Rüdesheimer Aue

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    • Day 79


      July 13, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      This is definitely the most touristy town we've been to here. It's right at the end of the Middle Rhine where the steep river valley turns to rolling hills.

      Vineyards for miles!

    • Day 2


      August 14, 2021 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      I'm back on the road at last. First stop is the Rhine Valley. Rüdensheim is one of two small, picturesque German towns along the river that I visited. (See also the post for Bacharach.).
      The pictures are all around the town. I've seen many pictures of towns in Germany that seem to have a certain character. I can now say first hand that the towns along the Rhine Valley do have that character.Read more

    • Day 24

      Gutenberg und andere Hügel

      May 29, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach bereits einer Stunde Fahrt treffe ich am Morgen in Mainz ein. Ich bummle etwas durch die Stadt und entdecke das Gutenberg-Museum. Der heutige Tag ist bewölkt und ein Museums-Besuch darum eine gute Wahl. Mangels Alternativen stelle ich das Velo mit samten Gepäck direkt vors Museum und bitte die Shop-Mitarbeiterin ab und zu einen Blick darauf zu werfen. Die Anfänge des Buchdrucks, alte Druckmaschinen, die allerersten gedruckten Bücher von Gutenberg und viele interessante Fakten zur Geschichte der Druckverfahren und Büchern findet man im Museum. Klingt etwas trocken – ich fand es aber so spannend dass ich gleich ein paar Stunden dort verweilte. Mir gelang sogar ein Foto einer Gutenberg-Bibel. Nachher erfuhr ich, dass das eigentlich verboten wäre, aber die Security war wohl gerade auf dem Klo. 🙂

      Am Nachmittag wechsle ich auf das rechte Rheinufer nach Wiesbaden und fahre Richtung Rüdesheim. Bei Elteville entscheide ich mich nochmals für eine Variante, diesmal bergauf zum Kloster Eberbach. Mittlerweile ist doch noch etwas die Sonne gekommen und die steile Strasse die Weinterassen hinauf bringen mich etwas zum schwitzen! Es sind zwar nur wenige hundert Höhenmeter, aber man kann sich fast nicht vorstellen welche Freude ich daran habe. Nach tagelangem gerade ausfahren ist das eine gelungene Abwechslung. Später, auf der rasanten Abfahrt schaffe ich dann meinen 1000. Kilometer dieser Tour und belohne mich darum mit einem leckeren Spaghetti-Eis. (Ist quasi wie ein Vermicelles einfach mit Glacé)

      Rüdesheim, mein heutiges Tagesziel, ist scheinbar eine Touristenhochburg für Leute ab 60 Jahren. Macht aber nichts – ich übernachte ja nur hier. Zunächst wasche ich aber meine Kleider und gönne mir danach ein paar Runden im Hotelpool, während es draussen schon wieder regnet.

      Tag 13: Nierstein bis Rüdesheim | Highlights dieses Routenabschnitts der EuroVelo 15:

      > Mainz, speziell das Gutenberg-Museum
      > Die Hügel hoch zum Kloster Eberbach mit rasanter Abfahrt bis Rüdesheim (Variante, nicht Teil von EuroVelo15)
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    • Day 21

      Having ones cake and eating it too

      October 1, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We'd been told by the excellent Cheri, our Tour Director, that we'd be getting into the main part of the Rhine gorge overnight and that we'd be in an area of castles from about 4.30am. No castle is worth getting up that early for, but in a heroic act we set the alarm for 6.30am. Looking out the cabin window everything was still pitch black, so whatever we missed, we would have missed anyway.
      We headed up to the top deck at about 7.30 and joined a few hardy souls who were already there and madly taking photos. No question, there was plenty to see, with many photogenic little riverside towns, impressive church towers and, yes, quite a number of castles. Our GPS-driven audio guide would tell us what was coming up, which was very helpful. Brian managed to get quite a few (hopefully) good photos. We shall see.

      The only slight downside was the weather. There was a cold wind blowing, and even though we were well rugged up it was a bit of an act of endurance. After a couple of hours, having viewed the famous Lorelei, we retreated to the lounge to watch the changing view from there. Every so often, when there was an interesting sounding alert on his audio guide, Brian would head upstairs to get some more pictures..

      We were headed for the town of Rudesheim, where we'd been given the choice of two alternative shore activities. We could visit the museum of mechanical musical instruments or we could take a ride in a semi-enclosed gondola to the summit of the hill overlooking Rudesheim.

      As the weather was so unpredictable we had opted for the former, even though Brian was cynically expecting it to be little more than a rather kitsch tourist trap. How wrong he was! It was absolutely amazing and we'd love to have spent a lot longer than the allocated 40 minutes there.

