Spanish Arch

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    • Day 81

      Mountain Sound - Of Monsters and Men

      November 3, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      We met Kevin around 10 o’clock this morning, starting off to Connemara National Park. Along the route we stopped for photos and enjoyed the immaculate views. Eventually, we reached Kylemore Abbey and estate which we spent hours exploring. By 3, we’d eaten lunch and seen everything we possibly could, so we hopped back on the road. En route to Galway, we saw a few villages and the gorgeous fjord! Once the three of us were back in the city, Mom and Dad went out for drinks while I chilled at home. Afterwards, we had dinner across the street and then retired for the night.Read more

    • Day 12–14


      March 16 in Ireland ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      St. Patricksday in Galway. Wir hatten große Erwartungen an diesen Feiertag. Irgendwie sind diese Erwartungen erfüllt worden und irgendwie auch nicht.
      Es war eine große Parade, mit sämtlichen Menschen aus unterschiedlichsten Kulturen. Es zeigte Diversität und den sportlichen Kampfgeist Irlands im Bezug auf die bevorstehende Olympiade.
      Nachdem diese Parade vorbei war, strömten alle in die unterschiedlichsten Pubs und tranken viel Bier, wirklich viel Bier. Natürlich mussten wir auch eins mittrinken. Emilia hatte ein Guiness, Tizian ein Indian Pale Ale.
      Und tatsächlich trugen nicht alle die Farbe grün, weshalb wir nicht so stark aus der Masse herausstachen.
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    • Day 4–5

      Galway und Countryside

      July 2 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nach Dublin sind mir mitm Auto witr nach Galway, e härzigs Städtli an dr Westküste vo Irland. Es het e tolli Altstadt, e beidruckendi Kathedrale und e tolle Hafe und Strandgebiet 🌇🏖️🌅 Es het sogar Seehünd, wo dr Fluss e bitz ufeschwimme zum Lachs fange 🦭 S'Wätter schloht sehr schnäll um und es blost uns immer chli dr Wind umd Ohre.
      Am zweite Daag in Galway hen mir chli öbbis vom Land welle gseh und sind d Ruine vonere Klosteralag und s Dunguaire Castle go aluege 🏰

      After Dublin, we went to Galway by car, a cute town on the west coast of Ireland. It has a beautiful oldtown, a breathtaking cathedral and a nice harbour and beach area 🌇🏖️🌅 There are even seals who swimm upstream into the river to catch some salmon 🦭 The weather is changing quickly, so the wind is always an issue here.
      On the second day in Galway we wanted to see the countryside und visited the ruins of a monastery and the Dunguaire Castle 🏰
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    • Day 8

      Tag 8 Galway Bummel

      August 6, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Sonntag und Mitte des Urlaubs ... die USA Frauen verlieren gegen Schweden ... und wir gehen Bummeln. Galway ist voller Menschen und Musik. Überall Trubel und freundliche Stimmung. Fast alle Läden sind offen, Touristen und Einheimische mischen sich. Viele nutzen das laue Wetter und sitzen auf Stufen und Kaimauern mit Essen und Trinken. Der Fluss Corrib führt viel Wasser und auch seine Kanäle sind beliebt für Spaziergänge. Die Cathedrale ist ein Protzbau aus den 60er Jahren und unsympathisch. In einem veganen Café probiere ich endlich einen Scone - mit Hafermilch statt Buttermilch!Read more

    • Day 69

      It's beginning to look a lot like ....

      November 11, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      We awoke this morning at our campgrounds in Doolin and enjoyed a hot drink and the view of the river that we slept next to the night before.

      We figured out why our van wasn't holding drinking water and finally filled it up, then we went off to the local pier.

      It was another amazing sight, we could see the closest of the three Aran Islands, as well as our main destination for the day: The Cliffs of Moher. Though there was one other concerning thing we could see... Someone surfing near the pier! It was about 6°C and the wind was blowing a gale... No thank you.

