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Top 10 Travel Destinations Cologne
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    • Day 18

      23,000 steps

      August 31, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Today we did a lot of walking! We walked from Oma Astrid’s along the Rhine River, stopping for an Eiskaffee at the Lindt Chocolate Museum. Then we walked through the Altstadt which was very cool. I saw lots of interesting Blackletter/Gothic script on the buildings which was inspiring. We went to the best spot for Mettbrötchen, which I thought was very tasty!! After more walking we explored a few old churches and did some sightseeing before deciding to get some spaghetti eis 🍧 Josh and I did a bit of shopping and ended up getting a puffer jacket each which will be great for the upcoming winter months in Amsterdam…☁️Read more

    • Day 11

      German border - Cologne

      May 14 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Made it to Germany! Was a tough day cycling in 27c and getting a bit lost on route to cologne, but after a day of cycling, it was a great feeling jumping in the lake for a dip and a cold beer thanks to my local host Matt to show me the hidden spots of the city.Read more

    • Day 20–22

      Grossstadt Kölle

      June 9 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Nach einer Fahrt über Land und dem Rhein entlang, der einige Uferwege wieder freigegeben hat, kamen wir im Businesshotel an. Auch wenn das Hotel an einer grossstadtgerechten Strasse liegt, finden wir immer eine grüne Ecke für Odin.

      Den Kölner Dom liess ich mir nicht entgehen und habe ein paar Stunden in den Gassen von Köln verbracht, während andere Schlaf nachholten.
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    • Day 21

      20 May: Rest Day?

      May 20 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today dawned misty, humid (91% humidity and heavily overcast). We were tired after the big emotional high of our Rembrandt Run yesterday. But hey, this was our last day in Cologne, and we won’t be back anytime soon, so we headed off through the empty streets (today being a feast day holiday) down to the mighty River Rhine. (Cue Wagner🎶 Siegfried’s Rhine Journey).

      The Rhine had swollen overnight. The riverside promenade was flooded, with Warning High Water signs closing access.

      We found our cruise boat and sat on the upper deck watching the City go by, while eating sausage and chips with curry sauce.

      A panorama of cultural treasures carefully reconstructed after the Allied bombing, cheap boxy housing run up after the war to house what was left of the people, and modern luxury apartments in interesting designs.

      From time to time mega barges would shoulder their purposeful way past us.

      In NZ we have seagulls. On the Rhine, ravens. I kept looking about anxiously for an old man with a floppy hat and one eye.

      After the cruise we walked back through the Old Market and main shopping areas. Interesting to look at but saved from temptation as they were all shut!

      Our last port of call was the Roman-German Museum. The Roman Emperor Augustus founded a city here in the first century CE: Colonia Claudia Ara Aggippinensium. This strategic site was a major military and trade centre. Soldiers, traders, workers, craftsmen, families came from all over the world, telling their stories in inscriptions and the huge numbers of everyday things like the 1.6 million objects , from boathooks to nit combs, retrieved by archaelogists from the bottom of the Roman harbour.

      Wealthy citizens lived in city villas decorated with mosaic floors, wall paintings, fine tableware, exquisite glassware and jewellery.

      We were running out of legs after viewing these treasures, remarkable because they all came from the same place over hundreds of years. Luckily the helpful lady at the desk pointed out a taxi stand a few metres away, so we gratefully took our throbbing feet home!

      Time to pack up and prepare for our big rail journey tomorrow - four plus hours north to Hamburg.
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    • Day 6

      One Last Time along the Rhine

      September 6, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Moinmoin, die letzte Etappe steht an. Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück haben wir unsere letzten 93km in Angriff genommen. Ohne Wolken und teilweise Rückenwind - auch am 6. Tag spielte das Wetter mit! Wir überquerten den Rhein zweimal mit der Fähre. Nach knapp 4.5 Stunden konnten wir dann einen ersten Blick der Kölner Skyline erhaschen und sind dann wenig später im Hotel (direkt beim Dom) angekommen. Nach einem wohlverdienten Abendessen haben wir und schon bald bettbereit gemacht.
      Fazit: Nach 518.2km ohne Panne, zwei kleinen Stürzen und viel Spass sind wir erfolgreich am Ziel angekommen. Nun geniessen wir Köln und genehmigen uns (wohl eher nur ich (Michele)) ein Kölsch. Tschö!
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    • Day 11


      May 25, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Donnserstag 25.5. Köln, Ruhetag. Gediegenes Frühstück in Konfiserie “Eigel”, just delicious !!!
      Über die Deutzerbrücke dann hoch auf den Ausichtsturm “Triangle” mît grandioser Rundsicht über ganz Köln. Dem Rhein entlang über die Zoobrücke ins „Weinmuseum“, sehr lehrreich, als Belohnung zum Begehen des Rebberges auf dem Dach ein Glas „Grauburgunder“, sehr fruchtig und erfrischend. Dem Rhein hoch zum „Kölner Dom“. Bauzeit von 1248-1559,
      = 300 Jahre, dannPause ! Erst 330 Jahre später, ab 1842 wurde das Werk mit den ursprünglichen Plänen zur Vollendung gebracht. Bauzinsen ???. Ein grandioses Prachtstück hochgotischer Architektur und Sinnbild der nationalen Einheit der Deutschen. Vorbild war die Kathedrale von Reims. Etwas Ruhe im Zimmer und zum Abendessen deutscher weisser SPARGEL, mhhhh
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    • Day 10


