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    • Día 4

      In giro per il quartiere

      9 de agosto de 2022, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Usciti dall'hotel ci attardiamo per il quartiere a nord della stazione, direzione Wedding. È un quartiere residenziale abitato da gente normale, animato dalle consuete attività mattutine. Una postina in cargo-bike consegna la posta in livrea giallo canarino; un abitante ci indica degli affreschi naif nell'androne di un condominio.
      Facciamo la spesa in un discount locale, molto simile ai nostri Lidl; noto con stupore quanto i prezzi siano convenienti, o comunque paragonabili ai nostri.
      Chiara compra un agognato donut rosa.
      Proseguiamo per un po', per poi chiudere il giro attraverso un parco lungo il fiume, in direzione della stazione.
      Anche questo è un aspetto da raccontare: è impressionante la quantità di gente che vive ai margini, raccogliendo bottiglie vuote per raggranellare qualche spicciolo. Molti sono giovani. Mai aggressivi o insistenti, sono continuamente alla ricerca di qualcosa nei bidoni dell'immondizia; fanno una via crucis del degrado alla ricerca di resti di cibo.
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    • Día 4

      סוף כל סוף יום חופש

      29 de noviembre de 2023, Alemania ⋅ 🌫 -2 °C

      אז ככה, בתכנון המקורי הייתי אמורה עכשיו להיות במטוס ממריאה חזרה הביתה. אבל כלכך נהננתי, בעיקר מהמזג אוויר יש לומר, שהוספתי כמה ימים בברלין.
      בגלל השינוי בתוכניות דבר ראשון העברתי את המזוודה לחבר'ה שהזמינו אותי להתארח איתם במלון דירות שלהם (הם מראש נשארו עוד כמה ימים).
      אחר כך יצאתי לעסק ליד ונהנתי מקפה ומאפה והנוף- השלג יורד, העיר נצבעת בלבן והאנשים והכלבים שלהם בדרך ליעדם.
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    • Día 5

      Plastination Display

      21 de diciembre de 2019, Alemania ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      Plastination is a technique or process used in anatomy to preserve bodies or body parts, first developed by Gunther von Hagens in 1977. The water and fat are replaced by certain plastics, yielding specimens that can be touched, do not smell or decay, and even retain most properties of the original sample.

      Four steps are used in the standard process of plastination: fixation, dehydration, forced impregnation in a vacuum, and hardening.[3] Water and lipid tissues are replaced by curable polymers, which include silicone, epoxy, and polyester-copolymer.
      The exhibition that I saw in Berlin was primarily focused on the human species with many insights around long term health issues that we as humans should be aware of and prepared to manage with better nutrition and exercise habits.
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    • Día 3

      Isola dei musei e Kreuzberg

      8 de agosto de 2022, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Fermiamo le rombanti biciclette all'Isola dei musei. Visitiamo Alexanderplatz piena di vita.
      Abbiamo passeggiato molto. Prendiamo la metro per il quartiere Kreuzberg.

      La fermata Kottbusser ci accoglie con lo squallore tipico di un quartiere povero, multiculturale e problematico. Immondizia, edifici vandalizzati, resto di furto, rifugi di senzatetto. Interrogo una pattuglia che non ci nasconde che si tratta di un posto non propriamente sicuro. Pensavo scherzassero, e invece ribadiscono con serietà davanti allo stereotipo del turista babbeo.

      Bene. Ci promettiamo di raggiungere una scultura lì vicina e ritornare con la coda tra le gambe in lidi più sicuri. La sensazione di voler ritornare nella comfort-zone mi fa sentire intrappolato nella mia bolla socioeconomica.
      Molte case probabilmente sono occupate; noto un ritrovo di un'associazione sotto i portici di un palazzo.
      Eppure c'è in giro molta gente, molti ragazzi, tutti molto tranquilli. Osserviamo una scuola piena di graffiti, e oltre questa scopriamo la movida tipica dei navigli milanesi. Infatti tutto il quartiere ha molto in comune con Porta Genova. È pieno di ragazzi che si godono una birra e una pizza sul ponte, sul lungofiume, addirittura una coppia cena romanticamente a bordo di un canotto, una compagnia di amici a bordo di una piattaforma galleggiante.
      Il posto ha un aspetto piacevole, pieno di verde e di vialetti. Probabilmente è un quartiere con i problemi tipici di un posto povero e multiculturale, ma ha un dinamismo apprezzabile. E comunque la gentrificazione non lo risparmierà.
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    • Día 2

      Rotes Rathaus (Municipio Rosso)

      4 de noviembre de 2023, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Il Municipio Rosso, meglio conosciuto come Rotes Rathaus, è il municipio della città di Berlino. È la sede del sindaco e del governo della città-stato di Berlino. È posto sotto tutela monumentale.

