Wedding and Honeymoon

октября 2022 - января 2023
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  • День 20


    2 ноября 2022 г., Бельгия ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    A magical sleep was had by all.
    3pm yesterday until 10am today.
    I had a bath along the way but still slept for majority of it.
    Will up at some point too because I was trying to find a cheeseburger for ages cause I was starving but he has told me this morning he ate it. 😡

    We are currently at the laundromat and it’s been hilarious. Can’t read French. Making it up as we go along cause the instructions are poor.

    We have deduced AFTER we started the machine we put in fabric softener not detergent, so bought more stuff only for it not to go down because we put the washer on the wrong program.
    So we are just watching our clothes get tossed in clear water 😆
    9€ for a wash which I think is reasonable for how many clothes he have thrown in (18kg machine) … if I didn’t have to do it again hahaha.

    Update: we see suds. Minor ones but still visible 🎉 (nothing compared to all other washers but oh well)

    Hasn’t flooded so that’s terrific. Think it’s dumb that the machine doesn’t have a pause or stop button for just in case purposes.

    Put the dryer in for 2 rounds of 8 minutes but then ran out of coins so had to make do. Pretty dry overall. Just hung up a few things when back at the hotel. Dryer was very spacious so they all got some airtime.

    Went for a walk looking for lunch. Will suggested hard rock. 👀
    Yes please, I dream about their mango berry cooler WHICH WAS INDEED ON THE MENU.
    The bruschetta was the GREATEST.
    But best of all. The bill came and it was the same price as the prices on the menu AND no tip. 😭😭
    We then went for a walk around. Saw the palace and other bits and bobs but I was dying so we came back and had another 4 hour sleep 😆
    We then went up to the supermarket to get some bread. I booked the moulin rouge, organized our brewery tour and caught up on my staple journal.
    And back to bed again hhaaaa.
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  • День 21


    3 ноября 2022 г., Бельгия ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    We were up from about 3 - 6:30am with an alarm set for 8. Both crashed and ended up waking at 11:30 🥴🥴 glad we’re not wasting our time here.
    Never have I had such a hard time adjusting as I have this trip in Vegas and now here.
    We got on the go by 12 and walked to the station. I had our map preloaded so we were ready to go. Their ticket buying system is very simple. Bless them. Found our platform immediately and ran for the train because it was departing.
    Arrived at Braine L- Alleud and walked 2.5km to the 1815 museum.
    Love the suburbs. All the houses were beautiful and quaint.
    I said to Will “i like all the whom.. weeping Willows” and he said “you were about to saying whomping willows weren’t you” 😅
    Walk walk walk. Overcast day but ok.
    Arrived and went straight to the restaurant.
    I feel like less people speak English than last time. Maybe they all had a break with Covid? Idk. But young people always can and a few haven’t been able to.
    Paid €3.5 for a coke and it was a 200ml bottle. Half a can. Excuse me where is the rest of my drink 😆
    Food was nice, I got pasta, Will had a burger.
    It started to rain of course so we went to the museum and bought our tickets.
    Don’t think I mentioned above - 1815 museum is on the battle site of Napoleon’s battle at Waterloo.
    Museum was excellent. The front lady thought she could speak English but couldn’t. No annunciation so I only got half of what she said. Had an electronic card for something. Still not entirely sure for what.
    Museum starts with background about the start of the revolution.
    I really enjoyed an animated guillotine where it projected a head and then it got chopped and would land in the basket with a thump sound. 😆
    I think it was brilliant. Each display was a sentence or 2. A paragraph max. Some museums are walls and walls and walls of writing.
    It had all the outfits on display, and loads of weapons too.
    We went into a digital movie thing. Half was french half was English. It was good only I was annoyed because one side of my 4D glasses wasn’t working so I had to close one of my eyes the whole time so I couldn’t actually see half the screen cause it was a wrap around the room one.
    Who knew having to close one eye was such a bother lol.
    Outside was a skeleton they found 7 years ago when they did an archaeological dig and the stuff the found with him. I like that he had a iron ball in his ribs.
    188,000 men fought but only 10,000 died which doesn’t seem like a lot to me because the animation was very lord of the rings - just run into each other and see what happens. I’d have approached with no hope. Absolute kuddos to the men at the front. I couldn’t do that. My legs wouldn’t cooperate.
    Big timeline on the wall. I wish I had a more organized brain. I know facts about lots of things but combining them in any sort of order just doesn’t work out for me. I don’t know how to mush my knowledge together which is annoying because I find history so interesting.
    This person was doing this, this person was doing that which caused this is about as complicated as i can get. More than 2 stories and I’m a goner.