      May 24, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute haben wir wieder viele km bei Wind und kaltem Wetter gefahren, brrrrrrrr
      In den Hotels werden wir als Velofahrer sehr grosszügig bedient, siehe Velo in der Lobby.
      Nun sind wir in Köln angekommen und haben für Morgen einen Ruhetag eingeplant. Das fahren macht immer noch Spass.Read more

    • Day 33

      Day 33: Cologne, Germany🍺🍺⛪️🌙

      August 5, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We had a great night of sleep and decided to sleep in until about 9:00 AM as we were having a sort day of only 27 miles to Cologne. We had a nice breakfast on the back patio with Thomas. After breakfast Thomas gave us a picture show and stories about his 100-day bicycle trip from Berlin to Iran. What an amazing adventure he had! We got pedaling toward Cologne at 11:45 AM (our latest start of the trip.) The ride along the Rhine was chilly, damp, and very bumpy. We stopped for a picnic with the sandwiches we made at breakfast within 5 miles of Cologne, and also shared a sweet treat from a bakery. Cologne (1.1 million pop. Is the 4th largest city in 🇩🇪) was also crowded, especially around the Cathedral, Kölner Dom, which receives tens of thousands of visitors per day. The Cathedral is an amazing site, and I recommend you learn more about it. “The towers for its two huge spires give the cathedral the largest façade of any church in the world.” It is believed by many the remains of the three wise men are contained within the cathedral. After that Lisa and I took turns exploring the cathedral’s interior and then we navigated our way through the busyness to our Warmshower Lar’s and Sabine’s flat. They live in a car-free neighborhood which was very interesting to learn about, and experience the quietness of such a living space. No cars parked on the street, no traffic, only bicycles and walking. The evening was a beautiful walking tour with Sabine and Lars filled with talk of past adventures and future dreams of travel. We ended at a special local pub/restaurant called the Golden Cabbage. At the Golden Cabbage we had a true local experience of a Cologne Brauhus. We drank Kölsch style beer which technically can only be brewed in Cologne from the traditional .2-liter glasses which are brought to you automatically by the waitress once yours is less than 1/2 full, and as long as you don’t cover the top with your coaster. We experienced the lively atmosphere of men watch the first league soccer game on the tv, and cheers of excitement when their team scored, or almost scored, as we enjoyed local dishes of blackened pudding, and sauerbraten. One man who had been a patron of the pub for nearly 60 years practiced his English with us. He welcomed us to Cologne and wished us a wonderful trip. At the end of our adventure in the Golden Cabbage the waitress found out we had been cycling for nearly 5 weeks and we’re from America, so she gave us some gifts from the pub. The Kölsch experience was something we had never experienced in Germany, and will be a special memory forever. The evening ended with a nightcap on the terrace of Lar’s & Sabine’s flat as the time was approaching midnight. This like all days was another very special experience! 🍺🚴🏻‍♂️❤️🇩🇪Read more

    • Day 21


      September 11, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Cologne was just a quick stop on our way to Switzerland. We had just enough time to check in, walk around town and grab dinner and a couple drinks. It looks like a great town even though it was raining. They desperately need the rain. The Rhine River is at record lows.

      Kolsch beer is the rage here, and they serve it in small narrow glasses. Too bad we're not staying longer because drinks are about half price compared to Denmark! For dinner, it was Sauerbraten for me and Salmon in
      a beurre Blanc sauce for Deanne, along with some German wines.

      Cologne's most famous landmark is it's gothic cathedral. We just made it inside before closing time. It's extremely tall and quite impressive. But after seeing a few of these, they tend to all look alike. I know.... sacriliege! After seeing that, we stumbled on a cafe called "Funk Haus" and of course Dr. Funkhouser and I HAD to stop in for a drink. Nobody in Iowa is quite sure, but they think it means Radio Station. We are asking several people what the surname means and have heard Radio Station and Fire Station. This cafe is named after the TV station that was in the building before. Maybe we'll find out in the Emmental valley of Switzerland where Deanne's family came from.

      More photos and videos are here.
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    • Day 76

      K Ö L N

      July 25, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      A peine je sors de la gare que j'en prend plein la vue avec la cathédrale supeeeerrrrr imposante ! Mais c'est tout pour le coup, je trouve pas spécialement de charme à cette ville même si elle est sympa a visiter
      La première chose que je m'empresse de faire c'est trouver un biergarten en revanche car je peux pas quitter l'Allemagne sans ça naturellement ~
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Köln, Koeln, Cologne, Keulen, ኮልን, Colonia, كولونيا, Горад Кёльн, Кьолн, Colònia, Кёльн, Kolín nad Rýnem, Cwlen, Κολωνία, Kolonjo, Kolonia, کلن, Koloin, קלן, कोलोन, Քյոլն, ケルン, კელნი, ಕಲೋನ್, 쾰른, Kölle, Colonia Agrippina, Kelnas, Ķelne, Келн, क्योल्न, Кӧльн, ကိုလုံးမြို့, Colonha, ਕਲਨ, کلون, Colônia, Culonia, Kiolns, Kolín nad Rýnom, Këlni, கோல்ன், కొలోన్, โคโลญ, Көлн, Kolon, Кельн, کولون, Kyoln, Cołogna, 科隆, קעלן, 古龍

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