Our last full day - Sunday in Howth

For our final day in Dublin we decided to take the train to the seaside and visit Howth. We took the Dart on a quick thirty minute ride out to the coast. We walked off the train and it felt like weRead more
For our final day in Dublin we decided to take the train to the seaside and visit Howth. We took the Dart on a quick thirty minute ride out to the coast. We walked off the train and it felt like weRead more
Von Dublin sind wir nach Howth gefahren, um an den Klippen entlang zu wandern. Das Wetter war dafür perfekt 🤩 auf dem Weg zu den Klippen konnten wir am Hafen zudem Robben sehen, die nur auf unsRead more
Wettervorhersage: sonnig mit Wolken. Realität: Sonne, Wolken, viel Regen 🤨
Trotz sehr wechselhaftem Wetter sind wir quer über die Halbinsel bei Howth gelaufen.
Cliff of Howth
Definitely a place to recommend: Howth.
Just a little to the east of the city are very beautiful cliffs and a very nice landscape.
See picture!
Awesome seafood!
Beautiful hikes. We didn't do the whole loop. Had very pokey bushes with great views
First night in Ireland
You might also know this place by the following names:
Nose of Howth