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    • Dia 12

      Meeting the Old Masters

      11 de maio, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We planned to do some shopping today, so we started late - the shops don’t open till 10. We’re both feeling like a change of clothes, and I need to replace the strides left in Vancouver (now back in NZ), and maybe a jacket.
      But all the clothes I looked at were so expensive they made Rembrandt look like Farmers!

      So we settled for lunch and a return visit to the Frauenkirche, which made such an impact on us a couple of days ago.

      We decided to spend the afternoon at the Alte Pinakothek. This art gallery is home to one of the largest collections of European painting in the world. I had no idea there would be such an extraordinary number (700) and range of paintings, from late medieval to early 20th century.

      We were just blown away. Again and again Des would jump up and down, saying “I’ve got that picture in a book at home”, or come out (as you might perhaps have expected!) with some arcane but insightful comment about a Dürer, a Goya or a Rembrandt. She really has an extraordinary knowledge about many of these masters.

      We looked at maybe three quarters of the collection before our legs ran out. Coffee and home. I resisted the 2000 piece jigsaws in the gallery shop!

      Another amazing day in Munich. Last day tomorrow, on to Strasbourg Monday.
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    • Dia 4

      An afternoon of art

      8 de abril de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      An afternoon of wonderful impressionist art in the Alte Pinakothek of Munich. Van Gogh, Gaugin, Monet, Klimt, Manet, Cezanne etc. It's a fantastic collection to see all in one place, that's what I love about visiting Europe, getting an abundance of history and culture 😊Leia mais

    • Dia 8

      Muinaista Egyptiläistä taidetta

      5 de julho de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Münchenissä oli puoliksi maan alle rakennettu hieno muinaisen Egyptiläisen taiteen museo, Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Kokoelma oli varsin kattava ja bonuksena oli lisäksi muinaisen Assyrian taidetta myös.Leia mais

    • Dia 2

      Valaki végre tud angolul!!!

      5 de fevereiro, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Elfáradva és éhesen estünk be a Taco-zóba amit Dani választott, de hatalmas örömömre a pénztáros srác beszélt angolul, így nem kellett kézzel-lábbal mutogatni, hogy se tejfölt, se sajtot köszönöm nem kérek a vega taco tálamba.
      10/10 hely, az árakat mostmár tudatosan nem váltjuk át forintba, hogy ne fájjon a lelkünk.
      Egyébként a németek, még az angolul nem beszélők is, egész cukik úgyhogy eddig nem panaszkodhatunk.
      Ebéd után megnéztük II. Miksa diadalívét, aztán visszaindultunk a szállásra kicsit pihenni.
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    • Dia 11

      Pinakothek Der Moderne

      26 de janeiro de 2020, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      The Pinakothek is beautiful. I love art. I rarely understand it, yet like Dance, I always feel wonderful if it has made me feel something - even if the Art makes me sad. Luckily, the Pinakothek Der Modern did not disappoint. There are three Pinakotheks. An old - with historic art, a New, with more-recent art, and the Modern, which celebrates new art and design. I love innovation and art, so of course the Pinakothek Der Modern is my first stop.

      Pinakothek Der Modern is a concrete squat building with a UFO outside. It doesn't really look like much itself, yet the UFO set in the park next to the museum makes it stand out. I am always amused at the juxtaposition of old and new, and the new museum with a UFO is next to all the older buildings, including the other Pinakotheks. Inside the Pinakothek is beautiful, white, with a huge exhibit in the centre of the lobby featuring a giant pendulum. My little camera doesn't take good pictures of this, as it is covered in chrome and swings back and forth to the amusement of everyone who enters. Many people take pictures of it. I wander off to the rest of the museum, excited to see design and new art from Munich.

      There is pottery from Africa (not very German so I move on quickly), and a feature exhibit of light-art, with a chandelier made of broken porcelain, light-benches and more. A design museum with unique furniture, cars, and motorcycles from the 19th Century to today. Even a shrine to the design of the walk-man (I had one of those!). The walk-man has been so far from my memory that I forgot I loved one for a long time, yet until seeing this exhibit walk-mans are far from my mind. The world has changed sooo rapidly in only the years I've seen! I can't believe how much it has changed in the life of my parents or grandparents.

      Of course much of the art doesn't move me. I learn a little of Germany's history in modern art - how the wars influenced it - yet I am moved most by an exhibit that has no words - only examples of art with no description. Much of it passes over my head like an airplane and I wonder what the point is, yet this itself amuses me. How did these artists come to make this art? and why - of all the art that could be - was it selected for here?

      I don't understand it, yet many pieces make me smile. Some make me frown. Most make me slightly bemused that humans have come so far in technology and understanding, only to still be making things up and placing made-up values to things.

      Some of the art I think my niece could have made. This is also funny, because I don't think the Pinakothek curator would agree.

      I have a coffee. I enjoy large windows and a chat with a stranger. Life is beautifully simple here.

      I head off to Sunday dinner with Franz after. It is delightful. Moreso for the chats about hiking.
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    • Dia 191


      24 de setembro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      After a better sleep than the night before (thank you German beer!) we headed out on a day of sightseeing in Munich.

      We used the same self-guided walking tour website we had previously used to explore Munich. We started at Karlsplatz before heading into the old town of Munich passing many old churches and the traditional beer houses. We went past the Hofbrauhaus, the one we had gone to last night and learnt some very interesting history regarding the oldest beer house. In 1920, Adolf Hitler attended a meeting with other would-be Nazi party members where he presented his 20 point plan of the ‘final solution’ to Jews - more commonly known as the holocaust. Annual Nazi events were then held at the hofbrauhaus until the end of WWII.

