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    • Day 660


      December 24, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Frühmorgens rannten wir über eine sehr grosse, befahrene Kreuzung, da wir unseren Bus einfach nicht finden konnten. Ein Tuktuk-Fahrer hat uns weitergeholfen und so schafften wir es äusserst knapp auf den Bus. Unsere Onlinetickets müssen wir übrigens als einzige nie vorweisen. 😅
      Nach fünf Stunden erreichten wir die Millionenstadt Ahmedabad, ausgesprochen «Mmdbüd». Diese Stadt stand eigentlich nicht auf unserer To-Do-Liste, erwies sich aber als praktischen Zwischenstop, um weiter in den Süden zu reisen.
      Weil Weihnachten war, gönnten wir uns ein verhältnismässig teureres Hotel. Wir warteten in der eleganten Lobby und fühlten uns mit den Rucksäcken etwas fehl am Platz.
      Auf das Zimmer mussten wir lange warten, erhielten dann aber ein Upgrade auf die Juniorsuite. Das Zimmer zeigten uns vier Inder in Anzügen, was ziemlich lustig war und unser Unbehagen noch ein wenig steigerte.
      Zwei von den vier, hatten noch unsere verschwitzten Rucksäcke geschultert, auf keinen Fall durften wir die selbst tragen.😅
      Wir verbrachten die Weihnachtstage in dem Gewusel der Strassen, sahen uns auf dem grossen Markt um, drehten einige Runde durch ein Shoppingcenter.
      Zum Frühstück gab es ein grosses Buffet mit traditionellen indischen Gerichten aber auch mit Früchten, Toast und Müsli.
      So schlugen wir uns die Bäuche voll damit wir kein Mittagessen mehr benötigten. Heiligabend suchten wir ein Restaurant auf, welches Thali à la discretion servierte. Ungefähr sieben Kellner haben uns bedient, welche immer wieder vorbei gekommen sind und die kleinen Schälchen füllten oder heisses Fladenbrot in unser Blechteller legten.
      Völlig überessen, verliessen wir mit dem Bauch in den Händen das Restaurant.
      Die Weihnachtstage verbrachten wir übrigens auf dem Trockenen, da im Bundesstaat Gujarat Alkohol verboten ist.
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    • Day 26–27


      February 29 in India ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      After a fairly good night sleep on the overnight bus, with our own comfy bed. We arrived into Ahamedaba at 8am and quickly made our way to our hotel. We managed to secure an early check in and also an extra breakfast for that morning and thank goodness we did because this hotel is beautiful! It's a renovated historic building that has 3/4 suites and the same number of beautiful hallways and galleries, including courtyards and roof terraces. We figured after a potentially uncomfortable bus ride we needed one night of luxury before heading on to Jaisalmer.

      We caught up on sleep and pottered about until the afternoon. Then we heading into town to see the toilet museum which included a toilet garden displaying lots of different types of toilets (not functional). We then headed to the Sabarmati Ashram where Mahatma Gandhi lived from 1917–1930. It was a lovely serene place where we learnt a lot about Gandhi and spoke to a lovely guy who wanted to practise his English with us.

      We then walked along the riverfront and headed to a popup veggie burger place before getting a taxi to a famous Jainist temple. It was beautiful and had lots of happy pigeons, crows and chipmunks running around, which was proof that their practice of non violence against all things works in harmony with nature. We then headed back to our hotel in the old city for a rest.

      We've developed a small flu/soar throats, which may be COVID from the people coughing with masks on one of our train journeys. So we only ventured out briefly that evening for some fruit juice, which we were craving, from the oldest fruit vendor in the city, and then came back for bed.
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    • Day 4

      Wedding day prep....Part 2

      February 1 in India ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      The groom fasts and five sisters feed the groom to break the fast. The food presented is the groom's only food until the wedding ceremony, where his wife will feed him.

      Tomas and I had Henna done last night.Read more

    • Day 4

      The wedding

      February 1 in India ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      So blessed to be a part of such a memorable moment and welcomed like family.

      The oufits were amazing, such vibrant colours and patterns.

      Culturally a very different experience to Western weddings, and it was an experience I'll never forget.Read more

    • Day 4

      Wedding day prep Part 1

      February 1 in India ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The Haldi ceremony is a prewedding ritual during which the bride and groom are smeared with turmeric paste, both for good luck and to brighten, lighten, and even out skin tone. Turmeric's bright yellow colour is highly auspicious. The bride and groom are blessed with prosperity thanks to the good fortune.

