Mary's Square

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    • Day 1–4


      April 20 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Zaterdag ben ik vertrokken vanaf Tilburg naar München! Samantha (vriendin van middelbare school) doet hier haar exchange dus dat was leuk om te combineren. We hebben ons heel goed vermaakt en hebben voor de verandering samen niet eens veel gekke dingen beleeft. Volgens Samantha zouden onze ervaringen alleen als avontuurlijk bestempeld worden in een Libelle blog 😂. Munchen is een hele grote stad met enorm veel musea, voornamelijk gefocust op kunst! Een paar kleine cultuurshocks had ik wel: in restaurants komen ze je alleen helpen als je oogcontract krijgt en overduidelijk zwaait. Geen service dus haha. Mensen dringen in het ov nogal voor. Bier is echt overal te krijgen maar ik heb me niet gewaagd aan een bierhuis door mijn kleine blaas. Het is frühlingsfest deze weken dus grappig om leeftijdsgenoten in lederhose te zien lopen door de stad. Meer fotos volgen nog! Op naar Salzburg morgen!Read more

    • Day 105

      Munich, Germany

      April 22 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      We got an early start to Munich from Venice. The Dolomite mountains (NE Alps) are covered w snow today, and it's sunny but cold. Good thing we bought hats and mittens in Venice. Beautiful drive through snow-capped mountains and glacial river flows.

      Arrived in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, and home to Beer Festivals, Pretzels, and Bavarian traditions. So, of course, it's off to the Bavarian Beer Hall we go for dinner. Especially liked the personal Beer Stein lockers in the Bars. Did we mention big, soft, warm pretzels!?! BTW, it's also the start of the White Asparagus season.

      April 22
      Munich is a very walkable town full of old charm where, yes, people still walk about in Bavarian clothes on special occasions. Found several high-end shops selling lederhosen for men and dirndls for women. It's a traditional dress with a structured bodice, tightly tied and decoratively embroidered. Sexy for men is judged by calf size, so we all smiled when we saw pushup calf warmers for sale.

      Everyone knows about the Nazi past of Munich, and how it became the center of WW II. So what impressed us was how the City has come to terms with its past, how it has taken responsibility for it and what steps it took to make sure that the lessons are taught to kids so that the horrors never happen again.

      As we toured the city, our guide shared stories of Munich and its recovery after WWII. The city was reduced to rubble by Allied bombs during World War II. However, thanks to an unlikely combination of progressive politics, respect for Old World architecture, and the Marshall Plan, the city was able to make an impressive recovery.

      That afternoon, we decided to check out Springfest (a mini Octoberfest), and we really enjoyed the big tents where everyone sits together, the large pretzels and, of course, the Beer.
      Then headed back to the shopping street in search of hiking boots as we are headed for the Alps tomorrow.

      That night, we went to a Jazz club and heard a fabulous 18-piece big band playing the classics.

      April 23
      Early morning as we set out for a much more somber experience - a visit to the Dauchau Concentration Camp. A quiet reflection as we head towards Switerland.
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    • Day 5

      München Altstadt

      May 1 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      I woke up this morning eager to see as much of Munich in the morning as I could. Today is 1st May, Labour day in Germany, a national holiday. The sun is shining brightly ☀️ so I'm assuming today will be another busy day in the city centre.

      The streets were far quieter this morning and so I was able to see a lot of the major sights I wanted to check out while I was here - Marienplatz with it's two town halls, Odeonsplatz and the Munich Residenz, the Hofgarten and State Chancellery, and the Viktualienmarkt. Munich is a city filled with grand, impressive buildings marking its long and proud history and distinct regional identity.

      After climbing up the tower in Peterskirche for a panoramic view, I went on a walking tour of the Altstadt led by a very enthusiastic Nebraskan called Brett. He was very knowledgeable about three essential elements of Munich's history - beer, Bavarians and Nazis. The tour was very informative and particularly highlighted how Munich had rebuilt itself after the end of the second world war. Unlike cities such as Berlin, which opted to rebuild themselves in a very modern, forward-looking aesthetic, Munich rebuilt itself as close to its original specifications as possible. This even went so far as to rebuild St Peter's Church with a cannonball lodged into it which had previously become stuck there during the Napoleonic wars!