    • Día 71

      Berliner Fernsehturm

      13 de noviembre de 2023, Alemania ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Hop On Off 🚍

      After completing a loop to try and get my bearing, I hopped off at Berlin's 📺 Tower.

      368m Tall, with a viewing platform at 203m, you can see Berlin was divided East and West through the architecture 🏢Leer más

    • Día 7

      Berlín a Magdeburgo

      23 de septiembre de 2019, Alemania ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Últimos momentos con Jano y familia. Desayuno, luego al centro y hacer los últimos recorridos por la ciudad.

      Almorzamos un doner kebab que aún siendo un plato turco es muy típico de Berlín por ser una ciudad de muchos inmigrantes. Además de rico y barato.

      Vale nos acompañó hasta el terminal de buses, que salió a las 18:00 ni un minuto más tarde.

      Llegamos a Magdeburgo y tomamos el tram, el tranvía, donde finalmente llegamos a destino.

      Cenamos con Miri y Felix mientras conversamos de todo un poco con una mezcla de varios idiomas.

      CONSEJO: Si alguna vez compras euros, no recibas billetes de 500€, esos ya no se imprimen, la gente no los recibe, es muy díficil cambiarlos por billetes más pequeños porque hay que tener una cuenta en un banco europeo, ya que son los más inseguros y fáciles de falsificar.
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    • Día 6

      Dag begint om 14u

      15 de septiembre de 2023, Alemania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Dag lieve mensen aan de andere kant van het scherm

      Onze tweede dag in Berlijn begon ik lekker fris met een museum over de Griekse kunst. Ondertussen lagen de gatsen nog allemaal te snurken. Tim was de eerste strijder die ik tegenkwam en we zijn dan samen gaan middageten. Later, en hiermee bedoel ik 4 uur ‘s middags werden we verenigd met de anderen en zijn we nog wa van die Berlijnse dinges gaan bekijken. U ziet zelf maar.
      Dan weer lekker gegeten en geprobeerd te zoeken naar een typische raveclub, maar helaas allemaal te duur voor wa we wilden. Dus zijn we maar naar onze vertrouwde club Matrix vertrokken. Flouchiepouch haalde bijna de halte niet door zijn dutje op de tram terug.
      Gelukkig is ook iedereen deze keer terug veilig, gelukkig en wel terug in het hostel geraakt.

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    • Día 39


      8 de octubre de 2023, Alemania ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Maybe it’s a bad descriptor, but Berlin is just cool. I think the majority of the world’s leather jackets and Dr. Martins belong to this city.
      We have done so much exploring since getting here! We have seen the TV tower (but I’m pretty sure it’s the space needle), gotten Döner im brot (successfully ordered in German), been to the zoo, the planetarium, and seen the Festival of Lights!

      The Festival of Lights is an event where people from all over the world come to see digital art projected onto some of Berlin’s most recognizable buildings! The show brings out street food vendors, performers, and so much more! The second of the two series photos showing this is the Humboldt University Law Library!

      We have also been to many churches which were a central part to the peaceful protest movements that caused the take down of the Berlin Wall. The church pictured here after the Festival of Lights, is the Church of Reconciliation. Unfortunately, this church did not have the chance to help in the peace protests. It’s previous building stood on land which the East German government seized in order to build the Wall. The original church was in the middle of what was known as the “death strip,” and was then torn down for the sake of the border. The photo after the new church building shows lines on the ground where the walls of the church would have stood, and perpendicularly intersecting it are various lines of traps on the border to prevent attempts at crossing over the wall.

      It has been amazing to see how this city has and is still working to reconcile with itself and it’s long, dark history. I am blessed to be studying here!
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    • Día 35