    We then walked to the next exhibit which was a panorama painting which was HUGE. The whole building in a circle. Very cool. Must have taken a loooooooong time. There was a display in the foyer of that battle that took someone 30 years.
    This was a bigger feat.
    I find it amazing they are able to break down the day down to the hour. The painting was at 4pm or something.
    Can’t remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday but everyone’s accounts were so detailed you could piece this together?? Okkkk.

    Next was the lions mound. Brilliant. Loads of stairs to get to the top but the view was worth it to see the battlefield.
    Back down and our legs are jello.
    There is another museum 4 km away which has napoleons stuff from the night before I believe bur no Wi-Fi so don’t know which direction to walk so we skipped. Happy with what we have seen today. Very very cool.
    Walked back to the station in the rain. We are clever chooks and brought our rain jackets though so we are all good. Longer wait this time. It feels much later than it is. Very dark and gloomy.
    Got home safe and sound. Currently in the bath as I write this. Must stay awake until reasonable hour!!


    Could not muster energy to leave hotel. Eating Doritos and jam sandwiches for dinner.

    We may have bed bugs. Will has 3 bites. I felt itchy last night but he boils so we will await results tomorrow morning.
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  • День 22

    Leuven and Antwerp

    4 ноября 2022 г., Бельгия ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Organized a walking tour In Antwerp last night.
    It’s currently 5:20am and we have been awake for 2 hours. Getting pretty over this.
    Extra over for the 2nd night in a row they turn the hot water off during the night so even at 7am couldn’t have a shower.

    7:30 we went downstairs and bought the hotel breakfast vouchers for 9€ each. Pretty reasonable i think for what they offered - pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, muffins, ham, cheese, cucumber, cereal, juice, coffee etc.
    We then dordled back to our room. So exhausted and the day hasn’t started. 😩

    Off to Leuven first. Finding our train was less straight forward this time because there was a few delays so had to really pay attention to what train we were getting on.
    It took about 30 mins to get there.
    Beautiful, every single building.
    I always get the giggles when I look at absolute stunning architecture and it’s being used as a Burger King.
    Some dude was just in his little balcony with a cigarette and a croissant. Very movie like all it needed was a naked lady inside wrapped up in a sheet. Walked to the town hall **
    Amazing. A bomb landed on it in WW2 but as luck would have it didn’t detonate so the building remains. Stunning.
    We went into St Peters church which was nearby which was grand but not pretty. I have high standards now I’ve seen so many. Haha.
    We then went to the main square which was wildly underwhelming as the picture of the square is why we chose to visit Leuven .
    Just crappy day markets everywhere and obvs the trees where all bare so blah. Lots of old lady knickers for sale. And nana nighties.
    And fish. Lots of fish 🤢
    Found a cafe and had a hot chocolate. I turned my seat around because no one else in the cafe was facing each other, they were sitting side by side facing the markets watching so I turned around too lol.
    The whipped cream they add is brilliant. Australia needs to adapt.

    We are now on the train to Antwerp. We are going to skip Mechelen this time I think. It was the bottom of my list anyway.

    Had time to kill so just strolled. Ended up in maccas because not particularly hungry so just got a cheeseburger. Will tummy not great so he used our only coinage to use the toilet there. I was busting for a wee but she refused my 20€ so had to hold and find somewhere else.
    Bought a coke to get some change and then found a toilet.
    What a joke.
    Had to use my CARD to buy a ticket to operate the turnstile barriers to use the loo. 1€
    I’m sure I mentioned last time I do believe this to be a human rights violation. Especially if you are going to get arrested for going in the street. What are the homeless meant to do? €1 to use a bathroom a few times a day is huge. Sorry no food money for you.
    Walked in and found our meeting point for the tour.
    Lovely square.
    Originally disappointed with who we got as our guide. The other persons English was significantly better but in the end I actually really like her.
    She started with info about the square. Good and bad history, a place for festivities and executions. they have one of their own mannequin pis and lots of guild houses around the square. Only 3 originals remain.

    Next stop was the entrance to the sewer. Said it smells and has rats but is authentic. Said brewing started up when water was diseased. Horse got sick from water so they made an alcohol of some kind to give to the horses. Someone along the way thought it a terrific idea to try the horse drink and now it used for woman with periods as a helper.
    2 dudes next to me physical recoiled at the mention of periods. Very funny to watch their discomfort. Hahah
    She talked about the importance of Antwerp harbour and diamond industry. 80% of rough and 50% of smooth diamonds go through the harbour.
    (Could be other way around)
    We walked to a fort castle thing that was used as a jail. If you were rich you could pay to have the executioner sharpen their sword. The poor had a rough death..

    One guild not in main square - butchers. Built on purpose to try look like bacon 😆
    Built away for sanitation reason.

