Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    • Tag 3

      Culture performance @ Saung Angklung Udj

      31. August 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      This afternoon we went to a cultural performance at Saung Angklung Udjo- it was held at one of the last schools that still teach traditional Indonesian instruments, and we as the audience learnt how to play an Angklung, a type of bamboo instrument we wobble to make the note! They even did a sample of an Indonesian epic puppet show (the full epic normally lasts sometimes day!) amazing.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 90

      Jakarta -> Bandung

      12. Februar 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      10 a.m. - After we got ready for check out we went to the old town to check out the old buildings for the dutch colonialism. On our way to the old town we passed by a shop which sold exotic animals, monkeys, birds etc. The were all in to small cages and definitely not kept in a species-appropriate manner. In the old town we found the café Bativa where we got some breakfast. It was in an old building and the interior gave me the vibe of the colonial time. We had a great view on a square and the museum’s there but it was quite expensive for what you got. After breakfast we wanted to continue our exploring but we got stopped from all the school classes there. They got the assignment to talk to us to improve their english and we had to take a lot of photos and signatures again. Even more than the day before. At some point it got a little bit much and we had to catch a train anyways so we had a good excuse.

      12:15 p.m. - We got a cab to the Gambir train station.

      1:15 p.m. - The train departure to Bandung. It was my first train while traveling and the experience was great. The seats weren’t as comfortable as the ones in the bus but we drove through a beautiful scenery. A scenery of local villages in the nature, gorgeous rice fields, other farms etc.

      5 p.m. - We arrived in Bandung, cab to hostel and met some people we know from Jakarta. Furthermore we did some research of what we want to do and booked a tour for the next day.

      6:30 p.m. - Later we went to a food market close to our accommodation. Unfortunately the had more or less just DimSum and a lot of sneaker stores which sold faked hypebeast sneakers. The food we got there was not the best but better than nothing. The rest of the evening was chilled with the other guys from the hostel.

      P.S.: The traffic in Jakarta is horrible.

    • Tag 37

      Schulreise nach Bandung

      9. Oktober 2018 in Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Nach den gemütlichsten Tagen seit Beginn dieser Reise führte unsere Route heute weg von Pangandaran. Etwas vermissen werden wir den ruhigen Strand und die gemütliche Atmospähre sicher, aber mal wieder lebendige Städte und Urwälder werden schon eine tolle Abwechslung - Affen versteckt eure Bananen, denn Sumatra wir kommen.

      Aber zuerst fahren wir mal wieder Bus, also eigentlich warten wir darauf, dass er kommt. Wegen der unsicheren Abfahrtszeit entschlossen wir uns um 8.00 am Busterminal zu erscheinen. Dort erfuhren wir, dass der Bus nach Bandung um 9.00 fährt. Egal lieber eine Stunde zu früh, als 10min zu spät.

      Wir setzen uns hin und verwickeln uns mit einem lokalen Unternehmer (seine eigene Bezeichnung) ins Gespräch. Wir erfahren viel Interessantes über das Leben in Indonesien. Er erzählt uns wie hart er sein Leben gesehen hat, bevor er 5 Jahre zur See fuhr und Haiti, Kolumbien, Bulgarien und vieles mehr sah. Danach fand er noch immer, das Leben in Indoniesien ist sicher nicht leicht, aber es könnte deutlich schlimmer sein. Spannend war auch sein Unglaube darüber, dass es in der Schweiz ebenfalls Bettler und Obdachlose geben soll.
      So im Gespräch verging die Wartezeit schnell und schon stand unser Bus da.

      Leider erwischten wir wieder einen ohne Klimaanlage 😅 (immerhin 10'000 IDR gespart 😝). Also bereiteten wir uns auf 6 Stunden schweisstreibende Schüttelpartie vor. Nach circa 3 Stunden stoppte der Bus und alle Passagiere stiegen gemütlich aus. Wir fragten uns was nun los sei und verliesen den Bus ebenfalls (ohne Gepäck wie alle anderen auch). Als wir sahen was los war, blieben uns kurz die Worte weg. Wir standen vor einer Raststätte: mit Warung, Kiosk, Toilette und allem was dazugehört - Mittagspause war angesagt, weiterfahrt in 30min. Annatina fühlte sich sofort an Schulreisen und Ausflügen mit den LBF erinnert. Bevor es weiterging wurde vom Kontrolleur sogar brav durchgezählt ob alle wieder da sind 😁.

      Wir schaukelten weiter und kamen schliesslich am Rande von Bandung an. Hier ging es hinten auf einem Grab-Bike die letzten 15min zur Unterkunft. Als wir ankamen waren wit uns einig: die Beschleunigung auf gefühlt 70 kmh, während einer Aufwärtspassage inklusive Bodenwellen, mit einem 14kg bzw 12kg schweren Rucksack am Rücken, gehört zu den eher adrenalintreibenden Manövern hinten auf einem Roller (aber hei, günstiger als der Europapark).

