Hong Kong

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    • Dia 18


      13 de abril, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Zum Abschluss unserer Reise ging es noch Hotpot essen mit schönem Blick auf die Skyline.
      Nach dem Hotpot gab es im Hotel „The Peninsula“ noch einen Kaffee und eine Nachspeise für Sandra.
      Sandra wurde noch bis zum Airporttrain begleitet, wo unsere gemeinsame Reise endet.Leia mais

    • Dia 83–85

      The rest of Hong Kong

      26 de abril, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      With Hong Kong being one of the most expensive places in the world, let alone on our trip, we struggled a bit to figure out what we could do for cheap or free while staying out of our dungeon accommodation as much as possible.

      We started each day with breakfast at a nearby fast food joint, for £6 each which had an odd medley of things to eat. On our first day, we booked a free walking tour, which was really good and helped ground us in the location and understand it better. Highlights included going on the world's longest outdoor covered escalator system, the Central–Mid-Levels Escalator, and the Chinese temple, where we were instructed on how to pray and ask the gods questions. We also tried a local egg tart dessert that tasted mostly like egg.

      We then did some much-needed shopping for shorts, as we were now going to be in less modestly dressed countries. For dinner that evening, we went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered the local specialty, Won Ton noodle soup. We then went off for an evening walk and realized we were right by the shore facing the city lights. We walked along the huge boardwalk until we got tired and went to bed.

      Every night that we slept there, our sleep was worse and worse. That night night, I woke up feeling like something was crawling on me; the night before, something from the roof dripped on my head. I woke up that night literally saying to myself, "One more night, it's only one more night." As we were in a bed just a tiny bit bigger than a single, when I awoke, James woke up too and turned to me and said, "That was a shit night's sleep, but it's okay because that was our last night." I was like, "Wait, no, we have one more night." Turns out James couldn't sleep that night either and was so fed up he booked a hotel near the airport that had a pool and breakfast included. I literally could have cried with happiness.

      Our only urgent task for that day was to post some of our warm clothing and souvenirs back home, so we quickly did that, packed, and then, as our check-in wasn't until 2 pm, we got a celebratory ice cream and went to the art gallery on the waterfront. We then went off to the hotel and checked in. It was expensive, but after suffering through the past few nights, it felt very well deserved. The room was pretty incredible by normal standards, with a floor-to-ceiling wall overlooking the green hills. We donned our swimsuits and, even though it was on the verge of raining, we went to the pool and hung out there until closing at 5 pm. We then wandered around the shopping mall that the building was attached to and got some dinner, then returned to our room just to soak it all up.

      Breakfast the next morning was delicious, and we then packed and headed to the airport to catch our flight. Hong Kong, you were beautiful and fun but in a different way than we've experienced so far. Maybe we'll return one day when our budget is bigger.
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    • Dia 18

      First impressions of Hong Kong

      6 de setembro de 2019, Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Gross, laut und unpersönlich...
      Die MRT hat super schnelle Rolltreppen die uns in Sekunden über mehrere Etagen transportieren.
      Alles überdimensioniert gross, jeder leere Platz wird zugebaut. Abends Lichtershow angesehen, aber dadurch auch sehr beeindruckend schön.Leia mais

    • Dia 117

      Hong Kong

      25 de abril de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Wir sind relativ spontan nach Hong Kong gereist. Es ist eine mega coole und sehr moderne Stadt. Ein absoluter Kontrast zu den letzten Wochen Thailand 🤗. Das Schönste: Du bist extrem schnell im Grünen.

    • Dia 2

      Walk of Stars

      25 de abril de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      … walking the famous Walk of Stars Promenade, where you can find Handprints from Asian Stars, always a beautiful view to the Skyscrapers and in the end of the promenade, you find the Bruce Lee Statue…

    • Dia 2

      Kowloon and the other side of Hong Kong

      1 de maio de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      The 1st part if this post is in the Mong Kok section of Kowloon. The 2nd part is the other side of the tracks, literally and figuratively.
      Mong Kok is an active commercial and touristy neighborhood. Hong Kong has long been a center for fish: 1st as a sleepy fishing village and later for tropical fish. The 1st picture is one of scores of shops selling everything you could want for your aquarium. Even tropical fish harvested elsewhere are shipped through here.
      In the 2nd picture, the turtle to the left is the golden coin turtle. I'm told this species is the extinct in the wild due to traditional beliefs about healing powers of eating this. So I understand that they aren't supposed to be sold. It is also ridiculously expensive. I'm told that turtle is worth $25,000.
      The next 2 pictures are are in the large flower market. There is a long tradition of flower marketing here. This market is located where the land of the colonial British met the land of the Chin Dynasty. The reason for the flower market had to do with colonials being mostly male intersecting with the world's oldest profession. In order to engage a prostitute, the client had to give flowers. If they were accepted, the deal got done. I can imagine a comedian making hay out of that history as it might relate to modern giving of flowers.
      The 5th and 6th pictures are in the bird market. There are both song birds and various parrots. Like many things here, having birds is traditional.
      The last 3 pictures are the other side of the tracks. This is a darker side of HK. Housing is a serious problem and very expensive. At the begining of communist rule on the mainland, so many people moved here that the population quintupled in 5 years. The city couldn't absorb that.
      The 7th picture looks at the history of housing in response to the population explosion. To the right are older buildings, some as tall as 10 stories without an elevator that were thrown up quickly. To the left is a modern building built to new codes that are 30 stories and more.
      It's the older buildings that I want to mention. Rents are so expensive in HK that apartments are subdivided into 100 sf units. That's only 10X10 or a very small bedroom in the US. The last 2 pictures are in one of these. These tiny apartments rent for more than the median income. So to rent one of these, you need to be earning more than what 1/2 the people earn.
      You will notice the cage in the 8th picture. That's actually a rental subunit that costs about 2/3 of the minimum wage.
      It was terribly hard to see, but this is the reality for most people here in what is by far the most expensive housing market in the world relative to local income.
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    • Dia 2

