Museum Island

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    • Dag 3

      Tarde en Berlín

      28 juli 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Llegamos a Berlín!! Luego de 3 trenes y un par de caminatas en bucle llegamos! No les explico lo que nos costó encontrar la llave del depto jajajaja deus! Estamos súper bien, ahora estamos esperando para hacer una excursión en barco, en unos ratos les compartimos fotos! ♥️Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      מלון קרקס

      26 november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      הגענו למלון circus hotel בברלין. הופתעתי לטובה מאוד, מלון מעוצב יפה, מאוד מודרני עם עמדת טיפוח שממנה לקחתי מסכות פנים וקרם ידיים (כמו ישראלית טובה).
      החדר שלי היה מוכן לפני הזמן ולפני שהמשכתי למשרד הנחתי בו את התיקים, העשיתי סיבוב ווידאתי שאזמין לעצמי כרית יותר נוקמלית מתפריט הכריות.
      אין ספק שאין על טיסות עבודה...
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    • Dag 90

      Friedrichstadtpalast - Arise!

      4 februari 2023, Tyskland

      Als um 5 Uhr der Wecker klingelte und wir um 6 Uhr in das Taxi zum Bahnhof stiegen, bereuten wir ein wenig, am Abend zuvor nicht auf die Uhr geschaut zu haben.
      Aber Kaffee und Gebäck können Wunder wirken und so fuhren wir ohne nennenswerte Verspätungen nach Berlin – der eigentliche Grund unseres kurzen Come-Backs nach Deutschland! An diesem Wochenende feierten wir zusammen mit dem engsten Kreis den Geburtstag von Hannis Papa und für diesen Anlass unterbrachen wir liebend gerne unsere Reise – so jung kommen wir ja nicht mehr zusammen! Am Nachmittag folgte dann auch gleich das Highlight des Wochenendes: Die Show „Arise“ im Friedrichstadtpalast – ein unbeschreibliches, atemberaubendes Spektakel – hier sagen Bilder mehr als Worte.
      Passend dazu kehrten wir dann in das „Hard Rock Cafe“ ein und versackten zum Schluss in der Kneipe „Ständige Vertretung“, wo wir um Mitternacht auf Stefan anstießen.
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    • Dag 1

      לצאת או לא לצאת, זו השאלה

      26 november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      אז אחרי שקמתי ב02:00 לטיסה שלי, הגעתי ישר למשרד ללא שנצ ההתלבטות הייתה מה עושים עם ארוחת ערב.
      התכנון שלי היה להתקלח, להתארגן ולצאת אבל אחרי מקלחת נכנסתי למיטה להתעדכן בחדשות.
      החלטתי שאין סיכוי בעולם שאני יוצאת וחברה שכנעה אותי להזמין וולט למלון.
      אחרי שיטוט בוולט הוחלט על מרק פו.
      המרק הגיע וההפתעה של הערב- לא מגיע סכו"ם כי שומרים על הסביבה...
      מצאתי פתרון והשתמשתי בכפיות תה.
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    • Dag 4

      In giro per il quartiere

      9 augusti 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Usciti dall'hotel ci attardiamo per il quartiere a nord della stazione, direzione Wedding. È un quartiere residenziale abitato da gente normale, animato dalle consuete attività mattutine. Una postina in cargo-bike consegna la posta in livrea giallo canarino; un abitante ci indica degli affreschi naif nell'androne di un condominio.
      Facciamo la spesa in un discount locale, molto simile ai nostri Lidl; noto con stupore quanto i prezzi siano convenienti, o comunque paragonabili ai nostri.
      Chiara compra un agognato donut rosa.
      Proseguiamo per un po', per poi chiudere il giro attraverso un parco lungo il fiume, in direzione della stazione.
      Anche questo è un aspetto da raccontare: è impressionante la quantità di gente che vive ai margini, raccogliendo bottiglie vuote per raggranellare qualche spicciolo. Molti sono giovani. Mai aggressivi o insistenti, sono continuamente alla ricerca di qualcosa nei bidoni dell'immondizia; fanno una via crucis del degrado alla ricerca di resti di cibo.
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    • Dag 4

      סוף כל סוף יום חופש

      29 november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌫 -2 °C

      אז ככה, בתכנון המקורי הייתי אמורה עכשיו להיות במטוס ממריאה חזרה הביתה. אבל כלכך נהננתי, בעיקר מהמזג אוויר יש לומר, שהוספתי כמה ימים בברלין.
      בגלל השינוי בתוכניות דבר ראשון העברתי את המזוודה לחבר'ה שהזמינו אותי להתארח איתם במלון דירות שלהם (הם מראש נשארו עוד כמה ימים).
      אחר כך יצאתי לעסק ליד ונהנתי מקפה ומאפה והנוף- השלג יורד, העיר נצבעת בלבן והאנשים והכלבים שלהם בדרך ליעדם.
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    • Dag 14

      To the bar and back.

      6 juni 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      This morning we got up and went out to see the city.

      First stop was parliament... that is only after we figured out how to use the public transit system. It is soooo complicated!! There are the S and the U line which are ran by different companies, then there's the train and all the buses. Oh god. It's a nightmare looking at the map.

      Parliament was such a beautiful building and as you can imagine, tons of police around.