    Walked down a bit and stood in a walkway
    where 2 small wooden door were which is the last remaining puppet show stall. Very common back in the day, used to complain about politics.

    Walked around a corner and stopped in another area where she pointed to Mary hanging on a corner.

    Talked about legend of boy who shape shifts - best one was he change into a baby so he would be breast fed 😆😆😆
    If you put Mary on your door or corner of street he couldn’t get you. That was the legend version.

    Then talked about the downfall of Antwerp in the 1600 when the Spanish king* made the Protestants (who had all the money and intellect) leave and move north to Amsterdam which started the golden of Amsterdam in the 1700’s.
    Mary on the corners was a symbol for catholic.

    The same spot was were prostitutes use to hang out. They have been moved along recently and are now in the safest building in Antwerp. Has a police station, security like fingerprinting to get into rooms and an on scene nurse and doctor.

    Walk walk walk.
    Showed us a decorative hole in the wall. Originally used to wipe horse poop off your shoes lol.

    Own an alley to the oldest bar.
    Then around the corner to a church and statue of Antwerps famous writer statue whose name I can’t remember haha.

    Inside church was lovely.
    Had a Reuben painting.

    We walked past a rather ordinary building but she mentioned it’s important as it was Europe first skyscraper.
    Saw Neuhaus chocolate house who claims to have invented the Belgian praline.
    She was a skeptic of the story/claim.

    Walk walk walk.
    Another big square with a Ruben statue and another cathedral with one tower because it took to long (400 years) and they ran out of money.

    Talked about Ruben a bit
    He was an outrageous of the day “how do we say ah. Less is not more for Rubens” hahah

    Went down BEAUTIUL Alley that twisted and turned - 10 families (shoemakers) with 8-12 kids each once lived here with one toilet. Fathers could earn more by ringing church bell.
    Would have been the pits.
    Now it is incredible with a real romantic vibe with vines and cobblestone bricks, flower pots etc.

    She showed a fancy doorhole - it has grooves to help find the hole in the dark before electricity

    She then asked to take a pic of us to prove she did the tour lol
    I gave her 20€ - normally they mentiom at the start of the tour that it’s tip based - she didn’t do that and many were either unprepared or unwilling. Some have none some gave some coins.
    It’s a 2 hour tour and she did a good job. Tut tut. give her something.

    She gave us all a coffee flavoured sweet.
    She needs more confidence but did a good job.
    Along the way she showed up some pics from her book and explained some Belgium politics. She said it’s really complicated but it sounded pretty universal.
    Not everyone agrees with each other and certain groups want certain things 🤷🏼‍♀️

    To finish the tour we walked to other size of cathedral.
    There is a Japanese story as famous as cindarella about a boy and dog and Ruben’s paintings that the government added a statue for the Japanese because tourists kept asking where it happened/is.
    Was going to go in cathedral but costly so nope.
    Walked back to station and currently on train.
    Crashing hard.

    Have officially confirmed we did not see what we went to see in Leuven. 😆😆😆😆
    The fly impaled on the needed was a good substitute though haha

    We went Hard Rock Cafe for dinner again. Not hungry but wanted veggies.

    Decided to complain about our bedbug situation - got a new room and breakfast vouchers.

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  • День 23


    5 ноября 2022 г., Бельгия ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    So we slept. But too much. I crashed at 9. Woke up at 12:30am, then 3:30 then suddenly it was 12:30pm. 😪😪😪😪😪😪

    We went for lunch cause I was starving at some grill house and got some streaks with mash potato and mushroom sauce.
    My big complaint though is they didn’t do free tap water and the iddi biddi baby bottle they gave us was €5.50
    I will forgive cause food was mouthwatering.

    Got waffles on the way home. Shaped like vagina ad penis’ because why not. Will got a mannequin piss one with honey cause he is super adventurous. 🙄 I got a giney with white chocolate and strawberries. The chocolate was saaaaaa good.
    Went back to hotel to grab our stuff and headed to train station.

    Currently on the train and it stopped at a station for 15 mins for no reason which is not good for us. hopefully we make it in time to our tour.

    Tour 5:30. We arrived 5:29 cause we RAN from the station for about 800m

    Tour was terrific. My only disappointment was that it’s the weekend so the factory isn’t operational. I would have loved to see the belts sort all the bottles.
    First up we watched a movie about the brewery.
    Apparently it’s 5th generation.
    It was father then son then it wasn’t the daughter, it was the daughters husband who is being counted as 3rd generation. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
    Bud you aren’t related.
    She didn’t get a mention btw. Standard.
    4th generation is legitimate but his face for 3rd gen was a nope for me lol. Should be both their faces if she is the link. Otherwise that’s cheating. 😆

    Then a video about the robots they use to sort because we wouldn’t see them working. Don’t know what they do. Didn’t understand a lot of the tour 🤣🤣
    Just nodded along. Lots of fancy ass processes and terms for the fancy machinery. Sure thing. Great. Hahaha.

