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    • Päivä 69

      Berlin, Germany (Days 1 & 2)

      13. lokakuuta 2023, Saksa ⋅ 🌬 68 °F

      What we did:
      - Train got into town around 11. Stored our bags and headed out! Grabbed some quick healthy lunch and then headed over to the famous Brandenburg gate for our historic walking tour. Had some time to kill so of course - drinks!
      - We did a three hour walking tour that was awesome! Best tour yet. Our guide (from Los Angeles) was a walking textbook, but made it super interesting and come to life. We learned so much as we covered historical germanic times through to WW1, the lead up and events during WW2, and then all the events through the cold war to the fall of the Berlin wall. We had stops at the holocaust museum, old Nazi HQ and Hitlers bunker, Berlin wall, and famous Checkpoint Charlie. We found it all super interesting since most of our childhood history classes stop by 1950 and didn’t really touch on the Cold War and Berlin wall.
      - Now super educated and smart, we grabbed our luggage and checked into the Airbnb. Did some laundry and had a great time calling Helen to catch up and say hey! We talked a big game on our plans to stay out clubbing at the notorious warehouse parties until 6am…
      - Grabbed an amazing ramen dinner in a quaint spot and then headed out to burn down the town. Even made sure we were repping our trendiest all black outfits to hide our Americanism and convince bouncers we were worthy of partying.
      - Started hot around 10:30 with old fashioneds at the swanky BonBon bar in the Mitte neighborhood. We then walked by a more happening bar and panicked at the quantity of people so kept going. Berlin is intimidating, man. The blogs saying bouncers will straight up deny any Americans had some real estate in our heads. Not to be deterred, we kept it going with Absinthe drinks at the “Sharlie Cheen” bar as we worked up the nerves to hit these wild clubs. Well….. around 12:03am a rotation of yawns had us coming to the realization that we wouldn’t know the first thing to do in a club by ourselves, leading us to grab delicious doner kebabs and hit the pillow by 12:30…. At least we made midnight!! We are still cool, hip, and fun and definitely aren’t on the backend of our peak...
      - Woke up at 10 after our wild night out and grabbed our brunch in the trendy Mitte neighborhood - favorite brunch yet!
      - We then walked through the museum /old building district and then hit our 1st museum of the trip. WW2/SS museum that was very well done.
      - After the somber museum we went to a Biergarten! Trent then took a scheduled call with his boss to talk through his new role, new happenings and plans for return - the real world is trying to pull us back! And we don’t like it
      - After drinks we headed back to regroup and opted to grab some takeout food and call it an earlier night. On to Rome and the land of food and wine! Berlin was awesome 🙌

      Where we ate:
      - Day 1 breakfast of coffee/croissants from the Dresden train station
      - Lunch of our future US franchisee, Dean & Davids, as we desperately needed to eat green things. German food is tough
      - Dinner of absolutely delicious Ramen, gyoza and edamame. As soon as Steph gets a whiff of fall, her all-consuming Ramen cravings kick in and Trent is happy to indulge. Again, successfully avoiding German food ✅
      - Day 2 breakfast at Factory Girl. Voted our #1 breakfast of the trip! This place smacks. All very healthy fancy food. Steph had fruit covered Bannana and Tahiti pancakes with a side of spiced cheesy potatoes. Trent had the classiest pile of eggs, cheesy potatoes, avocado, onions, sauces and more. Couple of flat whites to cap it off.
      - Assorted bread platter and dips at Cafe Am Neuen See biergarten
      - Dinner of delicious Mexican burritos in Mitte. Place was absolutely packed so we knew we found a gem. Again successfully avoiding German food ✅

      Fun facts:
      - Berlin has prospered as a mecca for the artsy folks of the world. David Bowie and Iggy Pop among many others lived here. It’s got a grungy, artsy edge to it that you just don’t see anywhere else. As a result it’s nightclub scene is voted the best in the world with countless abandoned warehouses turned into exclusive raves that don’t kick off until 1/2am. If you speak English in line or aren’t dressed edgy enough the bouncers simply won’t let you in
      - Being formerly communist, Berlin is one of the few places with a North Korean embassy. It had two buildings and without Germany's permission started a hostel out of the 2nd one. It became super popular for backpackers because it was located in the city center. Therefore, any backpacker that stayed there was technically “staying in North Korea”. Germany has since shut them down.
      - Germany is very cognizant of its past and has taken lengths to prevent it again. Students learn about the holocaust/atrocities every year starting in kindergarten and by graduation it's a requirement to tour two concentration camps. The new generation is starting to pushback and asking to stop making them feel guilty/embarrassed to be German when it had nothing to do with them.
      - Hitler's notorious bunker is now simply an apartment parking lot. We saw it and they purposely made no museum/recollection for it as to not give a place for anyone to have a sacred spot for Hitler
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    • Päivä 23

      Day 23

      18. kesäkuuta 2024, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Today I had arranged to meet up with my cousin Simone but since she was busy until lunchtime, I spent most of the morning in the apartment. Since I’m flying home tomorrow, I spent quite a bit of time trying to find the best route home possible. After checking seat numbers, connection times and destinations, I chose the route of Berlin-Frankfurt-Hong Kong-Melbourne. So you can imagine the frustration when the staff travel website crashed as I was about to buy the tickets! I called Ted for help and fortunately, he had no trouble buying them for me on the computer at home.

