Toro Silape

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    • Hari 28–29

      Labuan Bajo

      26 Mei, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Na de prachtige boottocht kwamen we weer terug in Labuan Bajo waar Lisanne voor iedereen een super fijn hotel had geboekt. Hier blijven we nog een nachtje en morgenavond vliegen we met z'n allen naar Bali. Savonds heerlijk verse vis gegeten op de vismarkt!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 23

      treat myself

      8 Juni, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Ich wollte einen Gang zurück schalten und kein Highlight-Chasing. Hab ich gekriegt. Und Leute dieses Hostel ist purer Luxus. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass es Hotelstandard zu so kleinem Preis gibt.

      xoxo 🇲🇨🌏

      Ps. Ich habe auf Bali für sehr viel mehr Geld sehr viel weniger bekommen.
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    • Hari 26–28

      Komodo Cruise

      24 Mei, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Met een hele groep goede vrienden van het bruidspaar op een chique cruise :)

      🌊🌴 Join the Adventure of a Lifetime! 🌴🌊

      Are you ready to embark on the journey of your dreams? Brace yourself for an unforgettable expedition to the enchanting land of dragons, hidden paradises, and endless adventure! Our upcoming trip promises non-stop excitement, relaxation, and the chance to explore some of the world's most breathtaking natural wonders. Don't miss your ticket to paradise!

      🕗 Day 1: 08:00 Departure to Lubuan Bajo 🕗
      The adventure begins as we set off for Lubuan Bajo, the gateway to our island-hopping odyssey. Feel the anticipation build as we approach our luxurious boat, the heart of our adventure, and home for the next two nights.

      Kelor: Snorkel in crystal-clear waters, explore lush landscapes, and capture the most Instagram-worthy moments.
      Menjerite: Dive into underwater wonders and discover the vibrant marine life.
      (Optional) Rinca: Get up close and personal with the legendary Komodo dragons!

      🚢 2 Nights on Board 🚢
      Imagine falling asleep to the gentle sway of the ocean and waking up to stunning sunrise views from your own private cabin. Our cozy boat is your floating paradise, complete with all the amenities you need for a comfortable and memorable journey.

      🌅 Day 2: Island Exploration 🌅

      🌄 Padar Sunset 🌄
      As the sun begins to set, we'll take you to the iconic Padar Island for a postcard-perfect moment. Breathe in the purest air and bask in the golden glow as you hike to the summit for a view that will leave you speechless.

      🐉 Day 3: Encounter the Dragons 🐉
      Rise and shine! Early morning trekking on Komodo Island awaits. Witness the awe-inspiring Komodo dragons in their natural habitat and explore the island's unique flora and fauna.

      🐟 Manta Point 🐟
      For the adventurous spirits, don your snorkel gear or take the plunge into the deep blue. Manta Point offers a rare chance to swim alongside majestic manta rays, an experience that will leave you breathless.

      🏝️ Kanawa Island 🏝️
      Our final island stop, Kanawa, is a tropical paradise perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and exploring. There's no shortage of adventure or relaxation on this idyllic island.
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    • Hari 2.441

      The last goodbye

      4 Agustus 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Even though I went to bed late last night I work this morning early and am glad to see the girls are still here but they are ready for that flight. This is our last goodbye or maybe not as you find when you travel the way people will meet up time and time again. This morning I've been invited out with the locals and spend the first half of the morning of loading my GoPro before heading over to Warren brothers. When I arrive they have caught a 35 kilo tuna and within half an hour it's cut into pieces and sold on. I'm really impressed at the way this is done has even the last few pieces that are attached to the bones are used for ceviche. I try it and it's absolutely delicious. In the afternoon we ride to Pantai waicicu the ride there is really beautiful and once again I'm so glad to be doing something again today. We enjoy a short time on the beach and Rahman hires a canoe. The really sad thing here is there are so many abandoned boats. When covid hit there were no tourists and the local people could not afford the upkeep of these boats without people paying for them and with the water being unforgiving there are many that are beyond repair just left in the bay. We paddle out around the island and come back to do some snorkeling. I enjoy sunset back at the bar before going back to the hostel to shower and change. Along the promenade the children play every evening on skateboards and fishing with small reels of plastic twine tonight as I walk there is a young girl of about 6 carrying a pair of rollerblades that are way too big for her and on my return to the bar I see her skating in them. Every night as I've made the walk the children swarm around saying hello Mrs , it's really special and they all seem so happy. It's rare that you see a child here crying. Tonight is Nico's last night and I'm glad in a way that the bar is not so busy as it's nice to just spend time with the staff and Nico. We don't have a late one and I really enjoy the fact the girls join us tonight Ica is one of the girls who works here but since I've been coming here I have never really had the chance to sit and talk with them.At the end of the evening Rahman drops me home and invites me to join them for Nico's farewell breakfast in the morning.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 2.438

