Freiburg im Breisgau

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Freiburg im Breisgau
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    • Day 7

      Therme Vita Classica

      October 13, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Nach dem gestrigen Highlight haben wir uns heute einen Tag Auszeit gegönnt. Johann kauft bereits im Vorfeld online die Tageseintrittskarten und wir genießen in diese riesigen Therme, wo es sehr viele Heilwasser Becken gibt, die Saunawelt, welche sich dort über drei Stockwerke verteilt und einige Saunen zur Auswahl hat.
      Mittagsessen wir gesunden Salat und nach 19:30 Uhr begeben wir uns ins Wohnmobil um dort noch eine Runde Jolly zu spielen.
      Wir bezahlen für die Übernachtung 15.50 und pro Person Tages Karten 29.-
      Mein abends selbstgebackenes Brot enttäuscht mich, es ist nicht richtig aufgegangen ich glaube ich gehe morgen zum Bäcker frisches Brot kaufen
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    • Day 4–5

      Von 29 °C auf 14,5 °C

      May 24 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heutige Temperaturschwankung 29 – 14,5 °C. (Anzeige am E-Bike)

      – Lauschiger Radweg dem Rhein entlang, nah am Wasser durch Auengebiete
      – Mittagessen an einem sonnigen Platz in Neuenburg am Rhein. Meine Füsse wurden im Rhein gebadet, der Rest in der Sonne. Schwarze Wolken ziehen vorbei, ich bleibe optimistisch. Als Donner zu hören ist, breche ich auf und fahre davon. Und wurde eingeholt ⚡️

      10 km weiter kommen wir mehrheitlich trocken in der Unterkunft an, die ist heute zweckmässig. (Tipps für günstige Unterkünfte für Einzelpersonen mit Hund werden gerne entgegengenommen)

      Abendessen heute: Spargel mit Kratzete. Abendessen gestern: Spagetti mit grünen und weissen Spargeln.

      Pflanze des Tages: Mohn
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    • Day 63

      Freiburg im Breisgau

      June 2 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach knapp 2h Fahrt sind wir an dem Campingplatz Hirzberg angekommen. Das coole daran ist, das der Stellplatz nur ca. 2km von der Altstadt entfernt ist, also sehr zentral gelegen. Das Wetter ist durchwachsen und recht feucht, soll sich jedoch ab morgen bessern 😅 wir warten es ab…..sind ja bis Mittwoch da 🤗🤷🏻Read more

    • Day 83


      May 21, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      You will probably notice a big jump... I left my phone on the bed, and Lennon threw it out of the back door of the van 😢

      Anyway, here we are in Frieberg. We had a nice couple of days next to a big park to use the trees to shade from the heatwaveRead more

    • Day 7

      Catching Up...

      October 26, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

      It's been a fast and furious last few days! Saturday in Vienna I skipped the first day of my meeting (theoretically the reason we're here 😉). Went to Hofburg in the center of the city. A huge complex of buildings built in stages going back to medieval times, it houses among many things the Spanish Riding School, where we saw the famous Lipazzaner stallions perform what could be best described as a ballet on 4 hooves. (The fact that it is the Spanish and not Austrian school is a cool story worth looking up.)

      The Hofburg complex was also the seat of the Habsburg dynasty, and the former winter palace of the king and Princess (not queen). There we went to the SISI museum, named after the nickname of Princess Elisabeth, Sisi, who was the husband of King Franz Ferdinand. She was truly one of the "beautiful people" of the day, much as Princess Diana was. There we learned about her and her husband, and toured the royal palace.

      Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning I attended the reason for coming, the International Symposium on Tick-Borne Pathogens and Disease, ITPD. Droll sounding I know, but actually fascinating as while I knew Europe has many of the diseases carried by ticks here such as Lyme disease, I had no idea they are found throughout Europe, and not restricted to the N. Midwest & NE here. Thus it is a much bigger public health problem for Europeans.

      We've made it to Freiburg im Breisgau in the heart of the Black Forest, in SW Germany. There's a story to tell there about the trip but I'll leave it for now.