      After walking to the train station, the connecting train to Simone’s location was easy to reach. I bought a 24 hour train pass which ended up being fortuitous as I needed to take several transport options during the day. Simone came to meet me at the train station with her 4 month old baby David who was really sweet and happy. Simone suggested we go for lunch, so we went to a Thai restaurant not far away.

      The food was really nice and we were amused that the waitress was wearing a Melbourne T-shirt, although she told us she’d bought it in London. As I paid for lunch, Simone offered to pay for coffee and cake, so we went to a place nearby called House of Small Wonder which was previously a Jewish school. The two girls who worked there were actually from Australia and New Zealand, and the Aussie girl and I talked about her interest in becoming a flight attendant. Simone and I couldn’t decide on the bread pudding or the chocolate cake so we ordered both and shared them between us.

      When we headed towards the U-Bahn we were detoured slightly as an apartment building was on fire, meaning there were a lot of firemen and emergency crews blocking the street. Simone was keen on having me meet her daughter Clara so we went to her daycare to pick her up. I think Clara may have been very tired though, because as Simone described it, she’s going through the Terrible Twos! After a short while at their apartment, I headed towards the U-Bahn for my journey back to Roman’s house.

      The first part was easy however, trying to find the train line after leaving the U-Bahn was far from easy since the connecting station was split into two different parts depending on the train taken. Thanks to Google maps, I eventually reached the correct station and was able to return to Roman’s house without any further problems.

      Even though I’d offered to buy sushi for dinner, Roman ended up paying for it, insisting that I was the guest and shouldn’t pay. Therefore I made a promise to pay when they all came to visit Australia! Tomorrow I have an early start to the day (4:30am) as I will need to be at Berlin airport for the first flight to Frankfurt. Even though there are plenty of flights, it’s better to get on the first flight possible in case there are cancellations or delays.

      After packing up all my remaining items, I farewelled Roman and Steffi and thanked them for their hospitality. I’ve already ordered an Uber for tomorrow so hopefully I can still get some good sleep.
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    • Päivä 26

      Liebe geht durch den Magen

      14. kesäkuuta 2024, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Headed to our first biergarten of the trip & had some really good apple strudel along with Fleisch Rezepte! It’s pork, mushrooms, and cheese! Yum😋 I also tried some of my mom’s dumplings or Knödel!

    • Päivä 11

      Dia chuvoso

      22. heinäkuuta 2024, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Neste dia estava a chover, muito mau tempo, e eu estava cansada porque andava a deitar me tarde e a acordar cedo para a faculdade. Decidi ir almoçar Burgermeister, uma cadeia de hambúrgueres berlinense, que abriu a primeira vez numas casas de banho públicas. Era bom, mas um bocado overpriced. Depois ainda dei uma voltinha na Alexanderplatz e fui à DM comprar uns batons. Em casa tomei grande banho, e descansei durante a tarde, tive a ver videos. Ao fim do dia fiz o jantar e chamada com a família.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 21


      1. elokuuta 2024, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Ao fim da tarde, e depois de me preparar, e ter feito uma make up exagerada, saí de casa. Apanhei o metro até Ostkreuz e saí para jantar rapidamente no McDonald's. Depois voltei a apanhar o metro e fui para o Holzmarkt 25. Encontrei me com a Aleksandra e entramos. Fomos catcalled à entrada, mas ignoramos. Encontramos o pessoal (Rommy, Will, Ariane, Alice, Simon, Derin e Jonah), que estavam dentro de uma cabana bem fofa em frente ao rio. Nunca tinha entrado no Holzmarkt e fiquei muito surpreendida. É um sítio incrível, cheio barracos com pessoal a vender bebidas, snacks, etc. As pessoas estavam todas relaxadas, uma vibe mesmo incrível. Estivemos lá algum tempo, bebemos uma cerveja. Depois o pessoal bazou e eu, a Derin e a Aleksandra fomos até ao KitKat. Estivemos algum tempo à porta, fomos a um späti comprar cervejas e ficamos na rua a beber. Conhecemos um casal, que nos veio perguntar se achávamos que eles conseguiam entrar assim vestidos. Nós dissemos que sim, e tivemos a conversar com eles, eram muito simpáticos. Depois eu e a Derin pedimos a uns homens num restaurante para ir mijar lá, apesar de estar fechado. E eles, com cara de mau, disseram que sim. Ficamos com medo porque achávamos que eles nos iam trancar no WC e raptar. Mas depois saímos e eles começaram se a rir, e nós ficamos mais descansadas. Depois começou o momento mais esperado: ver se íamos ser aceites. A Derin e eu tiramos o casaco, e a Aleks tirou a t-shirt e ficou só com um sutiã. Achamos que os nossos outfits tavam adequados. Esperamos 5 minutos na fila, e depois chegou a hora. Os seguranças pediram para ver as nossas cuecas, e deixaram nos entrar. As miúdas atrás não entraram porque tinham cuecas de algodão. Ainda bem que levamos cuecas de renda.🙏entramos, e fomos logo para os cabides, para entregar os telemóveis (era obrigatório) e os casacos. O senhor que estava a guardar as nossas cenas estava todo nu, com uma cena só á volta do material, mas era muito funny. Depois entramos. Vimos logo a piscina gigante. Havia um mural gigante da última ceia, com bué pessoal nu em cima da mesa.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 16


