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    • Dag 17

      14. Etappe

      26 april 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      14. Etappe
      Kelheim - Regensburg
      38km, flach
      Die heutige kurze Etappe startet beim Zusammenfluss vom Main-Donau-Kanal mit der Donau. Ab hier ist sie schiffbar. Wir sehen die ersten Frachtschiffe.
      Bereits zum Mittagessen erreichen wir die schöne Stadt Regensburg (UNESCO Kulturerbe). Hier gönnen wir uns einen Ruhetag.
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    • Dag 20

      Regensburg - Steinerne Brücke

      19 maj, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C



      Das „Bruckmandl“ ist ein am höchsten Punkt der Steinernen Brücke sitzendes Männchen, das auf der westlichen Steinbrüstung nach Süden ausgerichtet ist. Das 11 Meter über dem Donaustrudel thronende Brückenmännchen wurde am 23. April 1854 aufgestellt. Es ist jedoch schon der zweite Nachfolger des ursprünglichen Männchens, welches 1579 zerstört worden war. Seine Bedeutung ist bis heute nicht sicher geklärt. Die einen verstehen es als sogenannten Südweiser, der nach Süden schaut und sich die Hand vor Sonne schützend an die Stirn legt. Die anderen glauben der stadtbekannten Sage, es stelle den Baumeister der Steinernen Brücke dar. Dieser hatte mit Hilfe des Teufels eine Wette gegen den Dombaumeister gewonnen, in der es darum ging, das jeweilige Bauwerk schneller fertig zu stellen. Das Bruckmandl verkörpert laut der Sage den besorgt nach dem Baufortschritt des Domes schauenden Brückenbaumeister. Während der Bauarbeiten an der Steinernen Brücke fand man bis 2017 an der Stelle des Brückenmännchens jedoch nur einen Platzhalter. Das echte Bruckmandl wurde saniert und am 5. Juni 2018 wieder aufgestellt. Auch der rechte Arm, den es 2012 vermutlich durch Vandalismus verloren hatte, wurde ersetzt.Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      The Old Stone Bridge

      24 september 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      For many years, there was no way to cross the Danube until the bridge was built. They competed with the architects of the cathedral to finish construction first. The cathedral had God on their side do the bridge builders turned to the Devil. However the devil wanted the first three souls that crossed the bridge. The bridge was completed first, but what three souls were to be sacrificed? They sent a dog, chasing two chickens. The statue is the architect watching the progression of the cathedral’s construction. The chickens are embedded into the side of the bridge.Läs mer

    • Dag 23

      Special German experiences

      11 oktober 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Davor and spent a few hours walking around the old town, enjoying the historic buildings and doing a little shopping. In Europe you have to learn to always look up! You never know what treasures you’ll find. Pics 1-7 are some of them! Mid afternoon we sat down at a little cafe for coffee and had a view of city hall (pic 8). I was excited to find my favorite bakery item at this cafe. It’s called “mandelhoernchen”. It is in the shape of a horn and has marzipan inside and almonds on the outside.
      We went back to Maja & Erhard’s and then the 4 of us went out for a fun dinner. We went to a neighboring village and ate at the restaurant for the locals, Landgastof Geser. We walked in and it was their monthly night for pop up music! Several people(including the owner), played accordion, there was a bass and a tuba. What you would call typical German beer hall music played the whole evening! What a fun atmosphere.
      I wish I had known how special the next thing that happened was and I would have taken a picture… they brought out a wooden keg(unusual these days), a man put on an apron and several stood by and he hammered the tap into the keg! Beer splattered! We were nearby but didn’t get wet! Then about 6 employees held out glasses as they tapped out all the foam from the keg, it took awhile! Finally the beer flowed and they emptied the keg into glasses. It was a special beer called bock which is a really dark beer. They only tap it once a year, usually in October. Because Maja and Erhard are regulars at this Gasthof, the owner knows them. We were lucky and he gave us each a glass of this special beer and then sat down and talked to us! The last pic is of my Wiener schnitzel with bratkartoffeln! What a fun evening!

      Highlight of the day: seeing a beer keg tapped
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    • Dag 22


      10 oktober 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We spent the day wandering around downtown Regensburg. Regensburg is a well preserved medieval town. Erhard is very into history so he is quite the tour guide!
      Regensburg is well known for the Stone Bridge built in the 12th century (pic 1) Pic 2 is the archway at one end of the bridge leading into the old town. Pic 3 is an old wurst restaurant nearby, along the Danube River.
      We didn’t eat there, but instead crossed the stone bridge and had a wonderful lunch in a beer garden (pics 4-6). We’ve been fortunate and have been able to eat more than half of our meals outside, often in beer gardens! Pic 7 is the view we had from the beer garden looking across the Danube at the old town.
      Pic 8 is of Porta Praetoria, these are stone remnants of a former gateway built in 179 AD and once leading into a Roman military camp.
      Pics 9-13 are of St Peters Cathedral, also known as Regensburger Dom, rebuilt in 1273 in high gothic style. It was built the same time as Notre Dame in Paris. The organ was added later, in pic 13 you can see that it is suspended from the ceiling!
      We ended the day with a visit with our niece, Bettina and her kids, Marlene and Benjamin. We played mini golf and then had pizza together!

