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    • Dag 99


      16. september 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      In Bremen waren wir zufällig auf der maritimen Woche. Hier gab es Action und super viel zu sehen.
      Es gab ein speedbootrennen, bei dem die Runden von einem Typen auf einem Flyboard angezeigt worden sind. Super viele Essensstände und Menschenmassen ohne Ende. Abends haben wir eine Lichtershow angeschaut, bei der mehrere dutzend Boote mit Lichtern behangen am Sonnenuntergang entlang gefahren sind. Über den Booten lief ein Typ mit Lichterkettenumhang auf der Slackline von der Brücke zum Schiffsmast, bestimmt 60 Meter oder mehr. Feuerwerk gab es dann auch.
      Mit dem Fahrrad waren wir 10 Minuten später bei unserem Schlafplatz bei dem aus Lautsprechern Geige Übungen gespielt worden sind
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    • Dag 14

      Nächster Halt: Bremen

      28. august 2019, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Langsam aber sicher müssen wir wieder im Richtung Schweiz kommen. Deshalb beschliessen wir ein Stück nach Süden zu fahren und in Bremen einen Zwischenhalt einzulegen.
      Wir haben einen Stellplatz bei einem Hotel unweit des Zentrums in Bremen hersusgesucht. Nichts soektakuläres aber nur um die Stadt zu besichtigen und zum Schlafen reicht es allemal.

      Wir machen uns auf den Weg in Richtung Innenstadt. Einen genauen Plan haben wir nicht, wir wollen einfach ein Bisschen Bewegung und die Stadt anschauen.
      Natürlich machen wir auch bei den Bremer Stadtmusikanten einen Halt und besuchen die Flaniermeile an der Weser. Weiter geht es ins Waterfront Einkaufscenter. Ein wenig Shopping muss auch sein 😉 Leider schlägt nun das Wetter um und es giesst wie aus Kübeln.
      Also gehts zurück zum gemütlichen Cali.
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    • Dag 6

      Die Schlange.....

      9. juni 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      ....jeder, wirklich jeder Tourist wollte ein Bild mit Ihnen haben.

      Doch von Anfang an. Nach dem Tanken 😪 und ca. 2 Std. Fahrt kamen wir am sehr schönen Stellplatz Kuhhirten an. Nach unserer kurzen Mittagspause liefen wir in die 1,5 km entfernte Stadt. Über die Weser ging es mit der Fähre.

      Am frühen Nachmittag war ganz schön was los um das wirklich sehr schöne alte Rathaus. Die Kinder gingen zu Starbucks und ich in die Ausstellung anlässlich der UNESCO Welterbe Tagung um mal zu schauen wo wir schon überall waren. Einige der Welterbestätten kann ich schon abhaken, es gibt aber noch vieles schöne anzuschauen 😍

      Ich bin mit Felix auf den Domturm gestiegen um einen Überblick über die Stadt zu bekommen. Wir tranken noch Kaffee ☕️ und saßen tatsächlich eine Weile in der Sonne.

      Der nächste Stopp war für Lilli bei H&M und NewYorker bevor wir an den Wall liefen wo, mitten in der Stadt, die sehr schöne Kaffeemühle in den Wallanlagen steht.

      Auf dem Rückweg zum Marktplatz musste noch ein Ladekabel für Lillis Handy gekauft werden und den Rest der Zeit verbrachten wir in der 🐍 Schlange.

      Ja, vor den Bremer Stadtmusikanten hatten sich schon den ganzen Tag jede Menge Touris wie wir versammelt um ein Bild mit den Stars der Gebrüder Grimm zu bekommen. Auch wir haben es geschafft 😇

      Bremen eine richtig coole Stadt mit viel Altstadt und in Bremerhaven den Viertgrößten Containerhafen Europas (Stand 2004). Den wir vor ein paar Jahren schon besichtigen konnten. Der Abschluss war heute das von Lilli gewünschte sehr leckere Sushi. Jetzt spielt Felix noch bisschen Fußball und Lilli telefoniert mit Ihrer Freundin.