      Protest day

      1 Agustus 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      So this morning I need to get my visa sorted but there are massive protests here and everything is shut. All restaurants hotels. The locals are protesting about the fact of the national park rate as they know it will affect their business massively here. Rahmat from warung brothers has offered to help me and I'm due to meet him at 10am in the bar. As I'm walking there I'm shocked at the amount of police and army presence in the streets it's quite intimidating really . I arrive at the bar but there's no sign of Rahmat but I get chatting with Nico, Tiffany and Logan. 2 girls and a guy who were in here last night. As we're sat here two guys have had a close miss on the road and it really kicks off because a whole group start punching and kicking the one guy, within minutes the police are there and after a bit of commotion both are sent on there way but I must admit I'm quite shocked At midday there's still no sign of Rahmat so I decide to try and get it sorted myself. I walk to the printing shop but it's seriously hot here and as I arrive I get a message from Rahmat so I jump in a gochek like a taxi van and make my way to warung. On route I pass lots of military and police but I think they are just here as a form of prevention. Rahmat contacts his friend in immigration and sends photos of my photocopies and says it will be 2 days but he doesn't need my passport and when needed hell pick me up and take me to do fingerprints. As I'm sat in the bar I spot the fishermen coming from the beach with a huge Barracuda and Rahmat shouts down and before I know it I'm being served the freshest fish I've ever eaten In the evening the lady from immigration comes to warung and I hand her my passport. It's seems a strange thing to be handing my passport to a random stranger in a bar together with the money for my visa but that's the way things work here. Shortly after I head back to the hostel and a young Indonesian guy says hey I've met you before, I spend time talking with him and he was a ranger at Komodo Island it's so interesting and he's such a friendly guy. The young ones have messaged to say they are sat outside a shop drinking beers because literally no bars or restaurant's are open with the protesters threatening to set fire to any place that opens . I decide to just stay in the hostel and chill.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 2.437

      Hangover day

      31 Juli 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      I wake up with a hangover from hell and Mo one of the young lads off the boat is still I'll . The girls invite me to join them at the beach and cave but to be honest I just want to chill. I get into one of the hammocks and fall asleep for a couple of hours. We head out to get a drink of coke as it's so expensive in the hostel but mo is really struggling so I offer to go and buy some fruit and electrolytes . On route we pass a machine that makes water out of air by condensating it and I'm shocked when I find this small machine makes 100,000 litres a day. I spot a family on a small floating platform with a cooking stove on board it's crazy. The boys head back and I go shopping While I'm on route I treat myself to a caramel Machiatto and get chatting to a lovely couple called Jeffrey and Nora. I enjoy chatting with them for a little while before heading to the market to get the fruit. When I get back mo has gone back to bed so I just chill and sort my washing and paperwork for tomorrow. The guys come down a little later in the afternoon and we agree to go for sunset but with mo not feeling great I suggest we will get a grab. We discover there are only grab bikes here and with mo having no data I book one for him but as he leaves realise I can't book another till he's arrived but a motorbike passes in the street shouting taxi and after negotiating a price I jump on. We meet in the paradise bar and it's so beautiful, nice chilled vibe and a wonderful view. After sunset I meet with Elena Cesar Joke and Tim and we enjoy dinner in a really nice restaurant it's not cheap but it's good and I've been craving fish for a while now especially being so close to the sea. After dinner we go to warung brothers and I'm really not on the mood for party but after a few beers the other guys and girls join us. Tonight is Juans last night so we enjoy a night dancing the night away and have loads of fun. The bar is packed and luckily at the end of the night I get a lift home.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 2.436