      We then went to the old town square, Marienplatz, where we watched the intricate Glockenspiel. This is a clock which has some moving components that rotate at midday each day for approx 10min for a fantastic show. We were then able to meet up with Amy again and met her cousin, Lisa, whom Amy is staying with in Munich. We enjoyed a nice change of pace with ramen for lunch in a Japanese restaurant and chatted in the sun before walking through the beautiful English Garden.

      After the garden, we went to see the surfing wave where surfers try to stay on the wave as long as possible in the middle of the park! There was a natural dip in the water which made a wave and then it was further built up with materials to make it even more exciting to surf! Surfers flock here all year around and of course wear body suits in the winter as the river can be freezing! It very cool to watch and chat away in the park in the sun. We said goodbye to Amy, wishing her well for her 6 month stay in Bologna and assuring each other that we would catch up back in Australia.

      We made our way back to the campsite to chill out and make the most of our drinks package!
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    • Dia 4


      30 de junho de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Big day for Munich fans. Took a guided bus tour around the city followed by some free time for shopping and lunch. Went on a guided bike tour mostly through the English Garden(larger than central park) where we saw Munich’s famous surfers and waded into the river along the “beach.” This was followed by more free time for shopping and exploration. Our day ended in a German pub, eating ribs, sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes.Leia mais

    • Dia 3


      24 de novembro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      Let me apologise in advance for this potentially depressing post…

      We visited the NS-Dokumentationszentrum today, which is the Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism. It records the events that led to the birth, rise and fall of the Nazi Party here in Munich.

      It is a unique museum in that it doesn't focus on the major events of WWII, but rather, undertakes a detailed analysis of the political and social environment that allowed Hitler and the Nazi Party to rise to power.

      The focus is not on the major heroes and villains of the war, but the impact on everyday people. Not just the persecuted Jewish and Romani peoples, but the German people themselves who eventually came to realise how they were misled and suffered dearly in the end.

      It was very moving and sobering, moreso because the exact same sequence of events is happening again today.

      The Nazi Party campaigned as the Far Right with the promise to bring prosperity back to Germany by solving the problems brought on by Socialists and Communists, which was eventually blamed on non-Aryan people in general. Today we have promises to bring back prosperity and protect us from immigrants and muslims. Sound familiar?

      In the end, the Centre puts the blame for the rise of Nazi Germany on the unwillingness of the general population to reject and fight against facism.

      I think there’s a message here…
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    • Dia 2

      Journey to Quaalup

      22 de dezembro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ 🌬 6 °C

      Today we left Dunsborough at 9am and did not get to Quaalup campsite till 445pm.
      When we got here, we were the only ones here, and will  have the whole place to ourselves until boxing day. The host of this campsite kindly informed us that the canoes are free for us to use till the 26/12.
      The drive took us through the Horsepower Highway where old tractors and farming machinery were left as scupltures along the way to Quaalup. Being Christmas, the tractors were decked with tinsel and baubles. We also saw lots of hay art, like ones made into giant teddy bears. Unfortunately we didn't have time to stop to take pictures so maybe we'll have time on the way back to Perth.
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    • Dia 46

      Day 46 - Septemberfest in Munich

      18 de setembro de 2020, Alemanha ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      After a decent night’s sleep, Jackie got ready whilst I caught up with my blog. It was just after 10am, when we actually got out on the streets of Munich.

      As I previously mentioned our hotel is situated in salubrious surroundings. It was referred to on as the red light district of Munich, but to us you can’t ignore the fact that young North African and Middle Eastern males are hanging around in groups outside every single shop, which are mainly barbershops & fast food joints. It would be intimidating for lone females, particularly when you add limbless beggars into the equation.

      We stopped at a Coffee Fellows for a skinny latte & a bagel each. This was a mistake, because we were now full & bloated. We then commenced my walking tour of the Old Town of Munich. We entered the Old Town at Karlsplatz, walked down Neuhauser Street & popped into St Michael’s Church. We continued to Frauenkirche, the Church of our Lady, then located Marienplatz, the main square of Munich Old Town, with it’s gothic Town Hall, which was pretty impressive.

      We then popped into Munich’s oldest church, Alter Peter, then headed to Viktualienmarkt, a food market since 1807, selling a mouthwatering array of fine foods. It was too early to eat anything else, so we headed north to the Residence, an inner-city palace residence of Bavarian kings & rulers, now an art museum. On the roundabout in front of it was a beach, complete with sand and deck chairs.

      Behind the Residence, we walked through the Hofgarten , then headed out to Englischer Garten (English Garden). It was a big open park, complete with a naked man ensuring that everyone saw him. We walked a mile or so to the Chinesischer Turm (Chinese Tower) where we had a traditional litre stein of lager in the sunny beer park. The barman was an Englishman from Tunbridge Wells, who has lived in Munich for the last 2 years.

      Afterwards we took a stroll through Maximiliansanlagen park alongside the Isar river to the Maximilianeum, a palatial state parliament building. We then stopped at a traditional Bavarian bar, just outside the Old Town, for a pint of ‘normal’ German lager followed by an Oktoberfest beer.

      Suitably refreshed, we walked back through the Old Town to our hotel to rest our aching feet. Later that evening after researching TripAdvisor we walked over another mile and a half to a recommended Chinese restaurant called Man Fat. We had a very delicious duck in pancakes with hoisin sauce & crispy chicken with fried noodles & peanut sauce. It was definitely worth the walk there & back.

      Bayern Munich thrashed Schalke 8-0 this evening, but sadly no fans were allowed in the stadium.

      Song of the Day : In Munchen steht ein Hofbrauhaus by Bayernkapelle.
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