      Highlight of the day: mini golf with Bettina, Marlene and Benjamin
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    • Dag 251

      Ein kultureller Tag

      14 september 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück besuchten wir die Basilika des ehemaligen Kloster St Emmeram. Die Benediktinermönche ließen sich 780 hier nieder. Im Zuge der Verstaatlichung der Thurn und Taxis-Post erhielt das Fürstenhaus die Klosteranlage als Teil der Entschädigung des Königreichs Bayern. Heute ist die Anlage Stammresidenz der Fürstenfamilie. Ein Teil der Räumlichkeiten kann mit einer Führung besichtigt werden. Die Schatzkammer ist heute ein Museum.
      Eine Schifffahrt auf der Donau brachte uns zur Walhalla. Walhalla heisst Gedenkstätten. Diese wurde von König Ludwig 1. nach den Plänen der Akropolis 1830 erbaut. Berühmte Persönlichkeiten aus Deutschland werden hier geehrt. Auf dem Weg zurück zum Hotel erhalten wir vom Sigrist der Neupfarrkirche eine kurze Information über die erste evangelische Kirche Regensburgs.
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    • Dag 2

      Ganzer Tag in Regensburg

      8 april 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Am frühen Morgen gab es ein waschechstes bayrisches Frühstück im weltbekannten Hofbräuhaus: Weisswürste mit Brezel 🥨 und süssem Senf. Nun, jeder nach seinem Geschmack. Für uns als Nicht-Bayer doch eher gewöhnungsbedürftig. Die Altstadt Regensburgs ist UNESCO-Welterbe. Dies weil die Altstadt als einige der wenigen im 2. Weltkrieg quasi verschont wurde. Die farbigen Gebäude und die engen Gässchen haben dabei einen besonderen Charme. Das Goliathhaus mit einer Zeichnung der Sage stammt aus 1230. Die Porta Praetoria ist sogar 1000 Jahre älter. Die steinerne Brücke aus ca. 1146 gilt als älteste noch erhaltene Brücke Deutschlands. Die Historische Wurstlküche bedient seit 500 Jahren am gleichen Ort hungrige Mäuler. Auch wir wollten uns hier verpflegen, doch die Schlange 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♂️ war den ganzen Tag lang. Auch ein Besuch im Dom durfte nicht fehlen, noch nie habe ich eine Kirche ⛪ besucht die im Innern derart dunkel ist. Nach der Sightseeing-Tour ging es am Abend wieder ins Wirtshaus, dieses Mal von Hacker-Pschorr 🍺.Läs mer

    • Dag 52

      Rain & Regensberg, Lederhosen & Lace

      17 maj 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      The rain looked to have abated as we packed up in our lovely Bratislava Airbnb, but as we headed downstairs, we found it starting up again.
      A quick check on Bolt/Uber suggested a car was only 4 mins away, so we gave in and booked it.
      Naturally, at that point, all nearby drivers decide to shun our advances and we found one 6km away, crawling towards us. Sod that: we cancelled and set off in the drizzle ☔️

      Arrived at the station rather bedraggled, but our train was on time, so we loitered, dripping, in the main hall until the platform popped up on the board.

      We had a short yet smooth change in Vienna, & found our booked seats right at the front of the train…but naturally the drivers cabin is opaque, so views were no better than normal 🤷‍♂️
      We dozed, read and snacked, & I watched a Jason Stathern film titled “Bank Job”, which went as predictably as you would expect.

      Luckily, the clouds disappeared, and we arrived in Regensburg in faint sunshine.

      Here we had a super clean Holiday Inn Express, with the bonus of free breakfast: always helps with the budget 🤣

      After discovering BBC World was the only English TV choice, wittering endlessly on about Harry and Meghan’s fake near miss “Diana-drive” through NYC, we set out to explore.

      Regensburg is a surprising delight!

      Christine had found it just looking for somewhere en route to Nuremberg, but what a fabulous find 😎
      Our fourth spot of the Danube, after Budapest, Ruse and Vienna….very fast moving around the bridge, with a couple of paddlers enjoying it.

      Inhabited since the Stone Age, it became a northern settlement for Romans. For over 700 years it was the capital of Bavaria.
      The stone bridge in town we were to cross later dates back 900 years.
      We found notes about the Diet of Regensburg: not a health or even starving thing, but from 1663 to 1806, the city was the permanent seat of the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire.

