traveled in 55 countries Read more New South Wales, Australia
  • Day 68


    December 20, 2022 in Kosovo ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    No changes overnight to smart traveller so we are gonna make it just in time before the war breaks out . Hazzah! 🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻🕺🏻🤣
    Pushed ourselves to get up this morning. We both slept terribly. The room is too hot. Honestly I’ve had enough of this rubbish, our aircons never work, it’s like they had specifically programmed to only do hot air.
    Normally we open the window which we tried doing last night but the pollution is horrendous so we had to shut it.
    I think it just smells like woodfire smoke, Will reckons burnt plastic.
    Neither good for the lungs.
    We went done and had our free breakfast. Basic but will get us to the end of the tour.
    Walked up the street a bit to the national theatre and waited for our guide.
    I’m so punctual. I don’t understand how if you are the guide and the guide starts at 10 you are not there at least 10 minutes early.
    For many reasons but the main one being to confirm to people they are waiting in the right spot.
    It ended up being a private tour. Worst nightmare with giving a tip so very thankful this happened here and not Switzerland lol.
    Started in the main square.
    These 2 dogs were so friendly and jumped up onto us.
    I won’t lie. I missed a lot of the tour because of stress regarding these dogs. I know Will did too.
    Everyone is disgusting to them. Everyone yells at them and shoos them away. One lady when we were crossing a street with them grabbed me with both her hands and essentially used me as her shield.
    I was so worried they were going to get hit by a car. One of them loves chasing them and it’s just isn’t a culture where people are going to swerve out of the way to avoid hitting them.
    And then the die a painful death because no one is going to help them. I saw one dog that looks like it has just had surgery because it was shaved but it looked a bit infected. What happened when it is infected? Will any one help? The guide said some people are activists and will take it to the vet but it’s not common.
    ACTIVISTS was the word used.

    A lot of statues at the start. And lots of memorials over the duration from different wars.
    There was one for 1000+ people missing from a war (not sure which one - honestly there have been too many to keep track)
    There was also a big woman monument to represent the 20,000 that were raped during the Kosovo war. I liked this one. It was one pin per womb to create a woman’s head.

    We went to old town. Walked past 2 mosques. Will told me to stop encouraging the dogs and I said it wasn’t me. We had a following of 3 now.
    We ended up in an Ethnological museum where a lady said to our guide those dogs always follow you.
    See, not me.
    I wish they would go away.
    Can’t concentrate when I can see them. Too worried. Even Will said at the end he was so anxious the entire time.
    We entered into the building though which gave us a break. Very cute. Traditional house which got vacated in the 50’s or 60’s I believe. I simultaneously LOVEEE it and would hate to live there. This was a rich house so was set up beautifully. Very cultural to leave food out overnight so that if a random person/traveller needs somewhere to sleep the night they will also how food.
    Randomly thoughtful.

    We then went walking back to the main square and onto the NEWBORN sign which is one of their main points of interest. It’s just a sign but got a pic there.
    Then we went to a library that looks like a weird spaceship thing.
    Near by was a half finished church that the Serbians were making the Kosovo people build until they left after the war.
    It’s just chilling there.

    Our tour ended. I passed Will the coin purse because I knew I’d end up giving here its entire contents out of guilt.
    Will gave him 20. He seemed ok with that.
    By the end of the tour we had collect 7 dogs.

    We then went walking and tried to find the Bill Clinton statue but couldn’t find him and vodaphone doesn’t have a deal with Kosovo so megabucks to use.

    We then ate lunch at Hebs friend chicken which seems to be a chain here.
    It was under 8€ for both our meals 👏🏼

    We then went back to the hotel to pee and ask the hotel to organise us a taxi to the bear sanctuary.

    On the way back to the hotel one of the dogs from the tour recognised us and followed us the whole way to our hotel and even tried to enter it 😭😭😭😭

    Lucky for the lady in the back office at reception because the 2 receptionist we mentioned the bear sanctuary to had no idea what we were on about. I even showed them a picture of a bear to help - then this lady came out and was like it will cost this much and the driver will wait an hour.

    40 mins later our driver was still not there because he went to the wrong hotel and then got stuck in traffic.
    During this time we got into the wrong taxi … then jumped out.
    Aye aye ayeeee. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Eventually he turned up and the receptionist talked to him so we knew it was the right person this time with the pre agreed price of 27.5€.
    It’s a 30 min drive there, 30 mins back and he will wait and hour for us.
    Very reasonable.

    Started driving and eventually went past big signs saying “you are now leaving the protected zone”
    And then Serbian flags appeared everywhere 👀 lolz.
    We didn’t go north to the danger part in fairness so wasn’t expecting that to happen.
    All is fine,we did not die today.

    The further we drove the worst the rubbish and just general crapness.

    But then we arrived at the sanctuary and the best news ever - they are awake!! 🕺🏻 we weren’t 100% sure they would be.
    Only 1.5€ each.

    I had the best time.
    My only complaint is we only had an hour.

