Gresik Regency

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    • Päivä 52


      27. lokakuuta 2023, Indonesia ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Hüt isch wieder mol Reisetag gsi. Mir sind hüt vo Medan uf Surabaya gfloge, eigentli wärs en Direktflug gsi. Aber am Flughafe hend mir gmerkt üse Flug isch gar nöd uf de Azeig. Und do hend mir usegfunde, dass mir zerst uf Batam flüget und döt lüt usstiiget bevors denn mitm gliche Flüüger wiitergoht. Surabaya isch nur en chline Zwüschehalt bevors den wiitergoht. Für de hütig Znacht hend mir üs siit langem wieder mol für Sushi entschiide.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 29

      Shark crocodile

      29. marraskuuta 2023, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 91 °F

      Today we visited Surabaya. The city gets its name from Javanese words for “shark” (sura) and “crocodile (baya.)

      According to legend, the two were apex predator besties, but after quarreling over food, they decided to divide their domains: the shark got the ocean and the croc was supposed to stay on land.

      This is why visitors to Surabaya will notice shark and crocodile themed murals, signs, and manhole covers all over town.

      I didn’t realize Indonesia was home to crocodiles, but the country falls on the western side of the infamous Wallace Line, which is an imaginary border used to mark the difference in species between Australia and Papua New Guinea and Southeast Asia.

      Ever wondered why so many animals in Australia are venomous, for instance, while New Zealand has none? The Wallace Line runs between them.

      Indonesia’s saltwater crocodiles were driven close to extinction by the mid-20th century, but they are making a comeback.

      As part of our taxi tour today, we visited Surabaya’s monument to Indonesian independence, which they gained on November 10, 1945.
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    • Päivä 46

      Labuan Bajo -> Surabaya

      7. helmikuuta 2020, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Time to leave Flores after 2 weeks. Hidde and I are both heading to Java and to mt Bromo so we’ve decided to do that together before going our separate ways! So our flight was at 14.30, so just had a slow before heading to the airport. We’ve had pretty amazing weather here given it’s rainy season but it actually was raining by the time we go to the airport which was a sure sign it was time to leave.

      They announced the flight was going to be delayed due to the weather but actually we took off only 10 mins late so we landed on time in Surabaya. Took a grab ( the Asian version of Uber) to the hostel. Quite a shock to be in a big city again (it’s the 2nd biggest in Indonesia after Jakarta) and not a particularly pretty city (as these big Asian cities often aren’t). A lot of traffic.

      It’s not a particularly big place for backpackers- most people just pass through on their way to or f Mt Bromo so our hostel was ok but nothing special. The owner gave us some options on Bromo so we headed out to the nearby mall to browse and think about what to do. I needed to replace a lost pair of sunglasses and watch which i managed to do successfully in H&M and a Casio shop (£5 each ✅). We decided in the end to do Bromo without a tour as it’s loads cheaper and just to get a Grab for the 3 hours to Ceromo Lawang and then walk ourselves. So nothing to book so just went for dinner nearby (in the pouring rain) and then had an early night after chatting to some of the other people in the hostel.
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    • Päivä 9

      U Boot Museum

      22. toukokuuta, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Wir hätten nicht gedacht, in der Innenstadt ein U-Boot von 1952 vorzufinden. Man kann sich die Küche, Funkraum, Torpedokammern, Schlafbritschen Maschinenraum ansehen. Die Besatzung sind 14 Personen.
      Es ist sehr beeindruckend dieser ' eiserne Sarg'. Man bekommt das Gefühl der Enge zu spüren.

      Und wir blonden Frauen wurden wieder fotografiert.💛
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    • Päivä 72

      Surabaya und der Bromo Vulkan

      30. toukokuuta 2023, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      … unsere nächste Station, gut angekommen nach entspannter Bahnfahrt, flugs in die Unterkunft bevor wir heute Nacht abgeholt werden, um den Sonnenaufgang auf dem Vulkan Bromo zu erleben. Hauptsache das Wetter spielt mit …Lue lisää

    • Päivä 9

      Yogyakarta naar Bromo (Cemorolawang)

      1. elokuuta 2023, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Vandaag hebben we een reisdag: eerst met de trein naar Mojokerto. Daar wacht onze chauffeur (die al vooruit is gereden!) ons op om ons verder naar de Bromo te brengen. Ons hotel, Lava View, ligt bij de buitenste kraterrand waar de vulkaan Bromo in ligt.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 9