      Hot beer Pot

      5 de fevereiro, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Eine Baaaananaa (shout out to the Minions 💛) empfängt uns im Airbnb.🍌
      Hot Pot mit Fleisch 😉 und ein paar Bier zum Tagesabschluss - besser geht es nicht.
      Titel ©️ Matthaias

      Let’s call it a day. 😉

    • Dia 6

      Der Blumenwahn

      9 de fevereiro, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Am Nachmittag machen wir uns auf den Weg in den Norden um zum Künstlerkollektiv vorbeizuschauen und einen Tee zu trinken.
      Auf dem Weg passieren wir zwei von den Blumenmärkten und werden von der Masse kaufwütiger Hongkongnesen wie ein Strudel mitgezogen. Auch eine Erfahrung ^^
      Weiter im Norden wird es ruhiger, wir bekommen einen sehr leckeren Tee mit einem nach nichts schmeckenden Gelee (don’t try it — lohnt sich nicht😅) bevor es dann Richtung Wasser und zurück nach Mong Kok geht.
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    • Dia 6

      Happy 🐑 🍲

      9 de fevereiro, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Das Happy Lamb Hot Pot wartet mit fantastischen Brühen, einem kalten Bier Tower und sehr leckeren Fleisch auf uns. So lässt sich der Abend ausklingen. So langsam steigt die Vorfreude auf die Parade und das Feuerwerk und auf dem Heimweg kommen wir am Klamottenladen der Happy Bunnies vorbei ;)
      Good night 🌙
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    • Dia 65


      24 de outubro de 2016, Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Unser Aufenthalt in Hongkong begann etwas unglücklich - wegen Lukas Gesundheit und dem Taifun! ⛈😷
      Glücklicherweise hat sich der Sturm verzogen, genauso wie Lukas Unwohlsein. 🙏🏻😊
      Trotz der verkürzten Zeit konnten wir Hongkong geniessen. Es ist eine pulsierende und sehr grüne Stadt. Man merkt, dass sich die "Hongkonger" als Einwohner Hongkongs und nicht Chinas fühlen. 🇭🇰 🇨🇳
      Die Stadt ist sehr westlich eingestellt und die Verständigung mit Englisch ist sehr einfach.
      Deshalb gab es hier im Gegensatz zum Festland Chinas sehr viele nichtasiatische Touristen.
      Der Aufstieg zum "Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastary" wird begleitet von vielen unterschiedlichen Buddha-Statuen.
      Wir besuchten diese schöne Anlage, da wir uns am Wochenende nicht in die lange Warteschlange zum Big Buddha quetschen wollten.
      Der Ausblick vom Victoria-Peak auf Hongkong war einmalig, sowohl am Tag, wie auch in der Nacht. 🌇🏙🌃
      Gestern flogen wir mit Hongkong Airlines bis nach Hanoi und absolvierten eine weitere Visa-Tortur 😄✈️ 🇻🇳
      Am Abend wurden wir freundlichst im Hanoi Pho Hostel empfangen.
      Nun sind wir schon zwei Monate unterwegs und haben schon so viele tolle Dinge zusammen erleben dürfen! 💕

      Kleine Zwischenbilanz unserer Reise:
      * zirka 6421km mit unserem Olaf 🚐
      * zirka 618km mit Bus/Taxi 🚍
      * zirka 1480km mit dem Schiff 🚢
      * zirka 12'613km mit dem Zug 🚂
      * zirka 900km mit dem Flugzeug ✈️
      * zirka 510km zu Fuss 🏃🏼 Ungefähr die Strecke vom Mailänder Dom nach Visp und dann weiter bis zum Europapark in Rust. 🎢
      * zirka 756'222 Schritte 👣

      weitere Verkehrsmittel:
      (ohne km-Zähler)
      * Metro 🚋
      * Velo 🚲
      * Bambusboot ⛵️
      * Sightseeing Boat ⛵️
      * Tram 🚊
      * Seilbahn 🚡
      * Standseilbahn
      * Rolltreppe, Lift
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Kowloon, 九龍, 주룽, Kaulunas, Koulun, Цзюлун

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