    We walked in and up a hill and immediately saw some bears. They were so close to the fence.
    The first one was pacing, which is common behavior for bears or any animal who has been kept in inappropriate cages.
    She was the only one pacing and it’s likely a habit. She had the smallest of all the enclosures (still plenty big), maybe because she doesn’t use it at much?
    We walked up a biiiiiiiiiig hill. Holley Dooley. No bears in this enclosure that we could see but it had lots of potential hiding holes.
    I liked the blurbs of each of the bears. It has a photo of the cage they came from and then now.
    Also if they are fussy or not for instance one will not eat cucumber 😂
    The best bit was one enclosure where we walked around the corner and BANG the bear was right in front and then 2 other bears came over so all 3 of them were just chilling together in front of us.

    Some bears are alone and some together. These 3 got recused together as cubs.
    The majority have a friend.

    Loveddddd this part of the day. A stray dog walked past and they started huffing and puffing at it lol

    Another enclosure we watched on found a bit of apple and another was in a burrow. She was so blonde in colour!

    I think in total we saw 10-12 of the bears. There are 20 in total so we did great!
    We rushed the last bit because I wanted to buy a jumper in the gift shop. The whole of Kosovo doesn’t take card apparently so I only had enough by about 1€ but we got it. Just has a bear on it. I love bears. I wish it said Pristina sanctuary or kosovo but oh well, I know.

    Considering maybe having someone embroid it.

    Taxi driver didn’t abandoned us woohoo.
    He drives like a lunatic but we made it back in one piece. He does not have the patience to be a driver 😅

    We have showered. It wasn’t until after I got out did I realize how much mud I have walked through the hotel…
    Impossible to pick up too..
    My bad.

    We went to Sarajeva steak house for dinner.
    People complaining online about the prices..
    It cost us 40€. Which is suppose is a lot for here but we each got an entree (shopska salad and a steak slither tasting plates, 3 drinks, and 2 steak mains with like a litre of butter they poured on top with vegetables.
    Cheap as chips.

    The vegetables soaked in butter was incredible.
    Expecting our heart attacks any day now.
    We had to go via the atm on the way - another disgusting 5€ fee (atm fee not wise fee)
    So we were delighted we could pay by card at the Resturant - first place in all of Kosovo so far.
    Because otherwise we were going to have to go get money out for the second time this evening.

    Went to a convenience store on the way home. We bought a drink each, lollies and 2 packs of Oreos. I was wondering if 10€ would be enough.
    It came to 4.00€
    How good haha.

    Back home. Have packed. Very keen to go to London tomorrow!
    Can’t wait to speak English with people!! 😆
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  • Day 67


    December 19, 2022 in Kosovo ⋅ 🌙 -3 °C

    We checked out about 10:30. We found a box that said drop keys here so we did. Other place gave us a full on document about our stay with names and passport number etc.
    Hope we don’t actually need that from here too. Lol
    Walked to the station which felt much quicker today.
    Didn’t struggle at all with my bag which surprised me.
    I said yesterday it didn’t matter if I struggled today though because if I did, that meant I have a bag.

    Once there I bought 3 banitsas for us. Dude in the shop was maybe 19 and spoke perfect English.
    A little doggo was wandering around the station. It was so nervous and yet trying to be confident to approach everyone. It was a bit like people have been nice to me and I have also been kicked - what will you do to me?
    He just kept wandering around and I could see it’s ribs and I was so sad so I persuaded it to come outside with me and gave it some banitsa.

    It came immediately back. 😂 not to me, but around the station so I went back outside and gave a very generous portion.
    It didn’t come back.
    Better than nothing 💕
    Hurts my heart.

    We used the toilets at the station.
    It’s even more appalling that I have to pay when it’s disgusting.
    Your not meant to flush your toilet paper in a lot of places so lots of shit covered paper out and about.
    We both ignore this rule 🤣🤣

    Got on the bus and the whole journey was very stress free. I remember last time when we got to borders we would give our passport to the bus driver and he gets them stamped, then we get them back. But this time we had to get off the bus at both borders and have someone check our details which i much preferred.
    The Macedonian dude was so friendly! Just chatting away and when I left was like “nice to meet you” 😂
    If only all customs people were like that haha.
    Kosovo stamp is at the front of Wills passport and the back for mine booooooo
    Bus was very on time so I guess the baulkan online bus timetable is at least semi reliable. Still wouldn’t trust it with anything super important. Haha
    Got off the bus, grabbed our bags from underneath and walked to find a taxi. Normally they swarm but we had to actually go looking for someone.
    Eventually someone asked (had good English and knew our hotel) so I asked how much - he said 8€ which I believe to be wicked overpriced but oh well, he can have a good day.
    I found about 20€ worth of coins in our passport wallet so have to use anyway because you can’t exchange.
    It was only a 3km journey but traffic was a bit hectic. When we arrived the front door was locked. Thankfully some lady walked past and told us to go around the side. I’m sure we would have figured that out but nice to just be told what to do.
    Check in was easy.
    Our free bottle of wine was waiting for us in our room (1 little one each).
    Expedia Gold member 💅🏼💅🏼

    Had a shower and finally got to wash my hair.
    It’s actual filth, honestly.

