Lefkas Marina

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    • Day 4

      Fahrt nach Lefkada

      August 31, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Schon um 7:15 Uhr klingelte der Wecker. Für uns Langschläfer ein schlimmer Schock aber da die Fähre bereits um 9:45 Uhr ablegte, mussten wir früh los.
      Ein letztes Frühstück geniessen und dann fuhr uns ein freundlicher Taxifahrer zum Hafen von Sami. Er erzählte uns, dass auf Kefalonia ein „Berg“ von 1700 m. ü. M steht, auf dem im Winter sogar mal Schnee liegt.

      Unsere Fähre fuhr pünktlich los und wir genossen die erste Stunde der Fahrt. Die restlichen 2h30 waren dann eher so: „ Ja jetz isch appa de öi langsam wieder güet.“ Nach einem Halt am Hafen von Ithaka legten wir gegen 13:30 Uhr in Lefkada an.

      Ein Aperitif am Hafen und schliesslich führte unser Weg mit Taxi zum Hotel Crystal Waters.
      (nicht Crystal Palace wie Dany dem Taxifahrer zuerst mitteilte😅)

      Wunderschönes Hotel mit tollen Pools, leider kein Meerblick und keine Snacks. Einer von uns beiden sagte hierzu: „Jetz siwer ine Ferie und mu müess bis zum z‘Nacht hungru und es Tigerli heiwer öi nu nit.“
      Umso mehr genossen wir dann aber das Abendessen im „Duende“. Fine dining vom feinsten und wir haben sogar mehr als genug bekommen.😍
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    • Day 62

      Sanders' at Sea!

      July 3, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      From Meganissi we headed back up to Lefkas Marina to give the boat a good scrub and to find a launderette before my parents came aboard. In true Mediterranean style on arriving at the airport mum and dad found two differing bus timetables and were then informed by a fellow traveller that the bus to Lefkas was actually leaving at a third, later time! The German was right so after a stint at the local cafe, mum and dad finally made it to Odyssee to start their first week as sailors!

      The following morning we put our new crew to work with mum at the helm and set off to a new part of the inland sea, a town called Palairos, with a stop at a bay on the approaching coastline for lunch and a swim. Knowing mum isn't the most confident swimmer (after an incident last time they were in Greece 40 years ago) I bought her an inflatable flamingo ring. Unfortunately the flamingo was not on best behaviour and no sooner had it been dropped into the sea than it drifted away in the wind towards the beach, requiring a rescue effort in the dinghy! It was then towed in disgrace to our evening anchorage. Palairos is a pretty town and we had a delicious dinner on the waterfront overlooking Odyssee.

      The next day we decided to take mum and dad to one of our favourite anchorages, next to the windmill on Kastos. Again we had the bay to ourselves and could enjoy the crystal clear waters and even managed a bbq. After a drink up at the windmill we went on a dinghy tour along the coast and came across the local goat herd on the neighbouring beach.

      Continuing our animal tour we set off the next morning for a lunch stop at "pig bay" and were very excited to find that there were two new litters of piglets since we'd last visited! This time I'd kept our food waste separate from the coffee so they got our fruit and veg compost this time and Sam realised they weren't such good swimmers after all as he threw a watermelon rind a little too deep, swiftly followed by an excited oink and then a bululubulub! From Atokos we went to Kalamos for the night and taught mum and dad how to paddleboard. They were naturals and both got standing on their first attempt, even more impressive as I'd decided it was far too hot to be pumping and given up well below the recommended pressure!

      With our crew fully trained up and in charge of steering the boat and pulling lines now, Sam could concentrate on more important tasks like fishing . Now on occasion Sam can be a salesman dream, this was one of those occasions. Whilst in a chandlery the store owner had sensed he was a man desperate to catch a tuna and had seized his opportunity by telling Sam that "everyone is catching tuna these days, stocks are up post-covid, but they all use this particular lure, no others will work". Despite having a boat full of lures we left with this new one, time will tell if the chandler's claims are justified!

      From Kalamos we made our way to a new town called Sivota. After failing to get our anchor to set three times in the main bay we were waved over to a pontoon owned by a local restaurant. Here we had free access to electricity, water, toilets, showers and a washing machine as long as we ate dinner at the taverna! Not a bad deal as we were planning on eating there anyway!