      After getting back into the car and defrosting, we drove the relatively short distance to the cliffs. We drove past the standard tourist location (where they had to pay 8€ each to park) and went to a less popular spot where we only had to pay 5€ each! We talked to the gentleman who was managing the site and he told us of the best path to take and he did not let us down!

      The cliffs were huge and you could walk all the way up to the edge and look over... If you dared...

      We hiked for about an hour and a half to get to an old stone tower looming on the edge of the cliff. The views were stunning the whole way there. We got lucky and picked the best possible day to be there! There was no fog and (incredibly) no rain! However, it was fiercely windy so it was fortunate that we were rugged up otherwise we would have turned back very quickly.

      The journey back to the van was a little quicker since we were ready to be out of the cold. The hike was about 2.5 hours in total.

      Finally, we set our sights on our destination for the evening: the city of Galway.

      When we arrived there we did a bit of shopping to pick up the essentials (i.e. milk and chocolate) and stopped for an unplanned dinner where we finally got to try out the Irish fast food chain "Supermac's".

      We then drove through the city center and found our "accommodation" for the night, which is a quiet parking lot near a rugby field. Once we were set up, we went to check out the town.

      We struck gold because the town had a large Christmas market on so we walked around and enjoyed all it had to offer! Finally, before we retired for the night we stopped at a pub for a cheeky pint (and to use there restrooms).

      Step count: 25.2k
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    • Day 8


      June 26 in Ireland ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Galway was kind of a bust. We only came because it was the logical halfway point between Kylemore Abbey and the Cliffs of Moher. The weather ruled out the Cliffs and then the fact that it was extremely hot in our Airbnb (and the AC it was advertised as having was not working) left me with about 3 hours of sleep, rendering me unwilling to navigate 2.5 hours of wrong-sided driving for Ryan. So instead we tried to walk around Galway, which turned out to be very small, very packed with tourists, and with very little to do aside from shop in generic tourist shops. Can’t win them all, I guess.Read more

    • Galway

      October 9, 2019 in Ireland ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      The port of Galway was our lunchtime stop. It was raining so headed for an Irish pub for lunch. It was a rabbit warren of nooks and cranies but cozy and quaint.
      Loved the cobbled stoned streets and the rich voices of the irish buskers.Read more

    • Day 69

      Galway night

      July 1, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Weekend passé a Galway en compagnie des personnes rencontrées sur la route :)
      Mathis et Jérémy, que j ai rencontré a Baltimore, deux bretons qui font un roadtrip en Irlande.
      Louis et Morgane, un couple qui travaille à Killarney.
      On a pu faire une tournée des bars et profiter le temps d'une soirée de discuter, s'amuser et déconner entre français 😊
      J'ai mis une journée à m'en remettre et après j'ai pu visiter la ville, très sympa et animée
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    • Day 4

      Murphy's Ice Cream & the Galway Girl

      September 24, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ 🌬 59 °F

      We made it back to our hotel still soaking wet and cold. There was a towel warmer in the bathroom that doubled as a clothes dryer. After hot showers and dry clothes, we went returned to the Latin Quarter for a pizza at The Dough Bros. After dinner, we stopped in at Murphy's Ice Cream. Mmmm, it was so good! We met the Galway Girl; she wasn't interested in sharing any ice cream but did seem to like Wes. We checked out the Spanish Arch, which was built in 1584 but is an extension of the 12th century Norman-built town wall. It housed soldiers who kept watch and manned cannons on the roof.Read more

    • Day 5


      August 31, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Snug means something different to everyone. To me it means snug as a bug in a rug or I have visions of the Snuggie. Oh we all remember the Snuggie.

      Anyways in Ireland a snug is a walled off section in a bar with an entrance with a table and a seat. Usually they are in a row. Very Covid friendly BUT that is not what they are for. They were built for ladies to go to the pub and drink and smoke away from viewing judgy society (aka males). Some pubs still have these and they are a hot commodity since pubs can become packed and standing room only.Read more

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    Spanish Arch

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