      Back to shore

      30 Juli 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Once again I make sunrise this morning and with us being on anchor all night I've managed to get a decent night's sleep. After breakfast I join the young ones on the upper deck and we spend a few hours sailing to our first area where we can swim. I have a few beers left and decide to have one as the atmosphere is really good and a beer would make it perfect. I start a trend as others join me but when I look it's only 830am whoops, the crazy part is it feels like midday. We anchor off but we're not allowed to go to the beach so we just do some swimming and jumping off the boat. I've enjoyed this trip so much I'm quite sad today is the last day. There has been quite a young crowd on the boat but they are all really nice people and on my last day I get to speak to a lot more of them with there being 38 people on board it's been difficult to get to know everyones name but I'm getting there. Our second stop takes us to Kelor island which is really beautiful. I share a few beers before I head up the small hill to the top which takes just 10 minutes but I didn't bring flip flops so I do it barefooted but the ground is so hot we have to pour water on our feet just to cool them down. We enjoy another half an hour on the beach and make our way back to the boat for the final part of the journey. I'm pleased that I've decided to book in the hostel with the young ones. There's quite a few of us checking in so I'm glad that I'm pretty much one of the first there and get checked in early. We are meeting the guys of the boat tonight but first we head to LA cucina for something to eat which is absolutely delicious. We arrive at warung brothers bajo and a few of the boat are already here. We have a great night but I definitely drink to much of the local gin and arrive home just after 1.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 222

      Abschied von Nusa Penida...Hello Flores

      6 Juni 2018, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Für uns ging es heute weiter. Unser Inselabenteuer Nusa Penida war zwar kurz, dafür sehr intensiv und wunderschön.😍
      Über einen Pondon-Jetty ging es auf das Schnellboot,...aber vorher schön die Schuhe👡👟 ausziehen,...das Boot war noch neu. Angekommen auf Bali hieß es wieder ab ins Wasser und zum Strand waten...nasse Hosen inclusive🙄🤨, aber bis zum Flug werden sie schon trocknen...Wir wissen die Vorteile eines gemütlichen Jettys mittlerweile sehr gut zu schätzen.😊😉 Kaum am Strand wurden wir von den doch sehr aufdringlichen Taxifahrern umlagert, die ihre Dienste zu "Wucherpreisen" anboten...ohne Service...einmal zum Airport für 300 bis 350.000 IDR....bei Grab nachgeschaut, sollte die Fahrt 73.000 IDR kosten...🤔😮
      Beim Einchecken bei Namair sollten wir für Marc's 7 kg Übergepäck zahlen...,umgerechnet keine 10 Euro,...mußten wir aber dann doch nicht, da 10 kg Sportausrüstung zusätzlich mitgenommen werden können. 👍😊 Das fanden wir richtig cool.
      Mit einer Stunde Verspätung kamen wir dann in Labuan Bajo auf Flores an und checkten am Hafen in unser kleines feines Hotel Blue Parrot für die nächsten zwei Nächte ein.
      Wie wir gleich als erstes in unserem Hotel erfuhren, im Ort gibt es ein italienisches Restaurant...und damit die Gäste dort auch ankommen, steht ein kostenloser Shuttle mit einem eigenenTaxi hin und zurück zur Verfügung....Die Idee zeigt Wirkung....das Restaurant war voll.😊👍
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    • Hari 223

      Labuan Bajo

      7 Juni 2018, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      In der letzten Nacht wachte ich auf, da meine Haut vor Hitze nur so glühte und mir zugleich so kalt war....Mit einer Ibuprofen 800 ging es denn aber auch wieder besser...und so konnten wir vormittags dann auch mal losgehen, um uns die Stadt anzusehen.
      Labuan Bajo ist unser Ausgangspunkt für unsere morgen startende fünftägige Bootstour durch die Komodo Islands.
      Es gibt eine Straße den Hafen entlang, in der ein Tauchshop neben dem anderen, jede Menge Cafes, Restaurants, Reise-und Tourenanbieter und Shops zu finden sind. Die Insel Flores ist überwiegend christlich und so gibt es neben der Moschee auch einige Kirchen in Labuan Bajo....und das war es auch schon. Den Schönheitspreis wird diese Stadt, zur Zeit zumindest, wohl eher nicht gewinnen....aber es wird unheimlich viel gebaut.
      Da ich mittlerweile wieder etwas schwächelte ging es zurück ins Hotel. Ich hatte Fieber und Gliederschmerzen und so hütete ich für den Rest des Tages nur noch das Bett, um auszukurieren.😷🤧😴...schließlich muß ich morgen für unsere Tour fit sein.😊⛴
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    • Hari 8

      Elang Hillside Bamboo Villas

      28 Juli 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Ein Hotel ganz aus Bambus gebaut.

      Preis: IDR 1.150.000 pro Villa/ Night

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