      Goodbye Java - Selamat datang Flores

      13. syyskuuta 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Auf der Fahrt zum Flughafen wurde mir noch einmal bewußt wie modern Surabaya ist.
      Jetzt in Labuan Bajo genieße ich den Blick vom Pool. Die Schiffe im Hafen schaukeln gemütlich vor einem - wieder einmal - schönen Sonnenuntergang. Dazu ein kaltes Bier. Urlaub 😁Lue lisää

    • Päivä 34

      Yogyakarta to Bali

      21. joulukuuta 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      I'm having a lazy day today. Well, I'm supposed to be on holiday - and retired.
      So, I did nothing much except eat, drink lots, and sitting down to watch the world go by, Yogya-style.
      This was a slightly risky strategy. Mainly, it seems, today was about talking to Indonesians until it was time to check in at the railway station for my train to Bali. Amongst other things, the photos show me being being accosted by Indonesian university students around town doing an assignment - a kind of interview/survey on what foreign travellers think of their city/country. Well, I had to help out the local university system.
      There's another photo with a young chap in glasses. He's a philosophy graduate, so we had a good natter about European philosophy, Asian philosophy, and whether Buddhism is a religion or a branch of philosophy. I kid you not. This was how I spent a good hour before finding dinner and moving out of my hotel.
      The train was an overnight one again (1 per day) so, predictably, I didn't sleep. (Why don't these people appear to realise it's the middle of night with their loud, inane chatter and playing on their phones?
      The latter shots are of the end tip of Java at Ketapang, and first sight of the island of Bali.
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    • Päivä 34

      Aaaaahh.... Bali

      21. joulukuuta 2022, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      It. seems that after arriving anywhere, my first problem to be solved is to work out how I get from the god-forsaken place I've been dropped at, to where I really need to be.
      Finally, after finding the bus to take me from the ferry port at Gilimanuk to the main city of Denpasar, we sat and waited for 1 1/2 hours while a few more passengers got on. In my grumpy foreign touristy way, I quibbled about the £4.50 bus fare. I shouldn't have, of course. The bus took 3 hours to get across and down the island, through endless traffic jams, to one of the 3/4 bus terminuses (termini?) there are in Denpasar. From there I had to grab one of the brightly painted but knackered old bus-taxis they call a 'bemo' to get me to my hotel.
      If I discount the steps up to the reception, this place is actually a lot better than some of the doss-houses I've had so far. The Sunshot Hotel in Semenyak, Bali will be home for 5 nights. Lots of Brit visitors, a pleasant manager, and dinner at 7pm thrown in; bargain.
      Aaaaahh.... Bali.
      They say it's become overcrowded, over-touristic, got too busy and a bit shabby. Yeah, of course, they're right. But its Bali.
      When I nipped down to the beach, the clouds were already forming. The sand is more of a grey colour than white, but the waves are great. Swimming might be a tricky prospect. I'll find out tomorrow.
      My main task today is to research a trip to Gili Air island on Lombok to go scuba diving. If it all works out, I think I've snaffled a good deal from one of the tour organisers - more later.
      And then the mother of all rain storms started. Shopkeepers hurriedly brought in the perishable good, tourists and travellers hid under awnings, and I cleaned the sand from my flip-flops.
      Dinner in the hotel was actually okay, for free. I chatted with some of the other guests and played cards with a couple.
      Tired but pretty happy overall.
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    • Päivä 114–115


      15. marraskuuta 2023, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      This is Java's 2nd biggest city and 2nd biggest metropolitan area in all of Indonesia.
      Would have liked to dive in more, but even on a long-term trip, you can't see everything 😅. So one night, waiting for my scooter, had to be enough.
      Didn't arrive at the central station but at Pasar Turi Station, which seemed to me more focused on cargo. Strolling around the station's area was nice, a lot of furniture is sold here, but even if I was there during early afternoon (many shops closed at that time, like the Indo version of "Siesta"), I found some fascinating stores here.
      Tugu Pahlawan, the monument of the heros, was around the corner. Unfortunately there was built up an event according to FIFA's U17 Worldcup, actually taking place in Indonesia, so no entering was possible. 😐
      Met a dog, taking out it's master for a walk (yes, it was that way 😅), on the streets who supposed to be a police K-9 dog and was looking like the father of my mom's dog. A very young and so friendly policeman and dog trainer, Indonesians are all so welcoming, friendly and curious, it's just amazing.
      Nice little alleys, again, a beautiful river promenade, full of artworks and decorations, which seems to be full of life during the evenings.
      All in all a short, but very nice, stopover in another Indonesian metropol.
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