    Enjoyed seeing all the boxes and barrels and fermenting cylinders.
    They make 1 million bottles a day.
    It was surprisingly clean.

    They sell under a different name in Argentina because they won’t allow the name “Delirium” as that a disease or something haha.

    Lots of stock as it takes 4 weeks to make one beer.

    After the tour we had sampling of beer. I had a water which the guide was very put out about 😆
    Will got a shirt. Pleased for him. He never gets souvenirs lol.
    An excellent tour for only 12 euro each. Most of the guests (about 10 of us - 3 kids) would have made their money back from the free beers at the end haha.
    It was little awkward at the bar cause everyone else spoke Spanish and we were just standing there like dopes.

    A difficult tour to organize but very glad we went. And have not wasted the entire day 🥴

    Nearly back at central.

    Got pizza and pasta for dinner and ate in the room.
    Off to Ghent in the morning, pleased to see check in is 1:30 instead of 3 or 4.
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  • День 24


    6 ноября 2022 г., Бельгия ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    I slept. 🎉 Will did partly but still not great.
    At around 10 we went to get our free breakfast thanks to our bed bugs.
    Checked out around 11:30 after spending some time trying to help Jess cause she was having panic attack cause her flight got delayed so she might not catch the next one. I gave her flight centers emergency 24hr number. She’s rather stressed as the flights aren’t on the same ticket booking.

    On our way. Know our way to the train station despite all the twists and turns cause we’ve been there every bloody day. 😆
    20€ ticket and off we went. Bit of luck 50% trains take an hour 50% take 30mins. We got the quick one woot.
    I just love the county side 😭😭😭
    When we arrived we had a bit of trouble figuring out the trams but we got there. Had to get line one for about 7 stops.
    Immediately recognized where we were when we got out. Our hotel different direction from our hostel but everything was familiar. Keen to properly explore tomorrow. It’s raining today.
    We checked in - check in lady was lovely and went through a map with us then we went up to our room. It’s has very big hostel vibes. A bit run down but cheap.
    We went and got lunch on the street she said was the Resturant street.
    I need to remember to charge my camera battery tonight so I can take some nice pics tomorrow of all the little artistic accents of the city.

    We found an Indian restaurant that looked nice so we went in.
    Food was delicious but service was terrible we were laughing.
    First of all dude saw us come in but did not approach. We grabbed our own menu and picked our own table.
    Still did not approach for 10 mins until suddenly he asks “ready?”
    Yes you clown 😆
    Resturant was empty except for us and his daughter playing English cartoons on her iPad on volume level 100. We could follow along quite easily. They obviously all live upstairs and it sounded like someone hitting the roof with a broom or kids jumping on the bed THUMP THUMP THUMP then some yelling at each other between levels of the house. It was so funny. It was like living in their lounge room. Totally oblivious to having customers.
    Lucky food was nice!! Haha
    Walked back in the rain and having some down time cause it’s cold and wet. Our day tomorrow will be more than enough to get everything done.

    Had an hour nap cause I could NOT hold out. We Shall see how badly I’m affected later at 3am lol
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  • День 25


    7 ноября 2022 г., Бельгия ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Woke Mr Pickering up at 10 and we got cracking.
    We walked in the direction of the square first in search of food and found a Burger King. It was shocking.
    After a few clues and then some sneaky observations we discovered they don’t cook any of the food onsite.
    My microwaved onion rings were delicious.. 🫠
    Walk walk walk. Back to some of our old favourite spots. Went to our old hostel to look at its view point of the bridge and buildings. *sniffle* just lovely.
    We walked along the water and just around and around. I did remember to bring my camera but despite charging it last night it didn’t make the whole journey. I have 2 other batteries at home which I didn’t bring cause we only used one for our entire 3 weeks on Everest so wasn’t expecting such a short life span. Ah well. Still got some good shots.
    Still equally delighted by the 3 animal water trough as last time haha.
    Past the castle then past the 3 towers. I wanted to see the views again so we paid to go up the belfry. Saw the dragon again and went to the top for views of the city. Caught the lift this time 😆
    Got my views but I was sure it was the castle I loved. Will told me it wasn’t.
    Have just confirmed (currently 9:30pm) on my fb posts from 2017 it was indeed the castle with the views I wanted. 😪
    Win some lose some lol.
    Views were lovely but I just knew they were “wrong” haha.
    Went across and over to St Bravo. Sensational insides with the most amazing stain glass windows. Went to see the mystic lamb again - they had moved it but was also £16 euro so thought better of it. Have seen before so 🤷🏼‍♀️
    (Most stolen painting in history)

    Went for a walk via Dunkin’ Donuts (having a health day) there selection is 32 donut options. Americas was 6. Poor form USA.