      After the tour I had to check out the Hofbraühaus, Munich's quintessential beer hall. It has a fun vibe, if a bit overpriced 💶 This afternoon I think I'll be heading to a few different beer gardens to take in the Labour Day atmosphere in different parts of the city and take a tour of the Neuerathaus or the Residenz.
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    • Day 4

      Munich (+ Euro Championship fans)

      June 15 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      So who knew that Munich was hosting the European Championship "football" (aka soccer) games..and that they kicked it off yesterday with a win over Scotland?! So they are celebrating big time today, and the Scots are good natured and partying right along with them! Lots of fans, lots of fun!!!

      And wouldn't you know, it was also Brewer's Day today! Every two years the young brewers are honored in Marienplatz (main square) and pledge to uphold the City of Munich's Purity Law of 1487.
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    • Day 2

      München Tag 2

      July 6 in Germany ⋅ 🌩️ 31 °C

      Während SImone und Thomas beim "geilen Leben Workshop" waren hat Mutti das Grab Ihres Vaters und Ihrer Mutter besucht, probiert Ihre Schwester zu erreichen und das erste bayrische Restaurant genossen :-)Read more

    • Day 27

      Bloody Bavaria

      January 8, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      The Munich public transport system is heinously expensive. We spent a good 10 minutes trying to work out what we were doing wrong at the ticket machine because it couldn't possibly cost that much, but yep, it did, and it didn't even get us all the way to the accommodation and yep, memories confirmed, this place sucks - particularly after Vienna, where things are so clear and effective. We were in a right strop by the time we finally got to the hotel, and it was nice, but tiny, the majority of the available floor space located in the shower. Argh! Bloody Munich! Better go for a walk and get a pretzel.Read more

    • Day 2

      München aankomst

      June 28, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Gezien het volgens Google 5u rijden is tussen Luxemburg en München zat ik al om 7u30 aan het ontbijt. Eigenlijk was dit 7u maar de bakker had vertraging. De rit ging vlotjes, maar het continue moeten wisselen van snelheid door de wegenwerken werkte op mijn zenuwen. Ook had ik niet zo goed geslapen waardoor mijn rug wat pijnscheuten gaf. Het werd uiteindelijk 6 uur hierdoor ondanks mijn racen in het laatste stuk. Ik vond het al langer vreemd dat mijn auto moeite had om bergop te rijden, ik moest terug schakelen naar vijfde en goed gas geven om aan 110 te geraken. Daarom dacht ik om eens op die sport knop te drukken wanneer het weer bergop ging, en plots zat ik aan 160. Het laatste stuk naar München reed ik tussen de 150 en 180, net als de rest.

      Het viel op dat er zeer veel volk onderweg was, toen ik afreed om te tanken had ik zelfs geen plaats meer op de parking waardoor ik de volgende moest nemen. In München zijn ook veel touristen, maar ik merk dat de stad er nog veel meer gewoon is. Het hotel heeft een eigen parking en is op 20 min wandelen van de stad. Ik kan ook de metro nemen, maar heb geen zin om veel dat mondmasker aan te doen, het wordt een reis zonder openbaar vervoer.

      München heeft een mooi historisch centrum, maar er zijn verrassend veel werken, vooral aan de wegen. Een Duitse hobby waarschijnlijk, net als de vele bier gartens. Van de dorst ga je niet ontkomen hier, wat goed uitkwam want door de lange rit was ik uitgedroogd en uitgehongerd. De rest van de dag werd dus terrasjes en rondwandelen. Hier ben je wel verplicht om naam en telefoonnummer achter te laten in de cafés.