    I then had a nap.

    We went out to dinner for philly cheese steak sandwichs.
    Very cheap. Love that for us hahah.

    Got some money out for our walking tour tomorrow and then went and got some snacks.
    The chip options are so shiiiiiit.

    Have spent like 2 hours watching Hogwarts legacy videos and was so inspired I went and delete my old wizarding world account and made another one so I could be sorted again 🤣🤣🤣
    This is now the 3rd time I have been given sorted into Gryffindor.
    I am a Hufflepuff dammit.

    Ok so just spent another 30 minutes deleting and making a new account with all the correct answers ready and so now I’m in hufflepuff hahah yewwww
    Will link the account when i eventually buy the game 🤣🤣🤣

    Bed timeeeee
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  • Day 66


    December 18, 2022 in North Macedonia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Lots of Hogwarts legacy research when I should have been sleeping.
    Just confusing myself more and more.
    Do we get a desktop computer so I can play? Or do I buy a Nintendo switch OR do I get an Xbox game and share our console with Will.
    As Will is a hog I’m leaning towards PC and because it comes out earlier.
    I hope when I read this back in years to come my excitement is justified. They have delayed the release enough. First announce 2018. 100% releasing 2021 as yet did not…
    I’m so excited it’s open world 😭😭😭😭

    Had a sleep in cause nothing to do, nowhere to go 🤣🤣

    We walked to the main bus station and bought our tickets to Pristina for tomorrow.
    Was easy enough even though all signs were in Cyrillic. Just picked a counter and asked if she spoke English. She did 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Platform 4 tomorrow at 11:45.
    Picked this time because even though I do not trust the online baulkan transport portal…. It reckons this bus is an hour quicker than others (maybe less stops?) so we will see. Hope to arrive 1:30 tomorrow.
    Check in has me a little confused. I keep getting messages about an online check in portal.
    It’s not a plane, and I’m not there yet, why am I checking in.
    So sent them a message to cover my ass if I’m meant to be doing something.

    Have also messaged the bear sanctuary to see if they are hibernating or not.

    We bought a banitsa for breakfast then went to a shopping center and bought motion sickness tablets from the same pharmacy as last time because we learnt day one last time they don’t drive like they have any will to live. 😅
    We walked around the bazaar for a bit. It’s Sunday so very quite then walked back to the main square and got lunch.
    Another shopska salad for me 😋😋😋

    We are now back at our hostel and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our bags.
    15 mins to 4 at the moment and I’m stressssssed haha
    4:05 and just got a call on my WhatsApp number sayin 20 mins away.
    Don’t care if late - THANK YOU for communicating.
    Must have my bag because I didn’t provide my number, just Wills to luggage claim as he has cheaper roaming.
    It is, however, printed on my luggage so he must have it.. 🎉


    While we were waiting in the cafe place that is the most unclear hostel reception in the world.
    We watched Messi score a goal for Argentina.
    Pleased by this because our room has a tv but it doesn’t work.
    But also huge deal if Argentina finally win with him and that was a big moment.

    We are currently showering and peeling of the disgusting crusty clothes we have been wearing for days.
    Saaaa guuuuuud.

    Went to Burger King for dinner again because not in the mood for kebabs which is the local cuisine.
    2-2 all and then became 3-2 then 3-3 in overtime. Stressful couldn’t watch.
    So we went to Hurrem shisha bar and have had the best time.
    Watched the penalty shoot out and Argentina did win. 🎉
    We have a shisha each - double apple and strawberry and have turkish tea. There is music playing and all in all fabulous mood, fabulous place.
    Yay Macedonia.

    Significantly less beggar Gypsy children this time. We were asked by a 3 year old at dinner though. Her loving parents did bother to put her in a jumper 🥴💕

    Will fits our toilet really well.

    Just applied for a travel job which I won’t get but worth a try cause it’s part time and not flight center.

    We made list of things we want to do to our house when back like making the backyard all grass and making a dog enclosure, we need a new air con unit, shelf in the laundry, pest inspection, want a veggie garden, frame paintings etc
    Need that lotto win 😪😪😪🤣

    Also a list of things we are going to cook and I AM SO EXCITED FOR
    - tacos
    - chicken ball wraps
    -lamb kebab and tzatziki wraps
    -cauliflower and broccoli bake
    - candied carrots
    - my spag bowl
    - smoked pulled pork

    YES PLEASE 🤤🤤🤤🤤

    I think that’s all the hot goss of the day.
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  • Day 65


    December 17, 2022 in North Macedonia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    We got up at 11:30, checked out, walked quite literally next door and checked in.
    They were wicked rude.
    Guy was like we thought you weren’t coming and made no move to get up and do anything.
    It was a bit, we gave you reservation away sorry not sorry.
    (Which they threatened in an email I got before arrival asking for our arrival time saying if we were late they would resell our room - which is why I emailed and WhatsApped them….)
    But then I gave him my phone showing him I spoke to someone the day before with our arrival time.
    Then he came up with a new story of we were expecting you in the middle of the night.
    Text says 12pm today but ok.
    Also your reception is not open after 12 which is why we booked the other place for a night in the first place. 🫠
    Eventually checked us in and we were taken to our room next door.
    Basic but private so that’s a tick.
    We then went to the grocery store cause we were dying to brush our teeth. Before we left I sent off an email asking about our bags.
    Walked through the main square.
    Favourite main square in all the world.
    It too has been tarnished by Christmas markets but still love 😭😭
    The statues everywhere are equally ridiculous this time.

