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    • День 3

      Sonnenuntergang Bali

      18 января 2020 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute haben wir einen entspannten Tag am Pool verbracht. Abends haben wir uns den Sonnenuntergang am Strand angeschaut. Morgen geht es dann weiter nach Neuseeland. Wir freuen uns riesig, bald anzukommen und hoffen auf ein wenig angenehmeres Klima. Das Wetter hier auf Bali ist nicht nur sehr heiß, sondern auch sehr schwül. In der Nacht kühlt es gerade Mal um die 3 Grad ab. Wir sind wohl noch zu sehr an das nordische Wetter gewöhnt.Читать далее

    • День 22

      Letzter Tag auf der Insel der Götter

      27 августа 2022 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Ausschlafen und dann zusammenpacken und auschecken. Frühstück nicht vergessen in der "nude" - Bar. Dann noch ein T-Shirt (für Martin) gekauft, Geld gewechselt, ein Taxi organisiert.... Nun aber ab an den Strand nach Seminyak. Dort ist der Strand noch heller und breiter und Martin fehlt bei uns die Strandpromenade. Hier gibt es eine. :-)Читать далее

    • День 5

      Bali - Seminyak

      13 сентября 2022 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Bali! Wir sind daaaaa! 🤗

      Um 4:30 Uhr haben wir bereits im Hotel ausgechecked und sind mit dem Taxi zum Flughafen gefahren. Der Taxifahrer war ein total knuffiger Opi mit 73 Jahren der augenscheinlich ein sehr spannendes Leben führte worauf er zurückblicken ließ und dies auch gerne mit uns teilte 😄😍 Um 7 Uhr hob der Flieger Richtung Bali ab.

      Nachdem wir mit den Formalitäten (Visum, Zoll etc.) fertig waren, mussten wir eine letzte Hürde auf uns nehmen und unser Gepäck wurde nochmals durchleuchtet. Dabei verfing sich allerdings einer meiner Gurte des Backpackes in dem Band und wir wunderten uns, warum der Rucksack am Ende des Bandes nicht raus kam, sondern die derjenigen, die hinter uns standen und mittlerweile an uns vorbei gingen. Natürlich mit ihrem Gepäck! Mein Backpack verfing sich genau in dem nicht einsehbaren Bereich und das Band fuhr fröhlich weiter...🙄 Hab nur darauf gewartet, dass der komplette Rucksack zerrissen wird. Nachdem wir dem Mitarbeiter der Kontrolle irgendwann verständlich machen konnten, dass eine Vor-und Zurückbetätigung des Bandes das Problem nicht löste, holte er über Funk Verstärkung. Diese kam in Form eines Mannes mit einem riesigen Seitenschneider gewappnet in der Hand auf uns zu. NEEEEIINNNN!! Sein Ernst?! Na klar! 😵 Zum Glück war in letzter Sekunde ein anderer Passagier so nett und versuchte mit aller Kraft das verhangene Band meines Backpacks zu lösen. Nach einiger Zeit zum Glück mit Erfolg!

      Die ganze Prozedur hat leider mehr als eine Stunde gedauert. Nach einem Meer aus Namensschildern in der Ankunftshalle haben wir endlich unseren Fahrer gefunden. Unser Fahrer war so professionell, dass er sich gar nichts anmerken ließ, dass er schon eine Stunde auf uns wartete. Mir war es allerdings sehr unangehm 😬

      Der Verkehr ist tatsächlich sehr wuselig auf Bali. Ob es eine richtige Rush-hour gibt, weiß ich gar nicht. Es scheint immer so überfüllt auf den Straßen zu sein. Man braucht für kurze Strecken verhältnismäßig lange. So saßen wir gefühlt für 10 km eine Stunde im Taxi. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt, wie unsere erste Fahrt auf dem Roller sein wird 🛵 🙈

      Die erste Nacht verbringen wir in Seminyak in der Unterkunft Amerta Seminyak. Ein sehr süßer kleiner Ort, direkt am Strand gelegen mit vielen kleinen süßen Cafés und Geschäften aber leider mit vieeeeeel zu aufdringlichen Straßenverkäufern. Die Shoppinglaune wird dadurch schnell gedämpft und es ist tatsächlich gar nicht so einfach, jemanden zu finden, der uns eine Sim-Karte verkauft, ohne uns dabei über den Tisch ziehen zu wollen. Aber mit viel Verhandlungsgeschick haben wir unseren Willen bekommen 😂. Ein kleines Erfolgserlebnis aber Spaß macht es trotzdem nicht.

