Saint Peter’s Church

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    • День 4

      St peters, Residenz, English Garden

      30 марта 2023 г., Германия ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Over 8 miles of walking through this beautiful city. Started by watching the Glockenspiel go off from St Peters cathedral tower (306 steep wooden steps to get there) with only 4 other people, walked through the Residenz museum which was home to the old palace, walked through the eastern part of the English Gardens and had dinner at Ginkgo, a well done Asian tapas restaurant.Читать далее

    • День 20

      The Eagle's Nest

      23 июня 2018 г., Германия ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      As I emerged from the Munich S-Bahn at Marienplatz, I had a feeling of déjà vu. I remembered having been at this exact spot with Mum and Dad during our trip to Germany many, many years ago. We sat outside under an umbrella in the square opposite the famous glockenspiel Clock Tower enjoying a German beer. Mum was so taken with the fine lager glasses that she put two in her handbag and I believe still has them. Munich was busy with Friday night revellers, but I resisted, and had an early night at the comfortable Blauer Bock Hotel nearby.

      This morning I set out on a trip to visit the Eagle’s Nest - part of Hitler’s mountain retreat, the Berghof. After a pleasant train journey from Munich, I arrived at the charming town of Berchtesgaden. From there a bus took us to Obersalzberg location of the now demolished Berghof, which in the 1930s became, surprisingly, the 2nd seat of the Nazi government after Berlin. Then a further specially constructed bus to cope with the steep climb up the mountain to Kehlsteinhaus (The Eagle’s Nest), where, with its panoramic views, Hitler entertained special guests. It is virtually the only building not to have been bombed or demolished, and now serves as a restaurant / bar.

      To reach the summit you had to walk through a long tunnel constructed in 1938 and take a beautiful copper decorated lift to the top. What fabulous 360 degree views over the Bavarian Alps and Lake Konigsee. It is hard to imagine in this idyllic mountain setting that Hitler and his followers made world shattering decisions on war, persecution and genocide.

      I enjoyed bockwurst and potato salad and a cool, German lager in the main reception room, featuring a marble fireplace gifted by Mussolini, although it was a bit unsettling to see photographs of Nazi leaders and dignatories pictured in the same room. The excellent museum Dokumentation Obersalzberg provided a great insight into the Nazi takeover of this hitherto quiet mountain community.

      I did contemplate making the very short train journey over the border to Salzburg, Austria for some pink lemonade. Some light relief in The Sound of Music city would have been welcome. However I headed back to Munich for dinner and to get ready for the next part of my trip - the overnight sleeper train to Hamburg. Another very special day, sobering in part, but with breathtaking scenery.
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    • День 6


      10 октября 2023 г., Германия ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Arrived in Munich via private but and had a guided walking tour. Our guide was great and I loved learning about all the history. Munich feels much less like a fairy tale compared to Salzburg.

      We had a free afternoon and enjoyed an Augustiner Helles in the city center. Later, I went with my friend to meet her cousin who is also traveling throughout Europe!

      My group ended the night at an Irish pub for Karaoke...very fun! According to the locals, if you're in Munich and not drinking Augustiner, you're not really drinking beer!
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    • День 3

      Day 2

      18 января 2020 г., Германия ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      The next day I meet Franz for breakfast. He has work today, but time for brot und kaffee before he goes. When I arrive he has a radio for me to take, bread laid out, and three kinds of jam all from his tiny-garden. In Munich, and Germany, there are allotment-gardens: tiny sheds with a garden attached, like a community garden but with more for each participant than a raised bed. The sheds usually have water, or water nearby, electricity and enough room for a couch or equipment (whichever you might need). Franz has a bee-hive, a pear tree, strawberries, and enough time to turn them all into jams for sharing in the winter.

      We chat a bit more. The weather has us both with low energy. It’s my first day in Munich and I plan to explore good weather or not. Franz has set out bretzels, sunflower seed bread, and wheat bread. The jam goes well with the breads, the Kaffee, and the advice Franz has for exploring downtown. “You have lots of time, Munich is small. Don’t worry about seeing it all in one day”. I do worry, but with his advice to go through Schawbing to downtown, where I am to find New Town Hall and Marienplatz, I head out on a bicycle in the rain.

      As I ride downtown I get lost, refuse to ask directions and wind up passing by Schwabing only to double back and check it out – and it’s worth it. There’s a diversity in restaurants – Asian, Mexican, burritos, bratwurst, and everything inbetween is here. The place bustles with activity even though it’s not even 11am yet. I drive my bike downtown until I run into streets shut to cars, and then ride my bike a bit farther before I lock it up under a shelter in a rather large plaza. After a solid look around I realize that New Town Hall is in front of me, and all the people are watching the glockenspiel at New Town Hall play its 11 o’clock tune to the entire square.