    Overall it’s much dirtier than last time. More rubbish and more graffiti. I’m sure a lot of factors contributing to this. Covid, political unrest ( had a name change since last visit) etc.
    But very noticeable.
    At the grocery store we just got toiletries.
    We got Burger King on the way back. Will had a hankering for it last night at both airports so we scratched that itch today.
    We then went home and napped for hours haha.

    Got an email saying our bags should be delivered tomorrow at 4.

    Tried to organize our transfer to Pristina. An impossible task. Sent the company an email hahahahhaa
    Can’t type an address. You have to select it on a map. The map they provide you doesn’t have street names on it.
    I couldn’t find Norfolk road on a map of Sydney if no street names on the map let alone do it here.

    So we are going to get a bus.
    We will need to buy new motion sickness tablets 🥴
    Also big talks of Serbia invading soooooooooo
    We may buy a return ticket to Skopje and will need to change our flight out of Pristina if that escalates.
    At the moment smart traveller says it’s fine. Just the border. Will continue to monitor.
    But of course that happening lol.

    We have just been to dinner and I had my shopska salad ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Problem with Australia calling French fries, crisps etc all “chips” when something says chips you expect a certain type based on the meal and not the word.
    Got served crisps with his wrap haha.

    Now at a place in old town - about to have some hookah and tea. No Turkish tea so having mint instead.
    The place we wanted to go to is closed but we are right next door.

    A kitten has just escaped inside 😆

    Saw a dead cat earlier. I like to think it just died/hit by car maybe? and wasn’t kicked in the head.

    Back home.

    Helen bought another dog today so another chihuahua for Robert to bother until we get him a friend.
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  • Day 64


    December 16, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ -3 °C

    Will woke up at 9 but I was in no rush cause it’s a looooonnnnnggggg day.
    I think we left the hotel around 11:45, right before checkout.
    Hate leaving our little bags in the bag room but my back is so sore and tight so imma risk it. 🤓

    It was about a 5km walk to the East side gallery.
    Man, Berlin is NOT pretty. Totally missed this side of it last time.
    This walk was so derelict the whole way!!
    We went past some commune thing. Big sign no photos no tourism. Only reason people are taking photos is so they have evidence to show the police.
    Holy moley.
    Crap everywhere. Broken chairs, rubbish, tyres. Anything and everything.

    The whole walk was graffiti.
    Inspired by the gallery, obviously 🥴

    So the East side gallery is a huuuuuge section of the Berlin Wall.
    It has a lot of famous art pieces on it.
    The 2 I knew ahead of time was the men kissing and a car crashing through it. Lots of lovely arts though.
    It had one section that was just for what I’ll describe as train station graffiti.
    Genuinely genuinely surprised that no knob head has ruined any of the street arts.
    We had salad for lunch then walked back via the city.
    10-11km round trip I’d say.
    On our way back through the city we walked towards some massive incident. Police and fire and just general emergency lights everywhere. Also news channeled everywhere. No panic though so wasn’t sure what went on.
    Got closer and wow… we weren’t sure if there had been a gas explosion or terrorist attack. The whole front of the raddison hotel was a mess.
    Activated Wills roaming to find out.
    The worlds largest fish tank exploded.
    Over a million liters of water and 1500 fish.
    All fish died and thankfully only 2 people injured. If that happened during a prime time like check in time, lunch or diner etc so many would be dead from glass and just general trauma and drowning.

    We then just sat in the foyer for an hour. I did my Facebook update then the hotel called us a taxi because the trains were being stupid and frankly couldn’t be assed.
    That’s the main reason in fairness.

    Taxi was good.
    Drove like a maniac BUT did have the decency to ask if it was ok if he spoke on the phone.
    I don’t think I’ve had a driver ask me that before.
    He also didn’t ask for a tip so we liked him.
    Will felt sick after the journey and was keen to get some food.
    We arrived 3.5 hours before our flight.
    It is the only time I/we have nearly missed a flight.

    they didn’t open the check in until 2 hours prior. However, to add to the drama they do not offer early check in so the entire plane is in this line and dropping off bags.
    We had only 30 minutes until boarding when we got through but still 2 rows of people to go behind us.
    Then TSA took 20 minutes.
    SUPER HUNGRY by this stage so we rushed to the food court and got some pizza/salad then rushed to our gate. Boarding started at 8 and it was 8:05.
    Up the escalators and what do we find.
    I did feel better because the whole line was our flight so if we missed it, they did too.
    Customs was ridiculous. I don’t know why they were so thorough when people are leaving not entering the country.
    All workers in a foul mood.
    Whole line in a stressed mood.
    With 5 minutes before our plane leave we raced to the gate.
    And it had been delayed 35 minutes.
    Good. Absolutely not fair if people missed the flight because they don’t have enough workers. Even though we chose to get food we were closer to the front than others on our plane who had come straight from check in. We don’t have a long layover though so that may be an issue later on and if I have to be stuck I’d rather be stuck in Berlin than Belgrade.