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    • Day 4

      Freiburg bezoeken

      August 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Eens even ov kaart gebruiken voor Freiburg te bezoeken.

      Ik zag kinderen door de water kanalen in de straten bootjes heen en weer trekken.

      De houten bootjes die kinderen door de watergangen trekken in Freiburg zijn onderdeel van een traditioneel waterspeelsysteem genaamd "Bächle." Deze smalle waterkanalen waren vroeger bedoeld voor waterafvoer en irrigatie, maar nu worden ze gebruikt als speelplekken waar kinderen met hun houten bootjes kunnen spelen en ze door de kanalen kunnen laten drijven. Het is een kenmerkend en geliefd aspect van de stad.Read more

    • Day 14


      February 12 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Today we went to Freiburg with the twins and did a VoiceMap tour. It was very interesting, and a nice overview of a town center. Some beautiful buildings and also unexpected canals which reminded us of Amsterdam. In the evening, Tanyuha Sofie and I went to the thermal saunas center and enjoyed a few magical hours of relaxation.Read more

    • Day 25

      Freiburg am brisgau

      August 27, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      88km vent de face et légère pluie +50km en train, nuit à l'auberge

      Matin comme d'habitude très humide tant de la rosée a l'extérieure de la tente que la condensation de transpi et respi sur l'intérieure. À nouveau des bruits de rongeur dans les alentours la nuit mais cette fois les sacoches à l'intérieur de la tente empêche toute tentative.

      Trajet du jour à travers Karlsruhe entre autres. Les chemins sont à nouveaux parfaitement indiqués, directs et continus. Quasi pas besoin de la carte.
      J'écoute pas mal de podcast, notamment brise glace (sujets tabous en société évoqués par des personnes concernées) ou émotions (la même sur des émotions décortiquées par des spécialistes du domaine). Autant terriblement inspirant qu'un gros rappel d'humilité face à la diversité.

      C'est dimanche, les bleds sont déserts jusqu'à Karlsruhe. Il y a un match dans l'aprem et je croise des nuées de supporters se rendant au match (quasiment personne n'a pas les couleurs du club). Pourtant c'est un match de 2e ligue.

      Sur tout le trajet je suis face au vent, d'abord faible mais se renforçant avec le temps. Je dois diminuer ma vitesse de 3-4kmh pour effort équivalent. Le plus dur est psychologiquement, cette impression de ne pas avancer.

      Là-dessus je fais ma pause dans un petit village où je mets toutes mes affaires à sécher sur un banc. Après 3 min de sieste, la pluie commence et je dois tout repacter.

      Finalement je prends le train pour les derniers 50km, fatigué et mouillé. Arrivée dans Freiburg, splendide ville universitaire et nuit dans l'auberge.
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    • Day 50

      Camperrückgabe Freiburg i.B.

      August 10, 2023 in Germany

      Die schönste und längste Reise geht auch leider mal auch mal zu Ende. Nach 2 h - Fahrt durch den kurvigen Schwarzwald geben wir das Wohnmobil mit etwas Wehmut wieder zurück. Bis auf einen kleinen Schaden an der hinteren Stosstage und an einer Steckdosenklappe haben wir alles heil zurückgebracht. Das Umladen und Putzen ist ein Chrampf, besonders, da es so heiss ist wie nie während der ganzen Ferien (Mit Ausnahme bei der Camperübernahme!🤨). Um 17.30 nehmen wir die letzten 200 km nach Hause in Angriff.Read more

    • Day 46

      Freiburg, Germany

      October 6, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Freiburg is one of Madison's sister cities, and it sure feels familiar. It's a mid-size univeristy town with lots of bicycles, students, and charm. We arrived several hours before the check-in time at our apartment, so we locked our bags in a locker at the station. These are so convenient when day tripping or arriving early. For $5, we can drop the anchors and explore.

