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    • Hari 11


      13 Disember 2023, Hungary ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      What seemed to be a pointless way to spend 5 hours. We saw some old buildings. Bought umbrellas. Went on yeti hunt. Ate yummy pizza and huge donuts.
      Now heading to Budapest then Vienna tomorrow. Interesting to think this time next week we will be home.Baca lagi

    • Hari 51

      Leaving Pecs - Zagreb Day 1

      31 Oktober 2023, Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We did a visit to the Mosque Church or Mosque of Pasha Gazi Kassim or The Church of the Purification of the Virgin Mary, and the Csontvàry Museum as our train to Zagreb is not leaving till 1619h.
      Took a long time to have a slow lunch at King Matthias Restaurant and then coffee so that we could make use of the time waiting for the train to Zagreb.
      Arriving in Zagreb at 2210h with 1 train change. It turns out that there were 2 train changes as they may have amalgamated 2 trains as there weren't enough passengers on our express train. We did not get to Zagreb till 2240h.
      I then made the huge mistake of getting into a taxi that was outside the train station when we were forwarned to only get Uber ones as the fares are fixed. As we were already in the taxi and our suitcases were in the boot, he tells us the meter was on his phone when asked where the meter was. He then wanted to charge us 40€ when the Uber was only going to be 4.76€ for a 2.5 km ride. I paid him 5€ and told him I wasn't going to pay anymore. He then proceeded to hurl abuse at us, took the 5€ and tore it up. He then got into his car and continued to hassle us moving his car forward and back yelling at us whilst we are trying to get into the apartment. Most dreadful experience.

      Distance walked 10.2km
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    • Hari 50

      Pecs Day 3

      30 Oktober 2023, Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We had a strange moment yesterday when Ruby's watch showed an hour later than mine. Hers showed 2pm when mine showed only 1pm. After checking our mobile phones, we moved her watch back an hour. This morning, we got a message from Kai at 8.10am who was already at the shops. It should be 2.10pm in Perth, so why wasn't she at school? More confusion ensued when she told us she left school shortly after the bell went. Very confused, we even asked a shop lady what the time was. She told us it was 8.10am. Perth is supposed to be only 6 hours ahead. Why are they now 7 hours ahead. How did we gain an hour? We had a Twilight Zone moment before we realised that it must be end of daylight saving. Checked google. Indeed end of daylight saving was yesterday, and we never knew. Mobile phones and Garmin watches update their time accordingly. I don't understand daylight saving. Why do they want more daylight in summer which already has so much daylight? Now it's dark at 5.20pm instead of 6.20pm. Isn't it more logical to save the daylight for winter which has less daylight?

      We decided to go to the Harkany Thermal Baths about 30km from Pecs.
      We managed to get the connecting buses with time to slip in a Langos and coffee for breakfast. The only hiccup was that I was supposed to get a 24hr Pecs bus ticket to use for the day but neither the bus driver nor the information at the bus station could help. Also the bus driver refused to wait for us to get off the bus at our stop because we were too slow letting an elderly lady to alight first. So we had to get it at the next stop and walk back. Old lady very quickly vanished into a side s street. Fortunately we saw an elderly couple carrying a large bag each and a swimming float. We asked if they were going to Harkany Furdo, they gestured for us to follow them and showed us a shorter way to the bath.

      The bath was so much better than Gellert Baths in Budapest. There seem to only be locals at this bath, there were less people in the baths and the bath was on a sprawling flat complex without any rabbit warrens.

      Now happily relaxed and destressed, we are back at the accommodation for a quiet evening.
      I've also added some quirky Pecs photos.

      Distance walked 4.8km
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    • Hari 25

      Vom Plattensee nach Pécs

      20 Oktober 2019, Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück fuhren wir zu einem Strand, den wir beim herumfahren schon entdeckt hatten und Maurice wagte hier ein Bad im See. Da es wirklich windig war, war generell draussen sitzen nicht so angenehm und wir blieben nicht all zu lange.