    Flight 1 was fine.
    Finding flight 2 was fine
    Flight 2 was NOT fine.

    I haven’t been that terrified on a plane in a very long time, if ever.
    First of all it was a rotary plane held together by actual sticky tape.
    So I was nervous before take off.
    Will, who usual calms my anxiety kept going on and on about how garbage the plane was and pointing out what was wrong with it and how it’s wasn’t good so I was crying before he even took off which I don’t think has happened before.

    Then there was the turbulence.
    45 minutes in the dark, in a storm. The flight attendance did not actually get to stand up before we started our decent. They quickly gave out water and sat again again.
    I was terrified.
    Will was sick.
    He wanted a motion sickness tablet BEFORE we got on the plane but everything shut so we were like we will get water once on the plane HA.
    That was a disaster.

    Arrived and got through customs at lightening speed. 300% faster than Germany and we were entering not exiting..

    And our next problem was our bags didn’t make it 😪😪😪😪

    The lost baggage lady could at least speak understandable English.
    If they are stuck in Belgrade as they should be, we will get them in 2 days. No flight from Belgrade tomorrow 🙃🙃🙃

    THANKFULLY our taxi driver was still waiting for us. We were over an hour late.
    Once we got onto Wi-Fi at the hotel we had an email saying you driver is still waiting for you…..
    So very happy he waited.
    Would have tipped if I had the correct currency.
    3.30am and we were in our beds.
    What a day.
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  • Day 63


    December 15, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ -3 °C

    We had a day apart today.
    I went back to the murdered Jews memorial and walked through it this time not just past it.
    Still very powerful. It swallows you up.
    Then back to the Brandenburg gate. Took in the details.
    Found a magnet I liked then walked to the cathedral. I was going to go in/up the dome but didn’t seem right Will doing it with me lol.
    Then I kept walking to Curry 61 which is where Will had amazing curry wurst sausages last time and I didn’t so I tried this time. Yummy! Probably not worth the 4km walk but I would have felt incomplete if I hadn’t gone.
    Walked past a Cold War museum which I considered going in but didn’t for same reason as cathedral. Have since checked google reviews and lucky I didn’t cause it wall in German and need to scan QR codes.
    Walked back past the Berlin Wall and considered going to the east side gallery big sun sets at 3:50 today and I’ll get there right at that time so maybe tomorrow if Will is interested. I just want to see the famous men kissing mural but it’s an hour walk one way.
    Bought gloves too. Only 5€ crap ones but hands already so much better.

    Checked with reception. She didn’t understand late checkout but did say they have a bag holder room which is good because our flight is at 8:40pm.

    We are currently at Vapianos which is a Italian chain here. Went to go to a steakhouse but they only accept cash or German debit cards so we have come here instead.

    Had to order off a German screen so that was a challenge but we think we are good to go. Currently waiting for our buzzer to buzz.

    Food was garbage.
    Then when paying I waited in line for 10 minutes. Completely ignored.
    Will came over to see what the hell was taking so long and IMMEDIATELY “oh may I help you sir” 😑😑

    I’m the one with the credit card fuck face.
    No tip for you. HA.

    Got a a sneaky cheeseburger on the way home because both unsatisfied lol.

    Standard update. I have packed, Will has not.
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  • Day 62


    December 14, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ -3 °C

    We googled laundromats in Skopje but alas, none.
    So we really do have to do the washing today 🥲
    3km walk went quick enough.
    Weather app says today is -6° but feels like -11° so that’s great.
    Wore Wills fleece today because I’m sick of not having a middle layer. 😆
    His fleece is doing a lovely job.
    3km walk.
    Wasted 4.5 euro trying to figure out the machines but we got there eventually.
    I think I might have paid for the wrong machine?
    Idk. It has an English option but only changed half the words.
    Did 2 separate loads and now they are in the dryer together.
    Got kebabs while we waited.

    Took our stuff back.
    Went walking towards Christmas markets.

    Found some decorations. Bought them together. Love that we chose them together. 💕
    Spent so long deciding 😆

    Had some gluwëin but chose not to keep the mug/glass because I didn’t like it. Lol
    It didn’t have the year or market name.

    Went to beer house.
    Spent several hours there talking to two pilots from South Africa visiting for training. They are stuck here for like a month because their first trainer hurt themselves or something.
    So now they are missing Christmas and got to tell their significant others the good news. Should have been flying home tomorrow now flying home 30th.
    They were really great actually.

    Pissed the waiter off something fierce when he said you can tip and I said no, it’s not America.

