A German train disaster

Leaving Germany feels so weird! We had the German Airbnb’s booked so early that it seems like time is going so fast. We of course booked Prague like 2 days in advance, never learning our lessons onRead more
Leaving Germany feels so weird! We had the German Airbnb’s booked so early that it seems like time is going so fast. We of course booked Prague like 2 days in advance, never learning our lessons onRead more
I did not leave the room today. I think that’s the first on the whole trip and we are about half way in. I was feeling a bit sad and tired so I just hung out by myself while Anna and mike went outRead more
After getting lunch at a little market selling brats we went back to the room and then me and Anna went up the hill near our place to see this weird little castle thing. Later on we met up for dinnerRead more
Fresh croissants for breakfast and then a bunch of walking made for the beginning of a typical day in the life of the 3 Europa amigas. We wanted to see this tower that Freiburg is famous for but whatRead more
Klar war von Anfang an die Idee: Es sollte alleine mit dem Rad nach Portugal und wieder zurück gehen. Über die Route hatte ich mir fast gar keine Gedanken gemacht, über zu besichtigende OrteRead more
Puh 😮💨 Zweiter tag und wieder fast 9h geradelt - bin ganz schön müde. Flachenberg absoluter Endgegner war gar nicht flach. Schwarzwald ist so ne schöne Gegend und super schöne Radwege. ImRead more
Nach einem intensiven Abschied von vielen guten Freunden in Freiburg sind wir endlich unterwegs!
Wir haben das schönste Sonnen-Wetter und sitzen den ganzen Tag im Auto... blöd ... naja, dieRead more
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