      Nachmittags haben wir ein wenig den Ort erkundet und sind eine Runde am Strand spazieren gegangen. Der Strand ist sehr weitläufig und ziemlich stark von Ebbe und Flut betroffen. Ich persönlich fand ihn nicht so schön, aber Bali ist auch schließlich nicht für seine schönen Strände sondern Tempel und Reisfelder bekannt und wir sind ja schließlich nicht zum Faulenzen hier, sondern wollen Etwas von der Welt sehen 😁

      Am Abend haben wir uns anstatt ein Taxi einen Rollerfahrer gemietet der uns quasi als Mitfahrer eingesammelt hat und sind nach Kuta zu einem riesigen Souvenirladen gefahren hat. Dort haben wir uns bis oben hin mit wunderschönen Mitbringsel für die Liebsten eingedeckt 🥰 danach haben wir noch einen kleinen Abenspaziergang in Kuta am Strand gemacht. Leider waren wir mal wieder ein bisschen zu spät dran sodass der Live-Sänger in der Beach Bar sein letztes Lied sang 😌

      Zurück haben wir uns dann ebenfalls einen Roller-Fahrer gemietet, der uns zur Unterkunft gefahren hat. Das macht irre Spaß auch wenn es teilweise mit einem kleinen Nervenkitzel verbunden ist, wenn die teilweise im Slalom durch die Straßen fahren 😅

      Nach dem dieser Tag ganz dem Motto des "Ankommens" galt, geht es für uns morgen nach dem Frühstück weiter nach Ubud, wo wir dann die nächsten 4 Nächte verbringen werden. Dort ist dann wieder gaaaaaanz viel Action angesagt u. A. vielenTempelbegegnungen, Wasserfällen, Besuch von Reisplantagen und Monkey Forest 🐵
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    • День 6

      Bottoms Up!

      8 февраля 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      How ironic!
      Unfortunately “Bottoms Up” has gone that exact same way since Covid struck!
      But, thankfully for the queers of Bali there are still 3 more, conveniently located side by side!
      These strongly still survive three doors down… Six bar, Bali Joe and Mixwell 🎶

      None are pretentious but, understandably, they use “clickbait” out the front to draw in a crowd.

      That’s all I’ll say: I’ll let the images and videos speak for themselves!

      PS: downloaded the GRAB App and got a driver for $1.75 (20 min drive!) In all conscious I couldn’t leave it at that! Gave him a 100,000 tip ($10). He thought 💭 he’d won Tatts! 😇🥰🕺🏼✊🏻

      Oh: the night started out with a beautiful 😍 birthday 🎂 dinner with Mon before she retired, ready to emerge, like a butterfly 🦋 at 1.30am to climb 🧗‍♀️ the volcano 🌋

      Go Mon! Live your dream 💭 🥰😘
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    • День 9

      Paseo a través de Seminyak

      11 февраля 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      De vuelta a la Villa parece que me va a caer tormenta, pero decido ir andando igualmente para ver la zona un poco.
      Es ... Una zona definitivamente turística, con tienditas por todos lados, tiendas "fashion" independientes y tiendas de marca. Muchísimo tráfico. Atravieso un mercadillo, con sus típicas tiendas artesanales, tiendas de ropa de marca falsa, etc. Lo bueno aquí es que si le dices que no a los vendedores, pasan de ti. No son tan pesados 🤣
      Pero si, Seminyak definitivamente no es mi zona preferida y si vuelvo a Bali seguramente no vuelva aquí. Si buscas mucho barullo y fiesta entonces si este sitio es para ti.

      Y al final no me llovió 💪🏻💪🏻

      Llegué a la Villa, nos relajamos, yo me metí en la piscina un poco y luego fui a comprar la cena a un sitio pequeñísimo muy cerca llamado Secret Supper. Y qué bueno estaba! No duró ni para foto de todo lo que pedimos pero al menos tenemos la de Tortilla con panceta crujiente y arroz, delicioso!
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    • День 31

      Bali - Canggu and Seminyak

      17 февраля 2023 г., Индонезия

      Sandra asked me if I wanted to join her on a day of exploring the hipstery neighbourhoods of Canggu and Seminyak, and as I had no plan whatsoever I decided to join her after a morning session of Iyengar Yoga. What a blissful feeling to be back doing some Iyengar, yet it was quite forgotten after experiencing the crazy traffic in these busy neighbourhoods. Oh the heat, dust, dirt and fumes!!

      We started out having breakfast in a trendy café and visited Echo Beach in Canggu. From here we drove through rice fields and very crowded and small streets to Seminyak beach where we chilled at a resort for a while.
      From here we moved to have a late lunch / early dinner, also in a nice café. Seminyak is decked with stylish shops and art galleries, among cafés, restaurants and bars.
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    • День 9

      Day 9 - Courtyard by Mariott

      24 апреля 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      The breakfast in this place was an experience in itself. You could get your typical things fruit, yogurt, cereal, bread, full English, omelette, into your more posh French toast, pastries, pancakes and waffles. And then it got a bit more out there.. With an ice cream station. And then it got so weird with a section full of curries, fried rice's, stir fries, prawn crackers, naan breads and fish. It was breakfast, lunch & dinner all in one!