      Und ich mache mir einen GinTonic 🍋
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    • Dag 4

      HanseCamping Bremen

      11. juni 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Ausruhtag 🤪
      Alle Natels leer; irgendwie haben sie sich entladen. Ohne dieses Ding ist man irgendwie verloren. Auch bei der Suche der Zielorte ist man behindert. Wenn man Passanten nach dem Weg fragt, wissen diese auch nicht mehr; so fährt man dann der Nase nach. Es dauert etwas länger, aber schlussendlich sind wir angekommen. Mit Frau google geht es wesentlich eingfacher 🙂
      Ah ja, dann musste ich noch den Ladestecker im Seitenwagen so befestigen, dass man ihn nicht mehr hinter die Abdeckung drücken kann.
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    • Dag 4


      3. juli 2021, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Vo Heidelberg ohni halt nach Bremen.
      (Bis jetzt isch nur de Michi fahrer gsi 😉)

      Uf em Stellplatz ahcho hämmer dänn eus gad mit de Nachbere ahgfründet (au Schwiizer gsi) so das mer de Match (sui-spa) hend döfe bi ihne luege.

      Zwei Nächt hemmer in Bremen verbracht, was glanget het um eus bizli id Bremer Altstadt z’ verliebe. Empfehlenswert!

      Stellplatz, Schnoor, Bremer Stadtmusikanten)

      Memo a ois:
      - Stellplatz mit abwäschplatz sueche (oder zersch i formiere und sicher kein 5-Gänger choche)
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    • Dag 24

      Bremen, Germany

      26. maj 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Day 23:

      We lucked out again (as we knock on every accessible wood surface) with the weather on the way to the train station. A light drizzle was actually quite refreshing, plus Danielle got to use her sweet moose scarf from Norway. When we made the reservation for the train a couple days ago, the man at the window recommended that we go first class. And he was right! We had wide, lumbar-supporting seats in a section with only 6 seats *read: no screaming children* A 5 hour ride to Hamburg isn't bad when you're comfortable. What we weren't expecting was the train to board a ferry to travel between Denmark and Germany. That was a pretty neat experience. We had to get off the train while crossing, which gave us a chance to get some fresh air and stretch our legs. Then from Hamburg to Bremen, we had a proper coupé that we shared with an old German couple.

      Feeling pretty fancy arriving to the station, we decided to walk past the famous Park Hotel into Der Bürgerpark. It had to be over a square mile of wild grasses and oak trees, with streams and walking paths passing through. We sat on a bench there and relaxed for probably an hour before moving on to our next airbnb. Which, side note, we have LOVED using! Our host is an alternative medicine healer in a 100 year old house. We were greeted with a friendly tour and hazelnut chocolates on our pillows. We were so excited!

      Since we're in a less touristy city, we figured we'd go out to the most obnoxiously traditional German restaurant. Based almost solely on the name, we ended up going to Edel Weiss. There was a pretzel tree inside, so suffice it to say we were not disappointed. Danielle got about 3 pounds of porkschnitzel on fries, mushrooms, and bacon, and Jason got white asparagus with porkschnitzel, potatoes, and hollandaise. One of, if not THE, best meal we have ever had at a restaurant. Apparently we tipped well, because our waitress said "one moment" and brought us shots of apfel schnapps after we paid. We didn't complain.

      Danielle noticed a sign that said there was a bier fest in Bremen that just so happened to be from May 26-28. What a happy coincidence. After listening to an Australian band at the train station for a little bit, we wandered to the city center, following the music. Dozens of beer tents were out (including Stone Berlin!) and a German country music band was playing. We were able to try beer from a Bremen-based brewery that we really enjoyed!

      It may not be at the top of the travel list for most people, but 2 days may not be enough here for us.
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    • Dag 1

      Zwischenstopp in Bremen

      8. maj, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Nach entspannter Fahrt kommen wir mittags in Bremen an. Die angepeilte Ladestation am Rande der Innenstadt ist besetzt, aber in der benachbarten öffentlichen Hotel-Tiefgarage sind auch Lademöglichkeiten vorhanden - und das auch noch im Park-Preis enthalten! Was möchte man mehr?