      The next day we set off again back to one of our favourite spots in Nidri and trekked up to the waterfalls. Luckily there was still water flowing through them although they were much busier than a few weeks earlier but definitely worth the entertainment to see some of the poses people were pulling for photos. And just like that our brilliant week with mum and dad was over and we were back in Lefkas Town.
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    • Day 603

      Lefkas Marina

      December 9, 2018 in Greece ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      We travelled from Meganisi a whole 4miles to Nidri where we moored alongside on what turned out to be a private pontoon. But on the way we stopped so I could have another swim. We would have moored on the town quay but it was full of ferries taking a winter break. Fortunately the owner of the pontoon, Kelvin was very nice and didn’t charge us, also he has a team of English speaking engineers so might use them to service the injectors, apparently. We did manage to eat out in Nidri and there was even a choice but we were sold when we saw the very large pizza oven and warming flames. I had our first fish meal since arriving in Greece, sea bream and salad delicious, we have avoided fish up till now as very expensive and charged by the kg but this was €13 so quite reasonable, John had peppered steak.
      The next day, Saturday we headed north around the Lefkas coast and arrived at Lefkas Marina after a final cruising week of glorious sunshine ☀️. On Friday it was so hot I had to seek the shade, seems ridiculous right now. Glad we’re here as 1 we needed a good long shower and 2 it’s now raining heavily and is due to continue for the next couple of days. So far we have been shopping and scoped out the nearest cafe, it’s warm and does a great milky coffee, we have even joined their ‘club’ so get reduced rate drinks including coffee, result! But still need to find a cheaper laundromat, there is one in the marina but they charge €15 to wash and dry an ordinary load which seems pricey. I have found the gym, which is on site and will join Monday, only because it’s closed on Sundays, today.
      If the rain lets up we are planning on going out for Sunday lunch and to try to find out about Christmas Day options.

      The Marina office isn’t open till Monday when we will ask for a berth the other side of the pontoon so the stern is facing south and bow is into prevailing wind so we can be as warm as possible. Greece is definitely going to be a cooler and wetter than Almerimar I just hope there are enough dry days to get the necessary winter maintenance done.
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    • Day 625

      Happy New Year

      December 31, 2018 in Greece ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Here’s wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2019.
      As you can see the weather here in the Mediterranean is very British it’s cold, wet and windy!
      In preparation for the party tonight John and I helped to build some plastic screens to enclose the outside space and decorate the area.

      Καλή Χρονιά!: Happy New Year!
      We had an awesome night at the Porto Cafe New Years Eve Party well done Victoria Moores
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    • Day 642

      Keeping busy

      January 17, 2019 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      So when the weather is decent we are outside sanding, varnishing and painting but when it’s lousy (wet and windy) it’s harder to find things to do. Fortunately one of my new friends was kind enough to lend me a sewing machine and I have made mosquito nets for all the portholes and blackout curtains for the bow cabin port holes. I am also able to work on my knitting skills, there is a Knit and Natter group (tues afternoons) and they have shown me lots of new stitches and techniques. The photo is of a baby sleeping bag I knitted for Gabe and Mark’s daughter Shadow who was born on December 27th. I am now working on a new one for Sam and Nathan’s new addition.
      We go cycling in the mornings if it’s dry, then there’s walking on Sundays if the sun is shining, here are some photos from last weeks walk, forecast for this week not great so might not go anywhere.
      Quiz nights are on Wednesdays, John and I have for the last three weeks been last, the only way to go from here is up!
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    • Day 653

      Still in Lefkada

      January 28, 2019 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Hello everyone sorry it’s been a while since last post, but we aren’t really doing much that seems worthy of mention. That said on Saturday we took a cycle to Plagia on the mainland with some of our new friends and Sunday there was a Porto Wacky Walkers outing so here are some photos I have taken off Facebook as we didn’t take the iPad with us.
      The photo of just me is because I got the ‘snowball’ question after the quiz on Wednesday and won the pot! Just pleased the question wasn’t a tough one, ‘how old was Blue Peter in October 2018?’ Well I knew it was older than me and guessed at 60! In the quiz we improved marginally and were second to last this week.
      I have also attached a photo of the engine room to show the work John has been doing, for those in the know and who actually care, we have cleaned insides of water storage tanks and John has fitted new hot water cylinder and pump as well as cleaning, sanding and repainting most of engine room. Things didn’t go completely smoothly with the water refit though, the pump came in it’s box but without instructions and the filter was inadvertently put on the out not the in and blew off yesterday so things got a little damp, water spraying everywhere until i switched off the pump but all OK now thank goodness. I should say it is ridiculous how quickly and how often you forget that there is no running water and try to turn on the tap😋.
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