      Die Unterkunft heute ist doch eher schäbig, aber da wir morgen um 10.15 nach Sumatra fliegen, nehmen wir es locker.

      Wir laufen noch etwas durch die Stadt, besorgen für Tina ein Nagelset (das alte macht hoffentlich irgendeinem Hostel Freude) und für Stephan ein Nesec..., Neces..., Nesess..., einen Kulturbeutel (der alte ist zu gross und mühsam zu packen).

      Danach bestellen wir (viel zu hungrig) eine riesen Portion Essen, die dafür sorgt, dass wir eher zu unseren Betten rollen, anstatt zu gehen.

      Aber bis morgen passt das schon und sonst sehen wir ob man bei Lion Air (der Ryanair des Ostasiatisch Luftraums) auch 2 Sitze bezahlen muss, wenn man nicht in einen passt.

    • Tag 54

      Tag 53 - Taman Hutan Raya

      24. Mai 2019 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Wir sind zu einem Botanischen Garten gefahren, der allerdings eher ein Nationalpark ist.
      Leider ist es bei den Attraktionen hier anscheinend gang und gebe von nicht-Indonesiern locker das 10-fache des Eintrittspreises zu fordern, was aus 1€ dann gerne knapp 10€ pro Person macht, da wir allerdings schon vor Ort waren sind wir trotzdem in den Park gegangen.

      Umgeben von Natur, waren wir nicht ansatzweise schnell genug das Mückenspray zu zücken, da hatten wir beide schon unzählige Mückenstiche. Mücken waren allerdings nicht das einzige was uns über den Weg gelaufen ist 🦟
      Einer der Highlights des Parks waren die Höhlen und Gänge, die die Niederländer vor langer Zeit in den Fels gehauen haben. Als wir allerdings eine Höhle näher von innen betrachten wollten, schlängelte sich plötzlich eine Schlange neben uns entlang, weswegen wir uns dann doch dagegen Entschieden haben 🐍🦂
      Ein Stückchen weiter gab es dann aber noch eine große und gut ausgebaute Höhle, die zwar wegen ihrer absoluten Finsternis immer noch beängstigend, aber zumindest nicht so stark bewohnt wie die anderen war.

      Erfolgreich einen weiteren Tag, in der doch nicht ganz ungefährlichen Natur von Asien, überlebt🕷🍁

    • Tag 5

      Weg uit de drukte

      10. August 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Vandaag hebben we de hele dag gereisd om een grote stap te maken richting Yogyakarta. We zijn met de trein en bus naar Pangandaran afgereisd. Het was nog een hele klus, want we hadden ineens geen 4G meer. Bleek dus dat de 4G maar 30 uur houdbaar was lol. Dus we moesten alles zonder telefoon regelen. Gelukt, wohoo! De reis was wel interessant. We moesten namelijk eerst een lange treinreis van 7,5 uur maken en daarna nog 2 uur in een super gammel busje richting Pangandaran. Het busje werd volgepropt met mensen en pakketjes die onderweg werden afgeleverd bij lokale winkeltjes. De mannetjes die het busje bestuurden wisten wel hoe geld te ronselen zegmaar, haha.
      Na een lange dag reizen zijn we dan eindelijk aangekomen bij een prima hotelletje en zijn we snel ergens sate ayam gaan eten🤗
      De treinreis was lang (7,5 uur) maar echt prachtig. Veel rijstvelden gezien onderweg en genoten van de mooie landschappen😍

    • Tag 285

      Pola H3 #1926

      12. Oktober 2022 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Here I am in Bandung, Indonesia . . . and what a day it was. I departed Pan Asia Hash on Monday morning, and the plan was to come to Bandung and see the sights . . . and find a couple hash clubs. Well, we arrived too late on Monday (after the 10 hour bus ride) to catch the Bandung Monday Hash, but I set out to find any other clubs in the city. There has never been a country page of hash contacts for Indonesia, but my plan on coming here was to figure one out. So scanning the HHH Genealogy, I found most of the clubs that were once here, had passed on to join G at the big old on-home in the sky. Fortunately, I did find a few hash clubs still active, and with a presence of some sort on the WWW. Case in point, today I was able to run with the Pola H3.

      It was not easy to get to the start, as I had spent two days trolling their FB page in order to get a specific start location. After two day so of no luck, I extended my reach by friending the hasher that posted the most info, and asked her. Priscilla got back to me very quickly, and gave me a street address. Google Maps showed it was about 15 Kms to the north, on the edge of the city. Unable to read those directions, I just made a little placard of the address, and took it to the taxi stand in front of the hotel. I showed it to him, and hoped for the best in the true spirit of hashing adventure.