      The museum has been in the hands of the one family for three generations and they have a true passion for collecting and restoring these ingenious machines. Most of them date back to the early years of last century and many are in good working order. Some of the more elaborate ones are up to 2.5 metres tall by about 2m wide and incorporate various instruments - piano, multiple violins, pipe organ, drums and so on. They contain the most ingenious mechanisms which are governed by perforated paper rolls similar to pianola rolls. The working models were able to play instantly recognisable versions of very well-known musical pieces.

      We'd been told that we would have enough time if we so wished to buy our own tickets and take the gondola ride. At that stage the weather had cleared a bit so we strolled the 50 metres or so and bought our tickets. It really is a highly scenic and enjoyable ride to the top. We travelled the whole way above vineyards, the Rhine Valley being famous for its wines. The views on the way up and from the summit are really great. One looks over the very picturesque town and beyond it to the river. There is also a giant memorial at the top, built in 1877 to commemorate Germany's victory in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870.

      Rudesheim is a beautiful town. While it is undoubtedly busy during the tourist season, we were fortunate enough to be there when it was very quiet. While doubtful at first we were pleased to have enjoyed both of the available tour options and so, to have had our cake and eaten it too.

      Having dined in a palace with a real live princess the previous night it would have been too much of a shock for us to go straight back to dining with the hoi polloi in the main restaurant the following night. Fortunately we had a way out of that difficult situation. The ship also has a gourmet restaurant, named Chef's Table , seating up to 24 guests. Anyone can book it at no extra cost, the only stipulation being that one can book it no more than twice on a voyage. We'd already booked it a couple of days previously for 1st October, so that worked out rather well. Our table of nine had some real characters and was rather riotous, particularly after a few glasses of the free-flowing wine had been consumed. As one might expect, the six-course meal was superb.

      As we were leaving the restaurant a quiz night was just starting in the main lounge, so we decided to join them. We won, the prize being a box of chocolates which none of us really needed. On the strength of our quiz success and of having got on so well together we made a block booking for the Chef's Table for 6 October. A great day all round.
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    • Day 8

      Rudesheim History and Coffee

      June 17, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Rudesheim is a wine-making town in Germany's Rhine Gorge. It lies on the bank of the Main, at the foot of the Rhine and belongs to the Frankfurt Rhine Main Region, one of Germany's biggest tourist attractions.

      The Drosselgasse Lane, the heart of Rudesheim's old town, is full of beautifully decorated restaurants, shops and live entertainment that plays all day and all night during the summer months. Built in the 15th century, the Drosselgasse was quite busy and a lovely town.

      After walking the streets and taking in all the history of Rudesheim it was time for coffee.

      Rudesheim has its own style of coffee invented by a TV chef in 1957. Asbach Uralt brandy and sugar cubes are added to a specially designed mug . The brandy is flambéed and stirred for a minute until the sugar dissolves. Strong coffee is added, followed by a topping of thickly whipped cream sweetened with vanilla sugar. Chocolate flakes are scattered onto the cream as a garnish. It was yummy.
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    • Day 1

      Tschüss Rüdesheim

      November 28, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Schön wars. Ein sehr schöner klein großer Weihnachtsmarkt. Viele Stände nette Leute. Gefühlt war der Markt einen Kilometer lang. Beinahe in der gesamten Altstadt in vielen Gassen und Höfen gab es etwas leckeres.

      Ganz besonderen dank an dieser stelle an den Schweden-Finnland-Norwegen Stand. Der beste Glöcki den ich jemals getrunken habe. Und danke für die Erklärung des Elch-Bluts.
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    • Von Lorch nach Rüdesheim

      August 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Start war im Freistaat Flaschenhals (ein nach dem ersten Weltkrieg schmales unbesetztes Gebiet, das von besetzten Gebieten umringt war und dadurch von 1919 -1923 aus sich selbst gestellt war.
      Heute sollten es entspannte 22 Km werden, aber durch einen Einkauf, den Abstieg zum Campingplatz (mir graut morgen vor dem Aufstieg 😩) und den üblichen Wirrungen wude es dann doch wieder über 30 Km und heute war der erste Hitzetag..
      Die Wanderung bot das gleiche wie gestern. Permanent der olle Rhein und Burgen wohin man auch sah.
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    • Day 68

      Bingen und Rüdesheim am Rhein

      July 26, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Abfahrt 11h
      Ankunft in Bingen am Rhein um 16:30 bei km- 23550.
      Schöner, neu gestalteter Stellplatz in Bingen. Leider keine Toiletten (aber am benachbarten Campingplatz :-).
      Die Fähre nach Rüdesheim ist nach einem schönen Fußmarsch, am Rhein entlang, erreichbar.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Rüdesheimer Aue, Rudesheimer Aue

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