It's vacation time!
We're spending the better part of December exploring Germany. We just arrived at the Ritz in Berlin, after an uneventful plane and train ride.
After arriving in Frankfurt fromRead more
It's vacation time!
We're spending the better part of December exploring Germany. We just arrived at the Ritz in Berlin, after an uneventful plane and train ride.
After arriving in Frankfurt fromRead more
Another top musical target on our trip was a day tour to Leipzig to the annual Bach Festival. Choirs come from all over the world (the Wellington Bach Choir went one year) and sing in the locationsRead more
Questa mattina come detto precedentemente visita di Praga alla
luce del sole. Bellissima non bella. Confermo quanto riferito da tutti sulla città. Poi dopo pranzo nel parcheggio della Lidl siamoRead more
Anne stayed the night with her friend last night and said she would meet us in time for our visit to the roof of the Reichstag. Rob, Anita and I had a slow, lazy start to the day then got the train toRead more
Hepi birthday menii hihi✨
Vivi in Saro zvlečem v dve veganski pekarni, kjer si zagotovimo še zadnje dobrote potrebne za piknik v Tiergartenu. Prvo kavico spijem izpod italijanskih rok, drugo dobimRead more
Ko popapcamo naše prigrizke sledi malo počitka, vse tri malo odlezimo in uživamo v prijetni senci Berlinovega največjega parka🌳. Nato sledi intenzivno reševanje sudokuja in krizank in paRead more
First panic of the trip! As the Caledonian Sleeper pulled out of Glasgow Central at 23.40 on Friday 9 June, I realised I had forgotten to pack my iPad!! How was I going to live for over 3 weeksRead more
Hüt isch dr letzte Tag in Berlin gsi. Miar hon üs amol dia Bezirke agluagat wo ned sövl tourista umma sen und senn am obad noch adr spree gsi. Mara am Margat kommr in Amsterdam a und am Margat drofRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Tiergarten, Tiergarten Bezirk, Berlin-Tiergarten, Тыргартэн, טירגארטן, Тиргартен, 蒂尔加滕
Traveler Bravo! Gratuliere!
Traveler Herzlichen Glückwunsch 🍾🎉😉
Traveler Bravo und herzlichen Glückwunsch