Berg am Laim

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    • Day 44


      May 24, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Today I did get to the Deutches Museum. Had read a fair amount about this museum so had pretty much planned what I want to see. The museum in on an island in the Isar river that flows through Munich. It is touted as the largest Science and Technology museum in the world - and it is huge. I was not the only person in Munich going there on this day - line to pay took almost 1/2 hour. Museum is quite amazing - probably helps to be an engineer or related field for most of the exhibits. Lots of things for kids and they were having a ball. I did the ceramics, glass and paper exhibits as well as the pharmaceuticals. The most impressive for me was the reproduction of the Altamira cave in Spain where they found paintings from up to 21,000 years ago. An exhibit showed how they did the reproduction in the cave.

      I had read in some tourist information to go across the street - sort of - to the Volksbad for lunch. (Clearly they did not think much of the museum food). I was ready for something different so found my way there - by the river Isar. The Volksbad is a spa with baths, etc and had a lovely cafe outdoors with lots of greenery. A good tip.

      After lunch, I wandered about town - bought 2 new T-shirts - I am very tired of the ones that I have been wearing for 7 weeks! I checked out the Hofbrauhaus - modestly known as the most famous tavern in the world. It seats 1300 beer drinkers inside and I do not know how many more in the large courtyard. It is open every day of the year. Apparently it is the "Mecca" for religious beer drinkers.

      Sat in one of the hundreds of cafes and had some tea while waiting for some music that I wanted to go to in the evening. I was able to get a ticket and the Classical music concert with Violin and Cembola (Harpischord). Least you think I know what a Cembola was, I had to look it up when I got home. :-) It was wonderful. The violinist was outstanding. And the setting was a small chapel in a "used to be" palace. Very baroque in design and lovely. The music fit the setting. Another great day.

      Miles: 6.2
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    • Day 42


      May 22, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      Up and out for another walking tour. Today to Dachau, a small city (around 50,000) only 12 miles from Munich. Its hard to decide if you "want" to go to a former concentration camp. Not exactly a fun activity while traveling. I had been to Auschwitz several years ago and afterwards was glad I had had the experience, this Dachau this time.

      The camp was similar to Auschwitz however I learned that Dachau was Labor Camp not an Extermination Camp as was Auschwitz. No gassing was done in Dachau - that is not to say that many were not killed, just not gassed The atrocities were just as horrible. But the labor force of the camp supported the Hitler war effort. Medical experiments carried out as well. The memorial is well done, depressing and thought provoking.

      The tour was most of the day. Unlike yesterday, the group was much larger - around 30. We left at 10:15 and back by 3:30. A walk through the market in Marienplatz, bought a bottle of French white for home consumption. Then back to "home" and off to the grocery store. Got supplies for the next 3 days. Home for an evening of planning and leftover pizza for dinner.

      Miles: 5.6
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    • Day 43


      May 23, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      A day off of tourism. Felt lazy today and was very tired last night so today a day with not much to report. Planned to go to the Deutches Museum but when I finally got around to getting there, it was 3:30 and when I checked the website they closed at 5PM - so tomorrow.

      So the day consisted of some "body maintenance" - pedicure - and actually some shopping. Weather has been warm and I left my favorite "runaround" dress at home, so went shopping for a dress to throw on and wear for "tourism". Found one for 20 Euros so if it lasts until I get home I will be happy.

      My travels on foot - shopping and looking for a place to get a pedicure - took me to some new parts to the city. Tons of shopping here, for those that are reading this and do not know me well, I am NOT a shopper. But some new vistas, more beautiful buildings, lots of cafes and a beautiful day in the low 70s to just enjoy. This afternoon I went back to the surfing area in the English Garden to watch longer and get some better picture. Took some videos, fun to watch the kids and this "engineered surfing".

      Home for a night of cocktails on my balcony watching the weather - a T storm presently, salad for dinner and some CNN/BBC. Started a new book and think it is going to be good - The House by the River. A book written by Greek author - Lena Manta - in 2007 and just translated into English in 2017.

      Miles: 6.1
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    • Day 41


      May 21, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Bright sunshiny day and off early for downtown Munich - about a 20-25 minute walk and tram ride away Today is a holiday in Germany, Ascension Day, (40 days after Easter) so no shops or grocery stores open again. (Yesterday was Sunday) Went "downtown" - Marienplatz - city center and lots of cafes and tons of tourists - to find breakfast. Amazing the number of people having beer for breakfast!! This is a very beer drinking culture (wine is secondary). Pretzels (the bread that comes with all meals) eggs and ham - tasted good as I have been having cereal and yogurt for many day s in a row.