    Went to another market which we had to pay 1€ to go to. Least favorite. All stores in enclosed huts so can’t window shop as you walk past.
    Got crepes. Will chatted to a German man in line as we waited.

    A veryyyyyyyyyyyy long, cold walk home.
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  • Day 61


    December 13, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 -2 °C

    I had 8 hours of dead to the world sleep.
    Right when I fell asleep (didn’t think I was asleep yet) Will woke me up to tell me I was snoring too loudly ha.

    8am I could have gotten up but Will was still sleeping so laid there for another 2 hours.
    Our bathroom makes the most annoying sounds. Like the whistling of a kettle boiling on the stove. I don’t know how or why. It did stop but I couldn’t get back to sleep earlier because of it.
    A slow start but we eventually got going and headed towards the Berlin story bunker. Which is in a real WW2 bunker.
    Fabulous museum.

    “The world's leading documentary about Nazism and Hitler - in a bunker from the Second World War. How a modern, progressive and cultured state can quickly descend into barbarism, culminating in unimaginable brutality and genocide. How it came to be enthusiastic about Hitler, how Germany became radicalized, the Nazis led the world into ruin and what became of the "Führerbunker".

    Put my coat in the cloak room.
    I absolutely should not have done this.
    I enjoyed the first half and the second half we had a Maslow’s hierarchy of needs issue that interfered with my enjoyment.
    I was cold.
    Unbelievably cold.
    Dying from cold.
    Is this the end cold.
    Bruv, it’s -2° outside.
    We need heating, not air con.

    It started with Hitlers childhood. It was incredibly interesting actually. Talks about his family, schooling etc and shows some of his painting cause he was an art student.
    They were actually really bloody good.
    See, did not know this about him. The museum was very much about the before the war which I know little about. The before he had influence part.

    Did not know Hitler fought at Fromelles.
    Did my Great Grandfather fight him?
    I’m 99% he was at Fromelles.
    Low key cool.

    43 rooms or something. Veryyyyy large.
    And partly why I never went and got my jacket. Kept saying to myself “surely nearly done” then 30 mins past “Surely we are nearly done”
    Another 30…

    Should have gone and got my coat.

    Couldn’t take photos and half my reason for my obsessive photos taking is because my memory is appalling and I can’t remember anything…
    So having trouble remembering what I read today 😅

    It was almost too much writing. Definitely too much writing for how many seats provided, my back was killing me.
    We had been there over an hour and only up to 1933.
    Reading the whole time.
    Print it all and you have a novel.

    Hitler very angry about the ending of WW1.
    “Stabbed in the back myth” and basically wanted revenge.

    Started small then it was 10000 different ways of saying Hitler is a terrific public speaker.

    Lots of woman liked him at the start because he used gender neutral language. He included them.

    Lots of lies and propaganda.

    Start of WW1 the Germans were very enthusiastic. Going to be an easy victory. Lots of cheering etc.

    Witness reports to Hitlers announcement of his invasion of Poland/start of WW2 was met with shock. No cheering.

    I’m actually really mad I can’t recall anything on demand.
    It will slowly come back and I’ll edit this post as I remember 🥴

    The last bit was a replica of his bunker which was my fav bit. Love me a visual aid haha.
    At the start of the exhibit it went over the different conspiracy theories relating to his death.
    In reality I don’t subscribe to many conspiracies.
    I accept he killed himself but if one of the theories were true I wouldn’t be surprised either.
    Russians are the worst people to have to trust on this 😅🥴

    It makes me so cranky at how many people were not just shot out the back for their involvement.
    Proper judicial process blah blah then put them for life in prison. Why are they all released early?
    Head dude at triblinka senstenced to life - was released early for medical reasons.
    mEdIcAl ReASoNs
    Fuck off.

    Once we were done took a pic out the front then handed to checkpoint Charlie where we got some food because we didn’t eat breakfast and had not anticipated spending hours there. It was nearly 2pm already.

    Didn’t do much at checkpoint Charlie. Saw it last time.

    Then went walking to Brandenburg gate.
    Freezing. Miserable. Complaining a lot. (So nothing new 😆)

    Very cool gate. Happy to see.

    Then popped round the corner to see the Reichstag Building just from the outside.
    It’s number #1 on trip advisor but I have no need to enter.

    Walked back cause I couldn’t take no more 🤣🤣

    Went past the war memorial.
    Just as wonderful this time. Simple but powerful.

    Hung out in our room before going to dinner.
    Put on 6 layers.
    Still cold.
    I need a scarf.

    Will didn’t get a full pay. He has run out of annual leave.
    He got told verbally before leaving they would pay him for the whole holiday but 😬😬😬😬
    We are having a think about it cause pros and cons both ways.
    He is planning to leave and it’s less rude if they haven’t done this favor for him.

    We think we should be ok by the skin of our teeth.
    We sure hope so 😅😅😅😅😅

    Watched FIFA.

    Put in an application for a dog we won’t get.

    That’s about it.