      In short; the City was Important.
      And wealthy: a German noble family with the Prince of Thurn and Taxis resided there (still does!), and made money from postal services from the 1500s, expanding to breweries and building many castles too.

      Because of that, the place is slightly unique: the impressive houses were built of brick and stone, and therefore never had major fires, like so many of their era. WWII also failed to touch the older buildings.
      As a result, the “old town” is incredibly grand, and very original. It feels exceedingly “well to do”, and is a delight to wander through.

      On our way from the hotel, we soon noticed a young man in leather shorts…..felt a little odd, but this is Baveria.
      After a short time, we realised we were the odd looking ones: many men of all generations wore them, and one or two females too. Several classy looking stores sold them, along with very fancy “Alice in Wonderland” dresses with lacy aprons.
      Over the evening, we found that many locals dressed up that way, which was really nice to see.

      We crossed the Stone Bridge and sought sustenance, finding the lively Musikkneipe Klappe - literally “music bar shut up”.
      The staff were very friendly, the beer rather nice, and we enjoyed the house special curry wurst and a plate of house spetzl: delicious!

      The walk back took us past the Goliath House, a huge building dating from around 1260, with a vast 1573 painting.
      We then went past St Peter’s Cathedral, where robed clergyman were clearly heading for an event.

      Regensburg: quite a revelation, & we looked forward to seeing more of it 👍
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    • Dag 53

      On The Danube

      18 maj 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today dawned with sunshine and a promising full breakfast.
      We enjoyed a stroll into town and sought out more sights.

      Because of the city´s unique status as "the only authentically preserved large medieval city in Germany", the Old Town Regensburg (with Stadtamhof) was announced as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006.

      Just before the Stone Bridge is an interesting free ‘museum’ explaining a lot about the history of the town.
      Outside, we declined the option to join a huge queue for the Wurst Kuche: the oldest sausage stand/ restaurant in the whole WORLD, but once you’ve had one sausage..,,

      Instead, we decided that after seeing the Danube in Budapest, Ruse and Vienna, & passing over it on trains on countless occasions, it was high time we went on a boat for a cheeky trip.
      On the way, a nice ice cream from Aamu, & a short browse in the Bavarian Museum.

      On board our HMS Titanic (MS Strudelfahrt or similar 👀), we cruised around the island….well, up to the point where we met the lock, turned round, & went back 🤷‍♂️
      A pleasant way to spend an hour.

      From there we went hunting the Golden Church - Kollegiatstift unserer Lieben Frau zur alten Kapelle. A relatively plain exterior opens up to reveal incredibly ornate gold leaf on all interior fittings.
      It is said that Regensburg has a church for every day of the year. The Gold one and The Cathedral are the most impressive to see!

      Beer was sought in the beautiful courtyard of the classic Bischofshof am Dom. Originally the home of, yes, the Bishop, it now serves patrons food and ale. Friendly staff, nice beers, and great entertainment when a drunk older German fella next to us suddenly fell backwards on his chair….yet kept his ¾ full tankard of ale from spilling a drop: Bravo Sir🍻

      Checked out Europe’s only Master Hat Maker round the corner: sadly, the Johnny Depp hat they had previously on show was gone, but a fine display nonetheless…. Thankfully it was closed on this Ascension Day, otherwise I might have been tempted: a snip at €280 😱

      The Blue Moon Boys were setting up in a Theatre courtyard, along with the stylish “Holiday” motor 💪

      By now, after a exploring a few more alleyways, we felt we had done the place. We headed back via a grand brewing ale house, Brauhaus am Schloss. Fairly quiet when we arrived, and beautifully appointed inside, but by the time our food came out, it felt like two coaches of elderly Germans had arrived to sample the beers: nice!

      Finally, the walk home for an early night: busy day tomorrow 👍
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    • Dag 2

      Tag 2. Regensburg

      8 augusti 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Tja, weit haben wir es heute nicht gebracht, aber wie sagt Steph so schön, der Weg ist das Ziel.
      Nach einem sehr leckeren, aber mit einer Wespenplage durchzogenen Frühstück fuhren wir in Richtung Regensburg, wo mir Steph noch Walhalla zeigen möchte. Dort angekommen bin ich total fasziniert von dem Gebäude und das Ludwig der I. denen zu Ehre es gebaut hat die sich um das deutsche Vaterland verdient gemacht haben.
      Danach sind wir durch Regensburg gelaufen, haben den Dom angesehen, die besten „Nürnberger“ Bratwürste mit Sauerkraut und einem Hammer-Senf der einen leichten Zimtgeschmack hatte gegessen, direkt nennen der steinernen Brücke, die rüber zu einer Donauhalbinsel führt, auf der auch unser Hotel für die Nacht liegt.
      Mal schauen wohin es uns morgen verschlägt. 🤩😉😍
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