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    • Dia 81

      Smogs Einöde und die Oase

      24 de junho de 2022, Eu corri ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Qazvin - Karadsch
      109 km / 209 hm
      Aktuelle Höhe: 1.332 hm
      Gesamtstrecke: 5.895 km
      Gesamt-Hm: 43.624 hm

      Wir haben das Zelt in weiser Vorraussicht im Schatten geparkt und werden so nicht direkt am Morgen von der Sonne vertrieben. Wenige Kilometer in den Sätteln führt uns der Weg durch ein riesiges Kraftwerksgelände, das den Anschein macht ein Testgelände zu sein. Die Strecke ist heute schnurgerade, eintönig und kräftezehrend. Je näher wir der Landeshauptstadt kommen, desto mehr Smog wird über den Straßen versprüht. Wir sind ja mittlerweile einiges gewohnt, aber es wird tatsächlich noch heftiger, obwohl die Straßen heute deutlich leerer waren, weil Freitag (Ruhetag) ist. Mit Musik im Ohr radelt es sich jenseits der 35 Grad angenehm und unterdrückt den Verkehrslärm 🎧 .
      40 km vor Teheran in der Vorstadt Karadsch schnabulieren wir noch ein Eis, bevor es auf Zeltplatzsuche geht - was uns großzügigerweise als Gastgeschenk spendiert wird 🍨.
      Der letzte Zeltplatz für die kommenden Tage liegt inmitten eines Pflaumenparadieses in einem Stadtpark. Die Oase, die uns heute wieder etwas Ruhe beschert. Mundraub solange bis der Bauch spannt 😅🫐
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    • Dia 96

      Approaching the insanity

      3 de dezembro de 2017, Eu corri ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      It was obvious that we were getting closer to Tehran: The challenge to ride slalom between the cars became more and more intense, we passed several power plants and industrial areas and the smog became a beige grey wall hiding everything further than a few hundred meters around us - insane!

      We realized the incredible dimensions of this monster city when we reached Karaj, a suburb of Tehran 40km from the center which has more habitants than Berlin. It is said that more than 20 million people live in the metropolitan region of Tehran - again insane!

      We stayed with Abbas, Molud and Siabash in Karaj and they took care of our bikes the next day when we went to Tehran by
      metro. Abbas even gave us insight into a bakery he owns. The Iranian bread culture is ubiquitous, no meal happens without any of the various types of it, queues in front of the bakeries at rush hours make them easy to find. Other than the bread we're used to, the Iranian bread is only tasty when still warm - our favorite is definitely Sangak which is baked on small stones and thicker than Lavash.

      Some other aspect of our interaction with the people who treat us with an unlimited kindness, hospitality and readiness to help: We did not expect that the people would pay us that much attention and feel that some of them take us too fast into their hearts or express their love, especially when the communication is difficult or we did only spend a few hours together. It usually feels weird and we don't know what to say. And makes it even more difficult to explain ourselves if we can only stay one or two nights :)
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    • Dia 17

      Iranduro Tag#: 2

      7 de outubro de 2019, Eu corri ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Iranduro Tag#: 2

      Heute waren wir zu viert und teilweise zu fünft unterwegs. Nebst uns zwei Teilnehmern, Chris Dassi dem Guide, dem Fahrer Mohammed war noch eine Mädel von der Travel Agency mit der Chris hier arbeitet mit von der Partie.
      Zwei coole Abfahrten, die es technisch recht in dich hatten, musste mich spontan für kurze Laufpassagen entscheiden. ;-)
      Es wird technisch einiges gefordert, jedoch wenig Wert auf Anstiege gesetzt. Dazu setzen wir gerne die vorhandenen technischn Hilfsmittel ein.

      Danach coole Fahrt mit dem Tojota "Pänzerchen" über das Elburs, persisch البرز Alborzgebirge. Spektakuläres ausfährtchen bis auf über 2650MüM und wieder runter in Richtung Kaspischem Meer.
      Übernachtung in einem hübschen, kleinen Dorf in Privatunterkunft eines ehemaligen lokalen Bergführers.
      Wir werden uns morgen die Berge mal ansehen, auch Biketransport auf dem Esel ist Morgen erstmals angesagt. Natürlich habe ich Mitleid mit dem armen Tier, aus Rücksicht wurde eine leichte Bike Variante ausgewählt. Wir sind mal gespannt, was da Morgen kommen mag.

      Tagesprogramm laut Vorgabe:
      Day 2:

      Transfer to Karaj in the morning (about 2 hours depending on traffic).

      Two runs with 4x4 climb. Dry terrain from medium to difficult. D + approx 100m / D- approx 1'500m

      Meals in Karaj

      Transfer to Kelardasht (about 5 hours)

      Meal in Kelardasht / Night in local gite
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    • Dia 184

      Reunion with or Iranian friends

      10 de abril de 2018, Eu corri ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Today was a great day :-)
      We travelled from Qazvin to Karaj to reunite with Ali and his family here. We met him, his daughter and his wife in Natanz in our first week in Iran.
      Ali actually lives in Mehrshahr - a beautiful suburb of Karaj (which is itself a satellite city to the nearby Tehran). We first had tea and some self-made kashk-e bademjan (smoked eggplant) and then we went for a walk around the neighbourhood. It is really very different to most parts of Iran we have seen so far. Many tree-lined streets, nice cafes with outdoor seating, and we even stopped at a pomegranate juice shop :-)
      We then sat down at a very fancy cafe that had little booths set on top of a giant aquarium with fish in it. Really very cool :-) The group got progressively larger with more relatives dropping in and finally we returned to Ali’s apartment for dinner and lively discussions and storytelling about our experiences in Iran. A big part of the discussion was about what we thought of Iran and the image the country has abroad. Recounting our travels (not just in Iran but also in all the other countries we visited on our journey) made us realise the privilege we enjoy to be able to travel so much (both that we can afford it financially but also that our German and Austrian passports allow us to travel most everywhere without restrictions).
      Visiting Ali and his family is certainly a highlight of our Iranian travels. Having seen many mosques and traditional houses and ancient Persian ruins, it is now really nice to spend some time with an Iranian family and get to know them better. We were treated with enormous hospitality. Anna was given a beautiful ring as a gift and - but only to borrow - a nightdress to wear for sleeping :-)
      Tomorrow we will drive north towards the Caspian Sea to spend a day there, before finally returning to Tehran and heading home to Germany.
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