    Washing didn’t get done cause closest laundromat is 3km away and frankly we couldn’t be assed.

    Maybe a tomorrow problem.

    Dad needs to come to Berlin. He would LOVE IT.
    It’s not a pretty city but it’s bloody interesting.
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  • Day 60


    December 12, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

    Ok so continuing on from the drama of last night
    - I had a terrific evening watching it all unfold.
    The douche bag in the double bed was SO UPSET another bloke got in the bed with him and I was WHEEZING from my bed. Better than tv omg.
    Anyway old mate huffed and puffed and then went and moved all his shit to a top bunk. He was so put out.
    Great, he deserves to be inconvenienced.
    All his crap took up the entire bed so he couldn’t even get on it.

    Eventually the Russians came back and I explained to them there are 2 beds left. Top bunk and double bed.
    Neither were acceptable so they left and never came back 😆😆😆😆😆

    So good.

    Douche bag was much quieter than the last 2 nights but still took a phone call around midnight.

    One of the new people opened the window last night so I was so comfy. I didn’t sleep, but It wasnt like sleeping on a fry pan.
    Window was open all night. Brilliant.
    Being quite is hard of a morning. The zip of our bags is SO LOUD, and pulling our locker out from under our bed was BANG CLUNK THUD.
    Anyway. Got on the way. Absolutely delighted about going to a hotel. Will very cranky because he was touching feet with someone all night 🤣
    I’m a foot shorter than him and even I reached the bottom of the bed.

    Our train was early so that was great so we didn’t have to wait on the platform in the freezing cold.
    Germany on fire, was 10 minutes late to leave and about 25 mins late to arrive in Munich.
    I had troubles booking this route. I wanted to buy from Salzburg to Berlin but no tickets available so i bought 2 separate train tickets and connected them myself. Salzburg to Munich, Munich to Berlin. Gave us an hour stop over to get food.
    Lucky. Or else we could have missed our connecting train as they only ever give 5 minutes for a transfer.
    So that worked out well in the long run lol.

    This second train is delayed too.
    Left 10 minutes late and is now running 40 mins behind and we are only halfway.
    Good job Germany.
    This train is basically empty but all the seats have reservations recorded on the seats. I reckon people have seen the delay and bought different tickets or called it a day.

    Just went past a baby deer in a field. No mummy on daddy deer. Little thing is lost.
    Will rolled his eyes when he took his headphones off for me to tell him this important information.

    Long day.
    Left Salzburg at 8am. Arrived 4:10. 40 mins late in the end.

    We had a few options on how to get to our hotel. Walk 4 km.
    Get a direct bus.
    Or catch 2 trains.

    We got the 2 trains. Buses are an only if I must option.
    Had to catch an S and a U train.
    U was easy.
    The S was more complicated. The station we wanted wasn’t an option on the machine but was appearing on the board so we picked a short journey ticket option and hoped that was ok.
    Got on and then it was only a 180m to the hotel.
    Easy check in and ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED to have our own space.
    Went to dinner early around 5. Had Indian. Average but cheap.
    Naan was awful though. We think it was goats cheese which I don’t mind in a salad with nuts and toast but Will hates at all times.

    Went to Lidl on the way home and bought some milk, cereal and biscuits.
    Alcohol is so cheap here it’s insane.

    Back at hotel. Have showered and got our laundry ready for tomorrow.
    Not near a laundromat. 3km to the closest one which is a pain in the bum and will waste a good chunk of a day. Thinking we will go once sun has set so at least not waste any sun light as it doesn’t hang around for long.
    Sun was only starting to rise when we left Salzburg this morning and it was pitch black when we arrived this afternoon.

    Just watched sky news. British report differently. Man has been found guilty of murder - her name was Megan.
    She was strangled then her throat cut 14 times to make sure shewas dead.
    He then dumped her using her car. He came home researched serial killers and watched porn.
    They showed footage of him changing clothes afterwards, the police finding her saying she is over here, audio recordings of him pretending to be concerned and so on.
    Bro it’s the 7:30 news.
    That was so full on holy hell.

    Reminded me of my train from Wales to England “Sorry for the delay we just have to collect the body parts.”

    Beds are the stupid movable mattresses but not penguin on an ice slab sheets so I’m happy.

    Really in the mood for a coke.
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  • Day 59


    December 11, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ -5 °C

    Holy crap on a cracker. This guy is the biggest turd face. Talking on the phone until midnight and then both me and Will were both woken up by what sounded like a bubble popping game on his phone and then he answered a phone call.
    Bro. It’s 4 am. Shut the fuck up.
    He sighs and moans all day too. Such a loud human with no consideration for others. It amazes me.
    Will told him to take his phone call outside and he pretended not to understand (he is German)
    despite his perfect English yesterday morning when conning people out of money. Weird how he forgot an entire language overnight.

    And then at 8am back on the phone.
    We left around 9:30.
    Again how weird that yesterday he was like oh nooo my money is gone i just wanted to stay one more day.
    He has 30 minutes to check out to keep to this supposed timeline. HA.