      Next stop was the Brandenburg gate. It is the only remaining gate through which people used to enter Berlin. It was built between 1788 and 1791. It was used as entrance into East Berlin in the Cold War. When the Nazis came to power, they used the Gate as their symbol. The Gate was damaged but not destroyed during World War II. The governments of East Berlin and West Berlin restored it but it was closed when the Berlin Wall was built in 1961. The gate was in the middle of the death strip. Unfortunately we couldn't get super up close to see it because there was an international gymnastics competition going on (they were everywhere).

      Next stop: Victory Tower Column. It was built in 1864 to commemorate the Prussian victory in the Danish-Prussian War, by the time it was inaugurated on 2 September 1873, Prussia had also defeated Austria and its German allies in the Austro-Prussian War and France in the Franco-Prussian War, giving the statue a new purpose. Different from the original plans, these later victories in the so-called unification wars inspired the addition of the bronze sculpture of Victoria, 8.3 metres (27 ft) high and weighing 35 tonnes.

      Next stop: Checkpoint Charlie. Checkpoint Charlie was Berlin's best known crossing point between West and East Berlin near by the inner Berlin sector boundary between 1961 and 1989. When we got there, I was a little insulted. They had 2 fake US army soldiers standing outside... not only were they smoking but they were standing there and posing with people for pictures for money. What happened in the Cold War was absolutely horrible. I found seeing that completely disgraceful. We took pictures from behind without them in it.

      Next stop: Alexanderplatz. It is a large public square and transport hub in the central Mitte district of Berlin, near the Fernsehturm. The Fernsehturm was intended as both a symbol of communist power and of Berlin. It remains the latter today, as it is easily visible throughout the central and some suburban districts of Berlin. (The pointy tower that looks incredibly similar to the CN tower)

      Next stop: Berlin Cathedral. We didn't go in but the outside was spectacular. (Picture of me in front of the water fountain with the cathedral in the back)

      Next stop: Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer) was a guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany), starting on 13 August 1961, the Wall completely cut off (by land) West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin until government officials opened it in November 1989. Its demolition officially began on 13 June 1990 and was completed in 1992. The barrier included guard towers placed along large concrete walls, which circumscribed a wide area (later known as the "death strip"). During this period, around 5,000 people attempted to escape over the Wall, with an estimated death toll ranging from 136 to more than 200 in and around Berlin. In the metro systems, they sealed off tunnels so that east Berliners couldn't get across to the west. Contrary to popular belief the Wall's actual demolition did not begin until the summer of 1990 and was not completed until 1992. The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990. (It was super emotional to be there and actually touch the wall or what's left of it). They have photos of those who lost their lives trying to escape at the official site of the Berlin Wall. All throughout the city they have markings on the ground where the wall used to run. The part of the Berlin Wall that we were at was a cemetery. Victims of world war 2 were buried there. They were drug up when they built the Berlin Wall. There are crosses on site commemorate those victims. All in all, it makes me realize how great of a life I have and how fortune I am. It makes all my problems seem inexistant. (This is why i love to travel. Eye openers like this)

      So after all this and walking about 16km we headed back to the hostel (also cause it was raining). We sat in the room for a little until we decided to go downstairs and have a beer..... or a couple. We played some drinking games then decided to take on pool. Turns out, I'm really horrible. I hit one of the balls right off the table and across the whole bar. Hehe oops.

      Life lesson still not achieved: DONT DRINK AND PACK
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    • Dag 38

      A short night and Berlin in a Fugue

      7 september 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      640 flight from Manchester to Berlin, what could go wrong.
      Early night as we planned to be up at 3:50.
      Well for some reason it was 1:10 and then:I’ll get up soon, are you still awake as well, is it almost time to get up, is it light outside.
      Eventually 3:50 came and we went.
      Manchester Terminal 1 the home of the low cost airline was it’s usual absolutely packed self with security to match.

      Friday is national UK “lets fly to any localtion that’s not here day” and every type of citizen gets to dress inappropriately and move in swarms.
      One of the best was the collection of grannies with matching purple tee shirts and individualised texts on the front.
      The lady with “Cheeky Tits” was someones probably someones grandmother !!!!! Fortunately none of the Hens Parties were on our plane. Pity the Spanish.

      Eventually made Berlin but the day was gettinga little long.

      Mark was obviously trying to apologies for the second half of the trip as the accommodation is the size of our grannyflat and in a Newtown/Paddington cross type of area. That means quite hip but upmarket. That means bits of grot but you still pay the premium.

      Wlak around for a a couple of hours in jet lagged like fog, eat Vietnamese form across the road for a 3pm lunch, see a Church, some more walking, more fog, shop for a dinner at home and very early night.

      It is believed that Bernadette managed to sleep standing up at one stage.

      We are definitely not bouncing back these days.

      Berlin very nice, loe rise, very flat ( a good thing ) and hopefully will be clearer on Saturday.
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    • Dag 3

      Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer

      29 augusti 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Das erste mal in Berlin? Da schnapp ich mir doch am besten Caro's Fahrrad und düse los.
      An der Berliner Mauer hatte ich ein interessantes Gespräch mit einem Mann, der die DDR-Zeit als junger Mann miterleben musste.Läs mer

    • Dag 14

      Passeggiata a Berlino

      9 augusti 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      In giro a Berlino

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