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    • Day 1

      Mit 3860 kg unterwegs

      October 17, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nach einer enormen Ausräumungs und Aufräumungsaktion fuhren wir gestern den letzten Krempel auf die Mülldeponie. Anschließend ging es dort mit dem Womo auf die Waage. Puh, 10 kg zuviel. Die muß Klaus jetzt noch abnehmen. 😉 Später war die Schlüsselübergabe unserer Wohnung an die Nachmieter. Heute wurde dann noch der letzte Arztbesuch in Heilbronn erledigt, Ab Morgen begeben wir uns auf Verabschiedungstour zu Freunden und Verwanten nach Ingelheim, Haan, Velbert, Gevelsberg, Adersbach, Kirchardt und Eschelbronn. Das gibt Kilometer.
      Wie man auf dem Foto sieht, sind wir nicht im Ruhestand sondern im Ruhesitz.
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    • Day 7

      Vom Kraterring nach Hiroshima

      May 21 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Wir verlassen das Ryokan und besteigen den äußeren Kraterring mit einem schönen Blick auf die Vulkane im Inneren. Dann geht's mit unterschiedlichen Zügen zurück nach Kumamoto, essen dort auf eigene Faust in einem Nudellokal zu Mittag und fahren von dort aus mit dem Shinkansen nach Hiroshima.
      Nach der Ankunft mit dem Zug und der Straßenbahn im Hotel sind wir gleich wieder los. In den gegenüberliegenden Friedenspark. Hier zündete am 8. August 1945, die erste Atombombe. In Hiroshima finden wir zum Abendessen ein Spießchen Restaurant für Japaner. Wir erfreuen uns da aber wieder an Sashimi.
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    • Day 10

      Day 9 Berlin

      December 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

      Day two in Berlin was cool. We went into the centre of town and up to the top of the Berlin TV tower ( 360 degrees observation deck at 203m ) The view was spectacular and the lift ride very fast. We then set off on our own for a very cool area of town. We wandered around some quirky markets and then in and out of lanes and alleys. We stopped for a beautiful coffee and croissant and then we returned to the bus to be taken out of town for 30 minutes to Potstam, a beautiful lakeside town. The area had signicant history as it was where many Nazi meetings had taken place and decisions made as well the bridge where spy swaps had taken place during the Cold War.
      We drove into the main part of town to visit the last Christmas Market. It was beautiful as it was set up all the way down the Main Street. We enjoyed 2 hours relaxing and finding yet another yummy treat to eat. We then returned to the hotel after another long drive. After a quick refresh we headed into town for a lovely farewell dinner at a local restaurant. We leave the tour now and head to Berlin airport tomorrow on our way to Brussels and then Brugge.
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    • Day 6

      Uni class, Leingarten tour and badminton

      December 18, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Today we woke up early, Nunzio picked us up at 9 am and we had the great opportunity to sit down and listen to a lesson of Big Data Analysis at his university. It was great and the professor was very kind, he even changed to english at some point so it would be easier for us to understand!
      Afterwards we went for a pizza at the Italian food restaurant where Jason Zwei works, not only he sneaked in a little extra meat into our pizzas but he was kind enough to convince his boss to give us 50% off! :) He’s really a great guy.
      After stuffing ourselves with pizzas, Nunzio had to go work, so he left us at the Leingarten West station and the exploring began. We visited all the places I remembered, and walked through every road. From the kindergarten on the top of the hill, to the primary school I attended, went for a walk in the middle of no where to the 2 small lakes behind the school, found a little Waldtelefon, saw people jogging with no sun at -1 degrees, and all in all I was very pleased to see that really nothing changed, the same bridge, the same color houses, the same plants, the same everything and everywhere.
      Once we were done and Nunzio too, he picked us up to take us play badminton with his friends, gab a few bears and have some really authentic german food! It was great, I tried the Maultaschen, amd one of Nunzio's friends was not only speaking spanish and was very excited to be able to practice, but also very curious and kind to us. He even insisted I try every part of his dish so I could try all the different german flavours! Eventually we had to say goodbye, and after a very cozy ride back in Nunzio's van to our Airbnb, we arrived completely destroyed and tired. Took a shower and awaiting for tomorrow's adventure.
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    • Day 8

      Mind your Brain

      November 17, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      Guten Abend.
      It was a beautiful day today. It only rained a little bit this morning but not too bad.

      I didn't have to hit the road early this morning, so I slept in a little bit. Which was very nice. I had a bite of breakfast, which consisted of pomegranate and blood orange Greek yogurt, and it was delicious.