      Roy naturally had to try a bit of the curry but it was a bit too early in the morning for me so I had fruit with yogurt & granola. Followed by a mini bagel with boiled egg and of course a deidre donut. We then took an iced coffee & an iced tea to go.

      Probably not the best idea but we headed out to explore the shops and go to the flea market in the hottest part of the day (11-2pm) by the time we got to the flea market Roy had a bit of a funny turn so we had a sit down and got him a sugary drink. He was back to himself in no time.

      Around the market I bought some cute little traditional wrap dresses for the girls and Roy bought some Bali bintang 'stubbies' holders. By this time we were sweating like mad so we walked back to the hotel for a swim.

      I played bingo again while Roy laid by the pool. Unfortunately I didn't win. I then sat by the poolside, feet cooling off in the pool and read some of my book. I looked up at one point and then saw the guy laying right across the pool was ready the exact same book! The killing floor by Lee child. What are the chances!!

      3pm came round signally what Roy had been waiting for... Cocktail happy hour. He was gutted they weren't serving banana ones as advertised but instead he went for a mango frozen daiquiri and I went for a strawberry daiquiri. They were delish. They were more expensive than any other one we've bought this holiday but it was worth it to order it at the swim up bar and drink in it in the pool. We then helped ourselves to the free popcorn and Roy had a go at making candyfloss.

      We'd been recommend this beach club party place to go to - Mr potato head. It had a sunset bar which was supposed to have great views. We moved into our new hotel room and then started to head out. Until Roy realised his phone was nearly dead so we had to wait another 20 mins for it charge. As it was then a 35 min walk to the beach bar by the time we got there we missed sunset and only saw the last few purple sky moments, which nethertheless was very pretty
      Roy took lots of videos of the pool party surroundings to show his mates back home.

      It was my turn to pick tea so I'd chosen the highest rated Chinese restaurant in Seminyak. It was called Happy chappy Chinese and had a lovely outside swimming pool and garden - something you'd never expect in a Chinese back home!

      We ordered peking suck bao buns which were nice but didn't taste as good as itsu's. At least they made Roy laugh as they looked like boobies. We also had salt & pepper crispy chicken which was one of the best I've ever had. For main we shared the beef sizzling Cantonese sauce with vegetable rice. The beef was like steak but perfectly tender. The prices in Seminyak weren't as cheap as Ubud but at £32 with 4 beers it was still cheaper than at home.

      We decided to have an early night and was back for the hotel for 10.30 we put on the news for a catch up & had a decaf coffee (thanks mum) while we unpacked, ready for a new day tomorrow
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    • День 12

      Day 12 - Beach

      27 апреля 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      After breakfast we got the shuttle bus down to our private area of beach. The roads to the beach are very narrow with scooters darting through in all directions. Roy was sat up front and had to pull the drivers mirrors in and guide him through. (he told me to make sure I put that bit in so everyone knows what a vital role he played haha)

      The beds at the beach were on decking which was much more up my street as I hate sand. So Roy left me happily reading my book while he went and played about in the sea with his Go-Pro. We've been so busy this holiday I haven't had chance to properly read so it was nice to get a few hours doing so.

      By 2pm Roy was ready to go so we headed back to up the hotel stopping along the way at a shop to get some crisps, some coke zero and change another £300. We spent the last couple of hours of sun by the pool. I finished my book sat by the poolside with my legs cooling off. Absolute bliss.

      It was Roy's pick for tea and he wanted to head back to Kuta to buy a pair of trainers and a Nike top he'd seen yesterday. Instead of sitting in traffic we opted for the 45mim walk along the beach instead. Along the way we found a little market and got two dresses for Jessica & Lucy for £4. Bargain.

      Parts of the beaches are dirty, with litter piled up. It's sad because you can tell its the tourists that have made it like that because the Balinese are so respectful and attune with nature. There's plenty of stray dogs about on the beach, all different breeds, but even they are looked after by the locals. With most of them in good condition. You hardly see any cats about, not like Greece or Morocco.

      After a little bit of shopping, Roy picked out a Punjabi Indian for tea on the main strip in Kuta. It was nice to eat outside and watch the world go by. The food itself was average and the service was a bit slow and poor. Not what we've been used to round here.

      We started the walk home, retracing our steps from yesterday because Roy wanted a full body massage. I didn't fancy one tonight, after only having one yesterday so while he did that I went to an Aussie bar down the street.