      Weiter Richtung Pécs, was wir gegen Abend erst erreichten. Die Fahrt in der Stadt dann stellte sich als spannend heraus, da es steil bergauf ging durch sehr enge Strassen. Wir erreichten schließlich Tettye, ein Teil von Pécs bestehend aus einem grossen Park, botanischen Garten und alter Burgruine. Hier wurde früher Kalkstein abgebaut und heute ist es ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel für alle Bewohner. Bei dem Ausblick verständlich. Wir genossen den Sonnenuntergang mit wunderbarem Blick über die Stadt und verbrachten letztendlich die Nacht auf einem Parkplatz am Eingang des botanischen Gartens. Dass die Zufahrt etwas versteckt war, machte es etwas angenehmer, ein Hund in nächster Nachbarschaft machte die Nacht mit seinem Bellen allerdings doch eher unruhig, auch weil wir nicht wussten, was der Grund für sein stundenlanges Bellen war. Vermutlich auch deswegen erledigt, wachten wir am Morgen auf einem völlig überfüllten Parkplatz auf. Gestört hat sich an uns allerdings niemand ;).
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    • Hari 7

      Pecs eine Perle Ungarns

      7 Ogos 2022, Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nahe der kroatischen Grenze liegt diese wunderschöne Stadt.
      Angeschmiegt an die Berge.
      Schon sehr früh besiedelt, waren irgendwann auch die Römer hier. Schließlich auch die Christen und dann die Mauren und wieder die Christen.
      Wechselhafte Geschichte, welche sich in der Architektur widerspiegelt

      Lebendige Universitätsstadt und ein großartiger Ausgangspunkt für Wanderungen.
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    • Hari 8

      Blaulicht und Musik in Pecs

      28 Ogos 2019, Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Pecs empfängt uns mit Blaulicht und Musik. Auf der Herfahrt mit dem Abschlepper vorbei an einem schweren Unfall - die Kameraden der Feuerwehr noch bei der Bergung der Verunfallten... Jetzt hier im Zentrum von Pecs fröhliche Musik und freudiger Tanz auf dem zentralen Platz der Stadt. *Karl* ist bei Volvo, morgen wissen wir mehr...Baca lagi

    • Hari 3

      📍 GIORNO 2: Pécs

      21 Oktober 2022, Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Alla stazione Keleti di Budapest inizia il viaggio itinerante alla scoperta delle città ungheresi.
      Pécs dista circa 3h in treno da Budapest, anche se è possibile visitarla in giornata dalla capitale, è però consigliabile fermarsi una notte.
      Tre sono le attrazioni più importanti: la chiesa situata all'interno di un'ex moschea, la cattedrale e gli affreschi paleocristiani (patrimonio Unesco).
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    • Hari 48

      Pecs Day 1

      28 Oktober 2023, Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We did not have to leave Budapest till 11am so we had a visit to the Hunyadi Square Saturday Food Markets. We noticed that mostly locals go there to do their shopping. We bought some sausages, a paprika pork belly slice, some veggies, all with the intention to make stew in Pecs. As we still had time, we returned to Aran bakery to buy a chocolate croissant for our train journey incase there was another delay and an almond croissant and a savoury Danish for our breakfast.
      The train journey went without a hitch, the chocolate croissant was a good snack anyway as we did not have lunch.
      Pecs accommodation is spacious, with the most comfortable bed so far and best of all, no keys. You enter and exit using numbers on an electronic keypad locking system for the big doors out the front and combination locks on the doors leading into the rooms. Most fascinating and very practical.
      After unpacking, we were now famished and headed to a Persian restaurant in the town centre. Very well priced and delicious dinner of kebabs, butter fried chicken and rice, washed down with aromatic Persian tea.
      The owner of the restaurant then proceeded to be our tour guide telling us the highlights of Pecs when he learnt that we were from Australia and had just arrived in Pecs that very day.

      The walk back to the apartment after dinner was lovely gazing at the aspect of a full moon night against the cathedral spire.

      Distance walked 5.1 km
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    • Hari 49