    It would be very easy to die here. The roads are not clear. Be aware at all times. Doesn’t matter where you are standing a car/bike might just appear. They ride in zigzags.

    Had a coffee in a square. Got served what we thought was melted chocolate on the side but was hazelnut liquor crap and we both struggled to swallow the big dollop we both out in our mouths 😆
    It thereafter remained untouched haha.

    Went to graffiti street loooooooooove it. There was a Kermit the frog which was fabulous illusion.
    Just love the colour. So many truly talented people.
    Went to our hotel for a few hours - ordered our marriage certificate, booked tomorrows train, wrote some reviews etc.
    before venturing out again.

    Boring is not the right word but a city you have already done well, can be redone quite quickly haha.

    Went and had some Poke bowls and am now going to demand to have one every city.
    we spent like an hour trying to find a place that does salad and found this one and THE GREATEST.
    It was still really early so Will found us a shisha bar which we walked about 1km through suburbia to get too.
    It was unbelievable that it was only 6:30. You would think 2am. NOBODY on the streets.
    Walked past some house of people eating dinner inside in little flats. Looks very authentic and hipster with their plants and wine. Hahah
    It was a shisha boat. Very habib vibes with the music and black furniture but we had a good time. They had Wi-Fi and we had some Turkish teas. *smacks lips*

    Now back home and I’ve packed for tomorrow. Will will once again do in the morning haha
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  • День 26


    8 ноября 2022 г., Люксембург ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    It’s 3:50 pm and it’s an uneventful day so far.

    Got up, Will packed, walked to the tram stop - had to ask for help to find the right spot for going back towards the station and not away from it.
    Caught tram.
    Sat in Starbucks cause we were early.
    Bought some sandwiches for the journey.
    Clarified what platform we needed.
    Boarded our first train.

    While waiting for the train
    Will: “ wait, we have to catch 2 trains I thought it was direct.”

    I have been over these plans at least 9 times the last 2 days. I even got his input about which train to book.
    I went with this one because there was a train every hour but this one was the only one the whole day on the half hour so if we missed our connection we would only have to wait 30 instead of an hour for the next round of train.
    He agreed this was a smart idea. And yet is flabbergasted we have to get second train.

    Caught train 1. 40 mins

    Found platform for train 2 and are still on it. 2hr 50m overall.

    Just been reading and looking out the window.
    My sandwich had tomato on it so was all soggy 😑

    Sky is looking a bit glum and we have to figure out the buses once arrived.
    Dislike buses haha.

    Did not have a good time with the buses. The instructions given by the hostel were garbage from get go.
    1. Exit station then turn right. Buses were on left off to a cracking start.
    2. Was given 4 bus numbers we could catch. Asked bus man for help - 3 don’t exist and number 9 comes from other side of station not from the bus station section.
    Walk walk walk. My bag is extremely heavy with no support on my shoulders so I’m in a lot of pain.
    Been fine carrying the weight if I know 1km straight line will get me there but walking in circles for no reason in pain was pissing me off lol.
    Again thanks for Will. He took over and activated his Wi-Fi and found our stop up the street.
    Never would have found that. Would have got a taxi if I was by myself.
    Transport is completely free so that is a big plus. If we get the wrong bus it’s ok. No money wasted we will just get another one lol.
    Some beautiful viewpoints along the way.
    The instructions on what to do once off the bus were at least correct. Down a big hill that would be horrendous if icy.
    Checked in.
    We’re not overly impressed this far 😆
    I specifically pick places that don’t have an end to their beds so Will fits.
    We are not in a room with those beds. Our beds have ends. 😒
    No toilet in the room and only 1 keycard so we have to wake each other up during the night to go to the loo.
    Also not major but I didn’t have to provide ID at check in which I think is suss.
    Made our beds. Nothing I love more than making a top bunk bed 🙃
    Girls toilets only have 3 toilets for an entire floor. Lucky it doesn’t appear very busy. Our dorm is full but people are not buzzing around the place.

    Went for a walk for Poke bowls 👀👀😆😆
    Originally very sad about the ingredients options but ended up liking this version too.

    Walked back. The views are very pretty overlooking the area - the lighting makes it’s very charming.
    They have a hectic bridge. Our hostels right under it but adds oomph to the whole view.
    Keen for our walking tour tomorrow.
    Just chilling in our beds for the moment.