      I treated myself to a frozen strawberry Margharita, logged onto the WiFi and played Pokemon go. I'd just put a lure on when two Aussie guys came over to talk to me. I told them I was waiting for my husband (which gave me a little smile to say that to someone for the first time!). They were in their late 50s and were just looking out for me. They were a little drunk so just rambled on about their life and where they're from. The whole time I was thinking about my lure wishing they'd go away. Finally they left but by that time my 30 min lure had expired. Gutted.

      Roy then wandered back, disappointed because his massage wasn't as good as yesterday and we headed home.
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    • День 13

      Day 13 - Big night out

      28 апреля 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      We had a quick hour down at the beach in the morning, but it soon clouded over so we spent the next couple of hours trailing round Seminyak taking in all the sites and checking out the shops. Roy found something that he took great pleasure in but unfortunately it wouldn't fit in his suitcase home.

      All this walking is thirsty walk so we stopped for a quick iced tea beer but was actually really nice & refreshing. It's still crazy to us that you can go into a mini mart, buy a beer, they'll open it right there for you if you ask and then you can sit on the chairs outside and drink it!

      We planned on making tonight our last big night. (Didn't want to risk it on Saturday night in case our stomachs went for the Sunday flight home). So naturally this meant that Roy wanted a beard trim. After watching him get his done, I thought why not get my hair cut as its half the price as at home and last time I got it cut was November!

      The girls in the hairdressers were a little broken with their English but they understood what I wanted - a trim, layers and shaping. It was strange here how the owner washed my hair then got one of the girls to cut it, usually it's the other way round in the UK. The girl was very through, taking her time, and she was asking if she could take pictures & videos too. I got it curled at the end and all together it cost £14 Inc tip. Bargain! While I was getting my hair done, Roy got jealous so decided to go next door and get a fade on his hair. We both looked tip-top.

      We barely got to the end of the road when we felt the splatter of rain. Oh no! We ran to the nearest place to shelter - a burger king. We shared a meal and watched the downpour. The heavens had well and truly opened. Luckily after 20 mins it calmed down and we managed to walk back home without getting soaked.

      When we got in I poured myself a Gin ready for the night but Roy was a little tired and so went for a nap. It was my choice for tea so my plan was to walk down to the beach for a drink and watch the sunset then head out for a steak. However Roy slept right through until 5.50 and sunset was 6.15 so no chance of that.

      We got dressed into our matching outfits (green leaf dress & shirt), poured a gin & tonic into a plastic bottle for the walk into Seminyak strip. The first place I'd chosen for steak was fully booked until 9pm but as Roy would say it would be dangerous to make me wait that long as I become angry when hungry.

      I'd checked out another place a further 5 min walk that looked good so we headed there. At 130k (£7.50) for a steak, sauce & two sides we couldn't go wrong. Especially with the setting of a rooftop restaurant overlooking the city. I got a striploin steak which unfortunately was a fatty & tough but the parsley mash was to die for and bbq and corn on the cob is always a win for me. Roy had the ribeye which he said was soft & tender. We both had a glass of wine which was reasonable for over here (£3.50 a glass).

      We headed back up the strip to our favourite place - The GOAT Seminyak. We had a few beers while the band played, they got everybody up on chairs dancing and singing it was a fab atmosphere. After a couple of hours there we moved onto the oldy-worldy club we'd checked out the other day.

      As it was a Friday, you had to pay to go in. Or should I say Roy did. It was 100k (£5.50) for men but they get a free drink. While as women get in free. You see this offer quite a bit here which I don't think is a little seedy. Roy got a rum & coke to make the most out of his free drink and I got a beer. We wandered around and then hit the dance floor. They were playing all English songs that I knew but the best part is Roy stayed and danced with me the entire time. I was so happy and he actually enjoyed himself!

      By 12.15am we were ready to go so started the 30 min walk back to the hotel. Roy really fancied a pizza but they don't really have takeaways open so instead we went on the Grab app and ordered a spicy pizza to the hotel. It arrived 5 mins after we did and it was bloody gorgeous. One of the best pizzas we've ever had (though things always do taste better after a drink). We ate it on the bed with a bottle of water each while watching BBC news. We're not as hardcore as we'd like to think haha.
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    • День 3

      Gado Gado Seminyak

      4 марта 2023 г., Индонезия ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Ein Morgen, mit ist so schlecht 🫣 und dann Verlass ich novh das Frühstück. Ich leg mich nochmal hin und reserviere mir am Nachmittag meine 2. Surfstunde in Seminjak. Zum Mittag gibt’s Bruschetta und eine frische Kokosnuss. Ich liebe es!Читать далее

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