      We were so blessed and humbled to be a part of this ceremony, I was also included with the woman in the initial wedding day ceremony where the woman danced in the street and the 5 sisters painted 5 red dots on a pot, which I believe invites welcome good fortune and positive energy to the bride and the marriage.
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    • Day 8

      Sidi Bashir Masjid -The Shaking Minarets

      October 4, 2019 in India ⋅ 33 °C

      位于艾哈迈达巴德火车站和萨伦布尔门(Sarangpur Gate)之间,巴希尔清真寺建于1452年,最著名的是其两座21.3米高的“摇塔”(jhulta minara),摇塔能够晃动的设计是为了抵御地震。底座附近精美的石构件尤其精美。

      在Sidi Saiyyed Mosque 对面的Agashiye吃了一顿相当高档的塔利。

    • Day 185

      We're in India

      March 1, 2019 in India ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Hello everyone! We have just arrived from a squished 5hour plane ride from Thailand to India! First we had to take a plane from Krabi to Bangkok which took 1 hour. Next we took an hour long shuttle bus to another Bangkok airport that was at least 5 times as big as the first Bangkok airport. We had a very expensive dinner in the food court and went to a magic food court where we got amazing smoothies! Their was a huge lineup for checking in and most of them didn’t care whether or not you were in line or not and decided they wanted to be at the front of the line instead of the back. After about an hour of waiting in line we somehow managed to get to the front and check in. Even though we had 6 hours between the two flights, we were super rushed... Especially when we saw how big the passport control line was! By the time we were finished there, our gate was almost ready to board. We rushed around a lot but we got on the plane safe and sound. We took off at 2:30 in the morning and landed at 5 o’clock local time. Unfortunately, no one had any rupee (Indian currency) and we didn’t have a SIM card for the phone!Read more

    • Day 12

      Gandhi Ashram und Nachtzug

      September 8, 2023 in India ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

      Nun war es Zeit Udaipur nach drei Nächten zu verlassen. Mit einem privaten Bus gings los nach Ahmedabad welches wir nach circa 5 Stunden erreichten. Dort befindet sich das Sabarmati Ashram. In diesem verbrachte Mahatma Gandhi 12 Jahre seines Leben. Gandhi, der Mann mit dem Stock und der runden Brille, wurde in eine hinduistische Familie geboren und hat eine Anwaltsausbildung in London absolviert. Anschliessend zog er nach Südafrika um einen indischen Kaufmann in einem Rechtsstreit zu unterstützen. Dort setzte er sich erstmals mit gewaltfreiem Widerstand für Bürgerrechte ein. 20 Jahre später kehrte er nach Indien zurück und leitete landesweite Kampagnen zur Linderung der Armut, zur Ausweitung der Frauenrechte, zur Beendigung der Unberührbarkeit und zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens. Die Ausstellung im Ashram erzählte seine Geschichte und zeigte viele Bilder.
      Da es mal wieder extrem heiss war, waren wir froh, dass der nächste Stop eine klimatisierte Mall war. Diese lag auf dem Weg zum Bahnhof und da liessen sich ganz gut zwei Stunden vertreiben mit essen bei Taco Bells und Kinder beobachten die zum ersten Mal Rolltreppe fuhren. Ausserdem wurden wir mal wieder gefühlt 1000x heimlich oder auch offensichtlich fotografiert und gefilmt.
      Abends um 8 Uhr hatten wir dann unser Abteil im klimatisierten Nachtzug nach Mumbai bezogen. Nach einigen Runden Kartenspielen versuchten wir zu schlafen was aber nur mässig erfolgreich war.
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    • Day 7

      The Adalaj Stepwell

      October 3, 2019 in India ⋅ 30 °C

      The Adalaj Stepwell。位于艾哈迈达巴德以北19公里处,是古吉拉特邦最棒的楼梯井之一。此井由鲁达拜皇后(Queen Rudabai)兴建于1499年,有3个入口通向上面的一片巨大平台,高台有16根柱子支撑,边角位置上有神龛。井呈八边形,深5层,上面装饰着精细的石雕,既有高度色情的主题,又有较为寻常的形象。

    • Day 20

      Ahmedabad, India

      January 12, 2017 in India ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      After being forewarned by Rupal and her family how different India is compared to the US, I was still somewhat surprised by how different it really is from anywhere I've traveled. Besides the Gandhi Ashram which was impactful and well done, Gujarat's largest city is not on the typical India tour route so it was an authentic experience in a busy Indian city where I stood out quite a bit more than at typical tourist destinations. Some of the unique experiences that I really enjoyed were a moped ride to the city center, a rickshaw ride weaving through traffic, the kite festival called Uttrayan with every rooftop in the city filled with people flying and cutting kites, and getting to meet and spend time with family members, some of which I hadn't met before.

      Certainly a memorable week! I caught myself staring at the camels, monkeys, peacocks, and elephants on the busy streets and even caught plenty of locals staring at me - an interesting glimpse into quite a different world.

      Thank you to all the family and friends that I was able to meet during my visit. Everyone was very welcoming and I even picked up a few Gujarati words along the way! Special thanks to Sanjay Mama and Darshana Mami for hosting us and helping plan our tour through India!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kheda, KHE, Кхеда, Districte de Kheda, Distrito de Kheda, Khedan piirikunta, District de Kheda, ખેડા જિલ્લો, खेड़ा जिला, Distretto di Kheda, खेडा जिल्हा, खेडा जिल्ला, ଖେଡ଼ା ଜିଲ୍ଲା, ضلع کھیڈا, खेडामण्डलम्, கேதா மாவட்டம், ఖేడా, 科达县

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