Am Riesenfeld

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    • Dia 5

      Caribes Hoy!

      20 de maio, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Double-header Atomics vs Caribes.

      Scott and I have our bags packed and with us for our planned flight to Bologna this evening.

      Atomics won the 1st game in an extra inning nail-biter. Scott is on the mound for the 2nd game per the foreign players rule.

      Second game Scott played with fire most of the game but had a shutout into the 5th, then the game went into a 3-3 tie when his catcher made an errant return throw to the mound and it careened off toward first. Scott chased it down but then made a wild throw to home, allowing both runners to score. Game ended with Caribe’s getting a 2-out walk off hit in the bottom of the 7th. Tough loss.

      But on to Bologna…
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    • Dia 2

      Parksurf, OS-byn och nytt nattåg

      21 de junho de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Andra delen av min dag i Munchen var minst lika mysig den. Först besökte jag den engelska parken vid residenset. En sån där grön oas mitt i storstan, ni vet. Men den här var så himla rolig för man har låtit anlägga en flod med en sk artificiell våg där både folk kunde bada och surfare kunde surfa (trots stora skyltar om att bägge var förbjudna). Det var så varmt att jag var grymt sugen på att hoppa i jag också. Men jag fick behärska mig av rent praktiska skäl. Men sjukt cool grej det där. Som typ en fors på ett äventyrsbad, fast längre, utomhus och gratis 🤣

      Därefter var det dags för biergarten nummer två och en vit en i flytande form. Lika god den som den förra.

      Därefter en promenad i kvarteren där OS höll till 1972. Riktigt coolt område, rent arkitektoriskt. Som Sparta fast fint typ 🤣 Och så mycket upplevelser, både fina och tragiska, som det där området har fått uppleva.

      Till sist tillbaka på Hauptbahnhof för att boarda ett nytt nattåg. Denna gången har jag provat sovvagn, alltså den lite finare varianten. Det var inte jättestor skillnad mot den lite billigare varianten, men något skönare säng och bara tre i kupéen. Under kvällen har jag också stiftat bekantskap med Toby och hans syster Lilly från USA som nu skall åka hem efter 1,5 månad i Europa. Vi tramsade och hade lite kul ihop under tiden som vi bäddade. Sen avkrävde jag dem på sina bästa tågluffartips och resmål. Det var hur trevligt som helst. Nu måste jag släcka och få några timmars sömn. Skall byta tåg i Padova kristligt tidigt imorgon. Nej, jag vet inte heller var det är någonstans. Men det får jag ju säkert reda på imorgon... Natti natti 🤣
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    • Dia 6

      Day 5 Nurnberg

      4 de setembro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Up early again for us and out the door around 8am. We then took a tram and train to the nearby town of Furth. We wanted to go the info centre but we were too early, so after Trish had had a cappuccino we caught a local bus and ended up at my old favourite Decathlon. Trish bought a small pack, my little fold away one which she had borrowed was not that comfortable while walking around. We bought a bamboo cutlery set so we can stop using the wooden forks, and both bought a top.

      Then we popped over the road and went to a really large supermarket as opposed to the small local we have been frequenting (yes, multiple visits over the last 4 days lol). I made up a salad from the salad bar and Trish had a ready made one. I got some sunblock and bagel chips. Our plan was to catch a bus back to where we had come from but got a bit confused about which way it was. Trish wanted to sit in the shade so we were behind the stop perched on a raised garden bed and so we missed a bus going past. Then when the next bus was due I looked over the road and noticed the other bus stop… with a bench seat… in the shade. So crossed the road, got on the right bus and ended up in a nice grassy area near the info centre where we ate our lunch.

      Gotta talk about the smoking here. Just ridiculous the amount of people smoking. It is hard to sit anywhere without smoke wafting over. So in this grassy area there were 4 benches occupied, and people on 3 of them were smoking when we sat down.

      The people at the info centre were really helpful and we went away with a new map. Caught a train for 1 stop and were then in the old city which was just lovely. Took lots of pics of statues which were quite whimsical. We stopped and had a gelato, and then left due to the smoker next door. Then ended up by some fountains and I got some watermelon which I ate sitting on the grass in a park. Then saw another fountain which kids were playing in. We finally ended up in the green area that we had been aiming for and that was really lovely. Fountains, walkways, kid playgrounds, large green spaces. We sat for quite a while just chatting in front of the water area. A little squirrel joined us for a while and then a couple with a border collie sat on a bench nearby. When we left I said something like “hi matey” to the bc, who then proceeded to lunge and growl at me and I was very pleased he was onlead!