    A Belgium train strike starts tonight so we are lucky we made it.

    There is a French one too on the 10th. We leave the 11th so hopefully not affected. Shall wait and see.
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  • День 27


    9 ноября 2022 г., Люксембург ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Look, not thrilled by this hostel. 😆

    I was so hot omg. Didn’t care my knickers were probably on display for all to see cause I couldn’t use my blanket. I was a living breathing flame. We also had a snorer. Not the worse type of snorer but not a great one. Had to wake Will when I needed to wee and probs woke everyone else up opening the door. Needs some WD40. Clunk clunk clunk.

    We made breakfast just in time. Free but very basic. Had a Nutella roll and Will had cereal. They were the only 2 options really.

    Got dressed and walked up the gigantic hill to town.
    Needed a drink but we don’t really understand cause the whole city is closed and it’s a Wednesday. Where is everybody?
    Walked in to maccas but told it was closed. Walked into a Burger King and ordered a drink.
    They were also closed but gave it to us bless them haha.
    Very strange, it’s 10am wakey wakey.
    At 11 we walked to the tour start point.
    Our guide is hard to describe.
    Undiagnosed adhd is the best I can do. Very bouncy but not in a coherent flamboyant way. More of a cant keep a train of thought type of way and uses body to communicate very disjointedly.
    She was from Minsk, Belarus so that was cool.
    50% of Luxembourg people are not from Luxembourg.
    They have 3 languages French, German, Luxembourgien*. French in the language legislation is in. Luxembourgien was fast fading but when Germany took over during WW2 they banned everyone from speaking French but not Luxembourgien so it made a come back.
    Not the most interesting of cities. We have done the tour and didn’t think it was overly detailed but have been given a map of the city and the highlight were all in the tour so actually it was a pretty good tour lol.

    We saw the palace with the guards out front. The duke was in according to the flag position.
    They changed the laws recently enough that if the first born is a girl she will become duchess. 🎉
    They have had one dutchesss before during the war cause the duke had 6 daughters so a singular exception was made. First duchess I believe was Maria? Didn’t do a great job. Had lunches and parties with the Germans which didn’t go down well. Her sister shortly took over and did a bang up job and is in essence why the monarchy lasted. Her name was Charlotte. When she fled to London she sent daily radio messages to troops for morale so she is greatly loved. In London she set up relationships that helped keep and rebuild Luxembourg. Killed it. 💅🏼

    The palace is patrolled by guards but guide said they are in essence a tourist attraction as army is only 1000 strong. Not much of a global impact haha.

    We got told about a chocolate house we plan to try later.
    Was shown a troll head someone put outside their house to protect them from witches.

    Was pointed out the oldest pub and a secret Luxembourg society building - only for men so she didn’t know much and then a museum we will go to tomorrow.

    Walked to stand on an old fortress with beautiful lookouts. The entrance to the bocks casemates are closed which is a shame but ah well. (Tunnels under city)

    “Bock Promontory: cradle of the city of Luxembourg, linked to the city by the castle bridge (1735). On the "Bock” are situated the foundation walls of the first stronghold belonging to the Luxembourg Counts, converted into Monument of the Millennium in 1963. Incomparable panorama”

    Took a pic of a map and that’s what it says - I think it’s where we were idk. All very confusing. They call different things the same name and the same thing different names.
    Point being - old place, cool views.
    Walked along the view point. There was a purple statue she talked about the legend of a mermaid lady of the city.
    We walked down the hill then got an elevator back up.
    Came out at a Jewish memorial monument and then went in the Cathedral of Norte Dame (see, another repeat name)
    There was a Mass happening which I loved because the singing echoing sounded incredible and the feeling of holiness was uplifting but did think odd as it was 12:30 on a Wednesday afternoon. About 20 all up in attendance but all very spread out. A lovely church. Stain glass windows and all the works. Deceptively large. Outside looks like matchbox.
    An important church for the Duke. You are baptism here, married here and put in the crypt here.
    Went down to the crypt - 1 obvious crypt/casket and then 2 other maybes. Nothing like the Austrian one with all your relos for the last 1000 years. All 300 of them. 😬👍🏼
    Maybe just bad signage or has a secret spot out the back haha.
    Last stop after church was just to show us th statue of “Gelle Agra” who was lost for 40 years after the war cause she was hidden and only found in 80’s when doing some construction work.

    We talked with 2 guys on our tour. One was Dolten who is Canadian and in our room but also sleeps with hair rollers in which gave me a great amount of joy last night the other was Rob who I wasn’t fussed by. He was Australian. Been to 70 countries so at least had stories.
    Rob followed us the chocolate house where you buy a mug of hot milk and a spoon of chocolate and you have to melt the chocolate in the milk. Loved it, had a fab time. Delicious hahah

    Had another poke bowl… 👀😆

    We have now come back to hostel and are doing washing. Only one washer and owner of previous clothes MIA so had to move his undies 😒😒
    He came back and English is POOR just chatting to us in some other language. No idea hey.
    Bit of a back log for the dryer now.