      Despite an adventurous spirit and a willingness to learn about a different way of life, I really didn’t learn a bunch about Germany before coming here. I have run into enough people that I have an idea of the culture – everyone I’ve met from Germany is fantastic – yet I know that it’s not a particularly open and inviting culture. Like Nova Scotia everyone is friendly yet difficult to get to know. My lack of knowledge about this place and how to came to be needs resolving, so I load up an audio tour of downtown Munich and hit play, hoping to learn the lay of the land and a bit more about the history of this place.

      The tour takes me on a whirlwind through the city. I know I can hit pause and take my time yet I don’t know what I’m putting off or taking in, and I know I’ll have more days to come, so I rush through it all like I’m doing a drive-by shooting where I can come back later to investigate exactly what just happened. I crash through St. Peter’s Church and avoid walking the tower as it’s still too cloudy for me. I run through Viktoriaplatz where fresh stalls sell farm-fresh produce at high prices next to outdoor cafes and beer gardens still bustling with people despite bad weather on a weekend in January.

      I wander through an iron and glass building with a grocer and restaurants that’s an absolutely stunning piece of architecture before stumbling into Munich’s museum, and the Jewish history museum and synagog. The Munich Museum shop tells me enough that I need to go back and learn more about the Bavarian history of fancy outfits and Pumukles that make Munich so unique. I find children’s books I might actually be able to read with my kinder-deutsch.

      Next up is the Asmoth Church – a church only a few meters wide that looks like it’s made of marble yet actually it’s mostly beautiful facades. Almost every building I pass by is a replica of what it was before WWII, and even the originals are inspired by Italian Architecture as Munich was the Catholic Church’s northernmost stronghold: the frontline of the Roman Catholic Church in the middle of Europe. I don’t know what original Bavarian Architecture is because it’s so entwined with Italy’s architecture – much like the regions.

      I head away from churches for now and wander down a pedestrian street, around a corner or two and past the hunting and game museum with a boar and a troat on guard outside. I keep walking to St. Michael’s church were Mad King Ludwig II is entombed and I have to take a look. Afterward I stumble toward the Frauen Kirk – a cathedral dedicated to Mary that is iconic for the height of the spires and their unique round shape. Next door is a posh mall, the funf “somethingerother” which is a most beautiful covered arcade / mall / shopping centre with 50 ft ceilings and ivy dangling down from the top. It’s a gorgeous dedication to capitalism. I can’t help but purchase a blank notebook from Muji – ostensibly to help with notes as I learn a new language.

      Eventually I find a most-posh grocery store with a fancy café that has a lineup a mile wide. Half the people in the store are tourists, yet the other half are regulars in fur coats and fancy suits looking at prices on produce that match their outfits. The Bavarian Hofbrauhaus is world famous for being a wonderful and bustling brewhouse yet in the early Saturday afternoon it’s dead. Everything I’ve read online tells me the brewhouse is expensive and touristy and everyone should instead go to Augustiner, and that’s where everyone is. I grab a seat with strangers, order a beer, and rest for a bit.

      My tour ends back at Marienplatz after a roundabout look at more architecture and tales of old Bavaria. After a few errands Downtown dark sets in – I leave knowing I still need to find groceries and tomorrow’s breakfast before I can sit down and make dinner.

      Dinner is a simple pasta, made with love and accompanied by a beer. It’s Saturday night and I know there’s a lot going on yet all that’s on my mind is if there’s convenient wifi in a café nearby as the wohnung I’m in doesn’t have it set up. Pretty soon I’ll need to have a meeting or two with Nova Scotia which will be hard to do without wifi. An after dinner walk reveals several spots for wifi – none I expect. Olympia Hall and TUM university have eduraom, free wifi for those who remember their university email – yet neither offer great seating. It’s enough that the internet tells me where the libraries are. Libraries are great in a pinch.

      By then it’s time for home. Google Fit says I’ve overkilled my goal today. My body feels it and when I finally get to bed I sleep hard with only a little jet-lag related wakeup in the middle of the night.
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    • День 2


      19 февраля, Германия ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      This is the skeleton of Saint Munditia, the patron saint of spinsters, jewels cover her naked bones. In her hand she holds a glass container filled with dried blood, a relic of her martyrdom. She is believed to have been matryed in 310 AD, beheaded with a hatchet. Her remains have been here since their transfer from the Roman catacombs in 1675. She was kept hidden in a wooden box from 1804 and put back on display in 1883.