      So then more of a walk back to the train station, and a train then tram back to our hotel. We have had a rather busy 3 days here and are leaving in the morning so have decided we are staying in for the evening. We got back here around 5pm so it was a pretty long day.

      Public transport has been amazing and Trisha is a superstar. We often don’t bother looking at a map to work out what we need to catch. Total has been 8 trains, 8 trams and 3 buses. So a total of 19 public transport trips!

      19,000 steps and 26 degrees today.
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    • Dia 5

      Day 4 Nurnberg

      3 de setembro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We were up early and out the door by 8am. Took a tram, train then bus to Doku-Zentrum at which we were supposed to find the Nazi Party Rally Grounds. After walking around a bit we found it and followed some of the stations. The one thought I had was that it was all so HUGE. It appears that they started building this massive arena with huge paved roadway to it but never actually finalised or used it. The road was 60m wide and 1500m long, they didn’t finish the last 500m of the road. Since then there has been a lot of discussion about what it could be used for. We also saw the Zeppelin Grandstand and Zeppelin field. This was the scene for mass parades to assemble before the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. It was a surprise to be standing somewhere that Hitler had once stood.

      There was also some sort of photo shoot with race cars which seemed a bit odd there, but lanes were marked out for races so it must be a normal thing.

      It took us a couple of hours to walk around, and pictures will not do it justice. Then it was time for Trish to have her first beer here - before midday even! She had a sausage dish for lunch while I had a cheese salad. Her beer didn’t cost much more than my glass of tap water!

      Then it was a tram then train to Nuremberg Palace of Justice where the allies held trials against representatives of the defeated Nazi Germany for plotting and carrying out invasions of other countries and atrocities against their citizens in WW2.. We visited the museum here and courtroom 600 where the actual trials were held. There was a very good simulated video of the actual trials and a lot of different information to be accessed through the auto cues. Interesting for me was that the Nuremberg principals were to be applied for any future genocide or where atrocities were perpetuated. The recent Ukranian war featured in here too. It did strike me that yesterday we were talking about 500 years of executions in the dungeons, and that the Nazi Germany period was just a small fraction of that time, but what has been remembered the most.

      After that we went back to the hotel for a wee rest. Then later went to walk a part of the old town we hadn’t been too with lots of lovely bridges and photo opportunities. We had a gelato and then back to the hotel for our dinner which we ate off the plastic top of the salad container and the empty grape container. We are still using the wooden forks that we got from Trisha’s drawer at home and used with oranges on our flight. We intend to visit Decathlon tomorrow and might find some proper utensils.

      So winning today is our ability to catch trams, trains and buses. Trisha is totally the expert in working that out.

      There are lots of dogs walking around here, most ignore each other but occasionally there is a bit of barking. When we were waiting for a tram, a child went up to a dog which had a bit of a go at the child. Didn’t look like it connected but everyone seemed to ignore it except the father and grandfather who laughed and told the child that he shouldn’t have gone over in the first place. Child was about 4 ish.

      20,458 steps and 24 degrees.
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    • Dia 2


      5 de fevereiro, Alemanha ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Reggeli után átszenvedtük magunkat az Olympiaparkon, hogy eljussunk a BMW Welt-ig. Útközben megtaláltuk az Olympiai falut is, amit én kapásból lerondáztam (1972-es monstrumok) de nem néztük meg alaposan, azt délutáni proginak hagytuk.Leia mais