      Ein paar Schritte sind wir dann zum Rathaus und zum Roland gegangen, am Dom vorbei runter in Richtung Schnoor, einem putzigen Fachwerkviertel in der Innenstadt. Dort stärken wir uns mit Labskaus und Bremer Knipp. Weiter geht es nun nach Norden im dichter werdenden Vor-Feiertags-Verkehr nach Bremerhaven.
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    • Dag 25

      Bremen, Germany pt II

      27. maj 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Day 24:

      Today we were able to sleep in a bit and picked up some pastries (which were nowhere near the quality of Scandinavian pastries... but they were from a train station, so we'll have the difficult task of tasting more) and coffee before heading into town.

      We don't even know where to begin with the sights in Bremen. Its such a small town, but its packed with our favorites: stunning old buildings and open parks. Just the train station alone was built in the mid 1800s and looks magnificent. First on our list to visit was the St Petri Dom, a massive 2 tower cathedral that's on all of the souvenirs from Bremen. But of course, on the way we get excited by the sight of a huge tower and decide to follow that to be slightly disappointed. It led us to the Gemeinde Unser Lieben Frauen Kirche, which we're sure is beautiful, but was under construction and covered in scaffolding and plastic. Thanks to our dear friend, Google, we're sort of bummed that we didn't get to see the church. The first church on the site was built in the NINTH century! But of course war destroyed the building, then it was rebuilt, just to get burned down again, over and over. So its hard to know when the actual parts that remain were put in place, but still... that's just baffling.

      Continuing on, by which we mean taking 15 or so steps, we narrowly avoided being pushed in front of a tram by an old couple and entered the Marktplatz. Our backs were to the Bremer Rathaus (town hall), and we were facing, get this, Handelskammer Bremen - Industrie und Handelskammer für Bremen und Bremerhaven. Yes. The most German name possible for the chamber of commerce. The building itself, Haus Schütting, and the "IHK" have vast histories in and of themselves, but we can't go THAT deep into a history lesson... but the building is from the mid 1500s and has awesome gold detailing. Inside the marketplace was the statue of Roland, a stone figure built in 1404 depicting one of Charlemagne's bossiest warriors, said to be guarding the city.

      Once we had a chance to turn around and see the Rathaus, despite some construction, it was an incredible gothic building from the early 13th century. Through some of the coverings, we could see figures of different emperors and other important people, making another call to the Holy Roman Empire. That starts to put into perspective how massive the empire really was, before any modern transportation. Completely insane.

      Right around the corner, we got our first look at what brought us to the city, the St Petri Dom. Its easy to see why that is the trademark of the city, it seriously takes your breath away. And that was just the outside. Inside, the detail and preservation was impressive. They even had the original hand carved wooden doors displayed on a wall. 3 sets of massive pipe organs, open halls, and a dungeonesque room of silence in the basement that seriously looked fake. Like something at Medieval Times. Its impossible to describe, and even harder to capture in a picture the scale of everything, yet if you look closely, the details are all so fine. And to think, it was built in 789. A THREE digit year! It was built closer to the time Jesus was on earth than us. Of course, being built in the middle ages, it was burned, smashed, ransacked, and pissed on for hundreds of years, leaving the earliest parts still remaining being from about the 11th century.

      Next, we went to Böttcherstraße, this weird, artistic street built in the 20s. It was definitely interesting, but very strange. Bricks stacking out from the walls, twists and turns, and everything is made in an expressionist style. Funny fact: the entrance has a large golden art piece called the Bringer of Light. It was built to represent Hilter, but he disagreed with their love of the Nordic people so he never accepted it. Which is probably why the art piece still exists today. So we can thank the Nordic people again!

      We were in need of some of Bremen's finest, and we knew we were near another iconic street, so we made our way to Schnoor. It was originally the poor end of town in the middle ages, and ironically is the best preserved portion of housing from the era. Being a historically poor area made Schnoor a less than prime target during the world wars, which, history lesson, was the worst for a community in Germany. Essentially taxes had to be paid for NOT having your house destroyed. So the residents moved out of the already dilapidated houses and were replaced by restaurants and businesses that now sell goofy souvenirs to tourists. But the area is amazingly preserved as exactly what you would imagine as classic German houses.