      I headed off to Heilbronn's science museum and spent most of the day there. Their special exhibit was Mind Your Brain. It was totally interactive and very interesting. One of the stations was Meditation with Chocolate, and I highly recommend us doing it every day in the coffee lounge.

      I had lunch there and had to order a cheeseburger because that is the only thing I could understand on the kiosk menu. I am beginning to have deep empathy and appreciation for non-native speaking people. It is difficult to navigate when you do not understand the rules and instructions of the culture.

      Now I am back safe in my airbnb, and ended with a light supper, which I prepared. I'm seriously going to have to treat myself this well when I get home.

      I want to wish each of you a very nice evening. I am looking forward to tomorrow there's only 20% chance of rain. Perhaps I can do some Castle chasing.

      PS. Kitty is doing well, too😼
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    • Day 7

      To Heilderberg

      December 19, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Today we woke up late, decided we should take a little time off. So we went and had a Kebab 1pm in Heilbronn and walk around a little bit, took some nice pictures and even got to remember a couple of places.
      Somewhere around 3-4 pm we took a train to Heilderberg, sadly we didn’t get there in time to see the castle, so we just walked around the town and looked at a couple more Christmas markets.
      Finally we made our way back and tomorrow a new destination!
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    • Day 2

      Übernachtungsplatz Weinsberg

      March 15, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Gestern Abend sind wir um 22.30 in Weinsberg angekommen. Auf der Fahrt hat es hin und wieder geregnetStellplatz ist gratis und nur ca 15 Min von HRZ entfernt. Nach einem leichten Znacht, sind wir schlafen gegangen.

      Am Morgen scheint die Sonne. Wir genießen unser Frühstück und dann geht's los.
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    • Day 8

      Goodbyes and new destination

      December 20, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Yesterday we woke up a little early since we had to check out from the Airbnb. We went to Heilbronn, had something for breakfast at the Italian place Jason works at.
      Afterwards, we met Jason in Leingarten to hang out a little bit and say goodbye. We had a lot of fun and we also shared some memories while walking through Leingarten.
      A couple of hours later, we took a final picture and finally said goodbye.
      Then we went to a bar to wait for Nunzio, we eventually picked us up and we went for a couple of more drinks, we had a very interesting a long conversation about pretty much everything, I found his way of thinking specially interesting. And we had a great night. From there, he took us to his house one last time, we took a final picture and said goodbye, hopefully for less than 20 years.
      Finally Nunzio went above and beyond, taking us to Stuttgart himself. And leaving us right on the door of out new Airbnb.
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    • Day 3

      Kagoshima- Insel Yakushima

      May 17 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Wir fliegen am 15. Mai.2024 in Frankfurt abends ab und kommen am 16. Mai nachmittags zunächst in Tokio an, treffen dort Simeon Peter unseren Schweizer Reiseleiter und fliegen mit einem Inlandsflug abends weiter nach Kagoshima. Am 17. Mai fahren wir dann mit der Fähre 2,5 Stunden nach Yakushima. Ganz in der Nähe der Anlegestelle ist unser erstes Ryokan, eine traditionelle japanische Herberge, mit einem Gemeinschafts Bad, für Frauen und Männer getrennt, dem Onsen. Wir besuchen den botanischen Garten von Yakushima und ein richtiges Freiluftthermal Onsen am Strand. Und es gibt das erste traditionelle japanische Abendessen in einem Riokan. Wir bekommen viele kleine Schälchen mit den unterschiedlichsten Gerichten in kleinen Portionen zum probieren. Jeder bekommt einen fliegenden Fisch, die Flügel kann man essen, sie sind sehr knusprig. Insgesamt ist das Abendessen sehr reichhaltig. Das ist auch mein erster Kontakt mit Sashimi, rohen Thunfisch und anderen Fisch und Meeresarten. Es gibt auch Sukiyaki, jeder hat ein Fondue mit Brühe und gart darin Gemüse, Fleischstreifen, Pilze, Garnelen. Wir sind begeistert.Read more

    • Day 4

      Yakushima zur 7000 J.alten Zeder wandern

      May 18 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Am nächsten Morgen fahren wir mit 2 Taxis in den Nationalpark, einem Urwald Paradies mit vielen sehr alten Zedern. Wir wandern 5 h auf dem Jomon- Sugi Tek hin zur 7000 Jahre alten Zeder und 5 h zurück, 22km, 600 Höhenmeter. Gegen ende der Wanderung bade ich spontan noch in einem erfrischenden kühlen Fluß gefühlt 8 Grad Celsius. Ein Makake beobachtet uns noch recht territorial und wir gehen lieber weiter.Read more

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