flooded. It is also, as it turns out, the last place Joseph and I will visit on our trip. But more about that later. Viviers has the bad luck to be on a low point of the river Rhône. This wild river that is now partially tamed by a series of dams and locks, occasionally is the victim of “controlled” water release. In order to save other communities up and below stream, water is released during wet years sometimes twice a year. The town is given about a two hour warning so that people can run and move their cars up hill. The water can come shoulder high and little boats come out for the people to be able to get around. Each time this happens it takes a couple of months to clean up. So come this winter if you hear about severe flooding in parts of France, chances are Viviers is mentioned. Also, for whatever reason, the Nazis took a particular delight in causing atrocities here during the war, especially to those who hid Jews from being rounded up. You will see some little arches between buildings. That is not for decoration but to keep the building from collapsing in on one another especially when foundations are compromised by flooding. Each year the townspeople are assessed a tax and every few years that money is used to restore one of the buildings. Many people wonder why the townspeople just don’t abandon this place of hardships but if you visit there you will meet a stubborn people who are very attached to their family history and are willing to fight for the place they live in and love. They are attached to their castle cathedral and all who live there.
      After visiting Viviers we came back to the boat and got a call to our stateroom that Jeannette had tested positive for Covid. So as of that moment we were considered “unclean” as people were called in ancient times. We were not the only ones in this most unhappy of predicaments. Come the following morning after everyone else had left the boat for excursions in Toulon, the unlucky 14 walked the plank for the last time to a group of private taxis and were whisked away on a six hour journey to the Charles de Gaulle airport to be sequestered in the Marriott hotel. We will remain there until we test negative and then unceremoniously and gently we will be kicked out of France. No ands, ifs or buts. So our trip ends with a whimper instead of a victorious drum beat. Stay tuned, I plan to report some on our lament. And thanks for following along with our first and only leg of our adventure.

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      To Paris

      19. Mai 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      Landed about 11am local time and simply breezed through Passport Control and no Customs at all.
      At no point was French QR code mentioned or asked for.
      I did stop at T2 Pharmacy and got me the much-talked-about EU digital (although the ladies behind the counter assured me that there is no need in France)
      I figured better play it safe and at least for now I am good though all EU
      So all that done, On RER B going to City 😁

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      The Church of Saint-Germain-en-Laye

      3. Oktober 2018 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      The present parish church of Saint-Germain-en-Laye was built in 1827. It is the fourth sanctuary to have been built on the site since 1028. In the beginning of the 18th century it was known as ‘Saint-Germain-de-Paris’. The church is now dedicated to St. Germain and St. Vincent who founded the town at the beginning of the 11th century.…

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Roissy-en-France, QZV, ロワシー=アン=フランス, Руасси-ан-Франс, 95700, Руассі-ан-Франс, 弗朗斯地区鲁瓦西

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