      Leaving Schnoor, we came across the Propsteikirche St. Johann. Its a 14th century monastery church. Of course it was beautiful, of course we touched the bricks, but the crown jewel of the church is said to be the pipe organ. Unfortunately, with the upturn in the economy, everything under construction. We don't mind, because that is preserving these beautiful buildings for future generations, but we would've liked to have seen the inside. We then wandered upon the Sankt Martini Kirche. Story time. Basically, the citizens of the town said they were sick of everything in the city being militaristic and they wanted more churches. So whatever head of the church set out plans to build. It was the early 13th century, and most of the original building remains. There was a docent there when we went through the church, and he was so enthusiastic about everything that we just couldn't break to him that we didn't understand a word he said. ...other than detailed, which it definitely was.

      As we made our way back to the city center, we caught something we had lost in the awe of everything, the Bremer Stadtmusikanten. Its a relatively new sculpture depicting the characters of a fairy tale called, of course, the Town Musicians of Bremen. The characters in the story at no point were in Bremen, but it was written by the Brothers Grimm, so they can do whatever they please... After all, the did write Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow Qite, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, and any other classic Disney film you could think of. We rubbed the donkey's hoof to have a wish come true, and moved on. Its fun to see iconic sculptures such as those, but no need to linger.

      We had seen that Am Wall was a sight to see, as well, but we got distracted by the park along Am Wall street and ended up taking a nap on the grass next to a huge windmill. Turns out the windmill was actually built on top of an old gate tower, from when the city was surrounded by ramparts. We didn't end up looking at the houses on Am Wall, partially because we didn't really look in depth into what was special about them. They are houses built on and integrating the medieval wall. We're not sure how apparent that it, but its still a pretty cool fact.

      We went to the Bier Fest again, but instead of country, it was some pretty crazy rock band. We ended up talking to an older German couple who were very passionate about American craft beer and apparently make a biannual trip to California.

      It was another very busy day, with a whole bunch of walking. Luckily, our bodies are getting used to the walking, so its just funny to look at the step counter when we get home, saying we walked 10 miles!
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    • Dag 22


      2. august 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Jeudi, 2 août 2018 bis

      La Böttcherstrasse, attire les foules touristiques. Le relief doré "Le Lichtbringer" nous y conduit. Cette ruelle était au moyen âge habité par les tonneliers, d'où son nom. L'état des maisons au début du siècle passé était catastrophique. En 1921 c'est Ludwig Roselius, inventeur du café HAG (décaféiné), qui achète toute la rue et charge un architecte avec la rénovation ou la reconstruction en style "art nouveau" de l'ensemble. Une des maison est dès lors destinée à accueillir la riche collection de tableaux d'ancien maîtres par ex. plusieurs Cranach, le tout agrémenté avec des meubles et des objets de l'époque. La maison voisine abrite une riche collection de la peintre Paula Modersohn-Becker, représentante de l'expressionnisme allemand. Dans une petite cour se trouve la fontaine "les sept paresseux", représentant des garçons qui au lieu d'aller puiser de l'eau dans le fleuve, avait foré la fontaine. A chaque heure pleine, un carillon de cloches en porcelaine, attire les visiteurs avec ses mélodies et une porte dans la tour montre des tableaux avec les explorateurs du nouveau monde. Nous rejoignons pour finir notre visite, les bords de la Weser, la Schlachte, l'ancien port de Bremen. Nous attendons, sous un soleil puissant, notre ferry. Un accident de baignade a mobilisé plein de sauveteurs. Nous sommes en pensée avec cette famille, qui a perdu son petit garçon.Læs mere

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    Bremen, بريمن, Горад Брэмен, Бремен, Brémy, Brema, Βρέμη, Bremeno, برمن, Brême, 𐌱𐍂𐌴𐌼𐌴𐌽, ברמן, Bréma, Բրեմեն, BRE, ブレーメン, ბრემენი, 브레멘, Breme, Brėmenas, Brēmene, ब्रेमेन, ဘရီမန်မြို့, Byen Bremen, Brèma, Брэмэн, Bremeni, เบรเมิน, Brémén, 不来梅

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