    So old mate stayed and chatted for TWO HOURS. He was French Canadian but a rather odd person. English improved but still atrocious.
    Does not know the word for dry. Had to touch his undies again cause he used the dryer and we asked if they were dry and couldn’t not process this question. Had to touch his clothes myself to give us the all clear to put our stuff in. He stayed THE WHOLE TIME we dried our clothes and was EXTREMELY friendly because we are white… he was wicked racist. And at first I was like translation issue? No.
    There is a black man in his room and he is very unhappy about this “this man is very unsafe, very dangerous”
    He has made sure all his possessions are locked away because of the bad black man.
    Has HE actually done anything to you for you to vehemently distrust him more than anyone else in the room..? or just his existence is enough?
    Also recommended cities because all white or dont go there because all black.
    Made worse by his bluntness and lack of communication skills.
    Very uncomfortable cause you can’t correct him or clarify because of his English but also because a lot of black people are staying here I was so on edge - I am so thankful none of them came to the laundry area to hear him. Very ballsy of him.

    He would not leave.

    Will currently napping. We are going to go to the oldest pub in Luxembourg shortly.

    Jokes no we didn’t. He wanted a burger.

    Found a good spot and actually turned out to be great food and live entertainment. Apparently the whole of Luxembourg (or what felt like it) were doing a running race tonight through the city. Started with 2 sprinting men. I said to Will as they pass I wonder which one is the athlete and which one has the ego problem cause they were RUNNING.
    A gazillion people then passed a few minutes later.
    Lap 2 and man #2 was nowhere to be seen. 😆😆

    One dude was enticed by men at the pub, chugged down a beer then kept running. I feel he will have regrets later hahah.
    Once dude was in a wheelchair good for him hahah.
    I wasn’t paying attention to numbers but 1297 was the number the winner was wearing so at least that many competitors.
    It looked fun.
    Walked home and have been talking to dolton about doing a hike together tomorrow.
    If not we will go to the museum.
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  • День 28


    10 ноября 2022 г., Люксембург ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    We have had a sensational day.

    Dalton went downstairs and stole everyone a bread roll for breakfast because it was 5 mins to 9 and I still wasn’t up. Didn’t ask him to he just did.
    Bless him. (Breakfast ends at 9)

    Got cracking. I cannot express what an absolute champion dalton is because unless it’s a train or walking I can’t use google maps. I was looking up a route last night and it was so bloody complicated. I don’t know why but it doesn’t ever give me the most basic route unless I put station name to station name. I can be 30m from a station and it will tell me to walk 3km north to a different station to catch 3 buses. When the 30m away station has a direct route. It’s super annoying.
    Point being 10 points to dalton for being guide today.
    We had to walk through a forest to get to first tram stop. I made a joke had I misunderstood where the trek is and was this it? Cause it was beautiful.
    All uphill though boooo.
    Caught the tram then walked to the bus stop which was a little more tricky because it was soooooo foggy. Couldn’t actually see 10m in front of us to spot the bus stop in the distance.

    Found it. 10 mins until our bus.
    It’s wild the transport is free because it was an hour journey. I could understand inner city because of demand but our bus was basically empty (more like a coach actually) I think it’s terrific but surprising. It was nice to see all the little towns.
    We got off in Mullerthall at some random stop so had to walk down the mountain for 20 mins before we found the start of the hiking trail. First stop was Heringer Millen - unexciting bread mill.
    We began our walk.
    So beautiful. The water colour was amazing. The famous part of the hike was a bridge which was splendid but once we kept walking became obsolete compared to the rest of the trail.
    The colours of autumn were amazing but we also had so much fun pointing out different mushroom to each other.
    It was only 3.5km but took us several hours. Lots of climbs and lots of picture taking.
    The best part of the hike was the use of the rock formations, you often had to walk between them and it was just amazing.
    I don’t really know what to write to describe it but it was beautiful.
    Beyond pleased we did it.
    Got to a village called Consdorf which has a population of 2000 - first stop/village only had 76 or something haha.
    It was 2pm by then and all any of us had eaten was a bread roll so we needed to eat.
    Found a pizzeria.
    Brilliant value. Only 11€ for Wills pizza which was twice as big as a dominoes.
    Walked to the bus stop thanks to dalton 😆 and caught a direct bus back to where we got the tram this morning. Walked back through the mini forrest, said bye to dalton cause he has a 6pm flight then sat in our room for a bit because we were buggered.
    An chatty Italian joined our room so we excused ourselves and made our made to the museum. We did offer for him to come but thankfully he was tired haha.