    Headed towards Mozarts birth house and museum. It’s about a 25 minute walk to town.
    Annoyed cause it’s literally 50 meters away from where we have walked every day. 😅 We normally turn left to head to the markets, fortress etc
    It’s 50 meters to the right.
    A big yellow house.
    He lived on the 3rd floor.
    I really like museums like this.
    Will doesn’t give me enough time though 😩
    His impatience stressed me out so I rush and miss so much.
    Especially at the end of trips.
    Museum number 1 of a trip he is actually pretty good haha
    I thought the info they provided was excellent - especially describing his mother, father and sister as people. Their personalities were mentioned.
    I feel bad for his sister. Apparently a prodigy in her own right but no one knows who she Is because of her brother. She was also a truly remarkable musician.
    Thing like this make me think of Alison and Andrew Hammond.
    Andrew, the stupid brother who only got 99% instead of 100.
    Pfft what a looser. 😆
    Poor Andrew. Poor Mozarts sister.
    She also had family/home expectations when older that meant she couldn’t travel/tour anymore. He didn’t have the same restrictions.
    Mozarts parents marriage was a love marriage, they had 7 children but only 2 survived.
    Mozart had 6 and only 2 survived.
    How all the parents of this time period weren’t all in the looney bin I swear.
    It has some cool stuff.
    A letter from his father to someone announcing his birth.
    His childhood violin.
    His half finished final piece.
    A bit of his hair (what everyone wants)
    And just other relics and bits and bobs.
    The kitchen was the only room that was how it would have looked. The birth room was where his childhood violin was on display.

    We then walked to where our tour was leaving from - lots of little stones have been thrown on the floor all over the city to give you grip when you walk.

    We were thinking maybe a car full for our tour but it ended being an entire double decker bus.
    We had good seats except for the big black line across the window which was annoying for my neck.

    On our way leaving we drove past what is now a school but where Einstein first presented his theory of relativity 1909. Had a plaque on the wall.

    Our guide was Steve and Steve was very funny.
    We drove past a beautiful area and he was like celebrity’s stay here, it’s about €7000 a night.
    Breakfast is included.
    His delivery was excellent.

    Incredible. I got emotional about it 🤣

    Just incredible.

    We stopped at a nice viewpoint on the way which was half clouded but ok. Will threw a massive snow ball at my head and so as compensation he allowed a group picture 💃🏻

    Kept driving and the mountains were so good 😭
    We were asked if we wanted to do the skywalk when there. A gamble because of the weather but if we arrived and it’s crap he would give our money back.
    So we paid as the bone church is shut during the winter period.
    Weather was looking good until maybe the last 3km where we drove into a cloud.
    We decided to go up anyway because nothing else to do 😅
    Most of the bus chose to go.
    Was a lift up.
    Could not see shit 🤣
    Nada, nothing.
    It was snowing so heavily so that was fun.
    We hung around up there for a long while really considering. Will was in a fabulous mood and asked for a selfie and then for me to take a pic of him….. the weirdest place we have been to ask, nothing to see behind you but yea absolutely we can get photos!!!! 💕💕💕
    It cleared a little bit so we did see an outline of the massive beautiful mountains surrounding us.
    Would be sensational in good weather.
    It is a UNESCO village.
    Disappointing but is what it is.
    Caught the train lift back down. I threw a snow ball at Will so my hands where FREEZING and turned bright red immediately.
    It’s the lovely powder snow rather than hard ice at least.
    We were hungry by now (had another banitsa for breakfast but hours ago) most places closed. Not sure if because Winter or a Sunday or both.
    Found a crappy pizza place but did the job.
    We then just went walking through the town. Lovely. Lots of colours and you could at least see some of the mountain backdrop down here.
    We got some nice village/lake shots. No mountain shots but we have still had a really good day.
    Popped my head into the church. Nothing special.

    Lots of swans. Love swans.
    Obviously very well fed swans. They make a straight line swim to you if you acknowledge them.
    Do you have food for me? 👀

    Felt bad for one because a couple was throwing snow in and he was trying to find the food 😭😭🥲

    Particularly like all the snow that got stuck in Wills eyebrows.

    Glad we chose to come.
    Had to be back at the bus by 4.
    Just as beautiful on the way home.
    Had a small nap. The bus motion sends me off to sleep like a toddler.
    Back in the city and it’s colddddddddd

    We got some crap sausage on the walk home cause ceebs walking aimlessly in the snow and didn’t want to have to come back out later.

    Old mate still here. He is in the foyer.
    *searches and finds no one*

    The hot chocolate machine in the foyer makes the BEST HOT CHOCOLATE ITS AMAZING.

    Have showered and packed.
    Big day on the train tomorrow but keen for Berlin.

    I already posted this but I am editing with an exciting new update:

    2 Russian men entered (members 7 and 8 of the room) then left presumably to complain.

    They never came back but another person entered and CHOSE THE DOUBLE BED. There is a top bunk available.
    And I am so excited.

    Report will come with tomorrows journal.
    In a great mood hahahahahahah
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