      Pécs Day 2

      29 Oktober 2023, Hungary ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      A local food and flea market is always too interesting to ignore, even if it involved navigating public bus on a Sunday in Pécs. On the way to our bus stop which was 1.8km from accommodation, we passed a bus stop with lots of people carrying empty shopping baskets. Then a bus pulled up and they all boarded. Thinking they must be going to the market we want to get to, we too boarded and asked the bus driver if he went to the market. Bus driver asked, "Plaza?". I remembered that one of the websites or blogs said something about the market being in a something that resembled the word plaza. So we nodded, and boarded. Following the bus route on our google map was very thrilling. The bus headed towards the market (yes!) Then the bus turned and is now moving away from the market (oh dear!) Now it's heading towards the market again (Yes!) This suspense was exacerbated by the people with shopping baskets getting off at different stops far away from the market.
      Anyway, we did finally get to the open air market, and it was thronging with people. We entered at the flea market area and saw how big it was. Probably about 150m each row, and there were many many rows. Huge! We walked through looking for the fruit and vegetables section and somehow found what looked like an open air food court. Stalls of sausages, pickles, skewers of meats, etc. We started with a sausage stuffed into a toasted hollowed bread roll. Interestingly, the lady toasts the bread only when you place your order. Then she squeezes the sauce you've picked (tomato, mustard, mayonnaise or chilli) into the hollow, then stuffs the sausage into the sauce. One by one. The queue was building up behind us, but there was no hurry. She could have easily toasted 4-6 rolls at a time but she did it one order at a time. Our order was only for one roll. We then had a rice dish with some pork shin through it and another large piece of meat with some cucumber pickle on the side. We were too full for anything else so we took away a large skewer of a variety of sausages and more pickles. We were as interested watching the locals as the locals were watching us. They were all too happy to tell us about the various dishes and how to order. Everyone waited patiently in line, and the stall holders attended to our gestures and pointing whilst the locals helped interprete. It was a delightful local experience. We witnessed a dispute between stall holders which we think was about territory as one stall holder was encroaching into her neighbour's. Although that was done loudly with lots of waving of hands and frowning, the participants ended up smiling and laughing.
      The afternoon was much more subdued with a walk around the historic area of Pécs looking at the cathedral, the mosque-church and the synagogue. Only the cathedral was opened as it was Sunday afternoon, and everything else was shut.
      We ended the afternoon with a towering coffee and chocolate ice cream sundae.
      As it is getting cold, we requested for the host to turn on the heaters. The host and his wife came to our apartment and not only turned on the heater but stayed an hour chatting with us and taking us upstairs to show us the other apartments that they rent out as Airbnb too.

      Distance walked 7.9km.
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    • Hari 9

      Est-il possible d'autant transpirer ?

      19 Jun 2021, Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Après la soirée de la veille, réveil tardif pour Laura et Tamas... Perso la chaleur me fait vraiment mal dormir (oui je suis vraiment à cœur ouvert dans ce journal)

      Café, douche, ... On démarre vers 12h pour aller dans le centre de Pécs pour boire un café dans l'un des cafés préférés de Tamas à Pécs (petit latte au lait d'amande pour moi) : Café Frei.
      C'est une chaîne de café hongroise réunissant un grand nombre de cafés du monde, ainsi que des spécialités au café par région du monde.

      Après un rapide café, on part visiter la mosquée sur la grande place de la ville.... À l'origine, c'était une église que les Turcs qui ont envahi la ville ont transformé en mosquée. Les Frères Cisterciens l'ont Re-transformé en église. Du coup, fait drôle : il y a une croix sur le croissant au sommet de la mosquée-église...

      On quitte la mosquée pour les ruines de l'université du Moyen Âge, entre dix-huit pauses pour boire (DE L'EAU CETTE FOIS-CI) et se jeter de l'eau dessus via les multiples fontaines de la ville, on décide de rejoindre un bar pour suivre France-Hongrie !
      Pour me fondre dans la masse, je m'étais acheté un tee-shirt Hongrie Euro 2020 (ceux qui suivent le savent déjà)...

      Bon, un peu le seum et triste de ce match, mais c'était quand même bien sympa à suivre dans un magnifique bar panoramique sur la ville, juste eu un peu peur au moment du but français pour cacher notre joie ptdr.

      Retour à la maison, pour manger un peu et reprendre la route direction le haut de Pécs, Tettye.

      On commence une grimpade d'une des montagnes qui côtoient la ville, avec à la clé, une vue panoramique et magnifique !
      Après une petite dizaine de piqûre de moustiques, de pauses eau, de pause respiration, on commence la redescente en passant par une petite église...

      Retour à la maison, douche, appel avec Camille, dodo...
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    Anda mungkin mengenali tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Pécs, Pecs, Fünfkirchen, بيتش, Горад Печ, Печ, Pečuh, Πετς, پچ, פץ, Cinquechiese, ペーチ, პეჩი, 페치, Sopianae, Pėčas, Pēča, पेच, Pecz, پیچ, Pech, Päťkostolie, Pečuj, Peč, פעטש, 佩奇

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