      Headed for the TI and the City Walking Tour at 10:45. Nice small group - only 6 of us there for the English tour - our guide originally from Rhode Island. We toured the City highlight city buildings, history of Munich and WWII history, as well as churches and the English garden (where they surf in Munich). Some German engineer managed to create a wave area in the myriad of underground waterways (used to be moats) and now it is well known venue for the surfing community. A nice group of people and a good tour. Nice conversation with a professor from Rutgers who was traveling Germany speaking on political psychology. I managed to spend some time with the tour leader and got some recommendations on museums (there are so many you have to chose), restaurants and other sights.

      After the tour, back to the TI for information and tonight's reading materials. Then to the central train station where there were stores open and I found a grocery store. I was thrilled. Back to the city center and a late lunch at Neurnberger Bratwurst for their specialty - sausages and sauerkraut. And of course the obligatory beer. :-)

      Back to the apartment for some catch up, a visit from the owner who was able to adjust the TV for some English TV stations (CNN and BBC) and some time on my balcony just admiring the view. Out late to check out a geocache near by. Too funny. As I am crawling under a railing looking for the geocache another couple comes up and, as it turns out, they are looking for the same geocache! Geocaching is big in Germany. They found it quite quickly so we shared in the find together. They were from Northern Germany, near the border with the Netherlands. Down the street for a take out pizza and home for TV and pizza.

      Miles: 7.5
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    • Countdown 3..2..1..

      August 6, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Die letzten Vorbereitungen sind getroffen, das Rad ist gepackt und die warmen Sachen wieder ausgepackt. Die Regenjacke ist griffbereit verstaut und der Wecker ist gestellt. auch Plan B steht. Wenn es in Nürnberg immernoch nach super schlechtem Wetter ausschaut, weiter mit dem Zug bis nach Bamberg und zur Not erst dort starten. Laut Wetterbericht sind Windböen bis 56 km/h gemeldet, aber die Hoffnung, dass das Wetter es sich doch noch anders überlegt, ist nach wie vor da.Read more

    • Day 45


      May 25, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      Last day in Munich dawned bright sunshine and warm. My streak of incredible weather continues. Some housekeeping chores first: my adapter for my computer died and had to find a new one, needed hand lotion and a new transport ticket.

      After all of that off to the Pinakothek Museum. There are 3 Pinakothek museums: old, new, and modern - in the same area. I decided to go to the new, new should be in quotes as the first New Pinakotek was built in the late 1800s! However as with most buildings in Munich, it was destroyed in 1944 and has been rebuilt. This museum houses art from about 1600-1850 so is after the Renaissance and includes the Impressionists. Another huge building but I love what they have done with the space. All of the art has a lot of room, there may be only 7 or 8 paintings in a 600 sq foot room. And most of the walls that the art hangs on are painted blue. Thoroughly enjoyed the museum. Took time for a "tea" break and later lunch in their lovely outdoor cafe.

      Back for my final trip to the City Center - Marienplatz - and the market nearby for a bottle of German white wine and "home"early to pack and a relaxing evening. Enjoying the last glass of wine on my balcony with its terrific view.
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    • #1 Vamos!

      April 30, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Am Ende ging’s dann doch wie im Flug: letzter Arbeitstag, zahlreiche Abschiede und plötzlich zählt der Countdown nunmehr einen Tag.

      Morgen geht sie los - unsere #tourdefränz. Die Theorie: Drei Monate Südamerika, dann wird der Rucksack mit dem Rad getauscht und es wird durch Europa pedaliert. Wie das Ganze in der Praxis aussieht, erfahrt ihr hier. Schön, dass ihr dabei seid!

      Bevor es morgen in die Luft geht, holt uns das Packen zurück auf den Boden. Statt Ausruhen heißt es daher zunächst Ausräumen. Und so kämpft sich Fränzi durch den Kleiderdschungel und macht sich mit jedem Quadratzentimeter ihres Rucksacks vertraut, während es draußen langsam so richtig grünt und wir uns von unserer schönen Wohnung und dem Münchner Frühling verabschieden.

      Nun platzen die Rucksäcke aus allen Nähten - und wir so langsam vor Aufregung. Jetzt heißt es nur noch einmal Reste verwerten, dann ein paar Stündchen Schlaf, bis der Wecker früh morgens den ersten Tag unserer Reise einläutet.
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