    We took the Panama lift up to the top (the hostel is in a valley) which was good because we didn’t have to walk up the hill but I actually found that because of how many lights there are and because you are encased in glass you can’t see out because of the reflections which kind of defeats the purpose.

    Bought my magnet.

    The museum (national art and history) was very well laid out and presented wonderfully considering how boring its history is compared to its neighbors lol.
    The art bit and then a “Gast Michels” exhibit, which was terrible (childrens craft standard) had English write ups but the history section didn’t.
    Lots of cool stuff but not really sure what I’m looking at. Your usual bowls, spoons and ruins.
    It’s free though so ✔️✔️

    Had McDonald’s cause both not really hungry so got bare minimum then walked home.
    Gave a homeless guy a euro cause we pass him everyday and he has a great strategy of saying hello or bonjure to everyone so you have to acknowledge him or your a dick.
    Felt he earned his euro hahah
    60 year old man has joined our room.
    Haven’t had a girl roommate yet.

    Fabulous day.

    Dalton fun facts:
    Canadian, Vietnamese heritage, 23, pharmacy student, has girlfriend. (Mentioned cause Will is flabbergasted by this. I said straight but he was adamant he was gay. The hair rollers are an unusual choice I’ll admit 😆)
    Very calm dude.
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  • День 29


    11 ноября 2022 г., Франция ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Garbage sleep. Had to pee like 5 times and being on top bunk and toilet not in room this was rather bothersome.

    One thing I really like about hostels is the small moments of excessive stupid joy you get from looking at a meme. The fact everyone is sleeping so you can’t make noise makes everything 1000 times funnier. I looked at 3 memes last night and I honestly couldn’t breath I was wheezing into my pillow trying to be quiet having a genuinely fantastic time.
    I’ve looked at them again this morning and they aren’t even that funny.
    Makes me think of a time in Florence when a guy couldn’t open his locker at 3am in the morning and was swearing to himself and I was beside myself with fits of the giggles. It wasn’t funny? But i could not stop laughing. Same thing.

    Everyone left our hostel room before us so we could spread out to get ready which I really appreciated.
    Checked out and walked up biiiig hill to the bus stop.
    We read the bus board timetable last night so we know it’s the right stop.
    Do you think my google maps knows that when you ask it? No. It tells me I’ll have to change bus 🙄
    Easy DIRECT bus to station.
    There was a sandwich shop but no seats and we were an hour early so we went walking for somewhere to sit. Nothing opens until at least 10. Burger King was 11 today. I just want to sit 😩
    Sat in maccas and got a singular cheeseburger to hold me until lunch. Will got a meal except somehow I managed to order him 2 chips instead of a drink.
    So i gave the spare chips to a homeless man on the way back.

    We are currently on the train. An hour in with an hour to go.

    Arrived and walked to the hotel which was only 450m away.
    Small room but at least we have our own space.
    We want food but everything closed at 2:30. We will have to wait until 6:30 for everything to open again.
    Walked down the street to a grocery store. Got milk and cereal. Only we didn’t get milk 😪😪😪
    So had to venture back to get milk again but this time with the translated word on my phone haha.
    Had cereal, have had showers and now just waiting for 6:30 cause I’m still hungry haha.

    We had a nap ha. So went for food at 7ish.

    I found a poke bowl shop …. 👀😆
    Probably the worst so far but also the cheapest so that’s fine.
    I just want fruit and veg. It’s all I want.

    It was dark on our walk so can’t see much but lots of little spots bursting with character I can’t wait to explore tomorrow.

    But the main thing was -
    It’s not often a cathedral stops me in my tracks. Almost never.
    I’ve seen 1000 at this point.
    Every city has one or several.
    And yet the Strasbourg cathedral is the best I have ever seen hands down. No competition.
    I couldn’t believe how big it was - it just disappeared into the sky.
    It was even cooler because it was foggy and so gave off extra big spooky gothic vibes.
    It’s 142m high built in the 1400’s.
    It was the tallest building in the world until 1874.
    Absolutely incredible.
    Everything about it was jaw dropping.

    You know something is good if even Will gets out his camera.

    Photos can’t capture it obviously but I think one of them shows how much taller than the other building it is and how far away we are and yet it still dominates.

    We are going to go inside tomorrow. Keen.

    Back home and watching a comedy show in French for background noise haha.

    Lucky today with the trains as well. France strike yesterday so we have dodged 2 now by 1 day.
    May our luck continue 😬🤞🏼🤞🏼
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