    • Dia 12

      Minhenes olimpiskais parks/BMW muzejs

      26 de setembro de 2018, Alemanha ⋅ 5 °C

      -Uz Minheni braucam ar FlixBuss, lai visi mierīgi varētu iekaut pa aliņam festā. Buss diezgan kruts. Divstāvīgs ar tualeti un rozeti zem katras sēdvietas. Pērkot biļetes mobīlajā aplikācijā tās ir 2x lētākas. To nebūtu bijis slikti zināt iepriekš.
      -Ieradušies Minhenē konstatējam, ka ir pavēss. Dodamies no sākuma uz olimpisko parku. Olimpiskais parks izmēros iespaidīgs. Noejam gar stadionu, bet iekšā tikt nav iespējams. Šeit notika 1972. gada olimpiskās spēles. Mūsu šķēpa mešanas leģenda Jānis Lūsis šeit izcīnīja sudraba medaļu piekāpjoties vietējam vācietim par nieka 2cm. Aizejam uz torni, kurā pa 7eur uzbraucam augšā. Liftā ir lifta operators. Pats nedrīkst spiest pogas. Laikam sarežģīts lifts. Tā kā šodien ir skaidras debesis, redzēt var ļoti tālu. Pat Cūgšpici. Samaksāju 1eur, lai paskatītos tālskatī. Ar to pavisam noteikti var saskatīt Vācijas augstāko virsotni, tikai neesmu drošs vai skatījos uz pareizo.
      - Lejā vēl nedaudz pasēžam parkā pie dīķa. Mārtiņš ar Baltušu tur mēģina novērtēt zivju situāciju. Ar Madaru apejam apkārt strūklakai, kur metālā iespiesti slavenību roku nospiedumi. Galvenokārt pasaulslaveni mūziķi.
      - Tālāk mūsu ceļš ved uz BMW muzeju, kas ir turpat blakus. Vēl pirms iešanas pašā muzejā var apčamdīt un iesēsties krutos vāģos un uzsēsties uz močiem. Apmēram stundas laikā izejam cauri muzejam un jāatzīst, ka interesantāk bija pasiekaloties pie jaunajiem un prototipu BMW modeļiem pie muzeja nevis paša muzeja eksponāti. Tos prototipus var apčamdīt un iesēsties tajos bez maksas.
      -Tālāk jau uz dienas galveno objektu - Oktoberfest.
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    • Dia 64

      Tag 64 - München

      11 de setembro de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Heute habe ich München erkundet. Zunächst habe ich dafür eine Tour mit dem Fahrrad gedreht. Das erste Ziel war das Schloss Nymphenburg, ein riesiges Schloss mit großem Parkgelände. Auf dem Weg dorthin und über den Tag hinweg hat es ständig geregnet. Das hat mir die Freude aber nicht genommen. Das Schlossgelande war sehr ansprechend und schön anzusehen. Gerade die Ausmaße waren schon echt wahnsinnig.

      Dann ging es weiter durch den Olympiapark zum Englischen Garten. Dies ist ein wirklich großer, schöner und gut gepflegter Garten, welcher sich von außerhalb des Zentrums bis fast in das Zentrum zieht. Dort konnte ich eine Fahrt durch wunderschöne Grünbereiche genießen. Am Ende des Parks habe ich dann sogar noch ein paar Surfer beobachtet, welche auf dem Eisbach auf einer stehenden Welle gesurft sind.

      Dann habe ich mein Fahrrad abgestellt und bin zu Fuß im Regen weiter. Zunächst. Ging es für mich dann zum Marienplatz, wo mir das dortige recht opulente Rathaus sofort ins Auge gesprungen ist. Das nächste Highlight war dann die Frauenkirche mit den zwei sehr auffälligen fast 100 Meter hohen Doppeltürmen.

      Etwas wo ich mich dann noch sehr gefreut hätte war der folgende Aufstieg auf die St. Peter Kirche, mit einem folgenden Rundumblick über große Teile von München. Nach dem darauf folgenden längeren Spaziergang zur Isar und daran entlang folgte für mich auch schon der Abschluss der Tour. Es ging für mich in die Münchener Residenz. Dort habe ich mir das Theater, die Schatzkammer und die etwa 130 Residenzräume angeschaut. Gerade letzteres hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Ich bin immer sehr beeindruckt was für Räumlichkeiten alles in so einer Residenz zu finden sind. Für jede Tätigkeit gibt es quasi einen größeren Saal und war mindestens prunkvolle zu nennen. Dieses Mal waren aber auch sehr viele bunte Räume anzufinden, welche sich teilweise drastisch voneinander unterschieden haben. Jeder war aber auf seine eigene Art und Weise sehr schön anzusehen.

      Dann ging es aber auch wieder mit dem Fahrrad zurück. Dort habe ich jetzt noch lecker zu Abend essen können, bevor es jetzt auch schon ins Bett geht. Morgen fährt der Zug bereits um 5:33 h am Hauptbahnhof ab. Immerhin bin ich dann planmäßig bereits gegen Mittag wieder in der Heimat. Ich hoffe sehr, dass die Fahrt mit den zwei Umstiegen, gerade mit dem Fahrrad und dem ganzen Gepäck, glatt läuft.
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