      25. heinäkuuta 2023, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Wir sind von Prag mit dem Zug nach Berlin gefahren und haben im Hotel ( übernachtet. Am nächsten Tag haben wir die Altstadt und das Brandenburger Tor angeschaut.
      (Kosten Übernachtung 248.- / Essen 60.-)Lue lisää

    • Päivä 25

      The 3 Bs: Brot, Bier, und Bratwurst

      13. kesäkuuta 2024, Saksa ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Headed to Berlin Germany via plane & stopped at this nice restaurant near Nikolaikirche and had the staples of a German meal. Brot, Bier, und Bratwurst topped off with some Apple Pie! Actually so good & the weather was perfect for outside dining along with walking around Berlin’s oldest neighborhood! The restaurant is zum Nussbaum!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 10

      Brett's Perspectives on the Marathon

      24. syyskuuta 2017, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Awesome time!!! That, and:

      - flattest marathon I've ever done, even moreso than the Saskatoon race! A few little inclines going over canals, but that's it. Also, basically no wind at all, totally still! Even with it being a full loop course.
      - it was lightly raining / misting for a good portion of the race, which was likely a damper on performance - traction, clothes taking water, puddle-dodging. But, made the most of it!
      - there were musical acts everywhere, which always helps with keeping spirits up. Mostly brass bands, but some rock ones too. The highlight was a choir of 6-8 people playing 3 m horns that like yodelers use up in the mountains - alpine horns? Not sure of the name - and they were all playing various notes in tune.
      - there were spectators for basically the whole course, out even in the rain. Got lots of "Go Brett!" cheers. Some people were cheering and playing music from their upper apartments.
      - great neighbourhoods and landmarks to see - you go around the Victory Column at the very beginning, later go by the Reichstag and TV Tower, eventually through Potsdamer Platz and through the Brandenburg Gate to finish. Lots of tall, nice churches too. Probably should have savoured the Gate a bit more, though did turn around after going through to appreciate it. I was about ready to be done by then, which brings me to:
      - my slower as I went. After the runners spread out, I held the target 3:30 min/km pace ok for the first 10 km or so, but then with the rain and I think the fact that that's just too fast a pace for me to hold that long, it gradually dropped so that it was tough to stay below 4:00. Maybe I could have made my form a bit better, but it was just so hard to keep the pace going. By the last 10 km my legs were really stiff and hurting, it's never really gotten that way before.
      - but, pushed through, stayed upright & strong through the finish line and still got a personal best by more than 4 minutes! Was close to breaking into tears as I often am at finish lines, gave the mascot a big bear hug. Got my refreshments, my non-alcoholic beer (they're pretty common here, was actually pretty refreshing - don't worry, had plenty of real beer that day too), and met the family, as well as my friend Stephan who lives here.
      - it was so great having all of them out here, getting through these races just wouldn't be the same or as doable without that. And, it was an amazing, well-put together race in a great city with a huge crowd turnout. Not sure what's next, I think I'll try the lottery entry for the London 2019 race, though I'll look into Tokyo's entry requirements too - if I can use this Berlin result, maybe I should while it's valid! At the beer hall dinner afterwards, met a group of Hong Kong runners, and one of them had gotten a special medal today acknowledging she'd done all 6 Majors - motivation to keep pursuing the other 2!

      Brett out.
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    • Päivä 2


      26. toukokuuta 2018, Saksa ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      We arrived in Berlin the night before and took the S Bahn to the Warschau metro station just to get a dive into the area of East Side Gallery - we didn’t know about it at the time - and feel the decadent mood in the station and the surrounding area.
      The morning was wonderful. At the Brandenburg Gate we met Christina, who came from Hamburg, and went around the city for the most interesting spots alinda town. We had lunch in the Island of Museums and relaxed by the riverside across the museum of arts, drinking a german beer in Amplemann Biergarten. Another long stroll across the Berlin Dom and the City Hall area through Alexander Platz led us to Höffbräu house - a replica of the famous Biergarten in Munich.
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    • Päivä 2


      11. elokuuta 2018, Saksa ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      After a morning checking out the Ice Bar in Amsterdam and getting even more Dam Fries we caught a train to Berlin. We shared a cabin on the train with two couples from Germany. They were really friendly. After they got off at Dresden we had a whole cabin to ourselves so we played some chess (and I won) We arrived in to Berlin at nearly 10pm. We thought we’d make the most of our short time here so went for some cocktails in our hotels bar.Lue lisää

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