      Day Thirty-Five: Berlin

      19 de abril, Alemania ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Today was a great day, a highlight for sure. We had a historical tour of Berlin in the morning, which taught me so many amazing things. Yet the weather was some of the worst I've seen during this trip. Mostly because I was underprepared, I think. It was pouring rain, really hard. My windbreaker has been rain resistant enough for every rain storm I have been in except this one. I was getting decently wet and had only a t-shirt underneath. It was a weird cold because for the first hour, my whole body was itchy and really gross. Luckily, we did stop, and we had a Starbucks (the only coffee shop I could see). That helped a lot, and I was better for the rest. But the actual tour showed us where you can see all the bullet holes in the buildings and all the patch work they had to do. It's so interesting looking at buildings because you can tell the old verse the new. But what's interesting too is that Germany was so confident that they were going to win they took all the statues off the buildings and threw them into the river to protect them from damage. But thank god they did. Another cool story about statues is the one on top of the massive gate. Turns out Napoleon stole the old statue because we loved it. But when they lost the war, Germany took it back. But instead of putting it back, they put up the goddess of victory, looking down where the French embassy is and still is. We also learned and saw that all government buildings are covered in glass to represent how they are trying to be completely transparent. We also stood over Hitler's bunker, where he killed himself. And it was just a parking lot... turns out, and it makes sense, that Germany is really careful when making a museum or literally anything that is Nazi related to not having Neo-Nazis coming there to pray or whatever they do. But I wish the bunker was still intact. Apparently, it was a work of art, 5 levels with 5 feet thick walls. The Russians really wanted it gone, and it took days of constant bombing to finally destroy it. But a couple days before Hitler killed himself, FIND SPELLING was captured and hung up on the street for people to humiliate the body. So when the generals tell Hitler the war is lost and after his little hissy-fit he married his wife walked into the bunker and she took a pill. Hitler wanted the honorable soldiers' death (a bullet), but because of all his health problems (and too many drugs), he was scared he would shake too much and miss. So we took a pill and then shot himself. Then, as he ordered, the generals pulled their body up and burned them so they couldn't be humiliated. All the Russians found when they made it there was a piece of his jaw. Which years later was actually confirmed to be hitler, so no, he is not alive in South America. But it's crazy because Berlin would have looked so different if the allies landed first. The Russians got there first, and their whole plan was to massacre berlin for everything they did. And they did do a lot of damage. We learned so much cool stuff, and I haven't even started about the Berlin wall. It was put up literally overnight, stopping people from visiting family or going to work. It was done because half the city was occupied by the allies, and the other was the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was pissed at Germany, so they took resources out of Berlin while the allies helped create a pretty strong economy. The Soviet side (east side) was not the same, so they would work there, and everyone would travel across the east side to get citizenship in Western germany. The Soviet clearly didn't want this, so they created the wall where no Eastern citizen could leave. On top of that, everything had to be made domestically. There were shortages for everything. For example, there was only one type of car in east Berlin. And to get this car, there was a 18 year wait list for one. Parents would apply in hopes their kid would get one when they could finally drive. They were so short on material that they actually started building the body with organic material. So there is a photo of a dog eating the car! Near the end, people started rioting and causing more problems while the Soviet Union stopped helping and watching their satellite states as much. So, to deal with everyone, they decided to start very short visas that Eastern citizens can use once a year but can be rejected whenever the government wants to. It's not a great deal. When they did an international broadcast to announce the plan, the spokesperson was only given notes written on cards, and he wasn't properly debriefed. So when the question came to when this plan started, he looked through his notes and read the date on the top (the day of the speech) instead of the 2 weeks it was suppose to be. So then everyone rushed to the gates to get through. At one of them, the guy running the checkpoint had tough decisions to make since he couldn't get through to command. Wait and hope it's OK, open the gate to let them through, or gun down way to many civilians. They were pushing, and something bad was bound to happen. So he made the call to save lives and opened the gate, which started the fast demise of Eastern Germany. We also had a stop at a monument for all the Jewish people who died during the war; the one with all the concrete pillars. It was cool walking through it as it felt like a massive and left you feeling lost and small in a way. They also mentioned how when you create a monument for one group, you kind of have to for all the other groups affected. So berlin really had to become a momument city. Afterward, We made a quick stop at a lunch place for some food and a warm drink, I had a loaded potato and a cappuccino with some form of liquor in it. Was different but really good. Then we went back and reset for a party night with Amanda! We ended up going to Kater Blau, a nice techno bar. I would love to show you but cameras are not allowed in these places! At the time, I was so annoyed, but looking back, I think it was for the best. The more you take photos, the less present you are. Everyone is just looking at the experience through their phones and not truly enjoying the vibes. And man, did I enjoy the vibes. There were two dance floors with smoke machines, Lasers, and tons of people dance to techno. It was crazy because the smoke would start, and I honestly couldn't see Ethan right beside me to then have the strobe light make everything feel like a slideshow. I also now understand why everyone does the Berlin techno dance with a straight face... it's because everyone is high as a kite. It actually looks so funny, but it was such a great night that we didn't get back to the hostel till like 6:30 after eating some famous berlin döner of course. It was alright, ahahah. It was a rough morning because it was way too late, or I guess early, to sleep so we packed up and tried to stay up. Ethan couldn't make it as he passed out on the couch, so I just woke him up when we had to leave.Leer más

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