      De avond eindigde met een te volle maag en wat regen. Morgen zal het regenen maar dat is geen probleem want ik heb een hoop mooi kerken en gebouwen gezien om te bezoeken.
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    • Day 13


      December 21, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

      Marienplatz was at the heart of our short time in Munich. It was centrally located and is where we started and ended every day. It has the biggest Christmas market in the city that brought us a lot of really amazing food. It was also surrounded by beautiful architecture! In the middle of the plaza was Rathaus-Glockenspiel, which is a beautiful old clock tower. Twice a day this engineering marvel puts on a 12 minute show that shows knights jousting in front of the the royal audience. Different knights even win randomly. Marienplatz was definitely the heart of the city and we enjoyed every second of it.Read more

    • Day 276

      Munich & Nuremberg

      November 18, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      After an intense week of interviews, we headed for Munich to crash Giff & Rosa’s baby moon!

      Tour guide Thomas greeted us in full lederhosen and a penthouse suite which certainly set the tone for the weekend. Strolling the parks, the autumnal colours were absolutely gorgeous. 🍁

      Amazing food, many steins, gluhweins, Christmas markets, German sausage, river surfing and everything in between, Munich is quite the city. Thank you Thomas for all the local insights and recos!

      We then road tripped to Nuremberg with Giff & Rosa to find the main event, the Christmas markets, didn’t start until the weekend after. Silver lining - the lux hotel was affordable as it was ‘off-peak’! Apparently over 2 million tourists descend on the small town every December for the Christmas markets so they must be a big deal!

      A few more German sausages and local recos from Connor and Germany, we out. ✌🏼 🇩🇪

      Top tips:
      To come!
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    • Day 137

      German Strikes and Schnitzel!

      May 15, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      It’s our last day in Munich, Germany! It has been one of the girls favorite places! I’ve enjoyed it but it’s been in the 40-50s and rainy half of the time - so I’m surprised!

      We’ve walked a ton around the capital of Bavaria, learned to navigate the UBahn metro with decent competence (went the wrong way once yesterday but that’s part of the adventure right?), and felt like we experienced a bit what it would be to live here!

      Maddie loved: “the metro, the food, and just the feel of the town!”
      Katie loved: “this small town and the ice cream we had last night” (although the 3rd biggest city in Germany, Munich city center doesn’t feel like a huge city so I would agree with the sentiment!)

      We’ve seen:
      - a lot of underground Ubahn trains
      -surfers riding big waves on the river at the English Garden
      - local markets near the Marienplatz
      - two castles of the “mad king” Ludwig and the German countryside
      - the newest Guardians of the Galaxy in English at a local movie theater (it was much better than expected!)
      - a naked man at a local park (apparently a common site here based on our research!)
      - Maddie finally getting to do a few German lessons! Still loves it!

      We’ve tried:
      - schnitzel
      - bratwurst
      - the “famous boiled white wiener”- which had all of us in stitches. (Not very good)
      - the most atrociously drool inducing sour gum I have ever tried (we had a competition to see who would survive! Katie won the very time!)
      - after eights gelato (which may even beat out the outstanding gelato in Venice)!!

      So it’s been fun!

      We were supposed to go via train (eurail pass) to Paris tomorrow morning but train and transportation related strikes in Germany resulted in our train being cancelled. Super bummed and it’s required a huge amount of alternative planning. To top off the fun, the Airbnb I booked in Paris (the ONLY part of this last leg of the trip I booked in 2022!) cancelled yesterday!! Is the universe trying to tell me something??

      Due to all that, we’ll be flying to Paris tomorrow (hello - new claim to our travel insurance company!), spend just a couple days in Paris and then we are going to hop on 2 trains to get to a small town called Cassis, in the south of France. I’ve never been So I’m excited! We’ll be there 2-3 days and then head to Barcelona..

      At this point I’m hoping for the best but expecting more hiccups along the way!

      Hope all the mamas had a beautiful Mamas day! ❤️ We went to see Guardians of the Galaxy and made sure to get back before the strikes began so we weren’t stranded!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Marienplatz, Mary's Square, مارين بلاتز, Мариенплац, Μαρίενπλατς, מריאנפלאץ, マリエン広場, 마리엔 광장, Plac Mariacki w Monachium, 玛利亚广场

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