      It was the hottest and sunniest day of the trip since we arrived in Stockholm, so we spent it walking around the old town. It was market day, so the first stop was the large gothic cathedral, the Munster. Surrounding it on 3 sides was a weekly market full of goodies, including brat stands selling about 8 different types of sausages, including the Langer Rote, or long Freiburg sausage. When you order one, they fold it in half and put it in a roll that's wider and shorter than our traditional hot dog bun. The Munster is in pretty good shape and wasn't covered in scaffolding, like most ancient sites in Europe. Everything falls apart and Europe does a great job of preserving it's heritage, and that means scaffolding!

      In Freiburg, businesses hire an artist to make a stone mosaic in the sidewalk in front that describes the business. There's beer steins, knives, jewels, books, etc. etched out of small Rhine river stones inlaid in the larger cobblestones. Very cool. Like many German cities, this one keeps vehicles out of the city center for the most part. It's a walker's paradise. Freiburg is home to Germany's Green Movement, and we saw climate protestor's in front of the Rathaus where there are mosaics of the sister cities' emblems in the sidewalk. Near campus, we saw students carrying bowls and silverware as they headed towards a restaurant. Is that a thing?

      There are lots of sidewalk cafes and restaurants and we enjoyed a brat here, a coffee there, and even stopped into a small museum that was included on our 3 day city card, which included all transportation, museums, and a cable car to a mountain just south of town. After buying some cheese and olives at the market before it closed, we grabbed our bags and took a tram to our apartment, located just outside of the city center in a lovely neighborhood. It's chock-full of mansions, trees, parks, families on bikes, a nearby school (gymnasium) that looks like a castle, and an old cemetery.

      The balcony from our second story apartment looks down onto a small intersection that's absolutely perfect for seeing a slice of life in Freiburg. It's very family oriented and we see lots of parents with their kids on bikes, a hybrid bus goes by every fifteen minutes. There's a small fountain at the edge of 2 angled streets that draws people in to read or rest or chat with neighbors. The old cemetery a block away is like a city park. It holds tombs from the 1500's through the mid 1800's only and is an oasis of tranquility. People come here to read and rest and walk and even do tai chi. And that reminds me that this city is so QUIET. There are so few cars and many of those are electric. It's wonderful. I still reel from the thought of the noise pollution of large Asian cities, and traveling anywhere in India was the worst for that.

      We visited the Augustiner museum the next day. It houses a lot of the original stain glass and statuary from the Munster. It was well done. Lunch was at the Markethalle, an old food hall with a diverse selection of ethnic foods. We split a large fish soup that was hearty and filling for only 8 bucks. The variety of ethnic foods made us want to go back. Then it was a tram and a bus ride to the Schauinslandbahn south of town. It's the oldest cable car in the world with an enclosed cabin. On the top, we hiked on some trails, enjoyed the views, and had coffee in the sun.

      After the descent, we made our way to an Aldi Sud for some food shopping for the train tomorrow. Long train days require a picnic. There's food on board often, but it's bread heavy and I'm gluten sensitive. It's not hard to pack a picnic, and the lightweight cooler I bought before the trip is worth it's weight in gold. It fits in my day bag. If we have an apartment, I'll freeze a water bottle the night before and that cools the cheese, meat, and wine we bring for lunch the next day.

      For dinner, we went back to the Markethalle. Tonight it's Brazilian fare. I got the coconut shrimp and rice and Deanne grabbed the Fejuado, a classic rice, sausage, and bean dish. For some reason, we're craving rice and beans. We''ve learned to follow what our bodies tell us.

      On the cable car earlier, we shared the tram with a local paraglider. He commented "You must think our food is cheap." Hell yeah. Dinner for 2 with wine is regularly under $50 in classic settings. We mentioned that vegetables in stores are so cheap, about half of normal prices and 1/4 of organic prices in the states. He told us that they are subisdized by the government. Can you imagine the US government subsidizing healthy food and taxing unhealthy food? I can't.

      Afterwards, we went to the recommended wine bar on the Munsterplatz and sampled some German wines in the shadows of the cathedral at night. Tomorrow we go the Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a medieval town known for its beauty.

      More photos and videos are here.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Freiburg im Breisgau, Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau

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