      About 45 minutes to an hour later, and only 15 kms away, through the tiny streets and heavy traffic, we pull up this road until I see some people on the side of the road in brightly colored shirts. Ahhh, I figured these must be hashers. Good guess, well, at least one of them was. He spoke just enough English that he understood why I was there, and he told me he was just finishing trail, and on his way to the end. He took me down the hill until we hit the out trail, and he pointed me to it. Fortunately, at that moment I saw two hashers ahead in the distance, and ran forward to catch them. I told them I was just there to hash, and would follow along as I had no idea how the trail would be marked. They looked at me as some sort of Martian, and waved me along. 😊

      What I could understand of the instructions on FB, were that there was three trails . . . short (5K), medium (8K), and long (12K). It was just starting to drizzle, so when they said they were planning to do the medium trail, I quickly agreed. They didn’t say much for the first couple KMs, but eventually one of these fine gentlemen started asking me a few questions. We chatted off and on throughout the trail, and by the end we had made enough headway that he offered to drive me back into town. Now that was good fortune, because we were so far off the beaten path that I had wondered how I would ever find a taxi this far out of town.

      Fly the medium 8K trail along with us . . .

      Anyway, we finished trail, and found a few hashers gathered at the on-in. Now, I should tell you that the Pola Hash is still following the COVID standard of setting trail in the morning, and allowing hashers to follow trail at anytime during the day. This explains why there were so few hashers seen on trail, and so few at the end. I paid my hash cash (~US $1.25), and had a few snacks, and some water. They serve no beer due to the current set up, but my new friend Nanang, said we would stop for a beer and dinner on the way back to town. Talk about the power of meeting and befriending local/visiting hashers. I should also add here, that within 10 minutes of us finishing trail, the skies opened up and it poured like Noah was just about finished with the ark. This gave me a chance to talk to a few other hashers, while we waited for the rain to settle before heading back to town.

      After about a 45 minute drive back towards city center, as the streets are flooding from the downpour, Nanang pulls into a side street and parks. By this time, the rain has tapered off, but the flooding continued. We saunter into a happy looking pub, and order up the first round of beers. Looking at the menu, I respond to his questions with . . . I would just like some local food. I ended up with a lovely feast of soup and rice, along with some chips. We chatted for a while, and after a few more beers, he asks if I want to go hiking on Friday. BING, I waste no time in saying that would be awesome . . . so dropping me off at my hotel, he says he’ll send me a note on Friday for around a 1 pm departure for a hike in the mountains, along with one of his friends.

      This is the power of the hash . . . and the wonderful friendships that form between hashers that were recent strangers, that a bond quickly forms. It’s a beautiful thing. Come back and see the pictures after the hike on Friday. On On.

    • Tag 3

      To Bandung!

      31. August 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Today we drove by van to Bandung, which took about 3 hours. We stopped half way, and I bought an ice tea. At Bandung, we went for a walking tour, visited the last traditional Indonesian puppet makers, and then went for lunch. After lunch we split up - half of us went to a cultural performance and the other half had an afternoon by the hotel pool. And then, dinner again! Then we went for a walk to find a bar (unsuccessful) and me and my roommate went home, and the others went to karaoke.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 287

      Bandung H3 2 #2112

      14. Oktober 2022 in Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Trail was up in Lembang, a few kms away from where we ran on Wednesday. It was an excellent trail up in the mountains, but not hard enough, as my friend Nanang wanted to go all the way up to the crest . . . so we did. Making our own Super Eagle Trail, we covered 16 kms over about 4+ hours, finishing the final 3 or 4 kms in the dark. Good times here in Indonesia.

    • Tag 84–85

      My first onshore vulcano 🌋 - to Bandung

      16. Oktober 2023 in Indonesien

      As Tangkuban Parahu was more or less in my route to Bandung, it was a perfect sightseeing stop for my ride.
      As the ride out of Jakarta mostly was going through urban areas, I was already looking forward to riding through some rural, mountainous areas. Riding curvy, steep roads is the real fun, about riding any motorbike. 😍
      As expected the ride was amazing, streets were quite okay, had an awesome rural bike ride.
      Never know, what to say about visiting natural sights, as impressions can't be put into proper words. Witnessing these unbelievable powers, creating these unreal landscapes, where living nature is fighting against Earth's forces, will keep me fascinated for my entire life, obviously.
      Probably this place is more crowded at the forenoon, as most tourist tours are starting early in the morning to avoid the hot times at noon. So except for a few local tourists and even more sellers (trying hard😅), guides (even harder 🙈) and service staff (so friendly and helpful), I had the place for my own. On the hike to the smaller Domas crater, I didn't see even one other person.😎
      The ride further on to Bandung went quite smoothly, some small and broken roads took speed down a lot, but the beautiful landscapes paid everything off. 😍 And traffic was surprisingly easy, so all in all a perfect day for my first real Bike Tour on my own on Java. 😊

    • Tag 4

      Tea plantation and night market

      1. September 2023 in Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Today we went for a drive to a nearby town, visited a tea plantation and factory; then went to a waterfall, and then spent some time in the hot pool. We were the only ones there (pure luck, not planned). Then tonight we came to the Paskal Food Market for dinner - there were a million food stalls to pick from. I got satay chicken, lychee juice, and a bbq corn cob! Last night in Bandung - early morning train to Yogyakarta tomorrow!Weiterlesen

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    Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kab. Bandung Barat

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