      In the little glass case above Munditia, is the skull of Saint Erasmus, the patron saint against intestinal ailments.
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    • День 3

      München in de regen

      29 июня 2020 г., Германия ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Vandaag was een in en uit dag. Hierbij bedoel ik naar binnen in mijn mond en naar buiten al onder. Het regende in de voormiddag maar dat was niet zo erg gezien ik last van mijn buik had en niet te ver van een wc mocht gaan. Het ontbijt was zeer goed maar te eten met plastiek handschoenen, wat nogal raar is. Wel is het handig dat je achteraf geen vettige handen hebt. Ik ben tot ongeveer 12u in het hotel gebleven, met een boek natuurlijk, tot het stopte met regenen. Wanneer ik uiteindelijk het hotel buiten ging had ik nog altijd geen honger, mijn buik deed raar, maar ik besloot om mij daar niets van aan te trekken, en naar het beroemde hofbrauhaus te gaan dat gebouwd is ergens in de 16de eeuw en bekend is van 'eins, zwei zaufen'. Zelfs op een maandagmiddag in corona tijden stond er een rij om binnen te mogen.

      De bieren waren zeer goed, het eten niet noemenswaardig en de sfeer zeer rustig. Ik schrok even toen ik op de kaart de prijzen enkel in liter zag, maar je kon ook een kleintje vragen, wat maar een halve liter is. Het is leuk om op het gemak een boek te lezen met een pint, maar dat kan ik niet de hele dag doen zonder dronken te worden. Een paar culturele zaken tussendoor waren nodig, en het eerste ervan was het reichsmuseum. Niet omdat ik geïnteresseerd was in de beierse cultuur, maar omdat ik een wc nodig had. Onderweg werd ik opgebeld door een bende oplichters die probeerden mijn creditcard nummer te weten te komen, maar zelfs na anderhalve liter bier ben ik niet zo zot. Wel ben ik benieuwd hoe ze mijn telefoon nummer te weten gekomen zijn en wisten dat ik een boeking had bij het hotel. Ze waren echt goed, maar mijn telefoon had ze al verraden door aan te duiden dat de oproep vanuit Berlijn kwam in plaats van Neurenberg.

      De wc, pardon, museum bleek de moeite te zijn voor mensen die nog nooit een paleis in Europa gezien hebben, maar niet voor mij. Ik had nogal een déjà vu gevoel, iets wat ik niet had toen ik later in een park mensen zag surfen in de beek. Ik denk niet dat er nog andere steden zijn waar je kan surfen in het park.

      Na nog een tweetal mooie kerken bezocht te hebben was het tijd om naar de paulaner brouwerij te gaan. Hun witbier is een van mijn favorieten en ik heb dit al overal gedronken, zelfs in china, dus ik moest die eens bezoeken. Ook daar was het rustig, wat ik niet erg vond en het eten was iets beter dan het hofbrauhaus. Morgen ga ik proberen mij wat meer in te houden, want het is hier vrij duur. Ik reis zoals ik in Azië doe en verbruik vier maal zoveel.
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    • День 17


      16 февраля 2015 г., Германия ⋅ 🌫 -2 °C

      Vi var fremme i "Quime" Kl 21, på veien dit så lynte det og tornet det veldig, prøvde å ta bilde men det ble ikke så bra. Vi tokk oss en liten tur rundt i området før vi gikk og la oss ? Quime er da en liten landsby, fikk ikke sett så mye i dag siden det var så mørkt men det er en liten landsby der alle kjenner alle ?Читать далее

    • День 9


      21 августа 2021 г., Германия ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Munich is the 3rd largest city in Germany and capital of the state of Bavaria. It is also known for the Oktoberfest that has been canceled for the 2nd year in a row. (Although I can attest that the beer is still good.)
      Until after world war 1, Bavaria was ruled by kings. The 1st picture is of the summer palace. I don't have a wide angle lens. So I ask you to add about 300% to what you see to get a sense of scale. The 2nd picture is of the Residence Palace near the center of Munich. The 3rd picture is a city gate of the same design as the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The 4th picture is the main shopping street.
      The last 2 pictures were taken from the bus. The 5th picture is of one of the facilities for the Olympics of 1972. You may recall that this was the Olympic games with the terrorist attacks. The last picture is a glimpse of the Löwenbräu beer hall.
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    • День 8


      16 октября 2022 г., Германия ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Qui era tutto spaventosamente bello. Letteralmente mi guardavo intorno e c'era tutto questo 😍🥲

    • День 1


      6 февраля 2020 г., Германия ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Der Marienplatz liegt am Kreuzungspunkt der Altstadt zwischen dem Isator und dem Karlstor. Seit der Gründung von München 1158 stellt der Marienplatz das Zentrum und Herz der Stadt dar.

    Вам может быть известно это место также под этими именами:

    Saint Peter’s Church, Saint Peter's Church, Sankt Peter

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